blob: cb3b7c1c84430ac9e4f36c524d95aae55ec9664b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2019 by the Dutch Braille Authority <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 by Dedicon <>
# Copyright (C) 2019 by Babbage B.V. <>
# This file is part of liblouis.
# liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with liblouis. If not, see
# <>.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Dutch Computer Braille as proposed to be used in Belgium and the Netherlands
# This braille table is currently in draft
# Please consult the Dutch Braille Authority website for more information
#-index-name: Dutch, computer, 8-dot
#-display-name: Dutch 8-dot computer braille draft
include spaces.uti
punctuation ! 235 exclamation mark
punctuation " 2356 quotation mark
punctuation # 3456 number sign
sign $ 1458 dollar sign
sign % 123456 percent sign
sign & 12346 ampersand
sign ' 3 apostrophe
sign ( 236 left parenthesis
sign ) 356 right parenthesis
sign * 35 asterisk
math + 2358 plus sign
punctuation , 2 comma
math - 36 hyphen-minus
punctuation . 256 full stop
sign / 34 solidus
include digits6DotsPlusDot6.uti
punctuation : 25 colon
punctuation ; 23 semicolon
math < 358 less-than sign
math = 23568 equals sign
math > 267 greater-than sign
punctuation ? 26 question mark
sign @ 345 commercial at
include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
sign [ 12356 left square bracket
sign \\ 167 reverse solidus
sign ] 23456 right square bracket
sign ^ 3467 circumflex accent
sign _ 456 low line
sign ` 6 grave accent
sign { 23678 left curly bracket
sign | 4568 vertical line
sign } 35678 right curly bracket
sign ~ 268 tilde
punctuation ¡ 12478 inverted exclamation mark
sign £ 12348 pound sign
sign ¤ 13468 currency sign
sign ¥ 134568 yen sign
sign ¦ 458 broken bar
sign § 578 section sign
sign ¨ 4 diaeresis
sign © 148 copyright sign
noback sign « 2378 left-pointing double angle quotation mark
sign ¬ 25678 not sign
replace ­ # soft hyphen
sign ® 12358 registered sign
sign ° 12458 degree sign
math ± 23578 plus-minus sign
sign ² 1278 superscript two
sign ³ 1478 superscript three
sign ´ 8 acute accent
sign µ 1348 micro sign
sign ¶ 7 pilcrow sign
sign · 5 middle dot
sign ¸ 28 cedilla
noback sign » 5678 right-pointing double angle quotation mark
sign ¼ 12567 vulgar fraction one quarter
sign ½ 1238 vulgar fraction one half
sign ¾ 124567 vulgar fraction three quarters
punctuation ¿ 1578 inverted question mark
uplow Àà 1235678,123568 Latin letter a with grave
uplow Áá 178,18 Latin letter a with acute
uplow Ââ 1678,168 Latin letter a with circumflex
uplow Ãã 478,48 Latin letter a with tilde
uplow Ää 34578,3458 Latin letter a with diaeresis
uplow Ææ 1378,138 Latin letter ae
uplow Çç 1234678,123468 Latin letter c with cedilla
uplow Èè 234678,23468 Latin letter e with grave
uplow Éé 12345678,1234568 Latin letter e with acute
uplow Êê 12678,1268 Latin letter e with circumflex
uplow Ëë 124678,12468 Latin letter e with diaeresis
uplow Ìì 2478,248 Latin letter i with grave
uplow Íí 3478,348 Latin letter i with acute
uplow Îî 14678,1468 Latin letter i with circumflex
uplow Ïï 1245678,124568 Latin letter i with diaeresis
uplow Ññ 134578,13458 Latin letter n with tilde
uplow Òò 13578,1358 Latin letter o with grave
uplow Óó 34678,3468 Latin letter o with acute
uplow Ôô 145678,14568 Latin letter o with circumflex
uplow Õõ 24578,2458 Latin letter o with tilde
uplow Öö 24678,2468 Latin letter o with diaeresis
math × 2368 multiplication sign
uplow Øø 135678,13568 Latin letter o with stroke
uplow Ùù 2345678,234568 Latin letter u with grave
uplow Úú 13678,1368 Latin letter u with acute
uplow Ûû 15678,1568 Latin letter u with circumflex
uplow Üü 125678,12568 Latin letter u with diaeresis
letter ß 2346 Latin small letter sharp s
math ÷ 2568 division sign
uplow Œœ 245678,24568 latin ligature oe
sign – 367 en dash
sign — 78 em dash
sign ‘ 378 left single quotation mark
sign ’ 678 right single quotation mark
sign ‚ 67 single low-9 quotation mark
sign “ 2378 left double quotation mark
sign ” 5678 right double quotation mark
sign „ 2367 double low-9 quotation mark
sign † 2357 dagger
sign • 3678 bullet
punctuation … 2567 horizontal ellipsis
sign ‰ 1234567 per mille sign
math ′ 38 prime
noback sign ‹ 378 single left-pointing angle quotation mark
noback sign › 678 single right-pointing angle quotation mark
sign € 158 euro sign
sign ™ 23458 trade mark sign
sign ← 2348 leftwards arrow
sign ↑ 134678
sign → 1567 rightwards arrow
sign ↓ 124578 downwards arrow
noback sign ⇒ 3678 rightwards double arrow
noback sign ⇨ 3678 rightwards white arrow
math − 368 minus sign
noback sign ■ 3678 black square
noback sign ♣ 3678 black club suit
noback sign ♦ 3678 black diamond suit
noback sign ✔ 3678 heavy check mark
noback sign ❖ 3678 black diamond minus white x
noback sign ➢ 3678 three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead
include braille-patterns.cti