File System Access API

This directory contains the renderer side implementation of the file system access API.

Related directories

//content/browser/file_system_access/ contains the browser side implementation and blink/public/mojom/file_system_access contains the mojom interfaces for these APIs.

APIs In this directory

This directory contains the implementation of the File System Access API.

It consists of the following parts:

  • FileSystemHandle, FileSystemFileHandle and FileSystemDirectoryHandle: these interfaces mimic the old Entry interfaces, but expose a more modern promisified API.

  • StorageManager.getDirectory: An entry point that gives access to the same sandboxed filesystem as what is available through the old API.

  • FileSystemWritableFileStream: a more modern API with similar functionality to the old FileWriter API. The implementation of this actually does make use of a different mojom interface than the old API. But since the functionality is mostly the same, hopefully we will be able to migrate the old implementation to the new mojom API as well.

  • showOpenFilePicker, showSaveFilePicker and showDirectorPicker: Entry points on window, that let a website pop-up a file or directory picker, prompting the user to select one or more files or directories, to which the website than gets access.