blob: 3d5023b42a6f8c3ccaece615629f2f309019b11a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/frame/report.h"
namespace blink {
constexpr const char ReportType::kCSPViolation[];
constexpr const char ReportType::kCoopAccessViolation[];
constexpr const char ReportType::kDeprecation[];
constexpr const char ReportType::kDocumentPolicyViolation[];
constexpr const char ReportType::kFeaturePolicyViolation[];
constexpr const char ReportType::kIntervention[];
ScriptValue Report::toJSON(ScriptState* script_state) const {
V8ObjectBuilder builder(script_state);
builder.AddString("type", type());
builder.AddString("url", url());
V8ObjectBuilder body_builder(script_state);
builder.Add("body", body_builder);
return builder.GetScriptValue();
unsigned Report::MatchId() const {
unsigned hash = body()->MatchId();
hash = WTF::HashInts(hash, url().IsNull() ? 0 : url().Impl()->GetHash());
hash = WTF::HashInts(hash, type().Impl()->GetHash());
return hash;
} // namespace blink