# Liblouis: Misc character definitions for Danish 6 dots (all grades) | |
# | |
# By Bue Vester-Andersen | |
# | |
# This file is part of liblouis. | |
# | |
# liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it | |
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as | |
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the | |
# License, or (at your option) any later version. | |
# | |
# liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | |
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | |
# Lesser General Public License for more details. | |
# | |
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public | |
# License along with liblouis. If not, see | |
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. | |
# | |
#------------ | |
# This file contains miscelaneous unicode character definitions used by 8 dots, grades 1 and 2. | |
# Many of the characters in this file have not been defined in the | |
# Danish Braille standard. | |
# The current implementation is purely experimental and subject to change. | |
# Math chars and arrows etc. are inspired by UEB. | |
# Version: Bue Vester-Andersen 191202 | |
# Latin Extended-A (\x0100-\x017f) | |
uplow \x0100\x0101 5-17,5-1 Latin letter a with macron | |
noback uplow \x0102\x0103 5-17,5-1 Latin letter a with breve | |
noback uplow \x0104\x0105 5-17,5-1 Latin letter a with ogonek | |
uplow \x0106\x0107 5-147,5-14 Latin letter c with acute | |
noback uplow \x0108\x0109 5-147,5-14 Latin letter c with circumflex | |
noback uplow \x010a\x010b 5-147,5-14 Latin letter c with dot above | |
noback uplow \x010c\x010d 5-147,5-14 Latin letter c with caron | |
uplow \x010e\x010f 5-1457,5-145 Latin letter d with caron | |
noback uplow \x0110\x0111 5-1457,5-145 Latin letter d with stroke | |
uplow \x0112\x0113 5-157,5-15 Latin letter e with macron | |
noback uplow \x0114\x0115 5-157,5-15 Latin letter e with breve | |
noback uplow \x0116\x0117 5-157,5-15 Latin letter e with dot above | |
noback uplow \x0118\x0119 5-157,5-15 Latin letter e with ogonek | |
noback uplow \x011a\x011b 5-157,5-15 Latin letter e with caron | |
uplow \x011c\x011d 5-12457,5-1245 Latin letter g with circumflex | |
noback uplow \x011e\x011f 5-12457,5-1245 Latin letter g with breve | |
noback uplow \x0120\x0121 5-12457,5-1245 Latin letter g with dot above | |
noback uplow \x0122\x0123 5-12457,5-1245 Latin letter g with cedilla | |
uplow \x0124\x0125 5-1257,5-125 Latin letter h with circumflex | |
noback uplow \x0126\x0127 5-1257,5-125 Latin letter h with stroke | |
uplow \x0128\x0129 5-247,5-24 Latin letter i with tilde | |
noback uplow \x012a\x012b 5-247,5-24 Latin letter i with macron | |
noback uplow \x012c\x012d 5-247,5-24 Latin letter i with breve | |
noback uplow \x012e\x012f 5-247,5-24 Latin letter i with ogonek | |
noback uplow \x0130\x0131 5-247,5-24 Latin capital letter i with dot above / small dotless i | |
uplow \x0132\x0133 5-2457,5-245 Latin ligature ij | |
noback uplow \x0134\x0135 5-2457,5-245 Latin letter j with circumflex | |
uplow \x0136\x0137 5-137,5-13 Latin letter k with cedilla | |
lowercase \x0138 5-12345 Small latin letter kra (Greenlandic q) | |
uplow \x0139\x013a 5-1237,5-123 Latin letter l with acute | |
noback uplow \x013b\x013c 5-1237,5-123 Latin letter l with cedilla | |
noback uplow \x013d\x013e 5-1237,5-123 Latin letter l with caron | |
noback uplow \x013f\x0140 5-1237,5-123 Latin letter l with middle dot | |
noback uplow \x0141\x0142 5-1237,5-123 Latin letter l with stroke | |
uplow \x0143\x0144 5-13457,5-1345 Latin letter n with acute | |
noback uplow \x0145\x0146 5-13457,5-1345 Latin letter n with cedilla | |
noback uplow \x0147\x0148 5-13457,5-1345 Latin letter n with caron | |
noback lowercase \x0149 5-1345 Latin small letter n preceeded by apostrophe | |
noback uplow \x014a\x014b 5-13457,5-1345 Latin letter eng | |
uplow \x014c\x014d 5-1357,5-135 Latin letter o with macron | |
noback uplow \x014e\x014f 5-1357,5-135 Latin letter o with breve | |
noback uplow \x0150\x0151 5-1357,5-135 Latin letter o with double acute | |
uplow \x0154\x0155 5-12357,5-1235 Latin letter r with acute | |
noback uplow \x0156\x0157 5-12357,5-1235 Latin letter r with cedilla | |
noback uplow \x0158\x0159 5-12357,5-1235 Latin letter r with caron | |
uplow \x015a\x015b 5-2347,5-234 Latin letter s with acute | |
noback uplow \x015c\x015d 5-2347,5-234 Latin letter s with circumflex | |
noback uplow \x015e\x015f 5-2347,5-234 Latin letter s with cedilla | |
uplow \x0162\x0163 5-23457,5-2345 Latin letter t with cedilla | |
noback uplow \x0164\x0165 5-23457,5-2345 Latin letter t with caron | |
noback uplow \x0166\x0167 5-23457,5-2345 Latin letter t with stroke | |
uplow \x0168\x0169 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with tilde | |
noback uplow \x016a\x016b 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with macron | |
noback uplow \x016c\x016d 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with breve | |
noback uplow \x016e\x016f 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with ring above | |
noback uplow \x0170\x0171 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with double acute | |
noback uplow \x0172\x0173 5-1367,5-136 Latin letter u with ogonek | |
uplow \x0174\x0175 5-24567,5-2456 Latin letter w with circumflex | |
uplow \x0176\x0177 5-134567,5-13456 Latin letter y with circumflex | |
uplow \x0179\x017a 5-13567,5-1356 Latin letter z with acute | |
noback uplow \x017b\x017c 5-13567,5-1356 Latin letter z with dot above | |
noback lowercase \x017f 5-234 Latin small letter long s | |
# Latin Extended-B | |
sign \x0192 45-124 #Flurihn (0x83) | |
noback sign \x02DC 45-6 #SMALL TILDE (0x98) | |
# Greek letters (with dots 458 as prefix) | |
uplow \x0386\x03AC 458-5-17,458-5-1 Greek letter alpha with tonos | |
uplow \x0388\x03AD 458-5-157,458-5-15 Greek letter epsilon with tonos | |
uplow \x0389\x03AE 458-5-1567,458-5-156 Greek letter eta with tonos | |
uplow \x038A\x03AF 458-5-247,458-5-24 Greek letter iota with sonos | |
uplow \x038C\x03CC 458-5-1358,458-5-135 Greek letter omicron with tonos | |
uplow \x038E\x03CD 458-5-1367,458-5-136 Greek letter upsilon with tonos | |
uplow \x038F\x03CE 458-5-24567,458-5-3456 Greek letter omega with tonos | |
uplow \x0391\x03B1 458-17,458-1 Greek letter alpha | |
uplow \x0392\x03B2 458-127,458-12 Greek letter beta | |
uplow \x0393\x03B3 458-12457,458-1245 Greek letter gamma | |
uplow \x0394\x03B4 458-1457,458-145 Greek letter delta | |
uplow \x0395\x03B5 458-157,458-15 Greek letter epsilon | |
uplow \x0396\x03B6 458-13567,458-1356 Greek letter zeta | |
uplow \x0397\x03B7 458-1567,458-156 Greek letter eta | |
uplow \x0398\x03B8 458-14567,458-1456 Greek letter theta | |
uplow \x0399\x03B9 458-247,458-24 Greek letter iota | |
noback uplow \x039A\x03BA 458-137,458-13 Greek letter kappa | |
uplow \x039B\x03BB 458-1237,458-123 Greek letter lamda | |
uplow \x039C\x03BC 458-1347,458-134 Greek letter Mu | |
uplow \x039D\x03BD 458-13457,458-1345 Greek letter Nu | |
uplow \x039E\x03BE 458-13467,458-1346 Greek letter Xi | |
uplow \x039F\x03BF 458-1357,458-135 Greek letter Omicron | |
uplow \x03A0\x03C0 458-12347,458-1234 Greek letter Pi | |
uplow \x03A1\x03C1 458-12357,458-1235 Greek letter Rho | |
uplow \x03A3\x03C3 458-2347,458-234 Greek letter sigma | |
uplow \x03A4\x03C4 458-23457,458-2345 Greek letter Tau | |
uplow \x03A5\x03C5 458-1367,458-136 Greek letter Upsilon | |
uplow \x03A6\x03C6 458-1247,458-124 Greek letter Phi | |
uplow \x03A7\x03C7 458-123467,458-12346 Greek letter Chi | |
uplow \x03A8\x03C8 458-134567,458-13456 Greek letter Psi | |
uplow \x03A9\x03C9 458-24567,458-2456 Greek letter Omega | |
# Punctuation and bullits | |
noback space \x2000 0 # En quad | |
noback space \x2001 0 # Em quad | |
noback space \x2002 0 # En space | |
noback space \x2003 0 # Em space | |
noback space \x2004 0 # Three-Per-Em Space | |
noback space \x2005 0 # Four-Per-Em Space | |
noback space \x2006 0 # Six-Per-Em Space | |
noback space \x2007 0 # Figure Space | |
noback space \x2008 0 # Punctuation Space | |
noback space \x2009 0 # Thin Space | |
noback space \x200a 0 # Hair Space | |
noback punctuation \x2010 368 # Hyphen | |
noback punctuation \x2011 368 # Non-breaking hyphen | |
noback punctuation \x2012 368 # Figure dash | |
noback sign \x2016 4568-4568 # Double Vertical Line | |
sign \x2017 45-3678 # Double low line | |
noback punctuation \x201a 4 # Single Low-9 Quotation Mark | |
noback punctuation \x201b 4 # Single High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark | |
noback punctuation \x201e 2356 # Double low-9 Quotation Mark | |
noback punctuation \x201f 2356 # Double High-Reversed-9 Quotation Mark | |
sign \x2022 45-3 #Bullit (0x95) | |
noback sign \x2023 45-3 #Triangular bullit | |
noback space \x202f 0 # Narrow No-Break Space (NNBSP) | |
noback punctuation \x203c 235-235 # Double Exclamation Mark | |
noback punctuation \x203d 26-235 # Interrobang | |
noback sign \x2043 45-3 # Hyphen bullet (0x95) | |
noback punctuation \x2047 26-26 # Double question mark | |
noback punctuation \x2048 26-235 # Question exclamation mark | |
noback punctuation \x2049 235-26 # Exclamation question mark | |
noback sign \x204c 45-3 # BLACK LEFTWARDS BULLET | |
noback sign \x204d 45-3 # BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET | |
# Arrows | |
sign \x2190 45-1256-246 Left arrow | |
sign \x2191 45-1256-346 Up arrow | |
sign \x2192 45-1256-135 Right arrow | |
sign \x2193 45-1256-146 Down arrow | |
sign \x2194 45-1256-2456-1235-135 Left-right arrow | |
sign \x2196 45-1256-156 Northwest arrow | |
sign \x2197 45-1256-234 Northeast arrow | |
sign \x2198 45-1256-126 Southeast arrow | |
sign \x2199 45-1256-345 Southwest arrow | |
sign \x21d4 45-1256-2456-2356-1235-135 Left-right double arrow | |
# Math signs (experimental) | |
math \x2200 45-1 # For all | |
math \x2208 45-15 # Element of | |
math \x2213 456-36 # Minus or plus | |
math \x221d 456-5-23568 # Proportional to | |
math \x2229 46-236 # Intersection | |
math \x222a 46-235 # Union | |
math \x2243 456-35 # approx. equal to | |
math \x2245 5-45-35 # approx. equal to | |
math \x2248 45-35 # approx. equal to | |
math \x224f 45-5-23568 # Diff between or approx. equal to | |
math \x2251 46-5-23568 # approx. equal to | |
math \x2260 5-23568-4-156 # Not equal to | |
math \x2261 456-123456 # Equivalent to | |
math \x2264 456-358 # Less than or equal to | |
math \x2265 456-267 # Greater than or equal to | |
math \x226a 46-358 # Much less than | |
math \x226b 46-267 # Much greater than | |
math \x22c5 5-256 # Multiplication dot | |
# Geometrical shapes | |
noback sign \x25e6 45-3 #White bullet |