blob: 4249233124aace92126e91b98dd5c38df040a668 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// This mojom file is for user navigation prediction experiment, using anchor
// element metrics gathered from the renderer process. See
// Struct holding metrics of an anchor element extracted in the renderer
// process.
struct AnchorElementMetrics {
// The ratio between the absolute/visible clickable region area of an anchor
// element, and the viewport area. The values are capped at 1.
float ratio_area;
float ratio_visible_area;
// The distance between the top/center of the clickable region of an anchor
// element and the top edge of the visible region, divided by the viewport
// height.
float ratio_distance_top_to_visible_top;
float ratio_distance_center_to_visible_top;
// The distance between the top of the clickable region of an anchor element
// and the top edge of the root frame, divided by the viewport height.
float ratio_distance_root_top;
// The distance between the bottom of the clickable region of an anchor
// element and the bottom edge of the root frame, divided by the viewport
// height.
float ratio_distance_root_bottom;
// Whether the anchor element is within an iframe.
bool is_in_iframe;
// Whether the anchor element contains an image element.
bool contains_image;
// Whether the link target has the same host as the root document.
bool is_same_host;
// Whether the target URL and the host URL only differ by one number,
// and the number in target URL equals the one in host URL plus one.
bool is_url_incremented_by_one;
// The source URL of the root document and the target URL (href) specified by
// the anchor element. URLs sent from a renderer process are not trusted,
// however it is intended here since it is only used for metrics calculation.
url.mojom.Url source_url;
url.mojom.Url target_url;
// An interface to pass descriptive information about anchor elements from
// the renderer process to the implementation of this interface living in the
// browser process.
interface AnchorElementMetricsHost {
// This is called when an anchor element is clicked. The renderer extracts and sends
// |metrics| of the clicked anchor element.
ReportAnchorElementMetricsOnClick(AnchorElementMetrics metrics);
// This is called after a web page is loaded. The renderer extracts and sends
// |metrics| of anchor elements in the first viewport.
array<AnchorElementMetrics> metrics,
gfx.mojom.Size viewport_size);