blob: 9bc596456e8e56fb395c81fe6e5776a4cc2f5d51 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/script/script_type.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/bindings/script_state.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
class ScriptPromise;
// ScriptEvaluationResult encapsulates the result of a classic or module script
// evaluation:
// -
// -
// Note: Top-level await (TLA, will
// affect the semantics where mentioned below.
class CORE_EXPORT ScriptEvaluationResult final {
ScriptEvaluationResult() = delete;
ScriptEvaluationResult(const ScriptEvaluationResult& value) = default;
ScriptEvaluationResult& operator=(const ScriptEvaluationResult& value) =
~ScriptEvaluationResult() = default;
enum class ResultType {
// The script is not evaluated.
// Spec: NormalCompletion with empty [[Value]]
// |value_| is empty.
// The script is successfully evaluated.
// Spec: #run-a-classic-script/#run-a-module-script return
// NormalCompletion with non-empty [[Value]].
// |value_| is its non-empty [[Value]].
// Modules after TLA:
// |value_| is the promise returned by #run-a-module-script.
// Note: The promise can be rejected.
// The script is either:
// - Successfully evaluated synchronously
// (|value_|'s [[PromiseState]] is fulfilled), or
// - Throwing synchronously during evaluation
// (|value_|'s [[PromiseState]] is rejected), or
// - Successfully evaluated until a top-level await and is waiting for the
// promise awaited
// (|value_|'s [[PromiseState]] is pending).
// The script is evaluated and an exception is thrown.
// Spec: #run-a-classic-script/#run-a-module-script return an abrupt
// completion.
// |value_| is the non-empty exception thrown for module scripts, or
// empty for classic scripts.
// Note: The exception can be already caught and passed to
//, instead of being
// rethrown.
// Modules after TLA: #run-a-module-script returns a promise where
// [[PromiseState]] is rejected and [[PromiseResult]] is |value_|,
// only if #concept-script-error-to-rethrow is not null, i.e.
// only for parse/instantiation errors.
// Module scripts throwing synchronously during evaluation return kSuccess.
// TODO(cbruni, hiroshige): Consider cleaning up this semantics.
// The script is evaluated and aborted prematurely by
// #abort-a-running-script.
// |value_| is empty.
// This corresponds to that TryCatch::CanContinue() is false, and currently
// only checked in classic scripts in WorkerOrWorkletGlobalScope, for
// handling e.g.
// worker.terminate().
// TODO( Check TryCatch::CanContinue() also in module
// scripts.
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromClassicNotRun();
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromClassicSuccess(v8::Local<v8::Value> value);
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromClassicException();
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromClassicAborted();
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromModuleNotRun();
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromModuleSuccess(v8::Local<v8::Value> value);
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromModuleException(
v8::Local<v8::Value> exception);
static ScriptEvaluationResult FromModuleAborted();
ResultType GetResultType() const { return result_type_; }
// Can be called only when GetResultType() == kSuccess.
// TODO( Fix some of the callers (in unit tests) that
// expect bool, string, etc., because after TLA is enabled this will return a
// promise for modules.
v8::Local<v8::Value> GetSuccessValue() const;
// Returns the exception thrown.
// Can be called only when GetResultType() == kException.
v8::Local<v8::Value> GetExceptionForModule() const;
// Returns the promise returned by #run-a-module-script.
// Can be called only
// - For module script with TLA is enabled, and
// - If GetResultType() == kSuccess or kException.
// (For kNotRun/kAborted, we should do nothing)
ScriptPromise GetPromise(ScriptState* script_state) const;
mojom::blink::ScriptType script_type_;
ResultType result_type_;
v8::Local<v8::Value> value_;
} // namespace blink