blob: 9be48a31fad55486425a517fd8a5dd06496d660f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/common_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/feature_policy/feature_policy_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/feature_policy/feature_policy.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/feature_policy/feature_policy_feature.mojom-forward.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace blink {
// Feature Policy is a mechanism for controlling the availability of web
// platform features in a frame, including all embedded frames. It can be used
// to remove features, automatically refuse API permission requests, or modify
// the behaviour of features. (The specific changes which are made depend on the
// feature; see the specification for details).
// Policies can be defined in the HTTP header stream, with the |Feature-Policy|
// HTTP header, or can be set by the |allow| attributes on the iframe element
// which embeds the document.
// See
// Key concepts:
// Features
// --------
// Features which can be controlled by policy are defined by instances of enum
// mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature, declared in |feature_policy.mojom|.
// Allowlists
// ----------
// Allowlists are collections of origins, although several special terms can be
// used when declaring them:
// "none" indicates that no origins should be included in the allowlist.
// "self" refers to the origin of the frame which is declaring the policy.
// "src" refers to the origin specified by the attributes of the iframe
// element which embeds the document. This incorporates the src, srcdoc, and
// sandbox attributes.
// "*" refers to all origins; any origin will match an allowlist which
// contains it.
// Declarations
// ------------
// A feature policy declaration is a mapping of a feature name to an allowlist.
// A set of declarations is a declared policy.
// Inherited Policy
// ----------------
// In addition to the declared policy (which may be empty), every frame has
// an inherited policy, which is determined by the context in which it is
// embedded, or by the defaults for each feature in the case of the top-level
// document.
// Container Policy
// ----------------
// A declared policy can be set on a specific frame by the embedding page using
// the iframe "allow" attribute, or through attributes such as "allowfullscreen"
// or "allowpaymentrequest". This is the container policy for the embedded
// frame.
// Defaults
// --------
// Each defined feature has a default policy, which determines whether the
// feature is available when no policy has been declared, and determines how the
// feature is inherited across origin boundaries.
// If the default policy is in effect for a frame, then it controls how the
// feature is inherited by any cross-origin iframes embedded by the frame. (See
// the comments in |FeaturePolicyFeatureDefault| in feature_policy_features.h
// for specifics.)
// Policy Inheritance
// ------------------
// Policies in effect for a frame are inherited by any child frames it embeds.
// Unless another policy is declared in the child, all same-origin children will
// receive the same set of enabled features as the parent frame. Whether or not
// features are inherited by cross-origin iframes without an explicit policy is
// determined by the feature's default policy. (Again, see the comments in
// |FeaturePolicyFeatureDefault| in feature_policy_features.h for details)
// This struct holds feature policy allowlist data that needs to be replicated
// between a RenderFrame and any of its associated RenderFrameProxies. A list of
// these form a ParsedFeaturePolicy.
// NOTE: These types are used for replication frame state between processes.
struct BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration {
explicit ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature);
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
const std::vector<url::Origin>& values,
bool matches_all_origins,
bool matches_opaque_src);
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration(const ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration& rhs);
ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration& operator=(
const ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration& rhs);
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature;
// An alphabetically sorted list of all the origins allowed.
std::vector<url::Origin> allowed_origins;
// Fallback value is used when feature is enabled for all or disabled for all.
bool matches_all_origins{false};
// This flag is set true for a declared policy on an <iframe sandbox>
// container, for a feature which is supposed to be allowed in the sandboxed
// document. Usually, the 'src' keyword in a declaration will cause the origin
// of the iframe to be present in |origins|, but for sandboxed iframes, this
// flag is set instead.
bool matches_opaque_src{false};
using ParsedFeaturePolicy = std::vector<ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration>;
bool BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT operator==(const ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration& lhs,
const ParsedFeaturePolicyDeclaration& rhs);
class BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT FeaturePolicy {
// Represents a collection of origins which make up an allowlist in a feature
// policy. This collection may be set to match every origin (corresponding to
// the "*" syntax in the policy string, in which case the Contains() method
// will always return true.
class BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT Allowlist final {
Allowlist(const Allowlist& rhs);
// Adds a single origin to the allowlist.
void Add(const url::Origin& origin);
// Adds all origins to the allowlist.
void AddAll();
// Sets the allowlist to match the opaque origin implied by the 'src'
// keyword.
void AddOpaqueSrc();
// Returns true if the given origin has been added to the allowlist.
bool Contains(const url::Origin& origin) const;
// Returns true if the allowlist matches all origins.
bool MatchesAll() const;
// Returns true if the allowlist should match the opaque origin implied by
// the 'src' keyword.
bool MatchesOpaqueSrc() const;
const std::vector<url::Origin>& AllowedOrigins() const {
return allowed_origins_;
std::vector<url::Origin> allowed_origins_;
bool matches_all_origins_{false};
bool matches_opaque_src_{false};
static std::unique_ptr<FeaturePolicy> CreateFromParentPolicy(
const FeaturePolicy* parent_policy,
const ParsedFeaturePolicy& container_policy,
const url::Origin& origin);
static std::unique_ptr<FeaturePolicy> CopyStateFrom(const FeaturePolicy*);
bool IsFeatureEnabled(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) const;
// Returns whether or not the given feature is enabled by this policy for a
// specific origin.
bool IsFeatureEnabledForOrigin(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
const url::Origin& origin) const;
const Allowlist GetAllowlistForDevTools(
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) const;
// Returns the allowlist of a given feature by this policy.
// TODO( Use |FeaturePolicy::GetAllowlistForDevTools|
// to replace this method. This method uses legacy |default_allowlist|
// calculation method.
const Allowlist GetAllowlistForFeature(
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) const;
// Sets the declared policy from the parsed Feature-Policy HTTP header.
// Unrecognized features will be ignored.
void SetHeaderPolicy(const ParsedFeaturePolicy& parsed_header);
// Returns the current state of feature policies for |origin_|. This includes
// the |inherited_policies_| as well as the header policies.
FeaturePolicyFeatureState GetFeatureState() const;
const url::Origin& GetOriginForTest() const { return origin_; }
// Returns the list of features which can be controlled by Feature Policy.
const FeaturePolicyFeatureList& GetFeatureList() const;
bool IsFeatureEnabledByInheritedPolicy(
mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature) const;
friend class FeaturePolicyTest;
FeaturePolicy(url::Origin origin,
const FeaturePolicyFeatureList& feature_list);
static std::unique_ptr<FeaturePolicy> CreateFromParentPolicy(
const FeaturePolicy* parent_policy,
const ParsedFeaturePolicy& container_policy,
const url::Origin& origin,
const FeaturePolicyFeatureList& features);
bool InheritedValueForFeature(
const FeaturePolicy* parent_policy,
std::pair<mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature, FeaturePolicyFeatureDefault>
const ParsedFeaturePolicy& container_policy) const;
// Returns the value of the given feature on the given origin.
bool GetFeatureValueForOrigin(mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature feature,
const url::Origin& origin) const;
// The origin of the document with which this policy is associated.
url::Origin origin_;
// Map of feature names to declared allowlists. Any feature which is missing
// from this map should use the inherited policy.
std::map<mojom::FeaturePolicyFeature, Allowlist> allowlists_;
// Records whether or not each feature was enabled for this frame by its
// parent frame.
FeaturePolicyFeatureState inherited_policies_;
const FeaturePolicyFeatureList& feature_list_;
} // namespace blink