blob: 8e89934ed121d09d015fc20156f937e4cf8d165e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/common_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/notifications/notification.mojom-shared.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace blink {
// A notification action (button or text input); corresponds to Blink
// WebNotificationAction.
struct BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT PlatformNotificationAction {
PlatformNotificationAction(const PlatformNotificationAction& other);
// Type of the action (button or text input).
mojom::NotificationActionType type = mojom::NotificationActionType::BUTTON;
// Action name that the author can use to distinguish them.
std::string action;
// Title of the button.
base::string16 title;
// URL of the icon for the button. May be empty if no url was specified.
GURL icon;
// Optional text to use as placeholder for text inputs. May be null if it was
// not specified.
base::Optional<base::string16> placeholder;
// Structure representing the information associated with a Web Notification.
// This struct should include the developer-visible information, kept
// synchronized with the WebNotificationData structure defined in the Blink API.
struct BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT PlatformNotificationData {
PlatformNotificationData(const PlatformNotificationData& other);
// Title to be displayed with the Web Notification.
base::string16 title;
// Hint to determine the directionality of the displayed notification.
mojom::NotificationDirection direction;
// BCP 47 language tag describing the notification's contents. Optional.
std::string lang;
// Contents of the notification.
base::string16 body;
// Tag of the notification. Notifications sharing both their origin and their
// tag will replace the first displayed notification.
std::string tag;
// URL of the image contents of the notification. May be empty if no url was
// specified.
GURL image;
// URL of the icon which is to be displayed with the notification.
GURL icon;
// URL of the badge for representing the notification. May be empty if no url
// was specified.
GURL badge;
// Vibration pattern for the notification, following the syntax of the
// Vibration API.
std::vector<int> vibration_pattern;
// The time at which the event the notification represents took place.
base::Time timestamp;
// Whether default notification indicators (sound, vibration, light) should
// be played again if the notification is replacing an older notification.
bool renotify = false;
// Whether default notification indicators (sound, vibration, light) should
// be suppressed.
bool silent = false;
// Whether the notification should remain onscreen indefinitely, rather than
// being auto-minimized to the notification center (if allowed by platform).
bool require_interaction = false;
// Developer-provided data associated with the notification, in the form of
// a serialized string. Must not exceed |kMaximumDeveloperDataSize| bytes.
std::vector<char> data;
// Actions that should be shown as buttons on the notification.
std::vector<PlatformNotificationAction> actions;
// The time at which the notification should be shown.
base::Optional<base::Time> show_trigger_timestamp;
} // namespace blink