blob: f74776cc3735f58a916c18f01991db1ae67c284a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os.path
import posixpath
import web_idl
from . import name_style
from .blink_v8_bridge import blink_class_name
class PathManager(object):
Provides a variety of paths such as Blink headers and output files. Unless
explicitly specified, returned paths are relative to the project's root
directory or the root directory of generated files, e.g.
Relative paths are represented in POSIX style so that it fits nicely in
generated code, e.g. #include "third_party/blink/renderer/...", while
absolute paths are represented in a platform-specific style so that it works
well with a platform-specific notion, e.g. a drive letter in Windows path
such as "C:\\chromium\\src\\...".
About output files, there are two cases.
- cross-components case:
APIs are generated in 'core' and implementations are generated in
- single component case:
Everything is generated in a single component.
_REQUIRE_INIT_MESSAGE = ("PathManager.init must be called in advance.")
_is_initialized = False
def init(cls, root_src_dir, root_gen_dir, component_reldirs):
root_src_dir: Project's root directory, which corresponds to "//"
in GN.
root_gen_dir: Root directory of generated files, which corresponds
to "//out/Default/gen" in GN.
component_reldirs: Pairs of component and output directory relative
to |root_gen_dir|.
assert not cls._is_initialized
assert isinstance(root_src_dir, str)
assert isinstance(root_gen_dir, str)
assert isinstance(component_reldirs, dict)
cls._blink_path_prefix = posixpath.sep + posixpath.join(
"third_party", "blink", "renderer", "")
cls._root_src_dir = os.path.abspath(root_src_dir)
cls._root_gen_dir = os.path.abspath(root_gen_dir)
cls._component_reldirs = {
component: posixpath.normpath(rel_dir)
for component, rel_dir in component_reldirs.items()
cls._is_initialized = True
def component_path(cls, component, filepath):
Returns the relative path to |filepath| in |component|'s directory.
assert cls._is_initialized, cls._REQUIRE_INIT_MESSAGE
return posixpath.join(cls._component_reldirs[component], filepath)
def gen_path_to(cls, path):
Returns the absolute path of |path| that must be relative to the root
directory of generated files.
assert cls._is_initialized, cls._REQUIRE_INIT_MESSAGE
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cls._root_gen_dir, path))
def src_path_to(cls, path):
Returns the absolute path of |path| that must be relative to the
project root directory.
assert cls._is_initialized, cls._REQUIRE_INIT_MESSAGE
return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cls._root_src_dir, path))
def __init__(self, idl_definition):
assert self._is_initialized, self._REQUIRE_INIT_MESSAGE
components = sorted(idl_definition.components) # "core" < "modules"
if len(components) == 0:
assert isinstance(idl_definition,
(web_idl.Union, web_idl.NewUnion))
# Unions of built-in types, e.g. (double or DOMString), do not have
# a component.
self._is_cross_components = False
default_component = web_idl.Component("core")
self._api_component = default_component
self._impl_component = default_component
elif len(components) == 1:
component = components[0]
self._is_cross_components = False
self._api_component = component
self._impl_component = component
elif len(components) == 2:
assert components[0] == "core"
assert components[1] == "modules"
self._is_cross_components = True
# Union does not support cross-component code generation because
# clients of IDL union must be on an upper or same layer to any of
# union members.
if isinstance(idl_definition, (web_idl.Union, web_idl.NewUnion)):
self._api_component = components[1]
self._api_component = components[0]
self._impl_component = components[1]
assert False
self._api_dir = self._component_reldirs[self._api_component]
self._impl_dir = self._component_reldirs[self._impl_component]
self._api_basename = name_style.file("v8", idl_definition.identifier)
self._impl_basename = name_style.file("v8", idl_definition.identifier)
if isinstance(idl_definition, web_idl.NewUnion):
# In case of IDL unions, underscore is used as a separator of union
# members, so we don't want any underscore inside a union member.
# For example, (Foo or Bar or Baz) and (FooBar or Baz) are defined
# in v8_union_foo_bar_baz.ext and v8_union_foobar_baz.ext
# respectively.
# Avoid name_style.file not to make "Int32Array" into
# "int_32_array".
filename = "v8_union_{}".format("_".join(
self._api_basename = filename
self._impl_basename = filename
elif isinstance(idl_definition, web_idl.Union):
union_class_name = idl_definition.identifier
union_class_name, union_class_name)
self._api_basename = name_style.file(union_filepath)
self._impl_basename = name_style.file(union_filepath)
if isinstance(idl_definition, (web_idl.Union, web_idl.NewUnion)):
self._blink_dir = None
self._blink_basename = None
idl_path = idl_definition.debug_info.location.filepath
self._blink_dir = posixpath.dirname(idl_path)
self._blink_basename = name_style.file(
def is_cross_components(self):
return self._is_cross_components
def api_component(self):
return self._api_component
def api_dir(self):
return self._api_dir
def api_path(self, filename=None, ext=None):
return self._join(
filename=(filename or self._api_basename),
def impl_component(self):
return self._impl_component
def impl_dir(self):
return self._impl_dir
def impl_path(self, filename=None, ext=None):
return self._join(
filename=(filename or self._impl_basename),
def blink_dir(self):
return self._blink_dir
def blink_path(self, filename=None, ext=None):
return self._join(
filename=(filename or self._blink_basename),
def _join(dirpath, filename, ext=None):
if ext is not None:
filename = posixpath.extsep.join([filename, ext])
return posixpath.join(dirpath, filename)
# A hack to make the filepaths to generated IDL unions compatible with the old
# bindings generator.
# Copied from |shorten_union_name| defined in
# //third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/scripts/
# modules/canvas2d/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl
# modules/canvas/htmlcanvas/html_canvas_element_module.idl
# core/frame/window_or_worker_global_scope.idl
# bindings/tests/idls/core/TestTypedefs.idl
# modules/canvas/offscreencanvas/offscreen_canvas_module.idl
# core/xmlhttprequest/xml_http_request.idl
# modules/beacon/navigator_beacon.idl
# modules/mediasource/source_buffer.idl