blob: 40422a1e571d9f680cdb34f13aca7f5ed53818d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/animation/interpolation.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_id_templates.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_name.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/css_property_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/parser/css_parser_token_range.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/css_bitset.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/properties/css_property.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/cascade_filter.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/cascade_interpolations.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/cascade_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/cascade_origin.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/cascade_priority.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/resolver/match_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/web_feature_forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/handle.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_encoding.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace blink {
class CascadeInterpolations;
class CascadeResolver;
class CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration;
class CSSParserContext;
class CSSProperty;
class CSSValue;
class CSSVariableData;
class CSSVariableReferenceValue;
class CustomProperty;
class MatchResult;
class StyleResolverState;
namespace cssvalue {
class CSSPendingSubstitutionValue;
} // namespace cssvalue
// StyleCascade analyzes declarations provided by CSS rules and animations,
// and figures out which declarations should be skipped, and which should be
// applied (and in which order).
// Usage:
// StyleCascade cascade(state);
// cascade.MutableMatchResult().AddMatchedProperties(...matched rule...);
// cascade.MutableMatchResult().AddMatchedProperties(...another rule...);
// cascade.AddInterpolation(...); // Optional
// cascade.Apply();
// [1]
class CORE_EXPORT StyleCascade {
using CSSPendingSubstitutionValue = cssvalue::CSSPendingSubstitutionValue;
StyleCascade(StyleResolverState& state) : state_(state) {}
StyleCascade(const StyleCascade&) = delete;
StyleCascade& operator=(const StyleCascade&) = delete;
const MatchResult& GetMatchResult() { return match_result_; }
// Access the MatchResult in order to add declarations to it.
// The modifications made will be taken into account during Apply().
// It is invalid to modify the MatchResult after Apply has been called
// (unless Reset is called first).
// TODO(andruud): ElementRuleCollector could emit MatchedProperties
// directly to the cascade.
MatchResult& MutableMatchResult();
// Add ActiveInterpolationsMap to the cascade. The interpolations present
// in the map will be taken into account during the next call to Apply.
// It is valid to add interpolations to the StyleCascade even after Apply
// has been called.
// Note that it's assumed that the incoming ActiveInterpolationsMap outlives
// the StyleCascade object.
void AddInterpolations(const ActiveInterpolationsMap*, CascadeOrigin);
// Applies the current CSS declarations and animations to the
// StyleResolverState.
// It is valid to call Apply multiple times (up to 15), and each call may
// provide a different filter.
void Apply(CascadeFilter = CascadeFilter());
// Returns a CSSBitset containing the !important declarations (analyzing
// if needed). If there are no !important declarations, returns nullptr.
// Note that this function does not return any set bits for -internal-visited-
// properties. Instead, !important -internal-visited-* declarations cause
// the corresponding unvisited properties to be set in the return value.
std::unique_ptr<CSSBitset> GetImportantSet();
// Resets the cascade to its initial state. Note that this does not undo
// any changes already applied to the StyleResolverState/ComputedStyle.
void Reset();
// Applying interpolations may involve resolving values, since we may be
// applying a keyframe from e.g. "color: var(--x)" to "color: var(--y)".
// Hence that code needs an entry point to the resolving process.
// TODO( This function has an associated const
// violation, which isn't great. (This vilation was not introduced with
// StyleCascade, however).
// See documentation the other Resolve* functions for what resolve means.
const CSSValue* Resolve(const CSSPropertyName&,
const CSSValue&,
// Returns the cascaded values [1].
// This is intended for use by the Inspector Agent.
// Calling this requires a call to Apply to have taken place first. This is
// because some of the cascaded values depend on computed value of other
// properties (see ApplyCascadeAffecting).
// Note that this function currently returns cascaded values from
// CascadeOrigin::kUserAgent, kUser and kAuthor only.
// [1]
HeapHashMap<CSSPropertyName, Member<const CSSValue>> GetCascadedValues()
// The maximum number of tokens that may be produced by a var()
// reference.
static const size_t kMaxSubstitutionTokens = 65536;
friend class TestCascade;
// Before we can Apply the cascade, the MatchResult and CascadeInterpolations
// must be Analyzed. This means going through all the declarations, and
// adding them to the CascadeMap, which gives us a complete picture of which
// declarations won the cascade.
// We analyze only if needed (i.e. if MatchResult or CascadeInterpolations)
// has been mutated since the last call to AnalyzeIfNeeded.
void AnalyzeIfNeeded();
void AnalyzeMatchResult();
void AnalyzeInterpolations();
// Clears the CascadeMap and other state, and analyzes the MatchResult/
// interpolations again.
void Reanalyze();
// Some properties are "cascade affecting", in the sense that their computed
// value actually affects cascade behavior. For example, css-logical
// properties change their cascade behavior depending on the computed value
// of direction/writing-mode.
void ApplyCascadeAffecting(CascadeResolver&);
// Applies kHighPropertyPriority properties.
// In theory, it would be possible for each property/value that contains
// em/ch/etc to dynamically apply font-size (and related properties), but
// in practice, it is very inconvenient to detect these dependencies. Hence,
// we apply font-affecting properties (among others) before all the others.
void ApplyHighPriority(CascadeResolver&);
// Applies -webkit-appearance, and excludes -internal-ua-* properties if
// we don't have an appearance.
void ApplyAppearance(CascadeResolver&);
// Applies -webkit-border-image (if present), and skips any border-image
// longhands found with lower priority than -webkit-border-image.
// The -webkit-border-image property is unique (in a bad way), since it's
// a surrogate of a shorthand. Therefore it needs special treatment to
// behave correctly.
void ApplyWebkitBorderImage(CascadeResolver&);
void ApplyMatchResult(CascadeResolver&);
void ApplyInterpolations(CascadeResolver&);
void ApplyInterpolationMap(const ActiveInterpolationsMap&,
size_t index,
void ApplyInterpolation(const CSSProperty&,
const ActiveInterpolations&,
// Looks up a value with random access, and applies it.
void LookupAndApply(const CSSPropertyName&, CascadeResolver&);
void LookupAndApply(const CSSProperty&, CascadeResolver&);
void LookupAndApplyValue(const CSSProperty&,
void LookupAndApplyDeclaration(const CSSProperty&,
void LookupAndApplyInterpolation(const CSSProperty&,
// Whether or not we are calculating the style for the root element.
// We need to know this to detect cycles with 'rem' units.
bool IsRootElement() const;
// The TokenSequence class acts as a builder for CSSVariableData.
// However, actually building a CSSVariableData is optional; you can also
// get a CSSParserTokenRange directly, which is useful when resolving a
// CSSVariableData which won't ultimately end up in a CSSVariableData
// (i.e. CSSVariableReferenceValue or CSSPendingSubstitutionValue).
class TokenSequence {
TokenSequence() = default;
// Initialize a TokenSequence from a CSSVariableData, preparing the
// TokenSequence for var() resolution.
// This copies everything except the tokens.
explicit TokenSequence(const CSSVariableData*);
bool IsAnimationTainted() const { return is_animation_tainted_; }
CSSParserTokenRange TokenRange() const { return tokens_; }
void Append(const TokenSequence&);
void Append(const CSSVariableData*);
void Append(const CSSParserToken&);
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> BuildVariableData();
Vector<CSSParserToken> tokens_;
Vector<String> backing_strings_;
bool is_animation_tainted_ = false;
bool has_font_units_ = false;
bool has_root_font_units_ = false;
// The base URL and charset are currently needed to calculate the computed
// value of <url>-registered custom properties correctly.
// TODO( Store CSSParserContext on
// CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration and avoid this.
String base_url_;
WTF::TextEncoding charset_;
// Resolving Values
// *Resolving* a value, means looking at the dependencies for a given
// CSSValue, and ensuring that these dependencies are satisfied. The result
// of a Resolve call is either the same CSSValue (e.g. if there were no
// dependencies), or a new CSSValue with the dependencies resolved.
// For example, consider the following properties:
// --x: 10px;
// --y: var(--x);
// width: var(--y);
// Here, to resolve 'width', the computed value of --y must be known. In
// other words, we must first Apply '--y'. Hence, resolving 'width' will
// Apply '--y' as a side-effect. (This process would then continue to '--x').
const CSSValue* Resolve(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSValue&,
const CSSValue* ResolveCustomProperty(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSCustomPropertyDeclaration&,
const CSSValue* ResolveVariableReference(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSVariableReferenceValue&,
const CSSValue* ResolvePendingSubstitution(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSPendingSubstitutionValue&,
const CSSValue* ResolveRevert(const CSSProperty&,
const CSSValue&,
scoped_refptr<CSSVariableData> ResolveVariableData(CSSVariableData*,
// The Resolve*Into functions either resolve dependencies, append to the
// TokenSequence accordingly, and return true; or it returns false when
// the TokenSequence is "invalid at computed-value time" [1]. This happens
// when there was a reference to an invalid/missing custom property, or when a
// cycle was detected.
// [1]
bool ResolveTokensInto(CSSParserTokenRange, CascadeResolver&, TokenSequence&);
bool ResolveVarInto(CSSParserTokenRange, CascadeResolver&, TokenSequence&);
bool ResolveEnvInto(CSSParserTokenRange, CascadeResolver&, TokenSequence&);
CSSVariableData* GetVariableData(const CustomProperty&) const;
CSSVariableData* GetEnvironmentVariable(const AtomicString&) const;
const CSSParserContext* GetParserContext(const CSSVariableReferenceValue&);
// Detects if the given property/data depends on the font-size property
// of the Element we're calculating the style for.
bool HasFontSizeDependency(const CustomProperty&, CSSVariableData*) const;
// The fallback must match the syntax of the custom property, otherwise the
// the declaration is "invalid at computed-value time".'
bool ValidateFallback(const CustomProperty&, CSSParserTokenRange) const;
// Marks the CustomProperty as referenced by something. Needed to avoid
// animating these custom properties on the compositor.
void MarkIsReferenced(const CSSProperty& referencer,
const CustomProperty& referenced);
// Marks a CSSProperty as having a reference to a custom property. Needed to
// disable the matched property cache in some cases.
void MarkHasVariableReference(const CSSProperty&);
const Document& GetDocument() const;
const CSSProperty& ResolveSurrogate(const CSSProperty& surrogate);
void CountUse(WebFeature);
void MaybeUseCountRevert(const CSSValue&);
void MaybeUseCountSummaryDisplayBlock();
void MaybeUseCountInvalidVariableUnset(const CustomProperty&);
StyleResolverState& state_;
MatchResult match_result_;
CascadeInterpolations interpolations_;
CascadeMap map_;
// Generational Apply
// Generation is a number that's incremented by one for each call to Apply
// (the first call to Apply has generation 1). When a declaration is applied
// to ComputedStyle, the current Apply-generation is stored in the CascadeMap.
// In other words, the CascadeMap knows which declarations have already been
// applied to ComputedStyle, which makes it possible to avoid applying the
// same declaration twice during a single call to Apply:
// For example:
// --x: red;
// background-color: var(--x);
// During Apply (generation=1), we linearly traverse the declarations above,
// and first apply '--x' to the ComputedStyle. Then, we proceed to
// 'background-color', which must first have its dependencies resolved before
// we can apply it. This is where we check the current generation stored for
// '--x'. If it's equal to the generation associated with the Apply call, we
// know that we already applied it. Either something else referenced it before
// we did, or it appeared before us in the MatchResult. Either way, we don't
// have to apply '--x' again.
// Had the order been reversed, such that the '--x' declaration appeared after
// the 'background-color' declaration, we would discover (during resolution of
// var(--x), that the current generation of '--x' is _less_ than the
// generation associated with the Apply call, hence we need to LookupAndApply
// '--x' before applying 'background-color'.
// A secondary benefit to the generational apply mechanic, is that it's
// possible to efficiently apply the StyleCascade more than once (perhaps with
// a different CascadeFilter for each call), without rebuilding it. By
// incrementing generation_, the existing record of what has been applied is
// immediately invalidated, and everything will be applied again.
// Note: The maximum generation number is currently 15. This is more than
// enough for our needs.
uint8_t generation_ = 0;
bool needs_match_result_analyze_ = false;
bool needs_interpolations_analyze_ = false;
// A cascade-affecting property is for example 'direction', since the
// computed value of the property affects how e.g. margin-inline-start
// (and other css-logical properties) cascade.
bool depends_on_cascade_affecting_property_ = false;
} // namespace blink