V8-Blink bindings tips

How to throw/handle an exception?

There are two options to throw/handle an exception; a) let Blink does it, or b) let V8 does it.

Use blink::ExceptionState

The best way is to use [RaisesException] IDL extended attribute in *.idl file. Then, the bindings code generator creates an ExceptionState and initializes it with the API name. The implementation function takes the ExceptionState as the last argument. Now you can use the ExceptionState to throw and catch an exception.

interface MyInterface {
  // Use [RaisesException] in your *.idl file.
  [RaisesException] void foo(DOMString s);
class MyInterface : public ScriptWrappable {
  // The implementation of |foo| takes |ExceptionState&| as the last argument.
  void foo(const StringView& s, ExceptionState& exception_state) {
    // MaybeThrowFunc may throw an exception.
    // Check if MaybeThrowFunc threw an exception or not.
    if (exception_state.HadException())

    if (s.IsEmpty()) {
      // Throw a ECMAScript TypeError.
      exception_state.ThrowTypeError("s must not be empty");

Use v8::Maybe / v8::MaybeLocal / v8::TryCatch

Sometimes we need to directly use V8 to manage exceptions as not all APIs use ExceptionState. Some APIs use v8::Maybe / v8::MaybeLocal to indicate an exception. The important convention is that, if and only if the maybe object is Nothing, an exception must be thrown. It's not allowed to return Nothing without throwing an exception or to throw an exception without returning Nothing. You can catch a V8 exception with v8::TryCatch and rethrow it into ExceptionState.

void foo(v8::Isolate* isolate, ExceptionState& exception_state) {
  // v8::TryCatch works like |try { … } catch (e) { … }| in ECMAScript.
  v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate);

  Type value;
  // ReturnMaybe() returns a v8::Maybe<Type>.
  // v8::Maybe::To is preferred to v8::Maybe::IsJust / IsNothing.
  if (!ReturnMaybe().To(&value)) {
    // An exception is thrown.

  v8::Local<V8Type> local_value;
  // ReturnMaybeLocal() returns a v8::MaybeLocal<V8Type>.
  // v8::MaybeLocal::ToLocal is preferred to v8::MaybeLocal::IsJust / IsNothing.
  if (!ReturnMaybeLocal().ToLocal(&local_value)) {
    // An exception is thrown.

How to retain an ECMAScript value (v8::Value) in a Blink object?

In general, ECMAScript values (v8::Values) are associated with a realm (v8::Context) and must be protected against a leak across v8::Context and/or isolated worlds. You must be extra careful when storing a v8::Value in a Blink object.

The best way is to avoid storing a v8::Value in Blink, however, if you end up storing a v8::Value in a Blink object, there are two options; TraceWrapperV8Reference and WorldSafeWrapperReference.

TraceWrapperV8Reference<V8Type> works just like Member and makes the V8Type value alive as long as it‘s traced via Trace member function. If you’re pretty sure that the value never be accessible across isolated worlds, this is the default choice.

WorldSafeWrapperReference<V8Type> is recommended if the value is accessible across isolated worlds and/or if there are any security concerns. Compared to TraceWrapperV8Reference, WorldSafeWrapperReference provides extra checks against cross-world access and object-cloning across isolated worlds. WorldSafeWrapperReference doesn‘t prevent information leak, but it prevents world leak. An example use case is Event. Events are often dispatched not only in the main world but also in isolated worlds, too. Event objects may be accessible in a variety of worlds, so it’s a good choice to use WorldSafeWrapperReference to store a v8::Value in an Event object.

ScriptValue, v8::Persistent, v8::Global, and v8::Eternal are NOT recommended as a way of storing v8::Value in a Blink object. They had been used in the past, but they're now obsolete after the unified heap project. Now TraceWrapperV8Reference and WorldSafeWrapperReference are recommended.