blob: b5f6786eace51b41cb8917f77043e200bf12432a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_sink_parameters.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_source_parameters.h"
#include "media/base/audio_latency.h"
#include "media/base/output_device_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/audio/web_audio_device_source_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_common.h"
namespace media {
class AudioRendererSink;
class SwitchableAudioRendererSink;
class AudioCapturerSource;
} // namespace media
namespace blink {
// A factory for creating AudioRendererSinks and AudioCapturerSources. There is
// a global factory function that can be installed for the purposes of testing
// to provide specialized implementations.
// TODO(olka): rename it, probably split it into AudioRendererSinkFactory and
// AudioCapturerSourceFactory.
class BLINK_MODULES_EXPORT WebAudioDeviceFactory {
// Maps the source type to the audio latency it requires.
static media::AudioLatency::LatencyType GetSourceLatencyType(
WebAudioDeviceSourceType source);
// Creates a sink for AudioRendererMixer. |frame_token| refers to the
// RenderFrame containing the entity producing the audio. Note: These sinks do
// not support the blocking GetOutputDeviceInfo() API and instead clients are
// required to use the GetOutputDeviceInfoAsync() API. As such they are
// configured with no authorization timeout value.
static scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> NewAudioRendererMixerSink(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params);
// Creates an AudioRendererSink bound to an AudioOutputDevice.
// Basing on |source_type| and build configuration, audio played out through
// the sink goes to AOD directly or can be mixed with other audio before that.
// TODO(olka): merge it with NewRestartableOutputDevice() as soon as
// AudioOutputDevice is fixed to be restartable.
static scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> NewAudioRendererSink(
WebAudioDeviceSourceType source_type,
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params);
// Creates a SwitchableAudioRendererSink bound to an AudioOutputDevice
// Basing on |source_type| and build configuration, audio played out through
// the sink goes to AOD directly or can be mixed with other audio before that.
static scoped_refptr<media::SwitchableAudioRendererSink>
NewSwitchableAudioRendererSink(WebAudioDeviceSourceType source_type,
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params);
// A helper to get device info in the absence of AudioOutputDevice.
// Must be called on renderer thread only.
static media::OutputDeviceInfo GetOutputDeviceInfo(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params);
// Creates an AudioCapturerSource using the currently registered factory.
// |frame_token| refers to the RenderFrame containing the entity
// consuming the audio.
static scoped_refptr<media::AudioCapturerSource> NewAudioCapturerSource(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSourceParameters& params);
virtual ~WebAudioDeviceFactory();
// You can derive from this class and specify an implementation for these
// functions to provide alternate audio device implementations.
// If the return value of either of these function is NULL, we fall back
// on the default implementation.
// Creates a final sink in the rendering pipeline, which represents the actual
// output device. |auth_timeout| is the authorization timeout allowed for the
// underlying AudioOutputDevice instance; a timeout of zero means no timeout.
virtual scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> CreateFinalAudioRendererSink(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params,
base::TimeDelta auth_timeout) = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> CreateAudioRendererSink(
WebAudioDeviceSourceType source_type,
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params) = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<media::SwitchableAudioRendererSink>
WebAudioDeviceSourceType source_type,
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params) = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<media::AudioCapturerSource> CreateAudioCapturerSource(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSourceParameters& params) = 0;
// The current globally registered factory. This is NULL when we should
// create the default AudioRendererSinks.
static WebAudioDeviceFactory* factory_;
static scoped_refptr<media::AudioRendererSink> NewFinalAudioRendererSink(
const LocalFrameToken& frame_token,
const media::AudioSinkParameters& params,
base::TimeDelta auth_timeout);
} // namespace blink