blob: 297d3e515abe14dec4909d94117ba64f91e43b44 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
* met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
* in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_gesture_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/input/web_input_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/renderer_preferences/renderer_preferences.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/frame/frame.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/input/focus_type.mojom-blink-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/page/page_visibility_state.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/renderer_preference_watcher.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/scheduler/web_agent_group_scheduler.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_input_event_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_string.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_frame_widget.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_navigation_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_view_observer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/exported/web_page_popup_impl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/resize_viewport_anchor.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/loader/navigation_policy.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/chrome_client.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/context_menu_provider.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/event_with_hit_test_results.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/page_widget_delegate.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/page/scoped_page_pauser.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/int_point.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/int_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/apply_viewport_changes.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/graphics_layer.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/touch_action.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/member.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/weborigin/kurl.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_set.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/std_lib_extras.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
namespace cc {
class ScopedDeferMainFrameUpdate;
namespace blink {
namespace frame_test_helpers {
class WebViewHelper;
class BrowserControls;
class DevToolsEmulator;
class Frame;
class FullscreenController;
class PageScaleConstraintsSet;
class WebDevToolsAgentImpl;
class WebLocalFrame;
class WebLocalFrameImpl;
class WebSettingsImpl;
class WebViewClient;
class WebFrameWidgetImpl;
enum class FullscreenRequestType;
namespace mojom {
namespace blink {
class TextAutosizerPageInfo;
} // namespace mojom
using PaintHoldingCommitTrigger = cc::PaintHoldingCommitTrigger;
class CORE_EXPORT WebViewImpl final : public WebView,
public RefCounted<WebViewImpl>,
public mojom::blink::PageBroadcast {
static WebViewImpl* Create(
mojom::blink::PageVisibilityState visibility,
bool is_inside_portal,
bool compositing_enabled,
WebViewImpl* opener,
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::blink::PageBroadcast> page_handle,
scheduler::WebAgentGroupScheduler& agent_group_scheduler);
// All calls to Create() should be balanced with a call to Close(). This
// synchronously destroys the WebViewImpl.
void Close() override;
static HashSet<WebViewImpl*>& AllInstances();
// Returns true if popup menus should be rendered by the browser, false if
// they should be rendered by WebKit (which is the default).
static bool UseExternalPopupMenus();
// Returns whether frames under this WebView are backed by a compositor.
bool does_composite() const { return does_composite_; }
// WebView methods:
void DidAttachLocalMainFrame() override;
void DidDetachLocalMainFrame() override;
void DidAttachRemoteMainFrame() override;
void DidDetachRemoteMainFrame() override;
void SetNoStatePrefetchClient(WebNoStatePrefetchClient*) override;
WebSettings* GetSettings() override;
WebString PageEncoding() const override;
void SetTabKeyCyclesThroughElements(bool value) override;
bool IsActive() const override;
void SetIsActive(bool value) override;
void SetWindowFeatures(const WebWindowFeatures&) override;
void SetOpenedByDOM() override;
WebFrame* MainFrame() override;
WebLocalFrame* FocusedFrame() override;
void SetFocusedFrame(WebFrame*) override;
void SmoothScroll(int target_x,
int target_y,
base::TimeDelta duration) override;
void AdvanceFocus(bool reverse) override;
double ZoomLevel() override;
double SetZoomLevel(double) override;
float PageScaleFactor() const override;
float MinimumPageScaleFactor() const override;
float MaximumPageScaleFactor() const override;
void SetDefaultPageScaleLimits(float min_scale, float max_scale) override;
void SetInitialPageScaleOverride(float) override;
void SetPageScaleFactor(float) override;
void SetVisualViewportOffset(const gfx::PointF&) override;
gfx::PointF VisualViewportOffset() const override;
gfx::SizeF VisualViewportSize() const override;
void SetScreenOrientationOverrideForTesting(
base::Optional<blink::mojom::ScreenOrientation> orientation) override;
void UseSynchronousResizeModeForTesting(bool enable) override;
void SetWindowRectSynchronouslyForTesting(
const gfx::Rect& new_window_rect) override;
void ResetScrollAndScaleState() override;
gfx::Size ContentsPreferredMinimumSize() override;
void UpdatePreferredSize() override;
void EnablePreferredSizeChangedMode() override;
void SetDeviceScaleFactor(float) override;
void SetZoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor(float) override;
float ZoomFactorForDeviceScaleFactor() override {
return zoom_factor_for_device_scale_factor_;
bool AutoResizeMode() override;
void EnableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size& min_window_size,
const gfx::Size& max_window_size) override;
void DisableAutoResizeForTesting(const gfx::Size& new_window_size) override;
WebHitTestResult HitTestResultForTap(const gfx::Point&,
const gfx::Size&) override;
void EnableDeviceEmulation(const DeviceEmulationParams&) override;
void DisableDeviceEmulation() override;
void PerformCustomContextMenuAction(unsigned action) override;
void DidCloseContextMenu() override;
void CancelPagePopup() override;
WebPagePopupImpl* GetPagePopup() const override { return page_popup_.get(); }
void SetPageFrozen(bool frozen) override;
WebFrameWidget* MainFrameWidget() override;
void SetBaseBackgroundColor(SkColor) override;
void SetDeviceColorSpaceForTesting(
const gfx::ColorSpace& color_space) override;
void PaintContent(cc::PaintCanvas*, const gfx::Rect&) override;
void RegisterRendererPreferenceWatcher(
watcher) override;
void SetRendererPreferences(const RendererPreferences& preferences) override;
const RendererPreferences& GetRendererPreferences() override;
void SetWebPreferences(const web_pref::WebPreferences& preferences) override;
const web_pref::WebPreferences& GetWebPreferences() override;
// Functions to add and remove observers for this object.
void AddObserver(WebViewObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(WebViewObserver* observer);
// Overrides the page's background and base background color. You
// can use this to enforce a transparent background, which is useful if you
// want to have some custom background rendered behind the widget.
// These may are only called for composited WebViews.
void SetBackgroundColorOverride(SkColor);
void ClearBackgroundColorOverride();
void SetBaseBackgroundColorOverride(SkColor);
void ClearBaseBackgroundColorOverride();
// Resize the WebView. You likely should be using
// MainFrameWidget()->Resize instead.
void Resize(const gfx::Size&);
// This method is used for testing.
// Resize the view at the same time as changing the state of the top
// controls. If |browser_controls_shrink_layout| is true, the embedder shrunk
// the WebView size by the browser controls height.
void ResizeWithBrowserControls(const gfx::Size& main_frame_widget_size,
float top_controls_height,
float bottom_controls_height,
bool browser_controls_shrink_layout);
// Same as ResizeWithBrowserControls(const gfx::Size&,float,float,bool), but
// includes all browser controls params such as the min heights.
void ResizeWithBrowserControls(const gfx::Size& main_frame_widget_size,
const gfx::Size& visible_viewport_size,
// Requests a page-scale animation based on the specified point/rect.
void AnimateDoubleTapZoom(const gfx::Point&, const gfx::Rect& block_bounds);
// mojom::blink::PageBroadcast method:
void SetPageLifecycleState(
mojom::blink::PageLifecycleStatePtr state,
mojom::blink::PageRestoreParamsPtr page_restore_params,
SetPageLifecycleStateCallback callback) override;
void AudioStateChanged(bool is_audio_playing) override;
void SetInsidePortal(bool is_inside_portal) override;
void UpdateWebPreferences(
const blink::web_pref::WebPreferences& preferences) override;
void UpdateRendererPreferences(
const RendererPreferences& preferences) override;
void SetHistoryOffsetAndLength(int32_t history_offset,
int32_t history_length) override;
void DispatchPageshow(base::TimeTicks navigation_start);
void DispatchPagehide(mojom::blink::PagehideDispatch pagehide_dispatch);
void HookBackForwardCacheEviction(bool hook);
float DefaultMinimumPageScaleFactor() const;
float DefaultMaximumPageScaleFactor() const;
float ClampPageScaleFactorToLimits(float) const;
void ResetScaleStateImmediately();
base::Optional<mojom::blink::ScreenOrientation> ScreenOrientationOverride();
void InvalidateRect(const IntRect&);
void SetZoomFactorOverride(float);
void SetCompositorDeviceScaleFactorOverride(float);
TransformationMatrix GetDeviceEmulationTransform() const;
void EnableAutoResizeMode(const gfx::Size& min_viewport_size,
const gfx::Size& max_viewport_size);
void DisableAutoResizeMode();
void ActivateDevToolsTransform(const DeviceEmulationParams&);
void DeactivateDevToolsTransform();
SkColor BackgroundColor() const;
Color BaseBackgroundColor() const;
bool BackgroundColorOverrideEnabled() const {
return background_color_override_enabled_;
SkColor BackgroundColorOverride() const { return background_color_override_; }
Frame* FocusedCoreFrame() const;
// Returns the currently focused Element or null if no element has focus.
Element* FocusedElement() const;
WebViewClient* Client() { return web_view_client_; }
// Returns the page object associated with this view. This may be null when
// the page is shutting down, but will be valid at all other times.
Page* GetPage() const { return page_.Get(); }
WebDevToolsAgentImpl* MainFrameDevToolsAgentImpl();
DevToolsEmulator* GetDevToolsEmulator() const {
return dev_tools_emulator_.Get();
// Returns the main frame associated with this view. This will be null when
// the main frame is remote.
// Internally during startup/shutdown this can be null when no main frame
// (local or remote) is attached, but this should not generally matter to code
// outside this class.
WebLocalFrameImpl* MainFrameImpl() const;
// TODO( Remove this.
std::string GetNullFrameReasonForBug1139104() const;
// Changes the zoom and scroll for zooming into an editable element
// with bounds |element_bounds_in_document| and caret bounds
// |caret_bounds_in_document|.
void ZoomAndScrollToFocusedEditableElementRect(
const IntRect& element_bounds_in_document,
const IntRect& caret_bounds_in_document,
bool zoom_into_legible_scale);
bool StartPageScaleAnimation(const IntPoint& target_position,
bool use_anchor,
float new_scale,
base::TimeDelta duration);
// Handles context menu events orignated via the the keyboard. These
// include the VK_APPS virtual key and the Shift+F10 combine. Code is
// based on the Webkit function bool WebView::handleContextMenuEvent(WPARAM
// wParam, LPARAM lParam) in webkit\webkit\win\WebView.cpp. The only
// significant change in this function is the code to convert from a
// Keyboard event to the Right Mouse button down event.
WebInputEventResult SendContextMenuEvent();
// Notifies the WebView that a load has been committed. isNewNavigation
// will be true if a new session history item should be created for that
// load. isNavigationWithinPage will be true if the navigation does
// not take the user away from the current page.
void DidCommitLoad(bool is_new_navigation, bool is_navigation_within_page);
// Indicates two things:
// 1) This view may have a new layout now.
// 2) Layout is up-to-date.
// After calling WebWidget::updateAllLifecyclePhases(), expect to get this
// notification unless the view did not need a layout.
void MainFrameLayoutUpdated();
void ResizeAfterLayout();
void DidCommitCompositorFrameForLocalMainFrame();
void DidChangeContentsSize();
void PageScaleFactorChanged();
void MainFrameScrollOffsetChanged();
void TextAutosizerPageInfoChanged(
const mojom::blink::TextAutosizerPageInfo& page_info);
bool ShouldAutoResize() const { return should_auto_resize_; }
IntSize MinAutoSize() const { return min_auto_size_; }
IntSize MaxAutoSize() const { return max_auto_size_; }
void UpdateMainFrameLayoutSize();
void UpdatePageDefinedViewportConstraints(const ViewportDescription&);
WebPagePopupImpl* OpenPagePopup(PagePopupClient*);
bool HasOpenedPopup() const { return page_popup_.get(); }
void ClosePagePopup(PagePopup*);
// Callback from PagePopup when it is closed, which it can be done directly
// without coming through WebViewImpl.
void CleanupPagePopup();
// Ensure popup's size and position is correct based on its owner element's
// dimensions.
void UpdatePagePopup();
LocalDOMWindow* PagePopupWindow() const;
PageScheduler* Scheduler() const override;
void SetVisibilityState(mojom::blink::PageVisibilityState visibility_state,
bool is_initial_state) override;
mojom::blink::PageVisibilityState GetVisibilityState() override;
void SetPageLifecycleStateFromNewPageCommit(
mojom::blink::PageVisibilityState visibility,
mojom::blink::PagehideDispatch pagehide_dispatch) override;
// Called by a full frame plugin inside this view to inform it that its
// zoom level has been updated. The plugin should only call this function
// if the zoom change was triggered by the browser, it's only needed in case
// a plugin can update its own zoom, say because of its own UI.
void FullFramePluginZoomLevelChanged(double zoom_level);
// Requests a page-scale animation based on the specified rect.
void ZoomToFindInPageRect(const gfx::Rect&);
void ComputeScaleAndScrollForBlockRect(
const gfx::Point& hit_point,
const gfx::Rect& block_rect,
float padding,
float default_scale_when_already_legible,
float& scale,
IntPoint& scroll);
Node* BestTapNode(const GestureEventWithHitTestResults& targeted_tap_event);
void EnableTapHighlightAtPoint(
const GestureEventWithHitTestResults& targeted_tap_event);
void EnableFakePageScaleAnimationForTesting(bool);
bool FakeDoubleTapAnimationPendingForTesting() const {
return double_tap_zoom_pending_;
IntPoint FakePageScaleAnimationTargetPositionForTesting() const {
return fake_page_scale_animation_target_position_;
float FakePageScaleAnimationPageScaleForTesting() const {
return fake_page_scale_animation_page_scale_factor_;
bool FakePageScaleAnimationUseAnchorForTesting() const {
return fake_page_scale_animation_use_anchor_;
void EnterFullscreen(LocalFrame&,
const FullscreenOptions*,
void ExitFullscreen(LocalFrame&);
void FullscreenElementChanged(Element* old_element,
Element* new_element,
const FullscreenOptions* options,
// Sends a request to the main frame's view to resize, and updates the page
// scale limits if needed.
void SendResizeEventForMainFrame();
// Exposed for testing purposes.
bool HasHorizontalScrollbar();
bool HasVerticalScrollbar();
WebSettingsImpl* SettingsImpl();
BrowserControls& GetBrowserControls();
// Called anytime browser controls layout height or content offset have
// changed.
void DidUpdateBrowserControls();
void AddAutoplayFlags(int32_t) override;
void ClearAutoplayFlags() override;
int32_t AutoplayFlagsForTest() override;
gfx::Size GetPreferredSizeForTest() override;
gfx::Size Size();
IntSize MainFrameSize();
PageScaleConstraintsSet& GetPageScaleConstraintsSet() const;
FloatSize ElasticOverscroll() const { return elastic_overscroll_; }
class ChromeClient& GetChromeClient() const {
return *chrome_client_.Get();
bool ShouldZoomToLegibleScale(const Element&);
// Allows main frame updates to occur if they were previously blocked. They
// are blocked during loading a navigation, to allow Blink to proceed without
// being interrupted by useless work until enough progress is made that it
// desires composited output to be generated.
void StopDeferringMainFrameUpdate();
// This function checks the element ids of ScrollableAreas only and returns
// the equivalent DOM Node if such exists.
Node* FindNodeFromScrollableCompositorElementId(
cc::ElementId element_id) const;
void DidEnterFullscreen();
void DidExitFullscreen();
// Called when some JS code has instructed the window associated to the main
// frame to close, which will result in a request to the browser to close the
// Widget associated to it.
void CloseWindowSoon();
// Controls whether pressing Tab key advances focus to links.
bool TabsToLinks() const;
void SetTabsToLinks(bool);
// Prevent the web page from setting min/max scale via the viewport meta
// tag. This is an accessibility feature that lets folks zoom in to web
// pages even if the web page tries to block scaling.
void SetIgnoreViewportTagScaleLimits(bool);
// Sets the maximum page scale considered to be legible. Automatic zooms (e.g,
// double-tap or find in page) will have the page scale limited to this value
// times the font scale factor. Manual pinch zoom will not be affected by this
// limit.
void SetMaximumLegibleScale(float);
void SetMainFrameViewWidget(WebFrameWidgetImpl* widget);
WebFrameWidgetImpl* MainFrameViewWidget();
// Called when hovering over an anchor with the given URL.
void SetMouseOverURL(const KURL&);
// Called when keyboard focus switches to an anchor with the given URL.
void SetKeyboardFocusURL(const KURL&);
// Asks the browser process to activate this web view.
void Focus();
// Asks the browser process to take focus away from the WebView by focusing an
// adjacent UI element in the containing window.
void TakeFocus(bool reverse);
// Shows a previously created WebView (via
void Show(const LocalFrameToken& opener_frame_token,
NavigationPolicy policy,
const gfx::Rect& rect,
bool opened_by_user_gesture);
// Send the window rect to the browser and call `ack_callback` when the
// browser has processed it.
void SendWindowRectToMainFrameHost(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
base::OnceClosure ack_callback);
// TODO( This is called from the associated widget and this
// code should eventually move out of WebView into somewhere else.
void ApplyViewportChanges(const ApplyViewportChangesArgs& args);
// Indication that the root layer for the main frame widget has changed.
void DidChangeRootLayer(bool root_layer_exists);
// Sets the page focus.
void SetPageFocus(bool enable);
// This method is used for testing.
// Resizes the unscaled (page scale = 1.0) visual viewport. Normally the
// unscaled visual viewport is the same size as the main frame. The passed
// size becomes the size of the viewport when page scale = 1. This
// is used to shrink the visible viewport to allow things like the ChromeOS
// virtual keyboard to overlay over content but allow scrolling it into view.
void ResizeVisualViewport(const gfx::Size&);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebFrameTest, DivScrollIntoEditableTest);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, SetBaseBackgroundColorBeforeMainFrame);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, LongPressImage);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, LongPressImageAndThenLongTapImage);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, UpdateTargetURLWithInvalidURL);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(WebViewTest, TouchDragContextMenu);
friend class frame_test_helpers::WebViewHelper;
friend class SimCompositor;
friend class WebView; // So WebView::Create can call our constructor
friend class WTF::RefCounted<WebViewImpl>;
void AcceptLanguagesChanged();
void ThemeChanged();
// Update the target url locally and tell the browser that the target URL has
// changed. If |url| is empty, show |fallback_url|.
void UpdateTargetURL(const WebURL& url, const WebURL& fallback_url);
// Helper functions to send the updated target URL to the right render frame
// in the browser process, and to handle its associated reply message.
void SendUpdatedTargetURLToBrowser(const KURL& target_url);
void TargetURLUpdatedInBrowser();
void SetPageScaleFactorAndLocation(float scale,
bool is_pinch_gesture_active,
const FloatPoint&);
void PropagateZoomFactorToLocalFrameRoots(Frame*, float);
void SetPageLifecycleStateInternal(
mojom::blink::PageLifecycleStatePtr new_state,
mojom::blink::PageRestoreParamsPtr page_restore_params);
float MaximumLegiblePageScale() const;
void RefreshPageScaleFactor();
IntSize ContentsSize() const;
void UpdateBrowserControlsConstraint(cc::BrowserControlsState constraint);
void UpdateICBAndResizeViewport(const IntSize& visible_viewport_size);
void ResizeViewWhileAnchored(cc::BrowserControlsParams params,
const IntSize& visible_viewport_size);
void UpdateBaseBackgroundColor();
void UpdateFontRenderingFromRendererPrefs();
// Request the window to close from the renderer by sending the request to the
// browser.
void DoDeferredCloseWindowSoon();
mojom::blink::PageVisibilityState visibility,
bool is_inside_portal,
bool does_composite,
WebViewImpl* opener,
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::blink::PageBroadcast> page_handle,
scheduler::WebAgentGroupScheduler& agent_group_scheduler);
~WebViewImpl() override;
void ConfigureAutoResizeMode();
void DoComposite();
void ReallocateRenderer();
void SetDeviceEmulationTransform(const TransformationMatrix&);
void UpdateDeviceEmulationTransform();
// Helper function: Widens the width of |source| by the specified margins
// while keeping it smaller than page width.
// This method can only be called if the main frame is local.
gfx::Rect WidenRectWithinPageBounds(const gfx::Rect& source,
int target_margin,
int minimum_margin);
void EnablePopupMouseWheelEventListener(WebLocalFrameImpl* local_root);
void DisablePopupMouseWheelEventListener();
float DeviceScaleFactor() const;
LocalFrame* FocusedLocalFrameInWidget() const;
// Clear focus and text input state of the page. If there was a focused
// element, this will trigger updates to observers and send focus, selection,
// and text input-related events.
void RemoveFocusAndTextInputState();
// Finds the zoom and scroll parameters for zooming into an editable element
// with bounds |element_bounds_in_document| and caret bounds
// |caret_bounds_in_document|. If the original element belongs to the local
// root of MainFrameImpl(), then the bounds are exactly those of the element
// and caret. Otherwise (when the editable element is inside an OOPIF), the
// bounds are projection of the original element's bounds in the main frame
// which is inside the layout area of some remote frame in this frame tree.
void ComputeScaleAndScrollForEditableElementRects(
const IntRect& element_bounds_in_document,
const IntRect& caret_bounds_in_document,
bool zoom_into_legible_scale,
float& scale,
IntPoint& scroll,
bool& need_animation);
// Sends any outstanding TrackedFeaturesUpdate messages to the browser.
void ReportActiveSchedulerTrackedFeatures();
// Callback when this widget window has been displayed by the browser.
// Corresponds to a Show method call.
void DidShowCreatedWindow();
// Can be null (e.g. unittests, shared workers, etc).
WebViewClient* web_view_client_;
Persistent<ChromeClient> chrome_client_;
Persistent<Page> page_;
// This is the size of the page that the web contents will render into. This
// is usually, but not necessarily the same as the VisualViewport size. The
// VisualViewport is the 'inner' viewport, and can be smaller than the size of
// the page. This allows the browser to shrink the size of the displayed
// contents [e.g. to accomodate a keyboard] without forcing the web page to
// relayout. For more details, see the header for the VisualViewport class.
gfx::Size size_;
// If true, automatically resize the layout view around its content.
bool should_auto_resize_ = false;
// The lower bound on the size when auto-resizing.
IntSize min_auto_size_;
// The upper bound on the size when auto-resizing.
IntSize max_auto_size_;
// An object that can be used to manipulate m_page->settings() without linking
// against WebCore. This is lazily allocated the first time GetWebSettings()
// is called.
std::unique_ptr<WebSettingsImpl> web_settings_;
// The state of our target_url transmissions. When we receive a request to
// send a URL to the browser, we set this to TARGET_INFLIGHT until an ACK
// comes back - if a new request comes in before the ACK, we store the new
// URL in pending_target_url_ and set the status to TARGET_PENDING. If an
// ACK comes back and we are in TARGET_PENDING, we send the stored URL and
// revert to TARGET_INFLIGHT.
// We don't need a queue of URLs to send, as only the latest is useful.
enum {
TARGET_INFLIGHT, // We have a request in-flight, waiting for an ACK
TARGET_PENDING // INFLIGHT + we have a URL waiting to be sent
} target_url_status_ = TARGET_NONE;
// The URL we show the user in the status bar. We use this to determine if we
// want to send a new one (we do not need to send duplicates). It will be
// equal to either |mouse_over_url_| or |focus_url_|, depending on which was
// updated last.
KURL target_url_;
// The next target URL we want to send to the browser.
KURL pending_target_url_;
// The URL the user's mouse is hovering over.
KURL mouse_over_url_;
// The URL that has keyboard focus.
KURL focus_url_;
// Keeps track of the current zoom level. 0 means no zoom, positive numbers
// mean zoom in, negative numbers mean zoom out.
double zoom_level_ = 0.;
const double minimum_zoom_level_;
const double maximum_zoom_level_;
// Additional zoom factor used to scale the content by device scale factor.
double zoom_factor_for_device_scale_factor_ = 0.;
// This value, when multiplied by the font scale factor, gives the maximum
// page scale that can result from automatic zooms.
float maximum_legible_scale_ = 1.f;
// The scale moved to by the latest double tap zoom, if any.
float double_tap_zoom_page_scale_factor_ = 0.f;
// Have we sent a double-tap zoom and not yet heard back the scale?
bool double_tap_zoom_pending_ = false;
// Used for testing purposes.
bool enable_fake_page_scale_animation_for_testing_ = false;
IntPoint fake_page_scale_animation_target_position_;
float fake_page_scale_animation_page_scale_factor_ = 0.f;
bool fake_page_scale_animation_use_anchor_ = false;
float compositor_device_scale_factor_override_ = 0.f;
TransformationMatrix device_emulation_transform_;
// The popup associated with an input/select element. The popup is owned via
// closership (self-owned-but-deleted-via-close) by RenderWidget. We also hold
// a reference here because we can extend the lifetime of the popup while
// handling input events in order to compare its popup client after it was
// closed.
scoped_refptr<WebPagePopupImpl> page_popup_;
Persistent<DevToolsEmulator> dev_tools_emulator_;
// Whether the user can press tab to focus links.
bool tabs_to_links_ = false;
// WebViews, and WebWidgets, are used to host a Page. The WidgetClient()
// provides compositing support for the WebView.
// In some cases, a WidgetClient() is not provided, or it informs us that
// it won't be presenting content via a compositor.
// TODO(dcheng): All WebViewImpls should have an associated LayerTreeView,
// but for various reasons, that's not the case... WebView plugin, printing,
// workers, and tests don't use a compositor in their WebViews. Sometimes
// they avoid the compositor by using a null client, and sometimes by having
// the client return a null compositor. We should make things more consistent
// and clear.
const bool does_composite_;
bool matches_heuristics_for_gpu_rasterization_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<FullscreenController> fullscreen_controller_;
SkColor base_background_color_ = Color::kWhite;
bool base_background_color_override_enabled_ = false;
SkColor base_background_color_override_ = Color::kTransparent;
bool background_color_override_enabled_ = false;
SkColor background_color_override_ = Color::kTransparent;
float zoom_factor_override_ = 0.f;
FloatSize elastic_overscroll_;
// If true, we send IPC messages when |preferred_size_| changes.
bool send_preferred_size_changes_ = false;
// Whether the preferred size may have changed and |UpdatePreferredSize| needs
// to be called.
bool needs_preferred_size_update_ = true;
// Cache the preferred size of the page in order to prevent sending the IPC
// when layout() recomputes but doesn't actually change sizes.
gfx::Size preferred_size_in_dips_;
Persistent<EventListener> popup_mouse_wheel_event_listener_;
web_pref::WebPreferences web_preferences_;
blink::RendererPreferences renderer_preferences_;
// The local root whose document has |popup_mouse_wheel_event_listener_|
// registered.
WeakPersistent<WebLocalFrameImpl> local_root_with_empty_mouse_wheel_listener_;
// The WebWidget for the main frame. This is expected to be unset when the
// WebWidget destroys itself. This will be null if the main frame is remote.
WeakPersistent<WebFrameWidgetImpl> web_widget_;
// We defer commits when transitioning to a new page. ChromeClientImpl calls
// StopDeferringCommits() to release this when a new page is loaded.
Persistent<ResizeViewportAnchor> resize_viewport_anchor_;
// Handle to the local main frame host. Only valid when the MainFrame is
// local. It is ok to use WTF::Unretained(this) for callbacks made on this
// interface because the callbacks will be associated with the lifecycle
// of this AssociatedRemote and the lifetiime of the main LocalFrame.
// Handle to the remote main frame host. Only valid when the MainFrame is
// remote. It is ok to use WTF::Unretained(this) for callbacks made on this
// interface because the callbacks will be associated with the lifecycle
// of this AssociatedRemote and the lifetime of the main RemoteFrame.
base::Optional<mojom::blink::ScreenOrientation> screen_orientation_override_;
mojo::AssociatedReceiver<mojom::blink::PageBroadcast> receiver_;
// These are observing changes in |renderer_preferences_|. This is used for
// keeping WorkerFetchContext in sync.
// All the registered observers.
base::ObserverList<WebViewObserver> observers_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebViewImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace blink