blob: 67c06ff216127ad5e7d3c6b4e0a837871728c97c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_fast_paths.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/public_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_color_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_function_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_identifier_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_inherited_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_initial_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_numeric_literal_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_primitive_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_revert_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_unset_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_property_parser.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/css_property.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/style_color.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/parser/html_parser_idioms.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style_property_shorthand.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/runtime_enabled_features.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/character_visitor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_to_number.h"
namespace blink {
static inline bool IsSimpleLengthPropertyID(CSSPropertyID property_id,
bool& accepts_negative_numbers) {
switch (property_id) {
case CSSPropertyID::kBlockSize:
case CSSPropertyID::kInlineSize:
case CSSPropertyID::kMinBlockSize:
case CSSPropertyID::kMinInlineSize:
case CSSPropertyID::kFontSize:
case CSSPropertyID::kHeight:
case CSSPropertyID::kWidth:
case CSSPropertyID::kMinHeight:
case CSSPropertyID::kMinWidth:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingBottom:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingLeft:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingRight:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingTop:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingBlockEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingBlockStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingBottom:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingInlineEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingInlineStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingLeft:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingRight:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollPaddingTop:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingBlockEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingBlockStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingInlineEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kPaddingInlineStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kShapeMargin:
case CSSPropertyID::kR:
case CSSPropertyID::kRx:
case CSSPropertyID::kRy:
accepts_negative_numbers = false;
return true;
case CSSPropertyID::kBottom:
case CSSPropertyID::kCx:
case CSSPropertyID::kCy:
case CSSPropertyID::kLeft:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginBottom:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginLeft:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginRight:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginTop:
case CSSPropertyID::kOffsetDistance:
case CSSPropertyID::kRight:
case CSSPropertyID::kTop:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginBlockEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginBlockStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginInlineEnd:
case CSSPropertyID::kMarginInlineStart:
case CSSPropertyID::kX:
case CSSPropertyID::kY:
accepts_negative_numbers = true;
return true;
return false;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool ParseSimpleLength(const CharacterType* characters,
unsigned length,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType& unit,
double& number) {
if (length > 2 && (characters[length - 2] | 0x20) == 'p' &&
(characters[length - 1] | 0x20) == 'x') {
length -= 2;
unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels;
} else if (length > 1 && characters[length - 1] == '%') {
length -= 1;
unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPercentage;
// We rely on charactersToDouble for validation as well. The function
// will set "ok" to "false" if the entire passed-in character range does
// not represent a double.
bool ok;
number = CharactersToDouble(characters, length, &ok);
if (!ok)
return false;
number = clampTo<double>(number, -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(),
return true;
static CSSValue* ParseSimpleLengthValue(CSSPropertyID property_id,
const String& string,
CSSParserMode css_parser_mode) {
bool accepts_negative_numbers = false;
// In @viewport, width and height are shorthands, not simple length values.
if (IsCSSViewportParsingEnabledForMode(css_parser_mode) ||
!IsSimpleLengthPropertyID(property_id, accepts_negative_numbers))
return nullptr;
double number;
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber;
const bool parsed_simple_length =
WTF::VisitCharacters(string, [&](const auto* chars, unsigned length) {
return ParseSimpleLength(chars, length, unit, number);
if (!parsed_simple_length)
return nullptr;
if (unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber) {
if (css_parser_mode == kSVGAttributeMode)
unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kUserUnits;
else if (!number)
unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels;
return nullptr;
if (number < 0 && !accepts_negative_numbers)
return nullptr;
return CSSNumericLiteralValue::Create(number, unit);
static inline bool IsColorPropertyID(CSSPropertyID property_id) {
switch (property_id) {
case CSSPropertyID::kCaretColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBottomColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderLeftColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderRightColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderTopColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kFill:
case CSSPropertyID::kFloodColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kLightingColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kOutlineColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kStopColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kStroke:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockEndColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockStartColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineEndColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineStartColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kColumnRuleColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextEmphasisColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextFillColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextStrokeColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextDecorationColor:
return true;
return false;
static inline bool ColorPropertyAllowsQuirkyColor(CSSPropertyID property_id) {
switch (property_id) {
case CSSPropertyID::kColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBottomColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderLeftColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderRightColor:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderTopColor:
return true;
return false;
// Returns the number of characters which form a valid double
// and are terminated by the given terminator character
template <typename CharacterType>
static int CheckForValidDouble(const CharacterType* string,
const CharacterType* end,
const bool terminated_by_space,
const char terminator) {
int length = static_cast<int>(end - string);
if (length < 1)
return 0;
bool decimal_mark_seen = false;
int processed_length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (string[i] == terminator ||
(terminated_by_space && IsHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(string[i]))) {
processed_length = i;
if (!IsASCIIDigit(string[i])) {
if (!decimal_mark_seen && string[i] == '.')
decimal_mark_seen = true;
return 0;
if (decimal_mark_seen && processed_length == 1)
return 0;
return processed_length;
// Returns the number of characters consumed for parsing a valid double
// terminated by the given terminator character
template <typename CharacterType>
static int ParseDouble(const CharacterType* string,
const CharacterType* end,
const char terminator,
const bool terminated_by_space,
double& value) {
int length =
CheckForValidDouble(string, end, terminated_by_space, terminator);
if (!length)
return 0;
int position = 0;
double local_value = 0;
// The consumed characters here are guaranteed to be
// ASCII digits with or without a decimal mark
for (; position < length; ++position) {
if (string[position] == '.')
local_value = local_value * 10 + string[position] - '0';
if (++position == length) {
value = local_value;
return length;
double fraction = 0;
double scale = 1;
const double kMaxScale = 1000000;
while (position < length && scale < kMaxScale) {
fraction = fraction * 10 + string[position++] - '0';
scale *= 10;
value = local_value + fraction / scale;
return length;
template <typename CharacterType>
static bool ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(const CharacterType*& string,
const CharacterType* end,
const char terminator,
bool& should_whitespace_terminate,
bool is_first_value,
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType& expect,
int& value) {
const CharacterType* current = string;
double local_value = 0;
bool negative = false;
while (current != end && IsHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*current))
if (current != end && *current == '-') {
negative = true;
if (current == end || !IsASCIIDigit(*current))
return false;
while (current != end && IsASCIIDigit(*current)) {
double new_value = local_value * 10 + *current++ - '0';
if (new_value >= 255) {
// Clamp values at 255.
local_value = 255;
while (current != end && IsASCIIDigit(*current))
local_value = new_value;
if (current == end)
return false;
if (expect == CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber && *current == '%')
return false;
if (*current == '.') {
// We already parsed the integral part, try to parse
// the fraction part.
double fractional = 0;
int num_characters_parsed =
ParseDouble(current, end, '%', false, fractional);
if (num_characters_parsed) {
// Number is a percent.
current += num_characters_parsed;
if (*current != '%')
return false;
} else {
// Number is a decimal.
num_characters_parsed =
ParseDouble(current, end, terminator, true, fractional);
if (!num_characters_parsed)
return false;
current += num_characters_parsed;
local_value += fractional;
if (expect == CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPercentage && *current != '%')
return false;
if (*current == '%') {
expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPercentage;
local_value = local_value / 100.0 * 255.0;
// Clamp values at 255 for percentages over 100%
if (local_value > 255)
local_value = 255;
} else {
expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber;
while (current != end && IsHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*current))
if (current == end || *current != terminator) {
if (!should_whitespace_terminate ||
!IsHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*(current - 1))) {
return false;
} else if (should_whitespace_terminate && is_first_value) {
should_whitespace_terminate = false;
} else if (should_whitespace_terminate) {
return false;
if (!should_whitespace_terminate)
// Clamp negative values at zero.
value = negative ? 0 : static_cast<int>(round(local_value));
string = current;
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool IsTenthAlpha(const CharacterType* string, const int length) {
// "0.X"
if (length == 3 && string[0] == '0' && string[1] == '.' &&
return true;
// ".X"
if (length == 2 && string[0] == '.' && IsASCIIDigit(string[1]))
return true;
return false;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool ParseAlphaValue(const CharacterType*& string,
const CharacterType* end,
const char terminator,
int& value) {
while (string != end && IsHTMLSpace<CharacterType>(*string))
bool negative = false;
if (string != end && *string == '-') {
negative = true;
value = 0;
size_t length = end - string;
if (length < 2)
return false;
if (string[length - 1] != terminator || !IsASCIIDigit(string[length - 2]))
return false;
if (string[0] != '0' && string[0] != '1' && string[0] != '.') {
if (CheckForValidDouble(string, end, false, terminator)) {
value = negative ? 0 : 255;
string = end;
return true;
return false;
if (length == 2 && string[0] != '.') {
value = !negative && string[0] == '1' ? 255 : 0;
string = end;
return true;
if (IsTenthAlpha(string, length - 1)) {
// Fast conversions for 0.1 steps of alpha values between 0.0 and 0.9,
// where 0.1 alpha is value 26 (25.5 rounded) and so on.
static const int kTenthAlphaValues[] = {0, 26, 51, 77, 102,
128, 153, 179, 204, 230};
value = negative ? 0 : kTenthAlphaValues[string[length - 2] - '0'];
string = end;
return true;
double alpha = 0;
if (!ParseDouble(string, end, terminator, false, alpha))
return false;
value = negative ? 0 : static_cast<int>(round(std::min(alpha, 1.0) * 255.0));
string = end;
return true;
template <typename CharacterType>
static inline bool MightBeRGBOrRGBA(const CharacterType* characters,
unsigned length) {
if (length < 5)
return false;
return IsASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[0], 'r') &&
IsASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[1], 'g') &&
IsASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[2], 'b') &&
(characters[3] == '(' ||
(IsASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[3], 'a') &&
characters[4] == '('));
template <typename CharacterType>
static bool FastParseColorInternal(RGBA32& rgb,
const CharacterType* characters,
unsigned length,
bool quirks_mode) {
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType expect = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kUnknown;
if (length >= 4 && characters[0] == '#')
return Color::ParseHexColor(characters + 1, length - 1, rgb);
if (quirks_mode && (length == 3 || length == 6)) {
if (Color::ParseHexColor(characters, length, rgb))
return true;
// rgb() and rgba() have the same syntax
if (MightBeRGBOrRGBA(characters, length)) {
int length_to_add = IsASCIIAlphaCaselessEqual(characters[3], 'a') ? 5 : 4;
const CharacterType* current = characters + length_to_add;
const CharacterType* end = characters + length;
int red;
int green;
int blue;
int alpha;
bool should_have_alpha = false;
bool should_whitespace_terminate = true;
bool no_whitespace_check = false;
if (!ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(current, end, ',',
true /* is_first_value */, expect, red))
return false;
if (!ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(
current, end, ',', should_whitespace_terminate,
false /* is_first_value */, expect, green))
return false;
if (!ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(current, end, ',', no_whitespace_check,
false /* is_first_value */, expect,
blue)) {
// Might have slash as separator
if (ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(current, end, '/', no_whitespace_check,
false /* is_first_value */, expect,
blue)) {
if (!should_whitespace_terminate)
return false;
should_have_alpha = true;
// Might not have alpha
else if (!ParseColorNumberOrPercentage(
current, end, ')', no_whitespace_check,
false /* is_first_value */, expect, blue))
return false;
} else {
if (should_whitespace_terminate)
return false;
should_have_alpha = true;
if (should_have_alpha) {
if (!ParseAlphaValue(current, end, ')', alpha))
return false;
if (current != end)
return false;
rgb = MakeRGBA(red, green, blue, alpha);
} else {
if (current != end)
return false;
rgb = MakeRGB(red, green, blue);
return true;
return false;
static CSSValue* ParseColor(CSSPropertyID property_id,
const String& string,
CSSParserMode parser_mode) {
if (!IsColorPropertyID(property_id))
return nullptr;
CSSValueID value_id = CssValueKeywordID(string);
if (StyleColor::IsColorKeyword(value_id)) {
if (!isValueAllowedInMode(value_id, parser_mode))
return nullptr;
return CSSIdentifierValue::Create(value_id);
RGBA32 color;
bool quirks_mode = IsQuirksModeBehavior(parser_mode) &&
// Fast path for hex colors and rgb()/rgba() colors
bool parse_result =
WTF::VisitCharacters(string, [&](const auto* chars, unsigned length) {
return FastParseColorInternal(color, chars, length, quirks_mode);
if (!parse_result)
return nullptr;
return cssvalue::CSSColorValue::Create(color);
CSSValue* CSSParserFastPaths::ParseColor(const String& string,
CSSParserMode parser_mode) {
return blink::ParseColor(CSSPropertyID::kColor, string, parser_mode);
bool CSSParserFastPaths::IsValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(
CSSPropertyID property_id,
CSSValueID value_id,
CSSParserMode parser_mode) {
if (!IsValidCSSValueID(value_id) ||
!isValueAllowedInMode(value_id, parser_mode))
return false;
// For range checks, enum ordering is defined by
switch (property_id) {
case CSSPropertyID::kAlignmentBaseline:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAlphabetic ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBaseline ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kMiddle ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHanging ||
(value_id >= CSSValueID::kBeforeEdge &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kMathematical);
case CSSPropertyID::kAll:
return false; // Only accepts css-wide keywords
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundRepeatX:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundRepeatY:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kRepeat ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNoRepeat;
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderCollapse:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kCollapse ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSeparate;
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderTopStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderRightStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBottomStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderLeftStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockEndStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockStartStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineEndStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineStartStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kColumnRuleStyle:
return value_id >= CSSValueID::kNone && value_id <= CSSValueID::kDouble;
case CSSPropertyID::kBoxSizing:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kBorderBox ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kContentBox;
case CSSPropertyID::kBufferedRendering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDynamic ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStatic;
case CSSPropertyID::kCaptionSide:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kTop || value_id == CSSValueID::kBottom;
case CSSPropertyID::kClear:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kLeft ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRight || value_id == CSSValueID::kBoth ||
(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSLogicalEnabled() &&
(value_id == CSSValueID::kInlineStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kInlineEnd));
case CSSPropertyID::kClipRule:
case CSSPropertyID::kFillRule:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNonzero ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kEvenodd;
case CSSPropertyID::kColorInterpolation:
case CSSPropertyID::kColorInterpolationFilters:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kSRGB ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kLinearrgb;
case CSSPropertyID::kColorRendering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOptimizespeed ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOptimizequality;
case CSSPropertyID::kDirection:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kLtr || value_id == CSSValueID::kRtl;
case CSSPropertyID::kDominantBaseline:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAlphabetic ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kMiddle ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHanging ||
(value_id >= CSSValueID::kUseScript &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kResetSize) ||
(value_id >= CSSValueID::kCentral &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kMathematical);
case CSSPropertyID::kEmptyCells:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kShow || value_id == CSSValueID::kHide;
case CSSPropertyID::kFloat:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kLeft || value_id == CSSValueID::kRight ||
(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSLogicalEnabled() &&
(value_id == CSSValueID::kInlineStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kInlineEnd)) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kForcedColorAdjust:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto;
case CSSPropertyID::kImageRendering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kWebkitOptimizeContrast ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPixelated;
case CSSPropertyID::kIsolation:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kIsolate;
case CSSPropertyID::kListStylePosition:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kInside ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOutside;
case CSSPropertyID::kMaskType:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kLuminance ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAlpha;
case CSSPropertyID::kMathShift:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCompact;
case CSSPropertyID::kMathStyle:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCompact;
case CSSPropertyID::kObjectFit:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFill ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kContain ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCover || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kScaleDown;
case CSSPropertyID::kOutlineStyle:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
(value_id >= CSSValueID::kInset &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kDouble);
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowAnchor:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kVisible ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto;
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowWrap:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBreakWord ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAnywhere;
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowBlock:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowInline:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowX:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowY:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kVisible ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHidden ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kScroll || value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOverlay ||
(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::OverflowClipEnabled() &&
value_id == CSSValueID::kClip);
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakAfter:
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakBefore:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoid ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoidPage ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPage || value_id == CSSValueID::kLeft ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRight || value_id == CSSValueID::kRecto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVerso ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoidColumn ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColumn;
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakInside:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoid ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoidPage ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAvoidColumn;
case CSSPropertyID::kPageOrientation:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kUpright ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRotateLeft ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRotateRight;
case CSSPropertyID::kPointerEvents:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kVisible ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kAll ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
(value_id >= CSSValueID::kVisiblepainted &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kBoundingBox);
case CSSPropertyID::kPosition:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kStatic ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRelative ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAbsolute ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFixed || value_id == CSSValueID::kSticky;
case CSSPropertyID::kResize:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kBoth ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHorizontal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVertical ||
(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSLogicalEnabled() &&
(value_id == CSSValueID::kBlock ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kInline)) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto;
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollBehavior:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kSmooth;
case CSSPropertyID::kShapeRendering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOptimizespeed ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCrispedges ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kGeometricprecision;
case CSSPropertyID::kSpeak:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSpellOut ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDigits ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kLiteralPunctuation ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNoPunctuation;
case CSSPropertyID::kStrokeLinejoin:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kMiter || value_id == CSSValueID::kRound ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBevel;
case CSSPropertyID::kStrokeLinecap:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kButt || value_id == CSSValueID::kRound ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSquare;
case CSSPropertyID::kTableLayout:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kFixed;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAlign:
return (value_id >= CSSValueID::kWebkitAuto &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kInternalCenter) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStart || value_id == CSSValueID::kEnd;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAlignLast:
return (value_id >= CSSValueID::kLeft &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kJustify) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStart || value_id == CSSValueID::kEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAnchor:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kMiddle || value_id == CSSValueID::kEnd;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextCombineUpright:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kAll;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextDecorationStyle:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kSolid ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDouble ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDotted ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDashed || value_id == CSSValueID::kWavy;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextDecorationSkipInk:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextJustify:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kInterWord ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDistribute ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextOrientation:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kMixed ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kUpright ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSideways ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSidewaysRight;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextOrientation:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kSideways ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSidewaysRight ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVerticalRight ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kUpright;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextOverflow:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kClip || value_id == CSSValueID::kEllipsis;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextRendering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOptimizespeed ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOptimizelegibility ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kGeometricprecision;
case CSSPropertyID::kTextTransform:
return (value_id >= CSSValueID::kCapitalize &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kLowercase) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::CSSMathVariantEnabled() &&
value_id == CSSValueID::kMathAuto);
case CSSPropertyID::kUnicodeBidi:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kEmbed ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBidiOverride ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kWebkitIsolate ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kWebkitIsolateOverride ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kWebkitPlaintext ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kIsolate ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kIsolateOverride ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPlaintext;
case CSSPropertyID::kVectorEffect:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNonScalingStroke;
case CSSPropertyID::kVisibility:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kVisible ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHidden ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCollapse;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitAppRegion:
return (value_id >= CSSValueID::kDrag &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kNoDrag) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kAppearance:
return (value_id >= CSSValueID::kCheckbox &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kTextarea) ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto;
case CSSPropertyID::kBackfaceVisibility:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kVisible ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHidden;
case CSSPropertyID::kMixBlendMode:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kMultiply ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kScreen ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kOverlay ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDarken ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kLighten ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColorDodge ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColorBurn ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHardLight ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSoftLight ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kDifference ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kExclusion ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHue ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSaturation ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColor ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kLuminosity;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxAlign:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kStretch ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStart || value_id == CSSValueID::kEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBaseline;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxDecorationBreak:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kClone || value_id == CSSValueID::kSlice;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxDirection:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kReverse;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxOrient:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kHorizontal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVertical ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kInlineAxis ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBlockAxis;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxPack:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kStart || value_id == CSSValueID::kEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kJustify;
case CSSPropertyID::kColumnFill:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kBalance;
case CSSPropertyID::kAlignContent:
// FIXME: Per CSS alignment, this property should accept an optional
// <overflow-position>. We should share this parsing code with
// 'justify-self'.
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSpaceBetween ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSpaceAround ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStretch;
case CSSPropertyID::kAlignItems:
// FIXME: Per CSS alignment, this property should accept the same
// arguments as 'justify-self' so we should share its parsing code.
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBaseline ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStretch;
case CSSPropertyID::kAlignSelf:
// FIXME: Per CSS alignment, this property should accept the same
// arguments as 'justify-self' so we should share its parsing code.
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBaseline ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStretch;
case CSSPropertyID::kFlexDirection:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kRow ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRowReverse ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColumn ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kColumnReverse;
case CSSPropertyID::kFlexWrap:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNowrap || value_id == CSSValueID::kWrap ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kWrapReverse;
case CSSPropertyID::kHyphens:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kManual;
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone || value_id == CSSValueID::kManual;
case CSSPropertyID::kJustifyContent:
// FIXME: Per CSS alignment, this property should accept an optional
// <overflow-position>. We should share this parsing code with
// 'justify-self'.
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexStart ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kFlexEnd ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kCenter ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSpaceBetween ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSpaceAround;
case CSSPropertyID::kFontKerning:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kFontOpticalSizing:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitFontSmoothing:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAntialiased ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSubpixelAntialiased;
case CSSPropertyID::kLineBreak:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kLoose ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStrict ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAnywhere;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitLineBreak:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kLoose ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kStrict ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kAfterWhiteSpace;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitPrintColorAdjust:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kExact || value_id == CSSValueID::kEconomy;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitRtlOrdering:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kLogical ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVisual;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitRubyPosition:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kBefore || value_id == CSSValueID::kAfter;
case CSSPropertyID::kRubyPosition:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kOver || value_id == CSSValueID::kUnder;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextCombine:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kHorizontal;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextSecurity:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kDisc || value_id == CSSValueID::kCircle ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kSquare || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kTransformBox:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFillBox ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kViewBox;
case CSSPropertyID::kTransformStyle:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kFlat ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPreserve3d;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitUserDrag:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kElement;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitUserModify:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kReadOnly ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kReadWrite ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kReadWritePlaintextOnly;
case CSSPropertyID::kUserSelect:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kText || value_id == CSSValueID::kAll;
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitWritingMode:
return value_id >= CSSValueID::kHorizontalTb &&
value_id <= CSSValueID::kVerticalLr;
case CSSPropertyID::kWritingMode:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kHorizontalTb ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVerticalRl ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kVerticalLr ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kLrTb || value_id == CSSValueID::kRlTb ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kTbRl || value_id == CSSValueID::kLr ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kRl || value_id == CSSValueID::kTb;
case CSSPropertyID::kWhiteSpace:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal || value_id == CSSValueID::kPre ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPreWrap ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kPreLine ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNowrap ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBreakSpaces;
case CSSPropertyID::kWordBreak:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBreakAll ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kKeepAll ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kBreakWord;
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollbarWidth:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto || value_id == CSSValueID::kThin ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollSnapStop:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal || value_id == CSSValueID::kAlways;
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorInline:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorBlock:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorX:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorY:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kAuto ||
value_id == CSSValueID::kContain || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
case CSSPropertyID::kOriginTrialTestProperty:
return value_id == CSSValueID::kNormal || value_id == CSSValueID::kNone;
return false;
bool CSSParserFastPaths::IsKeywordPropertyID(CSSPropertyID property_id) {
switch (property_id) {
case CSSPropertyID::kAlignmentBaseline:
case CSSPropertyID::kAll:
case CSSPropertyID::kMixBlendMode:
case CSSPropertyID::kIsolation:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundRepeatX:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackgroundRepeatY:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBottomStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderCollapse:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderLeftStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderRightStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderTopStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBoxSizing:
case CSSPropertyID::kBufferedRendering:
case CSSPropertyID::kCaptionSide:
case CSSPropertyID::kClear:
case CSSPropertyID::kClipRule:
case CSSPropertyID::kColorInterpolation:
case CSSPropertyID::kColorInterpolationFilters:
case CSSPropertyID::kColorRendering:
case CSSPropertyID::kDirection:
case CSSPropertyID::kDominantBaseline:
case CSSPropertyID::kEmptyCells:
case CSSPropertyID::kFillRule:
case CSSPropertyID::kFloat:
case CSSPropertyID::kForcedColorAdjust:
case CSSPropertyID::kHyphens:
case CSSPropertyID::kImageRendering:
case CSSPropertyID::kListStylePosition:
case CSSPropertyID::kMaskType:
case CSSPropertyID::kMathShift:
case CSSPropertyID::kMathStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kObjectFit:
case CSSPropertyID::kOutlineStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowAnchor:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowBlock:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowInline:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowWrap:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowX:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverflowY:
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakAfter:
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakBefore:
case CSSPropertyID::kBreakInside:
case CSSPropertyID::kPageOrientation:
case CSSPropertyID::kPointerEvents:
case CSSPropertyID::kPosition:
case CSSPropertyID::kResize:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollBehavior:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorInline:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorBlock:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorX:
case CSSPropertyID::kOverscrollBehaviorY:
case CSSPropertyID::kRubyPosition:
case CSSPropertyID::kShapeRendering:
case CSSPropertyID::kSpeak:
case CSSPropertyID::kStrokeLinecap:
case CSSPropertyID::kStrokeLinejoin:
case CSSPropertyID::kTableLayout:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAlign:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAlignLast:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextAnchor:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextCombineUpright:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextDecorationStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextDecorationSkipInk:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextJustify:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextOrientation:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextOrientation:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextOverflow:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextRendering:
case CSSPropertyID::kTextTransform:
case CSSPropertyID::kUnicodeBidi:
case CSSPropertyID::kVectorEffect:
case CSSPropertyID::kVisibility:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitAppRegion:
case CSSPropertyID::kBackfaceVisibility:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockEndStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderBlockStartStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineEndStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kBorderInlineStartStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxAlign:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxDecorationBreak:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxDirection:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxOrient:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitBoxPack:
case CSSPropertyID::kColumnFill:
case CSSPropertyID::kColumnRuleStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kFlexDirection:
case CSSPropertyID::kFlexWrap:
case CSSPropertyID::kFontKerning:
case CSSPropertyID::kFontOpticalSizing:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitFontSmoothing:
case CSSPropertyID::kLineBreak:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitLineBreak:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitPrintColorAdjust:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitRtlOrdering:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitRubyPosition:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextCombine:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitTextSecurity:
case CSSPropertyID::kTransformBox:
case CSSPropertyID::kTransformStyle:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitUserDrag:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitUserModify:
case CSSPropertyID::kUserSelect:
case CSSPropertyID::kWebkitWritingMode:
case CSSPropertyID::kWhiteSpace:
case CSSPropertyID::kWordBreak:
case CSSPropertyID::kWritingMode:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollbarWidth:
case CSSPropertyID::kScrollSnapStop:
case CSSPropertyID::kOriginTrialTestProperty:
return true;
return false;
static CSSValue* ParseKeywordValue(CSSPropertyID property_id,
const String& string,
CSSParserMode parser_mode) {
if (!CSSParserFastPaths::IsKeywordPropertyID(property_id)) {
// All properties accept CSS-wide keywords.
if (!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(string, "initial") &&
!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(string, "inherit") &&
!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(string, "unset") &&
!EqualIgnoringASCIICase(string, "revert"))
return nullptr;
// Parse CSS-wide keyword shorthands using the CSSPropertyParser.
if (shorthandForProperty(property_id).length())
return nullptr;
// Descriptors do not support css wide keywords.
if (!CSSProperty::Get(property_id).IsProperty())
return nullptr;
CSSValueID value_id = CssValueKeywordID(string);
if (!IsValidCSSValueID(value_id))
return nullptr;
if (value_id == CSSValueID::kInherit)
return CSSInheritedValue::Create();
if (value_id == CSSValueID::kInitial)
return CSSInitialValue::Create();
if (value_id == CSSValueID::kUnset)
return cssvalue::CSSUnsetValue::Create();
if (value_id == CSSValueID::kRevert)
return cssvalue::CSSRevertValue::Create();
if (CSSParserFastPaths::IsValidKeywordPropertyAndValue(property_id, value_id,
return CSSIdentifierValue::Create(value_id);
return nullptr;
template <typename CharType>
static bool ParseTransformTranslateArguments(
CharType*& pos,
CharType* end,
unsigned expected_count,
CSSFunctionValue* transform_value) {
while (expected_count) {
wtf_size_t delimiter = WTF::Find(pos, static_cast<wtf_size_t>(end - pos),
expected_count == 1 ? ')' : ',');
if (delimiter == kNotFound)
return false;
unsigned argument_length = static_cast<unsigned>(delimiter);
CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType unit = CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber;
double number;
if (!ParseSimpleLength(pos, argument_length, unit, number))
return false;
if (unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels &&
(number || unit != CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber))
return false;
number, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kPixels));
pos += argument_length + 1;
return true;
template <typename CharType>
static bool ParseTransformNumberArguments(CharType*& pos,
CharType* end,
unsigned expected_count,
CSSFunctionValue* transform_value) {
while (expected_count) {
wtf_size_t delimiter = WTF::Find(pos, static_cast<wtf_size_t>(end - pos),
expected_count == 1 ? ')' : ',');
if (delimiter == kNotFound)
return false;
unsigned argument_length = static_cast<unsigned>(delimiter);
bool ok;
double number = CharactersToDouble(pos, argument_length, &ok);
if (!ok)
return false;
number, CSSPrimitiveValue::UnitType::kNumber));
pos += argument_length + 1;
return true;
static const int kShortestValidTransformStringLength = 12;
template <typename CharType>
static CSSFunctionValue* ParseSimpleTransformValue(CharType*& pos,
CharType* end) {
if (end - pos < kShortestValidTransformStringLength)
return nullptr;
const bool is_translate =
ToASCIILower(pos[0]) == 't' && ToASCIILower(pos[1]) == 'r' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[2]) == 'a' && ToASCIILower(pos[3]) == 'n' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[4]) == 's' && ToASCIILower(pos[5]) == 'l' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[6]) == 'a' && ToASCIILower(pos[7]) == 't' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[8]) == 'e';
if (is_translate) {
CSSValueID transform_type;
unsigned expected_argument_count = 1;
unsigned argument_start = 11;
CharType c9 = ToASCIILower(pos[9]);
if (c9 == 'x' && pos[10] == '(') {
transform_type = CSSValueID::kTranslateX;
} else if (c9 == 'y' && pos[10] == '(') {
transform_type = CSSValueID::kTranslateY;
} else if (c9 == 'z' && pos[10] == '(') {
transform_type = CSSValueID::kTranslateZ;
} else if (c9 == '(') {
transform_type = CSSValueID::kTranslate;
expected_argument_count = 2;
argument_start = 10;
} else if (c9 == '3' && ToASCIILower(pos[10]) == 'd' && pos[11] == '(') {
transform_type = CSSValueID::kTranslate3d;
expected_argument_count = 3;
argument_start = 12;
} else {
return nullptr;
pos += argument_start;
CSSFunctionValue* transform_value =
if (!ParseTransformTranslateArguments(pos, end, expected_argument_count,
return nullptr;
return transform_value;
const bool is_matrix3d =
ToASCIILower(pos[0]) == 'm' && ToASCIILower(pos[1]) == 'a' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[2]) == 't' && ToASCIILower(pos[3]) == 'r' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[4]) == 'i' && ToASCIILower(pos[5]) == 'x' &&
pos[6] == '3' && ToASCIILower(pos[7]) == 'd' && pos[8] == '(';
if (is_matrix3d) {
pos += 9;
CSSFunctionValue* transform_value =
if (!ParseTransformNumberArguments(pos, end, 16, transform_value))
return nullptr;
return transform_value;
const bool is_scale3d =
ToASCIILower(pos[0]) == 's' && ToASCIILower(pos[1]) == 'c' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[2]) == 'a' && ToASCIILower(pos[3]) == 'l' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[4]) == 'e' && pos[5] == '3' &&
ToASCIILower(pos[6]) == 'd' && pos[7] == '(';
if (is_scale3d) {
pos += 8;
CSSFunctionValue* transform_value =
if (!ParseTransformNumberArguments(pos, end, 3, transform_value))
return nullptr;
return transform_value;
return nullptr;
template <typename CharType>
static bool TransformCanLikelyUseFastPath(const CharType* chars,
unsigned length) {
// Very fast scan that attempts to reject most transforms that couldn't
// take the fast path. This avoids doing the malloc and string->double
// conversions in parseSimpleTransformValue only to discard them when we
// run into a transform component we don't understand.
unsigned i = 0;
while (i < length) {
if (IsCSSSpace(chars[i])) {
if (length - i < kShortestValidTransformStringLength)
return false;
switch (ToASCIILower(chars[i])) {
case 't':
// translate, translateX, translateY, translateZ, translate3d.
if (ToASCIILower(chars[i + 8]) != 'e')
return false;
i += 9;
case 'm':
// matrix3d.
if (ToASCIILower(chars[i + 7]) != 'd')
return false;
i += 8;
case 's':
// scale3d.
if (ToASCIILower(chars[i + 6]) != 'd')
return false;
i += 7;
// All other things, ex. rotate.
return false;
wtf_size_t arguments_end = WTF::Find(chars, length, ')', i);
if (arguments_end == kNotFound)
return false;
// Advance to the end of the arguments.
i = arguments_end + 1;
return i == length;
static CSSValue* ParseSimpleTransform(CSSPropertyID property_id,
const String& string) {
if (property_id != CSSPropertyID::kTransform)
return nullptr;
return WTF::VisitCharacters(
string, [&](const auto* pos, unsigned length) -> CSSValueList* {
if (!TransformCanLikelyUseFastPath(pos, length))
return nullptr;
const auto* end = pos + length;
CSSValueList* transform_list = nullptr;
while (pos < end) {
while (pos < end && IsCSSSpace(*pos))
if (pos >= end)
auto* transform_value = ParseSimpleTransformValue(pos, end);
if (!transform_value)
return nullptr;
if (!transform_list)
transform_list = CSSValueList::CreateSpaceSeparated();
return transform_list;
CSSValue* CSSParserFastPaths::MaybeParseValue(CSSPropertyID property_id,
const String& string,
CSSParserMode parser_mode) {
if (CSSValue* length =
ParseSimpleLengthValue(property_id, string, parser_mode))
return length;
if (CSSValue* color = blink::ParseColor(property_id, string, parser_mode))
return color;
if (CSSValue* keyword = ParseKeywordValue(property_id, string, parser_mode))
return keyword;
if (CSSValue* transform = ParseSimpleTransform(property_id, string))
return transform;
return nullptr;
} // namespace blink