Reviewing Tests

In order to encourage a high level of quality in the W3C test suites, test contributions must be reviewed by a peer.

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   :maxdepth: 1


Test Review Policy

The reviewer can be anyone (other than the original test author) that has the required experience with both the spec under test and with the general test guidelines.

The review must happen in public, but there is no requirement for it to happen in any specific location. In particular if a vendor is submitting tests that have already been publicly reviewed in their own review system, that review may be carried forward. For other submissions, we recommend using GitHub's built-in review tools.

Regardless of what review tool is used, the review must be clearly linked in the pull request.

In general, we tend on the side of merging things with nits (i.e., anything sub-optimal that isn't absolutely required to be right) and then opening issues to leaving pull requests open indefinitely waiting on the original submitter to fix them; when tests are being upstreamed from vendors it is frequently the case that the author has moved on to working on other things as tests frequently only get pushed upstream once the code lands in their implementation.

To assist with test reviews, a review checklist is available. allows reviewers to formally signal their approval of a pull request through a dedicated user interface. Every pull request submitted to WPT must be approved by at least one project collaborator before it can be merged.


META.yml files are used to indicate who should be notified of pull requests. If you are interested in receiving notifications of proposed changes to tests in a given directory, feel free to add your GitHub account username to the suggested_reviewers list in the META.yml file.

Finding contributions to review

Here are a few search filters to find things to review: