blob: 19c7dfb2ea25915cc6a27e225500621ba9bdfb07 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Contributing to Chrome DevTools Protocol:
major 1
minor 3
experimental domain Accessibility
depends on DOM
# Unique accessibility node identifier.
type AXNodeId extends string
# Enum of possible property types.
type AXValueType extends string
# Enum of possible property sources.
type AXValueSourceType extends string
# Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
type AXValueNativeSourceType extends string
# A single source for a computed AX property.
type AXValueSource extends object
# What type of source this is.
AXValueSourceType type
# The value of this property source.
optional AXValue value
# The name of the relevant attribute, if any.
optional string attribute
# The value of the relevant attribute, if any.
optional AXValue attributeValue
# Whether this source is superseded by a higher priority source.
optional boolean superseded
# The native markup source for this value, e.g. a <label> element.
optional AXValueNativeSourceType nativeSource
# The value, such as a node or node list, of the native source.
optional AXValue nativeSourceValue
# Whether the value for this property is invalid.
optional boolean invalid
# Reason for the value being invalid, if it is.
optional string invalidReason
type AXRelatedNode extends object
# The BackendNodeId of the related DOM node.
DOM.BackendNodeId backendDOMNodeId
# The IDRef value provided, if any.
optional string idref
# The text alternative of this node in the current context.
optional string text
type AXProperty extends object
# The name of this property.
AXPropertyName name
# The value of this property.
AXValue value
# A single computed AX property.
type AXValue extends object
# The type of this value.
AXValueType type
# The computed value of this property.
optional any value
# One or more related nodes, if applicable.
optional array of AXRelatedNode relatedNodes
# The sources which contributed to the computation of this property.
optional array of AXValueSource sources
# Values of AXProperty name:
# - from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node
# - from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions
# - from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets
# - from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets
# - from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
type AXPropertyName extends string
# A node in the accessibility tree.
type AXNode extends object
# Unique identifier for this node.
AXNodeId nodeId
# Whether this node is ignored for accessibility
boolean ignored
# Collection of reasons why this node is hidden.
optional array of AXProperty ignoredReasons
# This `Node`'s role, whether explicit or implicit.
optional AXValue role
# The accessible name for this `Node`.
optional AXValue name
# The accessible description for this `Node`.
optional AXValue description
# The value for this `Node`.
optional AXValue value
# All other properties
optional array of AXProperty properties
# IDs for each of this node's child nodes.
optional array of AXNodeId childIds
# The backend ID for the associated DOM node, if any.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendDOMNodeId
# Disables the accessibility domain.
command disable
# Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain consistent between method calls.
# This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
command enable
# Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
experimental command getPartialAXTree
# Identifier of the node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
optional DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node to get the partial accessibility tree for.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get the partial accessibility tree for.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Whether to fetch this nodes ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true.
optional boolean fetchRelatives
# The `Accessibility.AXNode` for this DOM node, if it exists, plus its ancestors, siblings and
# children, if requested.
array of AXNode nodes
# Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
experimental command getFullAXTree
# The maximum depth at which descendants of the root node should be retrieved.
# If omitted, the full tree is returned.
optional integer max_depth
array of AXNode nodes
# Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId.
# Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
experimental command getChildAXNodes
AXNodeId id
array of AXNode nodes
# Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role.
# This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are
# ignored for accessibility, and returns those that mactch the specified name and role. If no DOM
# node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither
# `accessibleName` or `role` is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.
experimental command queryAXTree
# Identifier of the node for the root to query.
optional DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node for the root to query.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper for the root to query.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Find nodes with this computed name.
optional string accessibleName
# Find nodes with this computed role.
optional string role
# A list of `Accessibility.AXNode` matching the specified attributes,
# including nodes that are ignored for accessibility.
array of AXNode nodes
experimental domain Animation
depends on Runtime
depends on DOM
# Animation instance.
type Animation extends object
# `Animation`'s id.
string id
# `Animation`'s name.
string name
# `Animation`'s internal paused state.
boolean pausedState
# `Animation`'s play state.
string playState
# `Animation`'s playback rate.
number playbackRate
# `Animation`'s start time.
number startTime
# `Animation`'s current time.
number currentTime
# Animation type of `Animation`.
enum type
# `Animation`'s source animation node.
optional AnimationEffect source
# A unique ID for `Animation` representing the sources that triggered this CSS
# animation/transition.
optional string cssId
# AnimationEffect instance
type AnimationEffect extends object
# `AnimationEffect`'s delay.
number delay
# `AnimationEffect`'s end delay.
number endDelay
# `AnimationEffect`'s iteration start.
number iterationStart
# `AnimationEffect`'s iterations.
number iterations
# `AnimationEffect`'s iteration duration.
number duration
# `AnimationEffect`'s playback direction.
string direction
# `AnimationEffect`'s fill mode.
string fill
# `AnimationEffect`'s target node.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# `AnimationEffect`'s keyframes.
optional KeyframesRule keyframesRule
# `AnimationEffect`'s timing function.
string easing
# Keyframes Rule
type KeyframesRule extends object
# CSS keyframed animation's name.
optional string name
# List of animation keyframes.
array of KeyframeStyle keyframes
# Keyframe Style
type KeyframeStyle extends object
# Keyframe's time offset.
string offset
# `AnimationEffect`'s timing function.
string easing
# Disables animation domain notifications.
command disable
# Enables animation domain notifications.
command enable
# Returns the current time of the an animation.
command getCurrentTime
# Id of animation.
string id
# Current time of the page.
number currentTime
# Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
command getPlaybackRate
# Playback rate for animations on page.
number playbackRate
# Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
command releaseAnimations
# List of animation ids to seek.
array of string animations
# Gets the remote object of the Animation.
command resolveAnimation
# Animation id.
string animationId
# Corresponding remote object.
Runtime.RemoteObject remoteObject
# Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each animation.
command seekAnimations
# List of animation ids to seek.
array of string animations
# Set the current time of each animation.
number currentTime
# Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
command setPaused
# Animations to set the pause state of.
array of string animations
# Paused state to set to.
boolean paused
# Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
command setPlaybackRate
# Playback rate for animations on page
number playbackRate
# Sets the timing of an animation node.
command setTiming
# Animation id.
string animationId
# Duration of the animation.
number duration
# Delay of the animation.
number delay
# Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
event animationCanceled
# Id of the animation that was cancelled.
string id
# Event for each animation that has been created.
event animationCreated
# Id of the animation that was created.
string id
# Event for animation that has been started.
event animationStarted
# Animation that was started.
Animation animation
experimental domain ApplicationCache
depends on Page
# Detailed application cache resource information.
type ApplicationCacheResource extends object
# Resource url.
string url
# Resource size.
integer size
# Resource type.
string type
# Detailed application cache information.
type ApplicationCache extends object
# Manifest URL.
string manifestURL
# Application cache size.
number size
# Application cache creation time.
number creationTime
# Application cache update time.
number updateTime
# Application cache resources.
array of ApplicationCacheResource resources
# Frame identifier - manifest URL pair.
type FrameWithManifest extends object
# Frame identifier.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Manifest URL.
string manifestURL
# Application cache status.
integer status
# Enables application cache domain notifications.
command enable
# Returns relevant application cache data for the document in given frame.
command getApplicationCacheForFrame
# Identifier of the frame containing document whose application cache is retrieved.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Relevant application cache data for the document in given frame.
ApplicationCache applicationCache
# Returns array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each frame containing a document
# associated with some application cache.
command getFramesWithManifests
# Array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each frame containing a document
# associated with some application cache.
array of FrameWithManifest frameIds
# Returns manifest URL for document in the given frame.
command getManifestForFrame
# Identifier of the frame containing document whose manifest is retrieved.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Manifest URL for document in the given frame.
string manifestURL
event applicationCacheStatusUpdated
# Identifier of the frame containing document whose application cache updated status.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Manifest URL.
string manifestURL
# Updated application cache status.
integer status
event networkStateUpdated
boolean isNowOnline
# Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvements.
experimental domain Audits
depends on Network
# Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
type AffectedCookie extends object
# The following three properties uniquely identify a cookie
string name
string path
string domain
# Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
type AffectedRequest extends object
# The unique request id.
Network.RequestId requestId
optional string url
# Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
type AffectedFrame extends object
Page.FrameId frameId
type SameSiteCookieExclusionReason extends string
type SameSiteCookieWarningReason extends string
type SameSiteCookieOperation extends string
# This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult
# time finding a specific cookie. With this, we can convey specific error
# information without the cookie.
type SameSiteCookieIssueDetails extends object
AffectedCookie cookie
array of SameSiteCookieWarningReason cookieWarningReasons
array of SameSiteCookieExclusionReason cookieExclusionReasons
# Optionally identifies the site-for-cookies and the cookie url, which
# may be used by the front-end as additional context.
SameSiteCookieOperation operation
optional string siteForCookies
optional string cookieUrl
optional AffectedRequest request
type MixedContentResolutionStatus extends string
type MixedContentResourceType extends string
type MixedContentIssueDetails extends object
# The type of resource causing the mixed content issue (css, js, iframe,
# form,...). Marked as optional because it is mapped to from
# blink::mojom::RequestContextType, which will be replaced
# by network::mojom::RequestDestination
optional MixedContentResourceType resourceType
# The way the mixed content issue is being resolved.
MixedContentResolutionStatus resolutionStatus
# The unsafe http url causing the mixed content issue.
string insecureURL
# The url responsible for the call to an unsafe url.
string mainResourceURL
# The mixed content request.
# Does not always exist (e.g. for unsafe form submission urls).
optional AffectedRequest request
# Optional because not every mixed content issue is necessarily linked to a frame.
optional AffectedFrame frame
# Enum indicating the reason a response has been blocked. These reasons are
# refinements of the net error BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.
type BlockedByResponseReason extends string
# Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
# code. Currently only used for COEP/COOP, but may be extended to include
# some CSP errors in the future.
type BlockedByResponseIssueDetails extends object
AffectedRequest request
optional AffectedFrame parentFrame
optional AffectedFrame blockedFrame
BlockedByResponseReason reason
type HeavyAdResolutionStatus extends string
type HeavyAdReason extends string
type HeavyAdIssueDetails extends object
# The resolution status, either blocking the content or warning.
HeavyAdResolutionStatus resolution
# The reason the ad was blocked, total network or cpu or peak cpu.
HeavyAdReason reason
# The frame that was blocked.
AffectedFrame frame
type ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType extends string
type SourceCodeLocation extends object
optional Runtime.ScriptId scriptId
string url
integer lineNumber
integer columnNumber
type ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails extends object
# The url not included in allowed sources.
optional string blockedURL
# Specific directive that is violated, causing the CSP issue.
string violatedDirective
boolean isReportOnly
ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType contentSecurityPolicyViolationType
optional AffectedFrame frameAncestor
optional SourceCodeLocation sourceCodeLocation
optional DOM.BackendNodeId violatingNodeId
type SharedArrayBufferIssueType extends string
# Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or
# transfered to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.
type SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails extends object
SourceCodeLocation sourceCodeLocation
boolean isWarning
SharedArrayBufferIssueType type
type TwaQualityEnforcementViolationType extends string
type TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails extends object
# The url that triggers the violation.
string url
TwaQualityEnforcementViolationType violationType
optional integer httpStatusCode
# The package name of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is
# only used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks.
optional string packageName
# The signature of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is only
# used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks.
optional string signature
type LowTextContrastIssueDetails extends object
DOM.BackendNodeId violatingNodeId
string violatingNodeSelector
number contrastRatio
number thresholdAA
number thresholdAAA
string fontSize
string fontWeight
# Details for a CORS related issue, e.g. a warning or error related to
# CORS RFC1918 enforcement.
type CorsIssueDetails extends object
Network.CorsErrorStatus corsErrorStatus
boolean isWarning
AffectedRequest request
optional Network.IPAddressSpace resourceIPAddressSpace
optional Network.ClientSecurityState clientSecurityState
# A unique identifier for the type of issue. Each type may use one of the
# optional fields in InspectorIssueDetails to convey more specific
# information about the kind of issue.
type InspectorIssueCode extends string
# This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information
# specific to the kind of issue. When adding a new issue code, please also
# add a new optional field to this type.
type InspectorIssueDetails extends object
optional SameSiteCookieIssueDetails sameSiteCookieIssueDetails
optional MixedContentIssueDetails mixedContentIssueDetails
optional BlockedByResponseIssueDetails blockedByResponseIssueDetails
optional HeavyAdIssueDetails heavyAdIssueDetails
optional ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails contentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
optional SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails sharedArrayBufferIssueDetails
optional TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails twaQualityEnforcementDetails
optional LowTextContrastIssueDetails lowTextContrastIssueDetails
optional CorsIssueDetails corsIssueDetails
# An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
type InspectorIssue extends object
InspectorIssueCode code
InspectorIssueDetails details
# Returns the response body and size if it were re-encoded with the specified settings. Only
# applies to images.
command getEncodedResponse
# Identifier of the network request to get content for.
Network.RequestId requestId
# The encoding to use.
enum encoding
# The quality of the encoding (0-1). (defaults to 1)
optional number quality
# Whether to only return the size information (defaults to false).
optional boolean sizeOnly
# The encoded body as a base64 string. Omitted if sizeOnly is true.
optional binary body
# Size before re-encoding.
integer originalSize
# Size after re-encoding.
integer encodedSize
# Disables issues domain, prevents further issues from being reported to the client.
command disable
# Enables issues domain, sends the issues collected so far to the client by means of the
# `issueAdded` event.
command enable
# Runs the contrast check for the target page. Found issues are reported
# using Audits.issueAdded event.
command checkContrast
# Whether to report WCAG AAA level issues. Default is false.
optional boolean reportAAA
event issueAdded
InspectorIssue issue
# Defines events for background web platform features.
experimental domain BackgroundService
# The Background Service that will be associated with the commands/events.
# Every Background Service operates independently, but they share the same
# API.
type ServiceName extends string
# Enables event updates for the service.
command startObserving
ServiceName service
# Disables event updates for the service.
command stopObserving
ServiceName service
# Set the recording state for the service.
command setRecording
boolean shouldRecord
ServiceName service
# Clears all stored data for the service.
command clearEvents
ServiceName service
# Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
event recordingStateChanged
boolean isRecording
ServiceName service
# A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.
type EventMetadata extends object
string key
string value
type BackgroundServiceEvent extends object
# Timestamp of the event (in seconds).
Network.TimeSinceEpoch timestamp
# The origin this event belongs to.
string origin
# The Service Worker ID that initiated the event.
ServiceWorker.RegistrationID serviceWorkerRegistrationId
# The Background Service this event belongs to.
ServiceName service
# A description of the event.
string eventName
# An identifier that groups related events together.
string instanceId
# A list of event-specific information.
array of EventMetadata eventMetadata
# Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and all new
# events afterwards if enabled and recording.
event backgroundServiceEventReceived
BackgroundServiceEvent backgroundServiceEvent
# The Browser domain defines methods and events for browser managing.
domain Browser
experimental type BrowserContextID extends string
experimental type WindowID extends integer
# The state of the browser window.
experimental type WindowState extends string
# Browser window bounds information
experimental type Bounds extends object
# The offset from the left edge of the screen to the window in pixels.
optional integer left
# The offset from the top edge of the screen to the window in pixels.
optional integer top
# The window width in pixels.
optional integer width
# The window height in pixels.
optional integer height
# The window state. Default to normal.
optional WindowState windowState
experimental type PermissionType extends string
experimental type PermissionSetting extends string
# Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API:
experimental type PermissionDescriptor extends object
# Name of permission.
# See for valid permission names.
string name
# For "midi" permission, may also specify sysex control.
optional boolean sysex
# For "push" permission, may specify userVisibleOnly.
# Note that userVisibleOnly = true is the only currently supported type.
optional boolean userVisibleOnly
# For "clipboard" permission, may specify allowWithoutSanitization.
optional boolean allowWithoutSanitization
# For "camera" permission, may specify panTiltZoom.
optional boolean panTiltZoom
# Browser command ids used by executeBrowserCommand.
experimental type BrowserCommandId extends string
# Set permission settings for given origin.
experimental command setPermission
# Descriptor of permission to override.
PermissionDescriptor permission
# Setting of the permission.
PermissionSetting setting
# Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified.
optional string origin
# Context to override. When omitted, default browser context is used.
optional BrowserContextID browserContextId
# Grant specific permissions to the given origin and reject all others.
experimental command grantPermissions
array of PermissionType permissions
# Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified.
optional string origin
# BrowserContext to override permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used.
optional BrowserContextID browserContextId
# Reset all permission management for all origins.
experimental command resetPermissions
# BrowserContext to reset permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used.
optional BrowserContextID browserContextId
# Set the behavior when downloading a file.
experimental command setDownloadBehavior
# Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default Chrome behavior if
# available (otherwise deny). |allowAndName| allows download and names files according to
# their dowmload guids.
enum behavior
# BrowserContext to set download behavior. When omitted, default browser context is used.
optional BrowserContextID browserContextId
# The default path to save downloaded files to. This is requred if behavior is set to 'allow'
# or 'allowAndName'.
optional string downloadPath
# Close browser gracefully.
command close
# Crashes browser on the main thread.
experimental command crash
# Crashes GPU process.
experimental command crashGpuProcess
# Returns version information.
command getVersion
# Protocol version.
string protocolVersion
# Product name.
string product
# Product revision.
string revision
# User-Agent.
string userAgent
# V8 version.
string jsVersion
# Returns the command line switches for the browser process if, and only if
# --enable-automation is on the commandline.
experimental command getBrowserCommandLine
# Commandline parameters
array of string arguments
# Chrome histogram bucket.
experimental type Bucket extends object
# Minimum value (inclusive).
integer low
# Maximum value (exclusive).
integer high
# Number of samples.
integer count
# Chrome histogram.
experimental type Histogram extends object
# Name.
string name
# Sum of sample values.
integer sum
# Total number of samples.
integer count
# Buckets.
array of Bucket buckets
# Get Chrome histograms.
experimental command getHistograms
# Requested substring in name. Only histograms which have query as a
# substring in their name are extracted. An empty or absent query returns
# all histograms.
optional string query
# If true, retrieve delta since last call.
optional boolean delta
# Histograms.
array of Histogram histograms
# Get a Chrome histogram by name.
experimental command getHistogram
# Requested histogram name.
string name
# If true, retrieve delta since last call.
optional boolean delta
# Histogram.
Histogram histogram
# Get position and size of the browser window.
experimental command getWindowBounds
# Browser window id.
WindowID windowId
# Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window
# position and size are returned.
Bounds bounds
# Get the browser window that contains the devtools target.
experimental command getWindowForTarget
# Devtools agent host id. If called as a part of the session, associated targetId is used.
optional Target.TargetID targetId
# Browser window id.
WindowID windowId
# Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window
# position and size are returned.
Bounds bounds
# Set position and/or size of the browser window.
experimental command setWindowBounds
# Browser window id.
WindowID windowId
# New window bounds. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined
# with 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'. Leaves unspecified fields unchanged.
Bounds bounds
# Set dock tile details, platform-specific.
experimental command setDockTile
optional string badgeLabel
# Png encoded image.
optional binary image
# Invoke custom browser commands used by telemetry.
experimental command executeBrowserCommand
BrowserCommandId commandId
# This domain exposes CSS read/write operations. All CSS objects (stylesheets, rules, and styles)
# have an associated `id` used in subsequent operations on the related object. Each object type has
# a specific `id` structure, and those are not interchangeable between objects of different kinds.
# CSS objects can be loaded using the `get*ForNode()` calls (which accept a DOM node id). A client
# can also keep track of stylesheets via the `styleSheetAdded`/`styleSheetRemoved` events and
# subsequently load the required stylesheet contents using the `getStyleSheet[Text]()` methods.
experimental domain CSS
depends on DOM
depends on Page
type StyleSheetId extends string
# Stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via extension, "user-agent" for user-agent
# stylesheets, "inspector" for stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e. those holding the "via
# inspector" rules), "regular" for regular stylesheets.
type StyleSheetOrigin extends string
# CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
type PseudoElementMatches extends object
# Pseudo element type.
DOM.PseudoType pseudoType
# Matches of CSS rules applicable to the pseudo style.
array of RuleMatch matches
# Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
type InheritedStyleEntry extends object
# The ancestor node's inline style, if any, in the style inheritance chain.
optional CSSStyle inlineStyle
# Matches of CSS rules matching the ancestor node in the style inheritance chain.
array of RuleMatch matchedCSSRules
# Match data for a CSS rule.
type RuleMatch extends object
# CSS rule in the match.
CSSRule rule
# Matching selector indices in the rule's selectorList selectors (0-based).
array of integer matchingSelectors
# Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
type Value extends object
# Value text.
string text
# Value range in the underlying resource (if available).
optional SourceRange range
# Selector list data.
type SelectorList extends object
# Selectors in the list.
array of Value selectors
# Rule selector text.
string text
# CSS stylesheet metainformation.
type CSSStyleSheetHeader extends object
# The stylesheet identifier.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Owner frame identifier.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Stylesheet resource URL.
string sourceURL
# URL of source map associated with the stylesheet (if any).
optional string sourceMapURL
# Stylesheet origin.
StyleSheetOrigin origin
# Stylesheet title.
string title
# The backend id for the owner node of the stylesheet.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId ownerNode
# Denotes whether the stylesheet is disabled.
boolean disabled
# Whether the sourceURL field value comes from the sourceURL comment.
optional boolean hasSourceURL
# Whether this stylesheet is created for STYLE tag by parser. This flag is not set for
# document.written STYLE tags.
boolean isInline
# Whether this stylesheet is mutable. Inline stylesheets become mutable
# after they have been modified via CSSOM API.
# <link> element's stylesheets become mutable only if DevTools modifies them.
# Constructed stylesheets (new CSSStyleSheet()) are mutable immediately after creation.
boolean isMutable
# Whether this stylesheet is a constructed stylesheet (created using new CSSStyleSheet()).
boolean isConstructed
# Line offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
number startLine
# Column offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
number startColumn
# Size of the content (in characters).
number length
# Line offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
number endLine
# Column offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
number endColumn
# CSS rule representation.
type CSSRule extends object
# The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
# stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
optional StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Rule selector data.
SelectorList selectorList
# Parent stylesheet's origin.
StyleSheetOrigin origin
# Associated style declaration.
CSSStyle style
# Media list array (for rules involving media queries). The array enumerates media queries
# starting with the innermost one, going outwards.
optional array of CSSMedia media
# CSS coverage information.
type RuleUsage extends object
# The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
# stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Offset of the start of the rule (including selector) from the beginning of the stylesheet.
number startOffset
# Offset of the end of the rule body from the beginning of the stylesheet.
number endOffset
# Indicates whether the rule was actually used by some element in the page.
boolean used
# Text range within a resource. All numbers are zero-based.
type SourceRange extends object
# Start line of range.
integer startLine
# Start column of range (inclusive).
integer startColumn
# End line of range
integer endLine
# End column of range (exclusive).
integer endColumn
type ShorthandEntry extends object
# Shorthand name.
string name
# Shorthand value.
string value
# Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent).
optional boolean important
type CSSComputedStyleProperty extends object
# Computed style property name.
string name
# Computed style property value.
string value
# CSS style representation.
type CSSStyle extends object
# The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
# stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
optional StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# CSS properties in the style.
array of CSSProperty cssProperties
# Computed values for all shorthands found in the style.
array of ShorthandEntry shorthandEntries
# Style declaration text (if available).
optional string cssText
# Style declaration range in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
optional SourceRange range
# CSS property declaration data.
type CSSProperty extends object
# The property name.
string name
# The property value.
string value
# Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent).
optional boolean important
# Whether the property is implicit (implies `false` if absent).
optional boolean implicit
# The full property text as specified in the style.
optional string text
# Whether the property is understood by the browser (implies `true` if absent).
optional boolean parsedOk
# Whether the property is disabled by the user (present for source-based properties only).
optional boolean disabled
# The entire property range in the enclosing style declaration (if available).
optional SourceRange range
# CSS media rule descriptor.
type CSSMedia extends object
# Media query text.
string text
# Source of the media query: "mediaRule" if specified by a @media rule, "importRule" if
# specified by an @import rule, "linkedSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in a linked
# stylesheet's LINK tag, "inlineSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in an inline
# stylesheet's STYLE tag.
enum source
# URL of the document containing the media query description.
optional string sourceURL
# The associated rule (@media or @import) header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if
# available).
optional SourceRange range
# Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists).
optional StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Array of media queries.
optional array of MediaQuery mediaList
# Media query descriptor.
type MediaQuery extends object
# Array of media query expressions.
array of MediaQueryExpression expressions
# Whether the media query condition is satisfied.
boolean active
# Media query expression descriptor.
type MediaQueryExpression extends object
# Media query expression value.
number value
# Media query expression units.
string unit
# Media query expression feature.
string feature
# The associated range of the value text in the enclosing stylesheet (if available).
optional SourceRange valueRange
# Computed length of media query expression (if applicable).
optional number computedLength
# Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
type PlatformFontUsage extends object
# Font's family name reported by platform.
string familyName
# Indicates if the font was downloaded or resolved locally.
boolean isCustomFont
# Amount of glyphs that were rendered with this font.
number glyphCount
# Information about font variation axes for variable fonts
type FontVariationAxis extends object
# The font-variation-setting tag (a.k.a. "axis tag").
string tag
# Human-readable variation name in the default language (normally, "en").
string name
# The minimum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
number minValue
# The maximum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
number maxValue
# The default value.
number defaultValue
# Properties of a web font:
# and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.
type FontFace extends object
# The font-family.
string fontFamily
# The font-style.
string fontStyle
# The font-variant.
string fontVariant
# The font-weight.
string fontWeight
# The font-stretch.
string fontStretch
# The unicode-range.
string unicodeRange
# The src.
string src
# The resolved platform font family
string platformFontFamily
# Available variation settings (a.k.a. "axes").
optional array of FontVariationAxis fontVariationAxes
# CSS keyframes rule representation.
type CSSKeyframesRule extends object
# Animation name.
Value animationName
# List of keyframes.
array of CSSKeyframeRule keyframes
# CSS keyframe rule representation.
type CSSKeyframeRule extends object
# The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified
# stylesheet rules) this rule came from.
optional StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Parent stylesheet's origin.
StyleSheetOrigin origin
# Associated key text.
Value keyText
# Associated style declaration.
CSSStyle style
# A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
type StyleDeclarationEdit extends object
# The css style sheet identifier.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# The range of the style text in the enclosing stylesheet.
SourceRange range
# New style text.
string text
# Inserts a new rule with the given `ruleText` in a stylesheet with given `styleSheetId`, at the
# position specified by `location`.
command addRule
# The css style sheet identifier where a new rule should be inserted.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# The text of a new rule.
string ruleText
# Text position of a new rule in the target style sheet.
SourceRange location
# The newly created rule.
CSSRule rule
# Returns all class names from specified stylesheet.
command collectClassNames
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Class name list.
array of string classNames
# Creates a new special "via-inspector" stylesheet in the frame with given `frameId`.
command createStyleSheet
# Identifier of the frame where "via-inspector" stylesheet should be created.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Identifier of the created "via-inspector" stylesheet.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Disables the CSS agent for the given page.
command disable
# Enables the CSS agent for the given page. Clients should not assume that the CSS agent has been
# enabled until the result of this command is received.
command enable
# Ensures that the given node will have specified pseudo-classes whenever its style is computed by
# the browser.
command forcePseudoState
# The element id for which to force the pseudo state.
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Element pseudo classes to force when computing the element's style.
array of string forcedPseudoClasses
command getBackgroundColors
# Id of the node to get background colors for.
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# The range of background colors behind this element, if it contains any visible text. If no
# visible text is present, this will be undefined. In the case of a flat background color,
# this will consist of simply that color. In the case of a gradient, this will consist of each
# of the color stops. For anything more complicated, this will be an empty array. Images will
# be ignored (as if the image had failed to load).
optional array of string backgroundColors
# The computed font size for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. '12px').
optional string computedFontSize
# The computed font weight for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. 'normal' or
# '100').
optional string computedFontWeight
# Returns the computed style for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
command getComputedStyleForNode
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Computed style for the specified DOM node.
array of CSSComputedStyleProperty computedStyle
# Returns the styles defined inline (explicitly in the "style" attribute and implicitly, using DOM
# attributes) for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
command getInlineStylesForNode
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Inline style for the specified DOM node.
optional CSSStyle inlineStyle
# Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%").
optional CSSStyle attributesStyle
# Returns requested styles for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
command getMatchedStylesForNode
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Inline style for the specified DOM node.
optional CSSStyle inlineStyle
# Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%").
optional CSSStyle attributesStyle
# CSS rules matching this node, from all applicable stylesheets.
optional array of RuleMatch matchedCSSRules
# Pseudo style matches for this node.
optional array of PseudoElementMatches pseudoElements
# A chain of inherited styles (from the immediate node parent up to the DOM tree root).
optional array of InheritedStyleEntry inherited
# A list of CSS keyframed animations matching this node.
optional array of CSSKeyframesRule cssKeyframesRules
# Returns all media queries parsed by the rendering engine.
command getMediaQueries
array of CSSMedia medias
# Requests information about platform fonts which we used to render child TextNodes in the given
# node.
command getPlatformFontsForNode
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Usage statistics for every employed platform font.
array of PlatformFontUsage fonts
# Returns the current textual content for a stylesheet.
command getStyleSheetText
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# The stylesheet text.
string text
# Starts tracking the given computed styles for updates. The specified array of properties
# replaces the one previously specified. Pass empty array to disable tracking.
# Use takeComputedStyleUpdates to retrieve the list of nodes that had properties modified.
# The changes to computed style properties are only tracked for nodes pushed to the front-end
# by the DOM agent. If no changes to the tracked properties occur after the node has been pushed
# to the front-end, no updates will be issued for the node.
experimental command trackComputedStyleUpdates
array of CSSComputedStyleProperty propertiesToTrack
# Polls the next batch of computed style updates.
experimental command takeComputedStyleUpdates
# The list of node Ids that have their tracked computed styles updated
array of DOM.NodeId nodeIds
# Find a rule with the given active property for the given node and set the new value for this
# property
command setEffectivePropertyValueForNode
# The element id for which to set property.
DOM.NodeId nodeId
string propertyName
string value
# Modifies the keyframe rule key text.
command setKeyframeKey
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
SourceRange range
string keyText
# The resulting key text after modification.
Value keyText
# Modifies the rule selector.
command setMediaText
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
SourceRange range
string text
# The resulting CSS media rule after modification.
CSSMedia media
# Modifies the rule selector.
command setRuleSelector
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
SourceRange range
string selector
# The resulting selector list after modification.
SelectorList selectorList
# Sets the new stylesheet text.
command setStyleSheetText
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
string text
# URL of source map associated with script (if any).
optional string sourceMapURL
# Applies specified style edits one after another in the given order.
command setStyleTexts
array of StyleDeclarationEdit edits
# The resulting styles after modification.
array of CSSStyle styles
# Enables the selector recording.
command startRuleUsageTracking
# Stop tracking rule usage and return the list of rules that were used since last call to
# `takeCoverageDelta` (or since start of coverage instrumentation)
command stopRuleUsageTracking
array of RuleUsage ruleUsage
# Obtain list of rules that became used since last call to this method (or since start of coverage
# instrumentation)
command takeCoverageDelta
array of RuleUsage coverage
# Monotonically increasing time, in seconds.
number timestamp
# Enables/disables rendering of local CSS fonts (enabled by default).
experimental command setLocalFontsEnabled
# Whether rendering of local fonts is enabled.
boolean enabled
# Fires whenever a web font is updated. A non-empty font parameter indicates a successfully loaded
# web font
event fontsUpdated
# The web font that has loaded.
optional FontFace font
# Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been
# resized.) The current implementation considers only viewport-dependent media features.
event mediaQueryResultChanged
# Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
event styleSheetAdded
# Added stylesheet metainfo.
CSSStyleSheetHeader header
# Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operation.
event styleSheetChanged
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
# Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
event styleSheetRemoved
# Identifier of the removed stylesheet.
StyleSheetId styleSheetId
experimental domain CacheStorage
# Unique identifier of the Cache object.
type CacheId extends string
# type of HTTP response cached
type CachedResponseType extends string
# Data entry.
type DataEntry extends object
# Request URL.
string requestURL
# Request method.
string requestMethod
# Request headers
array of Header requestHeaders
# Number of seconds since epoch.
number responseTime
# HTTP response status code.
integer responseStatus
# HTTP response status text.
string responseStatusText
# HTTP response type
CachedResponseType responseType
# Response headers
array of Header responseHeaders
# Cache identifier.
type Cache extends object
# An opaque unique id of the cache.
CacheId cacheId
# Security origin of the cache.
string securityOrigin
# The name of the cache.
string cacheName
type Header extends object
string name
string value
# Cached response
type CachedResponse extends object
# Entry content, base64-encoded.
binary body
# Deletes a cache.
command deleteCache
# Id of cache for deletion.
CacheId cacheId
# Deletes a cache entry.
command deleteEntry
# Id of cache where the entry will be deleted.
CacheId cacheId
# URL spec of the request.
string request
# Requests cache names.
command requestCacheNames
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Caches for the security origin.
array of Cache caches
# Fetches cache entry.
command requestCachedResponse
# Id of cache that contains the entry.
CacheId cacheId
# URL spec of the request.
string requestURL
# headers of the request.
array of Header requestHeaders
# Response read from the cache.
CachedResponse response
# Requests data from cache.
command requestEntries
# ID of cache to get entries from.
CacheId cacheId
# Number of records to skip.
optional integer skipCount
# Number of records to fetch.
optional integer pageSize
# If present, only return the entries containing this substring in the path
optional string pathFilter
# Array of object store data entries.
array of DataEntry cacheDataEntries
# Count of returned entries from this storage. If pathFilter is empty, it
# is the count of all entries from this storage.
number returnCount
# A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API
# functionalities.
experimental domain Cast
type Sink extends object
string name
string id
# Text describing the current session. Present only if there is an active
# session on the sink.
optional string session
# Starts observing for sinks that can be used for tab mirroring, and if set,
# sinks compatible with |presentationUrl| as well. When sinks are found, a
# |sinksUpdated| event is fired.
# Also starts observing for issue messages. When an issue is added or removed,
# an |issueUpdated| event is fired.
command enable
optional string presentationUrl
# Stops observing for sinks and issues.
command disable
# Sets a sink to be used when the web page requests the browser to choose a
# sink via Presentation API, Remote Playback API, or Cast SDK.
command setSinkToUse
string sinkName
# Starts mirroring the tab to the sink.
command startTabMirroring
string sinkName
# Stops the active Cast session on the sink.
command stopCasting
string sinkName
# This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes. A sink is a
# device or a software surface that you can cast to.
event sinksUpdated
array of Sink sinks
# This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes.
# |issueMessage| is empty if there is no issue.
event issueUpdated
string issueMessage
# This domain exposes DOM read/write operations. Each DOM Node is represented with its mirror object
# that has an `id`. This `id` can be used to get additional information on the Node, resolve it into
# the JavaScript object wrapper, etc. It is important that client receives DOM events only for the
# nodes that are known to the client. Backend keeps track of the nodes that were sent to the client
# and never sends the same node twice. It is client's responsibility to collect information about
# the nodes that were sent to the client.<p>Note that `iframe` owner elements will return
# corresponding document elements as their child nodes.</p>
domain DOM
depends on Runtime
# Unique DOM node identifier.
type NodeId extends integer
# Unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may not have been pushed to the
# front-end.
type BackendNodeId extends integer
# Backend node with a friendly name.
type BackendNode extends object
# `Node`'s nodeType.
integer nodeType
# `Node`'s nodeName.
string nodeName
BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Pseudo element type.
type PseudoType extends string
# Shadow root type.
type ShadowRootType extends string
# DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes.
# DOMNode is a base node mirror type.
type Node extends object
# Node identifier that is passed into the rest of the DOM messages as the `nodeId`. Backend
# will only push node with given `id` once. It is aware of all requested nodes and will only
# fire DOM events for nodes known to the client.
NodeId nodeId
# The id of the parent node if any.
optional NodeId parentId
# The BackendNodeId for this node.
BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# `Node`'s nodeType.
integer nodeType
# `Node`'s nodeName.
string nodeName
# `Node`'s localName.
string localName
# `Node`'s nodeValue.
string nodeValue
# Child count for `Container` nodes.
optional integer childNodeCount
# Child nodes of this node when requested with children.
optional array of Node children
# Attributes of the `Element` node in the form of flat array `[name1, value1, name2, value2]`.
optional array of string attributes
# Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
optional string documentURL
# Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
optional string baseURL
# `DocumentType`'s publicId.
optional string publicId
# `DocumentType`'s systemId.
optional string systemId
# `DocumentType`'s internalSubset.
optional string internalSubset
# `Document`'s XML version in case of XML documents.
optional string xmlVersion
# `Attr`'s name.
optional string name
# `Attr`'s value.
optional string value
# Pseudo element type for this node.
optional PseudoType pseudoType
# Shadow root type.
optional ShadowRootType shadowRootType
# Frame ID for frame owner elements.
optional Page.FrameId frameId
# Content document for frame owner elements.
optional Node contentDocument
# Shadow root list for given element host.
optional array of Node shadowRoots
# Content document fragment for template elements.
optional Node templateContent
# Pseudo elements associated with this node.
optional array of Node pseudoElements
# Import document for the HTMLImport links.
optional Node importedDocument
# Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
optional array of BackendNode distributedNodes
# Whether the node is SVG.
optional boolean isSVG
# A structure holding an RGBA color.
type RGBA extends object
# The red component, in the [0-255] range.
integer r
# The green component, in the [0-255] range.
integer g
# The blue component, in the [0-255] range.
integer b
# The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1).
optional number a
# An array of quad vertices, x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise.
type Quad extends array of number
# Box model.
type BoxModel extends object
# Content box
Quad content
# Padding box
Quad padding
# Border box
Quad border
# Margin box
Quad margin
# Node width
integer width
# Node height
integer height
# Shape outside coordinates
optional ShapeOutsideInfo shapeOutside
# CSS Shape Outside details.
type ShapeOutsideInfo extends object
# Shape bounds
Quad bounds
# Shape coordinate details
array of any shape
# Margin shape bounds
array of any marginShape
# Rectangle.
type Rect extends object
# X coordinate
number x
# Y coordinate
number y
# Rectangle width
number width
# Rectangle height
number height
type CSSComputedStyleProperty extends object
# Computed style property name.
string name
# Computed style property value.
string value
# Collects class names for the node with given id and all of it's child nodes.
experimental command collectClassNamesFromSubtree
# Id of the node to collect class names.
NodeId nodeId
# Class name list.
array of string classNames
# Creates a deep copy of the specified node and places it into the target container before the
# given anchor.
experimental command copyTo
# Id of the node to copy.
NodeId nodeId
# Id of the element to drop the copy into.
NodeId targetNodeId
# Drop the copy before this node (if absent, the copy becomes the last child of
# `targetNodeId`).
optional NodeId insertBeforeNodeId
# Id of the node clone.
NodeId nodeId
# Describes node given its id, does not require domain to be enabled. Does not start tracking any
# objects, can be used for automation.
command describeNode
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
# entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
optional integer depth
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
# (default is false).
optional boolean pierce
# Node description.
Node node
# Scrolls the specified rect of the given node into view if not already visible.
# Note: exactly one between nodeId, backendNodeId and objectId should be passed
# to identify the node.
experimental command scrollIntoViewIfNeeded
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# The rect to be scrolled into view, relative to the node's border box, in CSS pixels.
# When omitted, center of the node will be used, similar to Element.scrollIntoView.
optional Rect rect
# Disables DOM agent for the given page.
command disable
# Discards search results from the session with the given id. `getSearchResults` should no longer
# be called for that search.
experimental command discardSearchResults
# Unique search session identifier.
string searchId
# Enables DOM agent for the given page.
command enable
# Focuses the given element.
command focus
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Returns attributes for the specified node.
command getAttributes
# Id of the node to retrieve attibutes for.
NodeId nodeId
# An interleaved array of node attribute names and values.
array of string attributes
# Returns boxes for the given node.
command getBoxModel
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Box model for the node.
BoxModel model
# Returns quads that describe node position on the page. This method
# might return multiple quads for inline nodes.
experimental command getContentQuads
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Quads that describe node layout relative to viewport.
array of Quad quads
# Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller.
command getDocument
# The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
# entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
optional integer depth
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
# (default is false).
optional boolean pierce
# Resulting node.
Node root
# Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller.
# Deprecated, as it is not designed to work well with the rest of the DOM agent.
# Use DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot instead.
deprecated command getFlattenedDocument
# The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
# entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
optional integer depth
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
# (default is false).
optional boolean pierce
# Resulting node.
array of Node nodes
# Finds nodes with a given computed style in a subtree.
experimental command getNodesForSubtreeByStyle
# Node ID pointing to the root of a subtree.
NodeId nodeId
# The style to filter nodes by (includes nodes if any of properties matches).
array of CSSComputedStyleProperty computedStyles
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots in the same target should be traversed when returning the
# results (default is false).
optional boolean pierce
# Resulting nodes.
array of NodeId nodeIds
# Returns node id at given location. Depending on whether DOM domain is enabled, nodeId is
# either returned or not.
command getNodeForLocation
# X coordinate.
integer x
# Y coordinate.
integer y
# False to skip to the nearest non-UA shadow root ancestor (default: false).
optional boolean includeUserAgentShadowDOM
# Whether to ignore pointer-events: none on elements and hit test them.
optional boolean ignorePointerEventsNone
# Resulting node.
BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Frame this node belongs to.
Page.FrameId frameId
# Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Returns node's HTML markup.
command getOuterHTML
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Outer HTML markup.
string outerHTML
# Returns the id of the nearest ancestor that is a relayout boundary.
experimental command getRelayoutBoundary
# Id of the node.
NodeId nodeId
# Relayout boundary node id for the given node.
NodeId nodeId
# Returns search results from given `fromIndex` to given `toIndex` from the search with the given
# identifier.
experimental command getSearchResults
# Unique search session identifier.
string searchId
# Start index of the search result to be returned.
integer fromIndex
# End index of the search result to be returned.
integer toIndex
# Ids of the search result nodes.
array of NodeId nodeIds
# Hides any highlight.
command hideHighlight
# Use 'Overlay.hideHighlight' instead
redirect Overlay
# Highlights DOM node.
command highlightNode
# Use 'Overlay.highlightNode' instead
redirect Overlay
# Highlights given rectangle.
command highlightRect
# Use 'Overlay.highlightRect' instead
redirect Overlay
# Marks last undoable state.
experimental command markUndoableState
# Moves node into the new container, places it before the given anchor.
command moveTo
# Id of the node to move.
NodeId nodeId
# Id of the element to drop the moved node into.
NodeId targetNodeId
# Drop node before this one (if absent, the moved node becomes the last child of
# `targetNodeId`).
optional NodeId insertBeforeNodeId
# New id of the moved node.
NodeId nodeId
# Searches for a given string in the DOM tree. Use `getSearchResults` to access search results or
# `cancelSearch` to end this search session.
experimental command performSearch
# Plain text or query selector or XPath search query.
string query
# True to search in user agent shadow DOM.
optional boolean includeUserAgentShadowDOM
# Unique search session identifier.
string searchId
# Number of search results.
integer resultCount
# Requests that the node is sent to the caller given its path. // FIXME, use XPath
experimental command pushNodeByPathToFrontend
# Path to node in the proprietary format.
string path
# Id of the node for given path.
NodeId nodeId
# Requests that a batch of nodes is sent to the caller given their backend node ids.
experimental command pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend
# The array of backend node ids.
array of BackendNodeId backendNodeIds
# The array of ids of pushed nodes that correspond to the backend ids specified in
# backendNodeIds.
array of NodeId nodeIds
# Executes `querySelector` on a given node.
command querySelector
# Id of the node to query upon.
NodeId nodeId
# Selector string.
string selector
# Query selector result.
NodeId nodeId
# Executes `querySelectorAll` on a given node.
command querySelectorAll
# Id of the node to query upon.
NodeId nodeId
# Selector string.
string selector
# Query selector result.
array of NodeId nodeIds
# Re-does the last undone action.
experimental command redo
# Removes attribute with given name from an element with given id.
command removeAttribute
# Id of the element to remove attribute from.
NodeId nodeId
# Name of the attribute to remove.
string name
# Removes node with given id.
command removeNode
# Id of the node to remove.
NodeId nodeId
# Requests that children of the node with given id are returned to the caller in form of
# `setChildNodes` events where not only immediate children are retrieved, but all children down to
# the specified depth.
command requestChildNodes
# Id of the node to get children for.
NodeId nodeId
# The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
# entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
optional integer depth
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the sub-tree
# (default is false).
optional boolean pierce
# Requests that the node is sent to the caller given the JavaScript node object reference. All
# nodes that form the path from the node to the root are also sent to the client as a series of
# `setChildNodes` notifications.
command requestNode
# JavaScript object id to convert into node.
Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Node id for given object.
NodeId nodeId
# Resolves the JavaScript node object for a given NodeId or BackendNodeId.
command resolveNode
# Id of the node to resolve.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Backend identifier of the node to resolve.
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
optional string objectGroup
# Execution context in which to resolve the node.
optional Runtime.ExecutionContextId executionContextId
# JavaScript object wrapper for given node.
Runtime.RemoteObject object
# Sets attribute for an element with given id.
command setAttributeValue
# Id of the element to set attribute for.
NodeId nodeId
# Attribute name.
string name
# Attribute value.
string value
# Sets attributes on element with given id. This method is useful when user edits some existing
# attribute value and types in several attribute name/value pairs.
command setAttributesAsText
# Id of the element to set attributes for.
NodeId nodeId
# Text with a number of attributes. Will parse this text using HTML parser.
string text
# Attribute name to replace with new attributes derived from text in case text parsed
# successfully.
optional string name
# Sets files for the given file input element.
command setFileInputFiles
# Array of file paths to set.
array of string files
# Identifier of the node.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Identifier of the backend node.
optional BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
optional Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# Sets if stack traces should be captured for Nodes. See `Node.getNodeStackTraces`. Default is disabled.
experimental command setNodeStackTracesEnabled
# Enable or disable.
boolean enable
# Gets stack traces associated with a Node. As of now, only provides stack trace for Node creation.
experimental command getNodeStackTraces
# Id of the node to get stack traces for.
NodeId nodeId
# Creation stack trace, if available.
optional Runtime.StackTrace creation
# Returns file information for the given
# File wrapper.
experimental command getFileInfo
# JavaScript object id of the node wrapper.
Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
string path
# Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details
# $x functions).
experimental command setInspectedNode
# DOM node id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.
NodeId nodeId
# Sets node name for a node with given id.
command setNodeName
# Id of the node to set name for.
NodeId nodeId
# New node's name.
string name
# New node's id.
NodeId nodeId
# Sets node value for a node with given id.
command setNodeValue
# Id of the node to set value for.
NodeId nodeId
# New node's value.
string value
# Sets node HTML markup, returns new node id.
command setOuterHTML
# Id of the node to set markup for.
NodeId nodeId
# Outer HTML markup to set.
string outerHTML
# Undoes the last performed action.
experimental command undo
# Returns iframe node that owns iframe with the given domain.
experimental command getFrameOwner
Page.FrameId frameId
# Resulting node.
BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document.
optional NodeId nodeId
# Fired when `Element`'s attribute is modified.
event attributeModified
# Id of the node that has changed.
NodeId nodeId
# Attribute name.
string name
# Attribute value.
string value
# Fired when `Element`'s attribute is removed.
event attributeRemoved
# Id of the node that has changed.
NodeId nodeId
# A ttribute name.
string name
# Mirrors `DOMCharacterDataModified` event.
event characterDataModified
# Id of the node that has changed.
NodeId nodeId
# New text value.
string characterData
# Fired when `Container`'s child node count has changed.
event childNodeCountUpdated
# Id of the node that has changed.
NodeId nodeId
# New node count.
integer childNodeCount
# Mirrors `DOMNodeInserted` event.
event childNodeInserted
# Id of the node that has changed.
NodeId parentNodeId
# If of the previous siblint.
NodeId previousNodeId
# Inserted node data.
Node node
# Mirrors `DOMNodeRemoved` event.
event childNodeRemoved
# Parent id.
NodeId parentNodeId
# Id of the node that has been removed.
NodeId nodeId
# Called when distrubution is changed.
experimental event distributedNodesUpdated
# Insertion point where distrubuted nodes were updated.
NodeId insertionPointId
# Distributed nodes for given insertion point.
array of BackendNode distributedNodes
# Fired when `Document` has been totally updated. Node ids are no longer valid.
event documentUpdated
# Fired when `Element`'s inline style is modified via a CSS property modification.
experimental event inlineStyleInvalidated
# Ids of the nodes for which the inline styles have been invalidated.
array of NodeId nodeIds
# Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
experimental event pseudoElementAdded
# Pseudo element's parent element id.
NodeId parentId
# The added pseudo element.
Node pseudoElement
# Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
experimental event pseudoElementRemoved
# Pseudo element's parent element id.
NodeId parentId
# The removed pseudo element id.
NodeId pseudoElementId
# Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structure. This happens upon
# most of the calls requesting node ids.
event setChildNodes
# Parent node id to populate with children.
NodeId parentId
# Child nodes array.
array of Node nodes
# Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
experimental event shadowRootPopped
# Host element id.
NodeId hostId
# Shadow root id.
NodeId rootId
# Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
experimental event shadowRootPushed
# Host element id.
NodeId hostId
# Shadow root.
Node root
# DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on particular DOM operations and events. JavaScript
# execution will stop on these operations as if there was a regular breakpoint set.
domain DOMDebugger
depends on DOM
depends on Debugger
depends on Runtime
# DOM breakpoint type.
type DOMBreakpointType extends string
# CSP Violation type.
experimental type CSPViolationType extends string
# Object event listener.
type EventListener extends object
# `EventListener`'s type.
string type
# `EventListener`'s useCapture.
boolean useCapture
# `EventListener`'s passive flag.
boolean passive
# `EventListener`'s once flag.
boolean once
# Script id of the handler code.
Runtime.ScriptId scriptId
# Line number in the script (0-based).
integer lineNumber
# Column number in the script (0-based).
integer columnNumber
# Event handler function value.
optional Runtime.RemoteObject handler
# Event original handler function value.
optional Runtime.RemoteObject originalHandler
# Node the listener is added to (if any).
optional DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Returns event listeners of the given object.
command getEventListeners
# Identifier of the object to return listeners for.
Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# The maximum depth at which Node children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the
# entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
optional integer depth
# Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree
# (default is false). Reports listeners for all contexts if pierce is enabled.
optional boolean pierce
# Array of relevant listeners.
array of EventListener listeners
# Removes DOM breakpoint that was set using `setDOMBreakpoint`.
command removeDOMBreakpoint
# Identifier of the node to remove breakpoint from.
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Type of the breakpoint to remove.
DOMBreakpointType type
# Removes breakpoint on particular DOM event.
command removeEventListenerBreakpoint
# Event name.
string eventName
# EventTarget interface name.
experimental optional string targetName
# Removes breakpoint on particular native event.
experimental command removeInstrumentationBreakpoint
# Instrumentation name to stop on.
string eventName
# Removes breakpoint from XMLHttpRequest.
command removeXHRBreakpoint
# Resource URL substring.
string url
# Sets breakpoint on particular CSP violations.
experimental command setBreakOnCSPViolation
# CSP Violations to stop upon.
array of CSPViolationType violationTypes
# Sets breakpoint on particular operation with DOM.
command setDOMBreakpoint
# Identifier of the node to set breakpoint on.
DOM.NodeId nodeId
# Type of the operation to stop upon.
DOMBreakpointType type
# Sets breakpoint on particular DOM event.
command setEventListenerBreakpoint
# DOM Event name to stop on (any DOM event will do).
string eventName
# EventTarget interface name to stop on. If equal to `"*"` or not provided, will stop on any
# EventTarget.
experimental optional string targetName
# Sets breakpoint on particular native event.
experimental command setInstrumentationBreakpoint
# Instrumentation name to stop on.
string eventName
# Sets breakpoint on XMLHttpRequest.
command setXHRBreakpoint
# Resource URL substring. All XHRs having this substring in the URL will get stopped upon.
string url
# This domain facilitates obtaining document snapshots with DOM, layout, and style information.
experimental domain DOMSnapshot
depends on CSS
depends on DOM
depends on DOMDebugger
depends on Page
# A Node in the DOM tree.
type DOMNode extends object
# `Node`'s nodeType.
integer nodeType
# `Node`'s nodeName.
string nodeName
# `Node`'s nodeValue.
string nodeValue
# Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value.
optional string textValue
# Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
optional string inputValue
# Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked
optional boolean inputChecked
# Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected
optional boolean optionSelected
# `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId.
DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# The indexes of the node's child nodes in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`, if
# any.
optional array of integer childNodeIndexes
# Attributes of an `Element` node.
optional array of NameValue attributes
# Indexes of pseudo elements associated with this node in the `domNodes` array returned by
# `getSnapshot`, if any.
optional array of integer pseudoElementIndexes
# The index of the node's related layout tree node in the `layoutTreeNodes` array returned by
# `getSnapshot`, if any.
optional integer layoutNodeIndex
# Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
optional string documentURL
# Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
optional string baseURL
# Only set for documents, contains the document's content language.
optional string contentLanguage
# Only set for documents, contains the document's character set encoding.
optional string documentEncoding
# `DocumentType` node's publicId.
optional string publicId
# `DocumentType` node's systemId.
optional string systemId
# Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node.
optional Page.FrameId frameId
# The index of a frame owner element's content document in the `domNodes` array returned by
# `getSnapshot`, if any.
optional integer contentDocumentIndex
# Type of a pseudo element node.
optional DOM.PseudoType pseudoType
# Shadow root type.
optional DOM.ShadowRootType shadowRootType
# Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click
# event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when
# clicked.
optional boolean isClickable
# Details of the node's event listeners, if any.
optional array of DOMDebugger.EventListener eventListeners
# The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
optional string currentSourceURL
# The url of the script (if any) that generates this node.
optional string originURL
# Scroll offsets, set when this node is a Document.
optional number scrollOffsetX
optional number scrollOffsetY
# Details of post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as
# stable and may change between versions.
type InlineTextBox extends object
# The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored.
DOM.Rect boundingBox
# The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that
# would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
integer startCharacterIndex
# The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be
# represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
integer numCharacters
# Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
type LayoutTreeNode extends object
# The index of the related DOM node in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`.
integer domNodeIndex
# The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored.
DOM.Rect boundingBox
# Contents of the LayoutText, if any.
optional string layoutText
# The post-layout inline text nodes, if any.
optional array of InlineTextBox inlineTextNodes
# Index into the `computedStyles` array returned by `getSnapshot`.
optional integer styleIndex
# Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes
# that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in
# getSnapshot was true.
optional integer paintOrder
# Set to true to indicate the element begins a new stacking context.
optional boolean isStackingContext
# A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.
type ComputedStyle extends object
# Name/value pairs of computed style properties.
array of NameValue properties
# A name/value pair.
type NameValue extends object
# Attribute/property name.
string name
# Attribute/property value.
string value
# Index of the string in the strings table.
type StringIndex extends integer
# Index of the string in the strings table.
type ArrayOfStrings extends array of StringIndex
# Data that is only present on rare nodes.
type RareStringData extends object
array of integer index
array of StringIndex value
type RareBooleanData extends object
array of integer index
type RareIntegerData extends object
array of integer index
array of integer value
type Rectangle extends array of number
# Document snapshot.
type DocumentSnapshot extends object
# Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to.
StringIndex documentURL
# Document title.
StringIndex title
# Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion.
StringIndex baseURL
# Contains the document's content language.
StringIndex contentLanguage
# Contains the document's character set encoding.
StringIndex encodingName
# `DocumentType` node's publicId.
StringIndex publicId
# `DocumentType` node's systemId.
StringIndex systemId
# Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node.
StringIndex frameId
# A table with dom nodes.
NodeTreeSnapshot nodes
# The nodes in the layout tree.
LayoutTreeSnapshot layout
# The post-layout inline text nodes.
TextBoxSnapshot textBoxes
# Horizontal scroll offset.
optional number scrollOffsetX
# Vertical scroll offset.
optional number scrollOffsetY
# Document content width.
optional number contentWidth
# Document content height.
optional number contentHeight
# Table containing nodes.
type NodeTreeSnapshot extends object
# Parent node index.
optional array of integer parentIndex
# `Node`'s nodeType.
optional array of integer nodeType
# `Node`'s nodeName.
optional array of StringIndex nodeName
# `Node`'s nodeValue.
optional array of StringIndex nodeValue
# `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId.
optional array of DOM.BackendNodeId backendNodeId
# Attributes of an `Element` node. Flatten name, value pairs.
optional array of ArrayOfStrings attributes
# Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value.
optional RareStringData textValue
# Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
optional RareStringData inputValue
# Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked
optional RareBooleanData inputChecked
# Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected
optional RareBooleanData optionSelected
# The index of the document in the list of the snapshot documents.
optional RareIntegerData contentDocumentIndex
# Type of a pseudo element node.
optional RareStringData pseudoType
# Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click
# event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when
# clicked.
optional RareBooleanData isClickable
# The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
optional RareStringData currentSourceURL
# The url of the script (if any) that generates this node.
optional RareStringData originURL
# Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
type LayoutTreeSnapshot extends object
# Index of the corresponding node in the `NodeTreeSnapshot` array returned by `captureSnapshot`.
array of integer nodeIndex
# Array of indexes specifying computed style strings, filtered according to the `computedStyles` parameter passed to `captureSnapshot`.
array of ArrayOfStrings styles
# The absolute position bounding box.
array of Rectangle bounds
# Contents of the LayoutText, if any.
array of StringIndex text
# Stacking context information.
RareBooleanData stackingContexts
# Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes
# that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in
# captureSnapshot was true.
optional array of integer paintOrders
# The offset rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
optional array of Rectangle offsetRects
# The scroll rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
optional array of Rectangle scrollRects
# The client rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true
optional array of Rectangle clientRects
# Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as
# stable and may change between versions.
type TextBoxSnapshot extends object
# Index of the layout tree node that owns this box collection.
array of integer layoutIndex
# The absolute position bounding box.
array of Rectangle bounds
# The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that
# would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
array of integer start
# The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be
# represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2.
array of integer length
# Disables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
command disable
# Enables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
command enable
# Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes,
# template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and
# white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is
# flattened.
deprecated command getSnapshot
# Whitelist of computed styles to return.
array of string computedStyleWhitelist
# Whether or not to retrieve details of DOM listeners (default false).
optional boolean includeEventListeners
# Whether to determine and include the paint order index of LayoutTreeNodes (default false).
optional boolean includePaintOrder
# Whether to include UA shadow tree in the snapshot (default false).
optional boolean includeUserAgentShadowTree
# The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document.
array of DOMNode domNodes
# The nodes in the layout tree.
array of LayoutTreeNode layoutTreeNodes
# Whitelisted ComputedStyle properties for each node in the layout tree.
array of ComputedStyle computedStyles
# Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes,
# template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and
# white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is
# flattened.
command captureSnapshot
# Whitelist of computed styles to return.
array of string computedStyles
# Whether to include layout object paint orders into the snapshot.
optional boolean includePaintOrder
# Whether to include DOM rectangles (offsetRects, clientRects, scrollRects) into the snapshot
optional boolean includeDOMRects
# The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document.
array of DocumentSnapshot documents
# Shared string table that all string properties refer to with indexes.
array of string strings
# Query and modify DOM storage.
experimental domain DOMStorage
# DOM Storage identifier.
type StorageId extends object
# Security origin for the storage.
string securityOrigin
# Whether the storage is local storage (not session storage).
boolean isLocalStorage
# DOM Storage item.
type Item extends array of string
command clear
StorageId storageId
# Disables storage tracking, prevents storage events from being sent to the client.
command disable
# Enables storage tracking, storage events will now be delivered to the client.
command enable
command getDOMStorageItems
StorageId storageId
array of Item entries
command removeDOMStorageItem
StorageId storageId
string key
command setDOMStorageItem
StorageId storageId
string key
string value
event domStorageItemAdded
StorageId storageId
string key
string newValue
event domStorageItemRemoved
StorageId storageId
string key
event domStorageItemUpdated
StorageId storageId
string key
string oldValue
string newValue
event domStorageItemsCleared
StorageId storageId
experimental domain Database
# Unique identifier of Database object.
type DatabaseId extends string
# Database object.
type Database extends object
# Database ID.
DatabaseId id
# Database domain.
string domain
# Database name.
string name
# Database version.
string version
# Database error.
type Error extends object
# Error message.
string message
# Error code.
integer code
# Disables database tracking, prevents database events from being sent to the client.
command disable
# Enables database tracking, database events will now be delivered to the client.
command enable
command executeSQL
DatabaseId databaseId
string query
optional array of string columnNames
optional array of any values
optional Error sqlError
command getDatabaseTableNames
DatabaseId databaseId
array of string tableNames
event addDatabase
Database database
experimental domain DeviceOrientation
# Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
command clearDeviceOrientationOverride
# Overrides the Device Orientation.
command setDeviceOrientationOverride
# Mock alpha
number alpha
# Mock beta
number beta
# Mock gamma
number gamma
# This domain emulates different environments for the page.
domain Emulation
depends on DOM
depends on Page
depends on Runtime
# Screen orientation.
type ScreenOrientation extends object
# Orientation type.
enum type
# Orientation angle.
integer angle
type DisplayFeature extends object
# Orientation of a display feature in relation to screen
enum orientation
# The offset from the screen origin in either the x (for vertical
# orientation) or y (for horizontal orientation) direction.
integer offset
# A display feature may mask content such that it is not physically
# displayed - this length along with the offset describes this area.
# A display feature that only splits content will have a 0 mask_length.
integer maskLength
type MediaFeature extends object
string name
string value
# advance: If the scheduler runs out of immediate work, the virtual time base may fast forward to
# allow the next delayed task (if any) to run; pause: The virtual time base may not advance;
# pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending: The virtual time base may not advance if there are any pending
# resource fetches.
experimental type VirtualTimePolicy extends string
# Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See
experimental type UserAgentBrandVersion extends object
string brand
string version
# Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See
# Missing optional values will be filled in by the target with what it would normally use.
experimental type UserAgentMetadata extends object
optional array of UserAgentBrandVersion brands
optional string fullVersion
string platform
string platformVersion
string architecture
string model
boolean mobile
# Tells whether emulation is supported.
command canEmulate
# True if emulation is supported.
boolean result
# Clears the overriden device metrics.
command clearDeviceMetricsOverride
# Clears the overriden Geolocation Position and Error.
command clearGeolocationOverride
# Requests that page scale factor is reset to initial values.
experimental command resetPageScaleFactor
# Enables or disables simulating a focused and active page.
experimental command setFocusEmulationEnabled
# Whether to enable to disable focus emulation.
boolean enabled
# Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
experimental command setCPUThrottlingRate
# Throttling rate as a slowdown factor (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown, etc).
number rate
# Sets or clears an override of the default background color of the frame. This override is used
# if the content does not specify one.
command setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
# RGBA of the default background color. If not specified, any existing override will be
# cleared.
optional DOM.RGBA color
# Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height,
# window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media
# query results).
command setDeviceMetricsOverride
# Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
integer width
# Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override.
integer height
# Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override.
number deviceScaleFactor
# Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text
# autosizing and more.
boolean mobile
# Scale to apply to resulting view image.
experimental optional number scale
# Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
experimental optional integer screenWidth
# Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
experimental optional integer screenHeight
# Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
experimental optional integer positionX
# Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000).
experimental optional integer positionY
# Do not set visible view size, rely upon explicit setVisibleSize call.
experimental optional boolean dontSetVisibleSize
# Screen orientation override.
optional ScreenOrientation screenOrientation
# If set, the visible area of the page will be overridden to this viewport. This viewport
# change is not observed by the page, e.g. viewport-relative elements do not change positions.
experimental optional Page.Viewport viewport
# If set, the display feature of a multi-segment screen. If not set, multi-segment support
# is turned-off.
experimental optional DisplayFeature displayFeature
experimental command setScrollbarsHidden
# Whether scrollbars should be always hidden.
boolean hidden
experimental command setDocumentCookieDisabled
# Whether document.coookie API should be disabled.
boolean disabled
experimental command setEmitTouchEventsForMouse
# Whether touch emulation based on mouse input should be enabled.
boolean enabled
# Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.
optional enum configuration
# Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media queries.
command setEmulatedMedia
# Media type to emulate. Empty string disables the override.
optional string media
# Media features to emulate.
optional array of MediaFeature features
# Emulates the given vision deficiency.
experimental command setEmulatedVisionDeficiency
# Vision deficiency to emulate.
enum type
# Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position
# unavailable.
command setGeolocationOverride
# Mock latitude
optional number latitude
# Mock longitude
optional number longitude
# Mock accuracy
optional number accuracy
# Overrides the Idle state.
experimental command setIdleOverride
# Mock isUserActive
boolean isUserActive
# Mock isScreenUnlocked
boolean isScreenUnlocked
# Clears Idle state overrides.
experimental command clearIdleOverride
# Overrides value returned by the javascript navigator object.
experimental deprecated command setNavigatorOverrides
# The platform navigator.platform should return.
string platform
# Sets a specified page scale factor.
experimental command setPageScaleFactor
# Page scale factor.
number pageScaleFactor
# Switches script execution in the page.
command setScriptExecutionDisabled
# Whether script execution should be disabled in the page.
boolean value
# Enables touch on platforms which do not support them.
command setTouchEmulationEnabled
# Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled.
boolean enabled
# Maximum touch points supported. Defaults to one.
optional integer maxTouchPoints
# Turns on virtual time for all frames (replacing real-time with a synthetic time source) and sets
# the current virtual time policy. Note this supersedes any previous time budget.
experimental command setVirtualTimePolicy
VirtualTimePolicy policy
# If set, after this many virtual milliseconds have elapsed virtual time will be paused and a
# virtualTimeBudgetExpired event is sent.
optional number budget
# If set this specifies the maximum number of tasks that can be run before virtual is forced
# forwards to prevent deadlock.
optional integer maxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount
# If set the virtual time policy change should be deferred until any frame starts navigating.
# Note any previous deferred policy change is superseded.
optional boolean waitForNavigation
# If set, base::Time::Now will be overriden to initially return this value.
optional Network.TimeSinceEpoch initialVirtualTime
# Absolute timestamp at which virtual time was first enabled (up time in milliseconds).
number virtualTimeTicksBase
# Overrides default host system locale with the specified one.
experimental command setLocaleOverride
# ICU style C locale (e.g. "en_US"). If not specified or empty, disables the override and
# restores default host system locale.
optional string locale
# Overrides default host system timezone with the specified one.
experimental command setTimezoneOverride
# The timezone identifier. If empty, disables the override and
# restores default host system timezone.
string timezoneId
# Resizes the frame/viewport of the page. Note that this does not affect the frame's container
# (e.g. browser window). Can be used to produce screenshots of the specified size. Not supported
# on Android.
experimental deprecated command setVisibleSize
# Frame width (DIP).
integer width
# Frame height (DIP).
integer height
# Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
experimental event virtualTimeBudgetExpired
# Enum of image types that can be disabled.
experimental type DisabledImageType extends string
experimental command setDisabledImageTypes
# Image types to disable.
array of DisabledImageType imageTypes
# Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
command setUserAgentOverride
# User agent to use.
string userAgent
# Browser langugage to emulate.
optional string acceptLanguage
# The platform navigator.platform should return.
optional string platform
# To be sent in Sec-CH-UA-* headers and returned in navigator.userAgentData
experimental optional UserAgentMetadata userAgentMetadata
# This domain provides experimental commands only supported in headless mode.
experimental domain HeadlessExperimental
depends on Page
depends on Runtime
# Encoding options for a screenshot.
type ScreenshotParams extends object
# Image compression format (defaults to png).
optional enum format
# Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only).
optional integer quality
# Sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the frame was completed. Optionally captures a
# screenshot from the resulting frame. Requires that the target was created with enabled
# BeginFrameControl. Designed for use with --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw, see also
# for more background.
command beginFrame
# Timestamp of this BeginFrame in Renderer TimeTicks (milliseconds of uptime). If not set,
# the current time will be used.
optional number frameTimeTicks
# The interval between BeginFrames that is reported to the compositor, in milliseconds.
# Defaults to a 60 frames/second interval, i.e. about 16.666 milliseconds.
optional number interval
# Whether updates should not be committed and drawn onto the display. False by default. If
# true, only side effects of the BeginFrame will be run, such as layout and animations, but
# any visual updates may not be visible on the display or in screenshots.
optional boolean noDisplayUpdates
# If set, a screenshot of the frame will be captured and returned in the response. Otherwise,
# no screenshot will be captured. Note that capturing a screenshot can fail, for example,
# during renderer initialization. In such a case, no screenshot data will be returned.
optional ScreenshotParams screenshot
# Whether the BeginFrame resulted in damage and, thus, a new frame was committed to the
# display. Reported for diagnostic uses, may be removed in the future.
boolean hasDamage
# Base64-encoded image data of the screenshot, if one was requested and successfully taken.
optional binary screenshotData
# Disables headless events for the target.
command disable
# Enables headless events for the target.
command enable
# Issued when the target starts or stops needing BeginFrames.
# Deprecated. Issue beginFrame unconditionally instead and use result from
# beginFrame to detect whether the frames were suppressed.
deprecated event needsBeginFramesChanged
# True if BeginFrames are needed, false otherwise.
boolean needsBeginFrames
# Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
domain IO
# This is either obtained from another method or specifed as `blob:&lt;uuid&gt;` where
# `&lt;uuid&gt` is an UUID of a Blob.
type StreamHandle extends string
# Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage.
command close
# Handle of the stream to close.
StreamHandle handle
# Read a chunk of the stream
command read
# Handle of the stream to read.
StreamHandle handle
# Seek to the specified offset before reading (if not specificed, proceed with offset
# following the last read). Some types of streams may only support sequential reads.
optional integer offset
# Maximum number of bytes to read (left upon the agent discretion if not specified).
optional integer size
# Set if the data is base64-encoded
optional boolean base64Encoded
# Data that were read.
string data
# Set if the end-of-file condition occured while reading.
boolean eof
# Return UUID of Blob object specified by a remote object id.
command resolveBlob
# Object id of a Blob object wrapper.
Runtime.RemoteObjectId objectId
# UUID of the specified Blob.
string uuid
experimental domain IndexedDB
depends on Runtime
# Database with an array of object stores.
type DatabaseWithObjectStores extends object
# Database name.
string name
# Database version (type is not 'integer', as the standard
# requires the version number to be 'unsigned long long')
number version
# Object stores in this database.
array of ObjectStore objectStores
# Object store.
type ObjectStore extends object
# Object store name.
string name
# Object store key path.
KeyPath keyPath
# If true, object store has auto increment flag set.
boolean autoIncrement
# Indexes in this object store.
array of ObjectStoreIndex indexes
# Object store index.
type ObjectStoreIndex extends object
# Index name.
string name
# Index key path.
KeyPath keyPath
# If true, index is unique.
boolean unique
# If true, index allows multiple entries for a key.
boolean multiEntry
# Key.
type Key extends object
# Key type.
enum type
# Number value.
optional number number
# String value.
optional string string
# Date value.
optional number date
# Array value.
optional array of Key array
# Key range.
type KeyRange extends object
# Lower bound.
optional Key lower
# Upper bound.
optional Key upper
# If true lower bound is open.
boolean lowerOpen
# If true upper bound is open.
boolean upperOpen
# Data entry.
type DataEntry extends object
# Key object.
Runtime.RemoteObject key
# Primary key object.
Runtime.RemoteObject primaryKey
# Value object.
Runtime.RemoteObject value
# Key path.
type KeyPath extends object
# Key path type.
enum type
# String value.
optional string string
# Array value.
optional array of string array
# Clears all entries from an object store.
command clearObjectStore
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database name.
string databaseName
# Object store name.
string objectStoreName
# Deletes a database.
command deleteDatabase
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database name.
string databaseName
# Delete a range of entries from an object store
command deleteObjectStoreEntries
string securityOrigin
string databaseName
string objectStoreName
# Range of entry keys to delete
KeyRange keyRange
# Disables events from backend.
command disable
# Enables events from backend.
command enable
# Requests data from object store or index.
command requestData
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database name.
string databaseName
# Object store name.
string objectStoreName
# Index name, empty string for object store data requests.
string indexName
# Number of records to skip.
integer skipCount
# Number of records to fetch.
integer pageSize
# Key range.
optional KeyRange keyRange
# Array of object store data entries.
array of DataEntry objectStoreDataEntries
# If true, there are more entries to fetch in the given range.
boolean hasMore
# Gets metadata of an object store
command getMetadata
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database name.
string databaseName
# Object store name.
string objectStoreName
# the entries count
number entriesCount
# the current value of key generator, to become the next inserted
# key into the object store. Valid if objectStore.autoIncrement
# is true.
number keyGeneratorValue
# Requests database with given name in given frame.
command requestDatabase
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database name.
string databaseName
# Database with an array of object stores.
DatabaseWithObjectStores databaseWithObjectStores
# Requests database names for given security origin.
command requestDatabaseNames
# Security origin.
string securityOrigin
# Database names for origin.
array of string databaseNames
domain Input
type TouchPoint extends object
# X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
number x
# Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to
# the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.
number y
# X radius of the touch area (default: 1.0).
optional number radiusX
# Y radius of the touch area (default: 1.0).
optional number radiusY
# Rotation angle (default: 0.0).
optional number rotationAngle
# Force (default: 1.0).
optional number force
# The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0).
experimental optional number tangentialPressure
# The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0)
experimental optional integer tiltX
# The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0).
experimental optional integer tiltY
# The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0).
experimental optional integer twist
# Identifier used to track touch sources between events, must be unique within an event.
optional number id
experimental type GestureSourceType extends string
type MouseButton extends string
# UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970.
type TimeSinceEpoch extends number
# Dispatches a key event to the page.
command dispatchKeyEvent
# Type of the key event.
enum type
# Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
# (default: 0).
optional integer modifiers
# Time at which the event occurred.
optional TimeSinceEpoch timestamp
# Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for
# for `keyUp` and `rawKeyDown` events (default: "")
optional string text
# Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for
# shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: "").
optional string unmodifiedText
# Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: "").
optional string keyIdentifier
# Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: "").
optional string code
# Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active
# modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: "").
optional string key
# Windows virtual key code (default: 0).
optional integer windowsVirtualKeyCode
# Native virtual key code (default: 0).
optional integer nativeVirtualKeyCode
# Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false).
optional boolean autoRepeat
# Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false).
optional boolean isKeypad
# Whether the event was a system key event (default: false).
optional boolean isSystemKey
# Whether the event was from the left or right side of the keyboard. 1=Left, 2=Right (default:
# 0).
optional integer location
# Editing commands to send with the key event (e.g., 'selectAll') (default: []).
# These are related to but not equal the command names used in `document.execCommand` and NSStandardKeyBindingResponding.
# See for valid command names.
experimental optional array of string commands
# This method emulates inserting text that doesn't come from a key press,
# for example an emoji keyboard or an IME.
experimental command insertText
# The text to insert.
string text
# Dispatches a mouse event to the page.
command dispatchMouseEvent
# Type of the mouse event.
enum type
# X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels.
number x
# Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to
# the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport.
number y
# Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8
# (default: 0).
optional integer modifiers
# Time at which the event occurred.
optional TimeSinceEpoch timestamp
# Mouse button (default: "none").
optional MouseButton button
# A number indicating which buttons are pressed on the mouse when a mouse event is triggered.
# Left=1, Right=2, Middle=4, Back=8, Forward=16, None=0.
optional integer buttons
# Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).
optional integer clickCount
# The normalized pressure, which has a range of [0,1] (default: 0).
experimental optional number force
# The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0).
experimental optional number tangentialPressure
# The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0).
experimental optional integer tiltX
# The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0).
experimental optional integer tiltY
# The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0).
experimental optional integer twist
# X delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
optional number deltaX
# Y delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
optional number deltaY
# Pointer type (default: "mouse").
optional enum pointerType
# Dispatches a touch event to the page.
command dispatchTouchEvent
# Type of the touch event. TouchEnd and TouchCancel must not contain any touch points, while
# TouchStart and TouchMove must contains at least one.
enum type