blob: da8f81facf1f5074e06b73a72f78d4d592c4125e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module blink.mojom;
import "media/capture/mojom/video_capture_types.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/audio_parameters.mojom";
import "media/mojo/mojom/display_media_information.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
// Types of media streams. When updating this list, make sure to update the
// predicates declared in content/public/browser/media_stream_request.h,
// e.g. IsVideoScreenCaptureMediaType().
enum MediaStreamType {
// A device provided by the operating system (e.g., webcam input).
// Below GUM_* types represent the streams generated by
// getUserMedia() calls with constraints that are collected with legacy
// APIs for desktop and tab capture.
// Mirroring of a browser tab.
// Desktop media sources.
// Capture system audio (post-mix loopback stream).
// Enables the capture of a user's display, generated by getDisplayMedia()
// call.
// Enables the capture of a user's display. Like DISPLAY_VIDEO_CAPTURE, this
// is generated by the Screen Capture API (
// Unlike DISPLAY_VIDEO_CAPTURE, this one specifies that the current tab
// is the one that should be captured.
// TODO( Remove NUM_MEDIA_TYPES, as per the conventions
// in docs/security/
// Elements in this enum should not be deleted or rearranged; the only
// permitted operation is to add new elements before NUM_MEDIA_REQUEST_RESULTS.
enum MediaStreamRequestResult {
// Strategies used to search an audio device stream.
enum StreamSelectionStrategy {
// Type of state change for the corresponding requests.
enum MediaStreamStateChange {
// See MediaStreamDispatcherHost below for information.
struct StreamSelectionInfo {
StreamSelectionStrategy strategy;
// When |strategy| is set to be SEARCH_BY_SESSION_ID, |session_id| must be
// specified and valid. It can be null otherwise.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? session_id;
// See public/common/media_stream_request.h.
struct MediaStreamDevice {
MediaStreamType type;
string id;
media.mojom.VideoFacingMode video_facing;
string? group_id;
string? matched_output_device_id;
string name;
media.mojom.AudioParameters input;
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? session_id;
media.mojom.DisplayMediaInformation? display_media_info;
// See common/media/media_stream_controls.h.
struct TrackControls {
bool requested;
MediaStreamType stream_type;
string device_id;
// See common/media/media_stream_controls.h.
struct StreamControls {
TrackControls audio;
TrackControls video;
bool hotword_enabled;
bool disable_local_echo;
bool request_pan_tilt_zoom_permission;
// Per-frame renderer-side interface that receives device stopped/change
// notifications or pause requests from the browser process.
interface MediaStreamDeviceObserver {
OnDeviceStopped(string label, MediaStreamDevice device);
OnDeviceChanged(string label,
MediaStreamDevice old_device,
MediaStreamDevice new_device);
// Requests to pause or resume the corresponding media stream device.
OnDeviceRequestStateChange(string label, MediaStreamDevice device, MediaStreamStateChange new_state);
// Per-frame browser-side interface that is used by the renderer process to
// make media stream requests.
interface MediaStreamDispatcherHost {
// Requests a new media stream.
// |request_id| is used by the renderer to identify the stream generation
// request.
// |controls| contains track-related settings such as device ID or MediaStream
// type.
// |user_gesture| indicates whether the call was made in the context of a user
// gesture.
// |audio_stream_selection_info| is used to request a specific stream using
// the associated session ID and is only used for audio devices when
// |audio_stream_selection_info.strategy| is SEARCH_BY_SESSION_ID; when it is
// FORCE_NEW_STREAM, a new stream with a new session ID is always generated;
// finally, when it is SEARCH_BY_DEVICE_ID, an existing stream is used if the
// device associated to the request already has an opened stream available, or
// a new one otherwise.
GenerateStream(int32 request_id, StreamControls controls, bool user_gesture,
StreamSelectionInfo audio_stream_selection_info)
=> (MediaStreamRequestResult result, string label,
array<MediaStreamDevice> audio_devices,
array<MediaStreamDevice> video_devices,
bool pan_tilt_zoom_allowed);
// Cancels the request for a new media stream or opening a device.
CancelRequest(int32 request_id);
// Closes a stream device that has been opened by GenerateStream.
StopStreamDevice(string device_id, mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? session_id);
// Opens a device identified by |device_id|.
OpenDevice(int32 request_id, string device_id, MediaStreamType type)
=> (bool success, string label, MediaStreamDevice device);
// Cancels an open request identified by |label|.
CloseDevice(string label);
// Tells the browser process if the video capture is secure (i.e., all
// connected video sinks meet the requirement of output protection.).
// Note: the browser process only trusts the |is_secure| value in this Mojo
// message if it's comimg from a trusted, whitelisted extension. Extensions
// run in separate render processes. So it shouldn't be possible, for example,
// for a user's visit to a malicious web page to compromise a render process
// running a trusted extension to make it report falsehood in this Mojo
// message.
SetCapturingLinkSecured(mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? session_id, MediaStreamType type,
bool is_secure);
// Tells the browser process that the stream has been started successfully.
OnStreamStarted(string label);
// Browser-side interface that is used by the renderer process to notify the
// addition or deletion of tracks.
interface MediaStreamTrackMetricsHost {
// Adds the track with the specified information to the list of tracks.
AddTrack(uint64 id, bool is_audio, bool is_remote);
// Removes the track with the specified ID from the list of tracks.
RemoveTrack(uint64 id);