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# liblouis: Letters with accents (without ä ö ü)
# Copyright (C) 2018 SBS Schweizerische Bibliothek für Blinde, Seh- und Lesebehinderte
# This file is part of liblouis.
# liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with liblouis. If not, see
# <>.
uplow \x00C0\x00E0 4-1 Àà &#192;&#224; LATIN LETTER A WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00C1\x00E1 4-1 Áá &#193;&#225; LATIN LETTER A WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00C2\x00E2 4-1 Ââ &#194;&#226; LATIN LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00C3\x00E3 4-1 Ãã &#195;&#227; LATIN LETTER A WITH TILDE
uplow \x00C5\x00E5 4-1 Åå &#197;&#229; LATIN LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE
uplow \x00C6\x00E6 1-15 Ææ &#198;&#230; LATIN LETTER AE
uplow \x00C7\x00E7 4-14 Çç &#199;&#231; LATIN LETTER C WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x00C8\x00E8 4-15 Èè &#200;&#232; LATIN LETTER E WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00C9\x00E9 4-15 Éé &#201;&#233; LATIN LETTER E WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00CA\x00EA 4-15 Êê &#202;&#234; LATIN LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00CB\x00EB 4-15 Ëë &#203;&#235; LATIN LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x00CC\x00EC 4-24 Ìì &#204;&#236; LATIN LETTER I WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00CD\x00ED 4-24 Íí &#205;&#237; LATIN LETTER I WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00CE\x00EE 4-24 Îî &#206;&#238; LATIN LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00CF\x00EF 4-24 Ïï &#207;&#239; LATIN LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x00D0\x00F0 4-145 Ðð &#208;&#240; LATIN LETTER ETH
uplow \x00D1\x00F1 4-1345 Ññ &#209;&#241; LATIN LETTER N WITH TILDE
uplow \x00D2\x00F2 4-135 Òò &#210;&#242; LATIN LETTER O WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00D3\x00F3 4-135 Óó &#211;&#243; LATIN LETTER O WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00D4\x00F4 4-135 Ôô &#212;&#244; LATIN LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00D5\x00F5 4-135 Õõ &#213;&#245; LATIN LETTER O WITH TILDE
uplow \x00D8\x00F8 4-135 Øø &#216;&#248; LATIN LETTER O WITH STROKE
uplow \x00D9\x00F9 4-136 Ùù &#217;&#249; LATIN LETTER U WITH GRAVE
uplow \x00DA\x00FA 4-136 Úú &#218;&#250; LATIN LETTER U WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00DB\x00FB 4-136 Ûû &#219;&#251; LATIN LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x00DD\x00FD 4-13456 Ýý &#221;&#253; LATIN LETTER Y WITH ACUTE
uplow \x00DE\x00FE 4-2345 Þþ &#222;&#254; LATIN LETTER THORN
uplow \x0178\x00FF 4-13456 Ÿÿ &#255;&#376; LATIN LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x0152\x0153 135-15 Œœ &#338;&#339; LATIN LIGATURE OE
uplow \x0100\x0101 4-1 Āā &#256;&#257; LATIN LETTER A WITH MACRON
uplow \x0102\x0103 4-1 Ăă &#258;&#259; LATIN LETTER A WITH BREVE
uplow \x0104\x0105 4-1 Ąą &#260;&#261; LATIN LETTER A WITH OGONEK
uplow \x0106\x0107 4-14 Ćć &#262;&#263; LATIN LETTER C WITH ACUTE
uplow \x0108\x0109 4-14 Ĉĉ &#264;&#265; LATIN LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x010A\x010B 4-14 Ċċ &#266;&#267; LATIN LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE
uplow \x010C\x010D 4-14 Čč &#268;&#269; LATIN LETTER C WITH CARON
uplow \x010E\x010F 4-145 Ďď &#270;&#271; LATIN LETTER D WITH CARON
uplow \x0110\x0111 4-145 Đđ &#272;&#273; LATIN LETTER D WITH STROKE
uplow \x0112\x0113 4-15 Ēē &#274;&#275; LATIN LETTER E WITH MACRON
uplow \x0116\x0117 4-15 Ėė &#278;&#279; LATIN LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE
uplow \x0118\x0119 4-15 Ęę &#280;&#281; LATIN LETTER E WITH OGONEK
uplow \x011A\x011B 4-15 Ěě &#282;&#283; LATIN LETTER E WITH CARON
uplow \x011E\x011F 4-1245 Ğğ &#286;&#287; LATIN LETTER G WITH BREVE
uplow \x0122\x0123 4-1245 Ģģ &#290;&#291; LATIN LETTER G WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0124\x0125 4-125 Ĥĥ &#292;&#293; LATIN LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x0126\x0127 4-125 Ħħ &#294;&#295; LATIN LETTER H WITH STROKE
uplow \x0128\x0129 4-24 Ĩĩ &#296;&#297; LATIN LETTER I WITH TILDE
uplow \x012A\x012B 4-24 Īī &#298;&#299; LATIN LETTER I WITH MACRON
uplow \x012E\x012F 4-24 Įį &#302;&#303; LATIN LETTER I WITH OGONEK
uplow \x0132\x0133 4-245 IJij &#306;&#307; LATIN LIGATURE IJ
uplow \x0134\x0135 4-245 Ĵĵ &#308;&#309; LATIN LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x0136\x0137 4-13 Ķķ &#310;&#311; LATIN LETTER K WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0139\x013A 4-123 Ĺĺ &#313;&#314; LATIN LETTER L WITH ACUTE
uplow \x013B\x013C 4-123 Ļļ &#315;&#316; LATIN LETTER L WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x013D\x013E 4-123 Ľľ &#317;&#318; LATIN LETTER L WITH CARON
uplow \x013F\x0140 4-123 Ŀŀ &#319;&#320; LATIN LETTER L WITH MIDDLE DOT
uplow \x0141\x0142 4-123 Łł &#321;&#322; LATIN LETTER L WITH STROKE
uplow \x0143\x0144 4-1345 Ńń &#323;&#324; LATIN LETTER N WITH ACUTE
uplow \x0145\x0146 4-1345 Ņņ &#325;&#326; LATIN LETTER N WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0147\x0148 4-1345 Ňň &#327;&#328; LATIN LETTER N WITH CARON
uplow \x014A\x014B 4-1345 Ŋŋ &#330;&#331; LATIN LETTER ENG
uplow \x014C\x014D 4-135 Ōō &#332;&#333; LATIN LETTER O WITH MACRON
uplow \x014E\x014F 4-135 Ŏŏ &#334;&#335; LATIN LETTER O WITH BREVE
uplow \x0150\x0151 4-135 Őő &#336;&#337; LATIN LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
uplow \x0154\x0155 4-1235 Ŕŕ &#340;&#341; LATIN LETTER R WITH ACUTE
uplow \x0156\x0157 4-1235 Ŗŗ &#342;&#343; LATIN LETTER R WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0158\x0159 4-1235 Řř &#344;&#345; LATIN LETTER R WITH CARON
uplow \x015A\x015B 4-234 Śś &#346;&#347; LATIN LETTER S WITH ACUTE
uplow \x015C\x015D 4-234 Ŝŝ &#348;&#349; LATIN LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x015E\x015F 4-234 Şş &#350;&#351; LATIN LETTER S WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0160\x0161 4-234 Šš &#352;&#353; LATIN LETTER S WITH CARON
uplow \x0218\x0219 4-234 Șș LATIN LETTER S WITH COMMA BELOW
uplow \x0162\x0163 4-2345 Ţţ &#354;&#355; LATIN LETTER T WITH CEDILLA
uplow \x0164\x0165 4-2345 Ťť &#356;&#357; LATIN LETTER T WITH CARON
uplow \x0166\x0167 4-2345 Ŧŧ &#358;&#359; LATIN LETTER T WITH STROKE
uplow \x021A\x021B 4-2345 Țț LATIN LETTER T WITH COMMA BELOW
uplow \x0168\x0169 4-136 Ũũ &#360;&#361; LATIN LETTER U WITH TILDE
uplow \x016A\x016B 4-136 Ūū &#362;&#363; LATIN LETTER U WITH MACRON
uplow \x016C\x016D 4-136 Ŭŭ &#364;&#365; LATIN LETTER U WITH BREVE
uplow \x016E\x016F 4-136 Ůů &#366;&#367; LATIN LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE
uplow \x0170\x0171 4-136 Űű &#368;&#369; LATIN LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE
uplow \x0172\x0173 4-136 Ųų &#370;&#371; LATIN LETTER U WITH OGONEK
uplow \x0174\x0175 4-2456 Ŵŵ &#372;&#373; LATIN LETTER W WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x0176\x0177 4-13456 Ŷŷ &#374;&#375; LATIN LETTER Y WITH CIRCUMFLEX
uplow \x0179\x017A 4-1356 Źź &#377;&#378; LATIN LETTER Z WITH ACUTE
uplow \x017B\x017C 4-1356 Żż &#379;&#380; LATIN LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE
uplow \x017D\x017E 4-1356 Žž &#381;&#382; LATIN LETTER Z WITH CARON
uplow \x01CD\x01CE 4-1 Ǎǎ &#461;&#462; LATIN LETTER A WITH CARON
uplow \x1E80\x1E81 4-2456 Ẁẁ &#7808;&#7809; LATIN LETTER W WITH GRAVE
uplow \x1E82\x1E83 4-2456 Ẃẃ &#7810;&#7811; LATIN LETTER W WITH ACUTE
uplow \x1E84\x1E85 4-2456 Ẅẅ &#7812;&#7813; LATIN LETTER W WITH DIAERESIS
uplow \x1EF2\x1EF3 4-13456 Ỳỳ &#7922;&#7923; LATIN LETTER Y WITH GRAVE