blob: ae0864f837f0cd6b8771c3cbff33cd3992fe1658 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/common_export.h"
namespace blink {
namespace scheduler {
// A list of features which influence scheduling behaviour (throttling /
// freezing / back-forward cache) and which might be sent to the browser process
// for metrics-related purposes.
// Please keep in sync with WebSchedulerTrackedFeature in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml. These values should not be renumbered.
enum class WebSchedulerTrackedFeature {
kWebSocket = 0,
kWebRTC = 1,
// TODO(rakina): Move tracking of cache-control usage from
// WebSchedulerTrackedFeature to RenderFrameHost.
kMainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache = 2,
kMainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore = 3,
kSubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache = 4,
kSubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore = 5,
kPageShowEventListener = 6,
kPageHideEventListener = 7,
kBeforeUnloadEventListener = 8,
kUnloadEventListener = 9,
kFreezeEventListener = 10,
kResumeEventListener = 11,
kContainsPlugins = 12,
kDocumentLoaded = 13,
kDedicatedWorkerOrWorklet = 14,
// There are some other values defined for specific request context types
// (e.g., XHR). This value corresponds to a network requests not covered by
// specific context types down below.
kOutstandingNetworkRequestOthers = 15,
// kServiceWorkerControlledPage = 16. Removed after implementing ServiceWorker
// support.
kOutstandingIndexedDBTransaction = 17,
// Whether the page tried to request a permission regardless of the outcome.
// TODO(altimin): Track this more accurately depending on the data.
// See permission.mojom for more details.
kRequestedGeolocationPermission = 19,
kRequestedNotificationsPermission = 20,
kRequestedMIDIPermission = 21,
kRequestedAudioCapturePermission = 22,
kRequestedVideoCapturePermission = 23,
kRequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors = 24,
// This covers all background-related permissions, including background sync,
// background fetch and others.
kRequestedBackgroundWorkPermission = 26,
kBroadcastChannel = 27,
kIndexedDBConnection = 28,
// kWebGL = 29. Removed after implementing WebGL support.
kWebVR = 30,
kWebXR = 31,
kSharedWorker = 32,
kWebLocks = 33,
kWebHID = 34,
// kWakeLock = 35, Removed because clean-up is done upon visibility change.
kWebShare = 36,
kRequestedStorageAccessGrant = 37,
kWebNfc = 38,
kWebFileSystem = 39,
kOutstandingNetworkRequestFetch = 40,
kOutstandingNetworkRequestXHR = 41,
kAppBanner = 42,
kPrinting = 43,
kWebDatabase = 44,
kPictureInPicture = 45,
kPortal = 46,
kSpeechRecognizer = 47,
kIdleManager = 48,
kPaymentManager = 49,
kSpeechSynthesis = 50,
kKeyboardLock = 51,
kWebOTPService = 52,
kOutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket = 53,
// NB: This enum is used in a bitmask, so kMaxValue must be less than 64.
kMaxValue = kOutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket
static_assert(static_cast<uint32_t>(WebSchedulerTrackedFeature::kMaxValue) < 64,
"This enum is used in a bitmask, so the values should fit into a"
"64-bit integer");
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT std::string FeatureToHumanReadableString(
WebSchedulerTrackedFeature feature);
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT base::Optional<WebSchedulerTrackedFeature> StringToFeature(
const std::string& str);
// Converts a WebSchedulerTrackedFeature to a bit for use in a bitmask.
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT constexpr uint64_t FeatureToBit(
WebSchedulerTrackedFeature feature) {
return 1ull << static_cast<uint32_t>(feature);
// Sticky features can't be unregistered and remain active for the rest of the
// lifetime of the page.
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT bool IsFeatureSticky(WebSchedulerTrackedFeature feature);
// All the sticky features in bitmask form.
BLINK_COMMON_EXPORT uint64_t StickyFeaturesBitmask();
} // namespace scheduler
} // namespace blink