blob: 5e5e6e5f9fd4c490dedaa605091f1183aac0afff [file] [log] [blame]
# Wrapper to make GTest tests output TAP syntax, because Automake's test
# drivers do not currently support passing the same command-line argument
# to each test executable. All GTest tests produce TAP output if invoked
# with the --tap option.
# Usage: " test-foo --verbose ..." is equivalent to
# "test-foo --tap --verbose ..."
set -e
case "$t" in
# We're running a Windows executable, possibly on a Unix
# platform. Avoid having invalid TAP syntax like "ok 3\r\n"
# where "ok 3\n" was intended.
echo 1 > "$t".exit-status.tmp
set +e
"$t" --tap "$@"
echo "$?" > "$t".exit-status.tmp
) | sed -e 's/\r$//'
e="$(cat "$t".exit-status.tmp)"
rm "$t".exit-status.tmp
exit "$e"
exec "$t" --tap "$@"