blob: baa14189efd71403a8eef1c0e8c860f80b2d47eb [file] [log] [blame]
# liblouis: Letters with accents (without ä ö ü) - detailed representation of french and italian accents
# Copyright (C) 2018 SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte
# This file is part of liblouis.
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uplow \x00C0\x00E0 4-12356 Àà &#192;&#224; LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00C2\x00E2 4-16 Ââ &#194;&#226; LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00C7\x00E7 4-12346 Çç &#199;&#231; LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x00C8\x00E8 4-2346 Èè &#200;&#232; LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00C9\x00E9 4-123456 Éé &#201;&#233; LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00CA\x00EA 4-126 Êê &#202;&#234; LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00CB\x00EB 4-1246 Ëë &#203;&#235; LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x00CC\x00EC 4-34 Ìì &#204;&#236; LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00CE\x00EE 4-146 Îî &#206;&#238; LATIN LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00CF\x00EF 4-12456 Ïï &#207;&#239; LATIN LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 4-346 Òò &#210;&#242; LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00D4\x00F4 4-1456 Ôô &#212;&#244; LATIN LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00D9\x00F9 4-23456 Ùù &#217;&#249; LATIN LETTER U WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00DB\x00FB 4-156 Ûû &#219;&#251; LATIN LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x0152\x0153 4-246 Œœ &#338;&#339; LATIN LIGATURE OE