| #!/usr/bin/python |
| # |
| # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| """Updates the CREDITS.chromium file for ffmpeg. |
| |
| The structure of the output credits file is: |
| - FFmpeg LICENSE.md verbatim |
| - A few verbatim license headers from files that didn't match typical FFmpeg |
| - The entire text of the LGPL |
| |
| The vast majority of files are covered by the LGPL text, described by the |
| common FFmpeg header ("This file is part of FFmpeg..."). |
| |
| The few exceptions are cases where the FFmpeg header has been modified, or |
| where the file has historically had another license (e.g MIPS, JPEG, BSD) and |
| was pulled into FFmpeg from another project. In some cases there are many files |
| that share the exact same non-LGPL license text. These are bucketed together |
| (see KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS) to de-dup their license in the output file. |
| |
| Change to the licensing text for bucketed files are automatically caught by |
| comparing the md5 digest to a previously recorded digest in the |
| KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS table. Changes are generally not expected, but should |
| prompt manual inspection of the difference and possibly an update to the |
| license text for that bucket. |
| """ |
| |
| __author__ = 'chcunningham@chromium.org (Chris Cunningham)' |
| |
| import collections |
| import difflib |
| import hashlib |
| import os |
| import re |
| |
| # Name of the LICENSE.md file from upstream FFmpeg. This file should be kept in |
| # perfect sync w/ upstream at each merge. |
| |
| # Default name of the output file generated by CreditsUpdater.WriteCredits. This |
| # name must match the "License file: " in README.chromium. |
| |
| # Minimum similarity threshold to consider a comment header LGPL when compared |
| # against FFMPEG_LGPL_REF. |
| |
| # Regular expressions for finding license header comments. |
| C_COMMENT_BLOCK_START = re.compile('/\*+') |
| C_COMMENT_BLOCK_MID = re.compile('^ *\* *') |
| C_COMMENT_BLOCK_END = re.compile('\*/') |
| ASM_COMMENT_PRE = re.compile('^(;\**|@)') |
| ASM_NOT_COMMENT = re.compile('^[^;@]') |
| FFMPEG_HEADER_START = re.compile(' *This file is part of FFmpeg') |
| |
| LICENSE_SEPARATOR = '\n\n' + ('*' * 80) + '\n\n' |
| * This file is part of FFmpeg. |
| * |
| * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
| * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| * |
| * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| * Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| * |
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software |
| * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA |
| */""" |
| |
| # Known licenses |
| _Licenses = ('LGPL', 'MIPS', 'JPEG', 'OGG_MA_MR_2005') |
| License = collections.namedtuple('License', _Licenses)(*_Licenses) |
| |
| # Tuple describing license and similarity to the FFmpeg LGPL reference for a |
| # given file. See KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS. |
| FileInfo = collections.namedtuple('FileInfo', 'license, license_digest') |
| |
| # Most files in FFmpeg are LGPL, but there are a few exceptions that are worth |
| # bucketing together to avoid redundant license texts. The hex values are |
| # digests of the comment header, used to detect changes in the unlikely event |
| # that their license texts are altered. Any changes will require manual review |
| # to decide whether the to update the bucketing. |
| # Files that are LGPL but just miss the similarity cutoff. |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/codec_desc.c', License.LGPL, |
| '091f9c6d1efc62038e516f5c67263962' |
| ], |
| # Files with MIPS license. |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mdct_fixed_32.c', License.MIPS, |
| '179c17c9dab77f95dc6540709b5fb8cd' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/fft_fixed_32.c', License.MIPS, |
| '179c17c9dab77f95dc6540709b5fb8cd' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/fft_init_table.c', License.MIPS, |
| '179c17c9dab77f95dc6540709b5fb8cd' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/aacdec_mips.c', License.MIPS, |
| 'a08afe43d908fe6625603d0cbc95da46' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/sbrdsp_mips.c', License.MIPS, |
| 'c34ece06ebe27e5a7611ef362962b048' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/aacpsdsp_mips.c', License.MIPS, |
| 'a08afe43d908fe6625603d0cbc95da46' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavutil/mips/float_dsp_mips.c', License.MIPS, |
| 'fb9f51968ec8289768547144b920cf79' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/aacsbr_mips.c', License.MIPS, |
| '82c53533b2576fe5d2c04880a46595f2' |
| ], |
| ['libavutil/fixed_dsp.c', License.MIPS, '7a521412ac91287b3e1026885f6bd56f'], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/aacdec_mips.h', License.MIPS, |
| 'c34ece06ebe27e5a7611ef362962b048' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/lsp_mips.h', License.MIPS, |
| 'eef419f576f738e66ca3bfc975a37996' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/aacsbr_mips.h', License.MIPS, |
| '82c53533b2576fe5d2c04880a46595f2' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavutil/mips/libm_mips.h', License.MIPS, |
| '4b408982f2aa83fac9c020c61853bdae' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/amrwbdec_mips.h', License.MIPS, |
| '4b408982f2aa83fac9c020c61853bdae' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/fft_table.h', License.MIPS, |
| '179c17c9dab77f95dc6540709b5fb8cd' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/compute_antialias_float.h', License.MIPS, |
| 'a7ff7e3157e3726cba79e022628d3b93' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/mips/compute_antialias_fixed.h', License.MIPS, |
| '97e366b4c71ad5ceca991d89044c414d' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavutil/softfloat_tables.h', License.MIPS, |
| 'de3e5c962caa5c8249bef3085ef36bc8' |
| ], |
| ['libavutil/fixed_dsp.h', License.MIPS, '4b408982f2aa83fac9c020c61853bdae'], |
| # Files with JPEG Group license. |
| [ |
| 'libavcodec/jfdctint_template.c', License.JPEG, |
| 'd80cfd2e439eb700aed0f5bc44fef9b5' |
| ], |
| ['libavcodec/jfdctfst.c', License.JPEG, '7dcfa68ad9c8fd940fb404ee3242e03f'], |
| ['libavcodec/jrevdct.c', License.JPEG, 'a9b8f5dcb74fa76a72069306b841b042'], |
| # Files written by Ahlberg and RullgAYrd for parsing Ogg (MIT/X11 license). |
| [ |
| 'libavformat/oggparseogm.c', License.OGG_MA_MR_2005, |
| 'ee65196bafec5d8e871e64bb739bdc79' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavformat/oggdec.c', License.OGG_MA_MR_2005, |
| '43ed5da1268cb2f104095c79410fd394' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavformat/oggdec.h', License.OGG_MA_MR_2005, |
| 'ee65196bafec5d8e871e64bb739bdc79' |
| ], |
| [ |
| 'libavformat/oggparsevorbis.c', License.OGG_MA_MR_2005, |
| '6c432580b4486564e43cd538370e3dbc' |
| ], |
| ] |
| |
| # Path describing 'license_texts' folder as a sibling of this script's location. |
| LICENSE_FOLDER = os.path.join( |
| os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'license_texts') |
| |
| # Files containing license text to be used for the known license buckets. These |
| # files should all live in LICENSE_FOLDER. |
| License.MIPS: |
| os.path.join(LICENSE_FOLDER, 'mips.txt'), |
| License.JPEG: |
| os.path.join(LICENSE_FOLDER, 'jpeg.txt'), |
| License.LGPL: |
| os.path.join(LICENSE_FOLDER, 'full_lgpl.txt'), |
| License.OGG_MA_MR_2005: |
| os.path.join(LICENSE_FOLDER, 'oggparse_ahlberg_rullgayrd_2005.txt'), |
| } |
| |
| |
| class CreditsUpdater(object): |
| """CreditsUpdater parses license headers for files supplied via ProcessFile. |
| The parsed headers are stored for generating the FFmpeg credits file |
| (LICENSE.md) upon calling OutputCredits.""" |
| |
| def __init__(self, source_dir, output_file=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE): |
| """ Creates a CreditsUpdater |
| Args: |
| source_dir: Root of ffmpeg sources; where LICENSE.md is found and where |
| the generated DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE will be written. |
| output_file: (Optional) Name of the file to write the credits to. File |
| will live in source_dir. |
| """ |
| self.source_dir = source_dir |
| self.output_file = output_file |
| # Files where we failed to find any license header. Any entry in this list |
| # will block updating credits until the parsing code is amended to work for |
| # the difficult files. |
| self.difficult_files = [] |
| # Map storing processed files that belong to KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS. |
| # Key: LICENSE, Value: List of files with the known license. |
| self.known_credits = collections.defaultdict(list) |
| # Map storing processed files that do not belong to any known bucket. These |
| # files will have their license printed verbatim. |
| # Key: file path, Value: license text |
| self.generated_credits = collections.defaultdict(list) |
| # Convert the "buckets" above into a map. |
| self.known_file_map = {} |
| for item in KNOWN_FILE_BUCKETS: |
| self.known_file_map[os.path.join(item[0])] = FileInfo(item[1], item[2]) |
| |
| def ProcessFile(self, file_path): |
| """ Process the file updating credits. |
| Args: |
| file_path: Path to file to process. Path can be absolute or relative, but |
| should be a descendant of source_dir provided to constructor. |
| """ |
| if not os.path.isabs(file_path): |
| file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.source_dir, file_path)) |
| |
| comment_lines = ExtractFirstCommentBlock(file_path) |
| if not comment_lines: |
| self.difficult_files.append(file_path) |
| return |
| |
| # Try to pull out customizations in first few lines of license header before |
| # "This file is part of FFmpeg." Failing to normalize indicates either a |
| # totally different header or a header with significant alterations. |
| normalized_lines = NormalizeCommentLines(comment_lines) |
| if normalized_lines: |
| sim_ratio = ( |
| difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, ConcatLines(normalized_lines), |
| FFMPEG_LGPL_REF).ratio()) |
| |
| # File is a close match to typical LGPL case. |
| if sim_ratio >= LGPL_MATCH_THRESHOLD: |
| self.known_credits[License.LGPL].append(file_path) |
| # File matches some LGPL, but has significant differences. |
| else: |
| self.HandleNonLGPLFile(comment_lines, file_path) |
| # File does not contain FFmpeg LGPL header in any form. |
| else: |
| self.HandleNonLGPLFile(comment_lines, file_path) |
| |
| def HandleNonLGPLFile(self, comment_lines, file_path): |
| # Make file_path relative to FFmpeg directory to lookup self.known_file_map. |
| rel_file_path = os.path.relpath(file_path, os.path.abspath(self.source_dir)) |
| |
| # Many non-LGPL files fall into known groups (e.g. MIPS). We bucket these |
| # together to avoid repeating the same license text in the credits. |
| if rel_file_path in self.known_file_map: |
| hasher = hashlib.md5() |
| hasher.update(ConcatLines(comment_lines).encode('utf-8')) |
| |
| # Detect changes to file's licensing header. |
| file_license_info = self.known_file_map[rel_file_path] |
| if hasher.hexdigest() != file_license_info.license_digest: |
| exit( |
| 'File %(file_path)s header has changed (was: %(old_digest)s ' |
| 'now: %(new_digest)s). Inspect the header and update the ' |
| 'exceptions table to continue generating credits.' % { |
| 'file_path': rel_file_path, |
| 'old_digest': file_license_info.license_digest, |
| 'new_digest': hasher.hexdigest() |
| }) |
| # Store known files in a list for printing. |
| self.known_credits[file_license_info.license].append(rel_file_path) |
| else: |
| # This file does have a known bucket. We'll print its license verbatim. |
| self.generated_credits[rel_file_path] = ConcatLines(comment_lines).strip() |
| |
| def PrintStats(self): |
| num_known_credits = 0 |
| for license_bucket in self.known_credits: |
| num_known_credits += len(self.known_credits[license_bucket]) |
| print('CreditsUpdater stats:') |
| print(f'\t{num_known_credits} files w/ known_credits') |
| print(f'\t{len(self.generated_credits.keys())} generated_credits') |
| print(f'\t{len(self.difficult_files)} difficult_files files') |
| |
| def WriteCredits(self): |
| if self.difficult_files: |
| # After taking a closer look, enhance this tool to work for these or |
| # add them to the white-list if they truly have no licensing header. |
| print('Failed to find license header for these files:') |
| for filename in self.difficult_files: |
| print(filename) |
| exit('Update script to work for these to continue generating credits') |
| |
| output_path = os.path.join(self.source_dir, self.output_file) |
| licence_md_path = os.path.join(self.source_dir, UPSTREAM_LICENSEMD) |
| with open(output_path, 'w') as open_output: |
| # Always write the FFmpeg overview (LICENSE.md) first. |
| with open(licence_md_path) as open_license_md: |
| open_output.writelines(open_license_md.readlines()) |
| |
| # Next write verbatim headers from the generated credits map. |
| for filename, file_license in sorted(self.generated_credits.items(), |
| key=lambda x: x[0]): |
| open_output.writelines(LICENSE_SEPARATOR) |
| open_output.writelines('%s\n\n%s' % (filename, file_license)) |
| |
| # Write the known licenses, ending with LGPL. |
| for known_license in sorted(self.known_credits.keys()): |
| # Skip LGPL for now. We print it at the end. |
| if known_license is License.LGPL: |
| continue |
| |
| file_list = sorted(self.known_credits[known_license]) |
| with open(LICENSE_TEXTS[known_license]) as license_text: |
| open_output.writelines(LICENSE_SEPARATOR) |
| open_output.writelines('\n'.join(file_list) + '\n\n') |
| open_output.writelines(license_text.readlines()) |
| |
| # Finally, write full text of LGPL |
| with open(LICENSE_TEXTS[License.LGPL]) as lgpl_text: |
| open_output.writelines(LICENSE_SEPARATOR) |
| open_output.writelines(lgpl_text.readlines()) |
| |
| |
| def ConcatLines(lines): |
| return ''.join(lines) |
| |
| |
| def NormalizeCommentLines(comment_lines): |
| # Copy to leave orig const. |
| comment_lines = list(comment_lines) |
| |
| # Find start of ffmpeg lgpl header. |
| line_index = 0 |
| for line in comment_lines: |
| if (FFMPEG_HEADER_START.search(line)): |
| break |
| line_index += 1 |
| |
| if line_index == len(comment_lines): |
| # print "Failed to find start of ffmpeg header" |
| return None |
| |
| # Typically just a few lines for copyright and file description. More |
| # than 20 to the start hints that this may not be the typical lgpl header. |
| if line_index > 20: |
| # print "Header start too far from the top of comment" |
| return None |
| |
| # Pull out stuff before header start. |
| comment_lines = comment_lines[line_index:len(comment_lines)] |
| return comment_lines |
| |
| |
| def ExtractFirstCommentBlock(file_path): |
| lines = [] |
| found_comment_start = False |
| found_comment_end = False |
| is_asm = file_path.endswith('.asm') |
| |
| with open(file_path) as open_file: |
| # .S files generally have C style block comments, but a handful have a |
| # special single-line comment prefixed with '@'. Check a few lines to figure |
| # out which case we're dealing with. |
| if file_path.endswith('.S'): |
| first_line = open_file.readline() |
| if ASM_COMMENT_PRE.search(first_line): |
| is_asm = True |
| open_file.seek(0) |
| |
| if is_asm: |
| comment_start_re = ASM_COMMENT_PRE |
| comment_end_re = ASM_NOT_COMMENT |
| else: |
| comment_start_re = C_COMMENT_BLOCK_START |
| comment_end_re = C_COMMENT_BLOCK_END |
| |
| for _ in range(0, 100): |
| line = open_file.readline() |
| found_comment_start = ( |
| found_comment_start or comment_start_re.search(line)) |
| if not found_comment_start: |
| continue |
| |
| lines.append(line) |
| if comment_end_re.search(line): |
| found_comment_end = True |
| break |
| |
| if not (found_comment_start and found_comment_end): |
| return None |
| |
| StripCommentChars(lines, is_asm) |
| return lines |
| |
| |
| def StripCommentChars(comment_lines, is_asm=False): |
| if is_asm: |
| for i in range(len(comment_lines)): |
| comment_lines[i] = re.sub(ASM_COMMENT_PRE, '', comment_lines[i]) |
| else: |
| # Strip off the start slash-star |
| comment_lines[0] = re.sub(C_COMMENT_BLOCK_START, '', comment_lines[0]) |
| # Strip off the comment end star-slash |
| comment_lines[-1] = re.sub(C_COMMENT_BLOCK_END, '', comment_lines[-1]) |
| # Strip off the comment star for middle lines |
| for i in range(1, len(comment_lines)): |
| comment_lines[i] = re.sub(C_COMMENT_BLOCK_MID, '', comment_lines[i]) |