blob: 77cfabacc8200f39cfc7d9d3bd9d7192b6fa3c05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "cc/paint/node_id.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/content_capture/content_capture_task_histogram_reporter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/content_capture/task_session.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/disallow_new_wrapper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/timer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class WebContentCaptureClient;
class Document;
class LocalFrame;
// This class is used to capture the on-screen content and send them out
// through WebContentCaptureClient.
class CORE_EXPORT ContentCaptureTask
: public GarbageCollected<ContentCaptureTask> {
enum class ScheduleReason {
enum class TaskState {
class CORE_EXPORT TaskDelay {
TaskDelay(const base::TimeDelta& task_short_delay,
const base::TimeDelta& task_long_delay);
// Resets the |delay_exponent| and returns the initial delay.
base::TimeDelta ResetAndGetInitialDelay();
// Returns the delay time for the next task.
base::TimeDelta GetNextTaskDelay() const;
// Increases delay time of next task exponentially after the task started.
void IncreaseDelayExponent();
base::TimeDelta task_short_delay() const { return task_short_delay_; }
base::TimeDelta task_long_delay() const { return task_long_delay_; }
// Schedules the task with short delay for kFirstContentChange, kScrolling
// and kRetryTask, with long delay for kContentChange.
const base::TimeDelta task_short_delay_;
const base::TimeDelta task_long_delay_;
// The exponent to calculate the next task delay time.
int delay_exponent_ = 0;
ContentCaptureTask(LocalFrame& local_frame_root, TaskSession& task_session);
virtual ~ContentCaptureTask();
// Schedule the task if it hasn't been done.
void Schedule(ScheduleReason reason);
void Shutdown();
// Make those const public for testing purpose.
static constexpr size_t kBatchSize = 5;
// TODO( Replacing the ForTesting methods with friend
// TestHelper class.
TaskState GetTaskStateForTesting() const { return task_state_; }
void RunTaskForTestingUntil(TaskState stop_state) {
task_stop_for_testing_ = stop_state;
void SetCapturedContentForTesting(
const Vector<cc::NodeInfo>& captured_content) {
captured_content_for_testing_ = captured_content;
void ClearDocumentSessionsForTesting();
base::TimeDelta GetTaskNextFireIntervalForTesting() const;
void CancelTaskForTesting();
const TaskDelay& GetTaskDelayForTesting() const { return *task_delay_; }
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
// All protected data and methods are for testing purpose.
// Return true if the task should pause.
// TODO(michaelbai): Uses RunTaskForTestingUntil().
virtual bool ShouldPause();
virtual WebContentCaptureClient* GetWebContentCaptureClient(const Document&);
// Callback method of delay_task_, runs the content capture task and
// reschedule it if it necessary.
void Run(TimerBase*);
// The actual run method, return if the task completed.
bool RunInternal();
// Runs the sub task to capture content.
bool CaptureContent();
// Runs the sub task to process the captured content and the detached nodes.
bool ProcessSession();
// Processes |doc_session|, return True if |doc_session| has been processed,
// otherwise, the process was interrupted because the task has to pause.
bool ProcessDocumentSession(TaskSession::DocumentSession& doc_session);
// Sends the captured content in batch.
void SendContent(TaskSession::DocumentSession& doc_session);
// Gets the delay time of the next task according to the |reason|, this method
// might adjusts the delay if applicable.
base::TimeDelta GetAndAdjustDelay(ScheduleReason reason);
void ScheduleInternal(ScheduleReason reason);
bool CaptureContent(Vector<cc::NodeInfo>& data);
void CancelTask();
// Indicates if there is content change since last run.
bool has_content_change_ = false;
Member<LocalFrame> local_frame_root_;
Member<TaskSession> task_session_;
HeapTaskRunnerTimer<ContentCaptureTask> delay_task_;
TaskState task_state_ = TaskState::kStop;
std::unique_ptr<TaskDelay> task_delay_;
scoped_refptr<ContentCaptureTaskHistogramReporter> histogram_reporter_;
base::Optional<TaskState> task_stop_for_testing_;
base::Optional<Vector<cc::NodeInfo>> captured_content_for_testing_;
} // namespace blink