| # Copyright (C) 2015 by Harpo Sp. z o. o. <info@harpo.com.pl> |
| # Copyright (C) 2019 Ćukasz Golonka <wulfryk1@gmail.com> |
| # |
| # ----------- |
| #-index-name: Polish, computer |
| #-display-name: Polish computer braille |
| # |
| #+locale:pl |
| #+type:computer |
| #+dots:8 |
| # |
| # TODO: Please correct the metadata above. It is not meant to be |
| # accurate nor complete. It hasn't been verified by the table |
| # author yet. It is merely an attempt by the liblouis maintainers |
| # to get some sensible initial values in place. |
| # |
| # TODO: Please add a reference to official documentation about |
| # the implemented braille code. Preferably submit the documents |
| # to https://github.com/liblouis/braille-specs. |
| # ----------- |
| # |
| # This file is part of liblouis. |
| # |
| # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it |
| # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as |
| # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
| # License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| # |
| # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
| # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| # Lesser General Public License for more details. |
| # |
| # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
| # License along with liblouis. If not, see |
| # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
| |
| include latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| include digits8Dots.uti |
| |
| uplow \x00D3\x00F3 3467,346 # letter o with acute |
| uplow \x0104\x0105 167,16 # letter a with ogonek |
| uplow \x0106\x0107 1467,146 # letter c with acute |
| uplow \x0118\x0119 1567,156 # letter e with ogonek |
| uplow \x0141\x0142 1267,126 # letter l with stroke |
| uplow \x0143\x0144 14567,1456 # letter n with acute |
| uplow \x015A\x015B 2467,246 # letter s with acute |
| uplow \x0179\x017A 23467,2346 # letter z with acute |
| uplow \x017B\x017C 123467,12346 # letter z with dot above |
| |
| space \s 0 blank |
| |
| punctuation \x0021 2358 # ! |
| punctuation \x0022 5 # " |
| sign \x0023 3456 # # |
| sign \x0024 46 # $ |
| sign \x0025 123456 # % |
| sign \x0026 123468 # & |
| punctuation \x0027 4 # ' |
| punctuation \x0028 236 # ( |
| punctuation \x0029 356 # ) |
| sign \x002A 35 # * |
| math \x002B 235 # + |
| punctuation \x002C 2 # , |
| punctuation \x002D 36 # - |
| punctuation \x002E 3 # . |
| math \x002F 256 # / |
| punctuation \x003A 25 # : |
| punctuation \x003B 23 # ; |
| math \x003C 56 # < |
| math \x003D 2356 # = |
| math \x003E 45 # > |
| punctuation \x003F 26 # ? |
| sign \x0040 3457 # @ |
| punctuation \x005B 12356 # [ |
| sign \x005C 34 # backslash |
| punctuation \x005D 23456 # ] |
| sign \x005E 23468 # ^ |
| sign \x005F 6 # _ |
| sign \x0060 345 # ` |
| punctuation \x007B 123567 # { |
| sign \x007C 456 # | |
| punctuation \x007D 234567 # } |
| punctuation \x2013 36 # 8211 smart minus sign |
| math \x007E 1246 # ~ |
| |
| noback sign \x0000 34578 |
| noback sign \x0001 178 |
| noback sign \x0002 1278 |
| noback sign \x0003 1478 |
| noback sign \x0004 14578 |
| noback sign \x0005 1578 |
| noback sign \x0006 12478 |
| noback sign \x0007 124578 |
| noback sign \x0008 12578 |
| noback sign \x0009 2478 |
| noback sign \x000A 24578 |
| noback sign \x000B 1378 |
| noback sign \x000C 12378 |
| noback sign \x000D 13478 |
| noback sign \x000E 134578 |
| noback sign \x000F 13578 |
| noback sign \x0010 123478 |
| noback sign \x0011 1234578 |
| noback sign \x0012 123578 |
| noback sign \x0013 23478 |
| noback sign \x0014 234578 |
| noback sign \x0015 13678 |
| noback sign \x0016 123678 |
| noback sign \x0017 245678 |
| noback sign \x0018 134678 |
| noback sign \x0019 1345678 |
| noback sign \x001A 135678 |
| noback sign \x001B 1235678 |
| noback sign \x001C 3478 |
| noback sign \x001D 2345678 |
| noback sign \x001E 234678 |
| noback sign \x001F 45678 |
| |
| noback sign \x007F 267 |
| sign \x0080 1256 |
| sign \x0081 12456 |
| noback sign \x0082 7 |
| noback sign \x0083 27 |
| noback sign \x0084 37 |
| noback sign \x0085 237 |
| noback sign \x0086 47 |
| noback sign \x0087 347 |
| noback sign \x0088 57 |
| noback sign \x0089 257 |
| noback sign \x008A 357 |
| noback sign \x008B 2357 |
| noback sign \x008C 2467 |
| noback sign \x008D 457 |
| noback sign \x008E 67 |
| noback sign \x008F 23467 |
| noback sign \x0090 367 |
| noback sign \x0091 2367 |
| noback sign \x0092 467 |
| noback sign \x0093 12467 |
| noback sign \x0094 567 |
| noback sign \x0095 2567 |
| noback sign \x0096 12567 |
| noback sign \x0097 3567 |
| noback sign \x0098 23567 |
| noback sign \x0099 4567 |
| noback sign \x009A 124567 |
| noback sign \x009B 34567 |
| noback sign \x009C 246 |
| noback sign \x009D 1234567 |
| noback sign \x009E 8 |
| noback sign \x009F 2346 |
| |
| noback punctuation \x00A0 28 |
| noback punctuation \x00A1 38 |
| noback sign \x00A2 138 |
| noback sign \x00A3 1267 |
| noback sign \x00A4 238 |
| noback sign \x00A5 167 |
| noback sign \x00A6 1238 |
| noback sign \x00A7 48 |
| noback sign \x00A8 348 |
| noback sign \x00A9 1348 |
| noback sign \x00AA 2348 |
| noback sign \x00AB 12348 |
| noback sign \x00AC 58 |
| noback sign \x00AD 258 |
| noback sign \x00AE 358 |
| noback sign \x00AF 123467 |
| noback sign \x00B0 1358 |
| noback sign \x00B1 12358 |
| noback sign \x00B2 458 |
| noback sign \x00B3 126 |
| noback sign \x00B4 3458 |
| noback sign \x00B5 13458 |
| noback sign \x00B6 23458 |
| noback sign \x00B7 123458 |
| noback sign \x00B8 68 |
| noback sign \x00B9 16 |
| noback sign \x00BA 168 |
| noback sign \x00BB 268 |
| noback sign \x00BC 1268 |
| noback sign \x00BD 368 |
| noback sign \x00BE 1368 |
| noback punctuation \x00BF 12346 |
| |
| noback uppercase \x00C0 2368 |
| noback uppercase \x00C1 12368 |
| noback uppercase \x00C2 468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C3 1468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C4 2468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C5 12468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C6 1467 |
| noback uppercase \x00C7 3468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C8 13468 |
| noback uppercase \x00C9 568 |
| noback uppercase \x00CA 1567 |
| noback uppercase \x00CB 1568 |
| noback uppercase \x00CC 2568 |
| noback uppercase \x00CD 12568 |
| noback uppercase \x00CE 3568 |
| noback uppercase \x00CF 13568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D0 23568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D1 14567 |
| noback uppercase \x00D2 123568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D4 4568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D5 14568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D6 24568 |
| |
| noback math \x00D7 124568 |
| |
| noback uppercase \x00D8 34568 |
| noback uppercase \x00D9 134568 |
| noback uppercase \x00DA 234568 |
| noback uppercase \x00DB 1234568 |
| noback uppercase \x00DC 78 |
| noback uppercase \x00DD 278 |
| noback uppercase \x00DE 378 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x00DF 2378 |
| noback lowercase \x00E0 478 |
| noback lowercase \x00E1 578 |
| noback lowercase \x00E2 2578 |
| noback lowercase \x00E3 3578 |
| noback lowercase \x00E4 23578 |
| noback lowercase \x00E5 4578 |
| noback lowercase \x00E6 146 |
| noback lowercase \x00E7 678 |
| noback lowercase \x00E8 1678 |
| noback lowercase \x00E9 2678 |
| noback lowercase \x00EA 156 |
| noback lowercase \x00EB 12678 |
| noback lowercase \x00EC 3678 |
| noback lowercase \x00ED 23678 |
| noback lowercase \x00EE 4678 |
| noback lowercase \x00EF 14678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F0 24678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F1 1456 |
| noback lowercase \x00F2 124678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F4 34678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F5 1234678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F6 5678 |
| |
| noback sign \x00F7 15678 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x00F8 25678 |
| noback lowercase \x00F9 125678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FA 35678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FB 235678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FC 145678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FD 1245678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FE 345678 |
| noback lowercase \x00FF 12345678 |
| |
| noback uppercase \x0100 1678 |
| noback lowercase \x0101 168 |
| noback uppercase \x0102 1235678 |
| noback lowercase \x0103 123568 |
| noback uppercase \x0108 14678 |
| noback lowercase \x0109 1468 |
| noback uppercase \x010C 14678 |
| noback lowercase \x010D 1468 |
| noback uppercase \x0110 145678 |
| noback lowercase \x0111 14568 |
| noback uppercase \x0112 15678 |
| noback lowercase \x0113 1568 |
| noback uppercase \x011C 1245678 |
| noback lowercase \x011D 124568 |
| noback uppercase \x0122 1245678 |
| noback lowercase \x0123 124568 |
| noback uppercase \x0124 125678 |
| noback lowercase \x0125 12568 |
| noback lowercase \x012B 2468 |
| noback uppercase \x0130 3478 |
| noback lowercase \x0131 348 |
| noback uppercase \x0134 245678 |
| noback lowercase \x0135 24568 |
| noback uppercase \x0136 13678 |
| noback lowercase \x0137 1368 |
| noback uppercase \x013B 123678 |
| noback lowercase \x013C 12368 |
| noback uppercase \x0145 1345678 |
| noback lowercase \x0146 134568 |
| |
| noback uppercase \x0150 1245678 |
| noback lowercase \x0151 124568 |
| noback uppercase \x0152 237 |
| noback lowercase \x0153 467 |
| noback uppercase \x0156 1235678 |
| noback lowercase \x0157 123568 |
| noback lowercase \x0159 2456 |
| noback uppercase \x015C 234678 |
| noback lowercase \x015D 23468 |
| noback uppercase \x015E 134568 |
| noback lowercase \x015F 123468 |
| noback uppercase \x0160 678 |
| noback lowercase \x0161 1568 |
| noback uppercase \x0162 24678 |
| noback lowercase \x0163 23458 |
| noback uppercase \x0164 125678 |
| noback lowercase \x0165 1256 |
| noback uppercase \x016A 34678 |
| noback lowercase \x016B 3468 |
| noback uppercase \x016C 34678 |
| noback lowercase \x016D 3468 |
| noback lowercase \x016F 23456 |
| noback uppercase \x0170 2345678 |
| noback lowercase \x0171 234568 |
| noback uppercase \x0178 12345678 |
| noback uppercase \x017D 12567 |
| noback lowercase \x017E 2346 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x0192 78 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x025C 13567 |
| noback sign \x02C6 378 |
| noback sign \x02C7 134568 |
| noback sign \x02D8 134568 |
| noback sign \x02D9 5 |
| noback sign \x02DB 134568 |
| noback sign \x02DC 2578 |
| |
| noback sign \x0374 3456 |
| noback sign \x0375 5678 |
| noback punctuation \x037E 26 |
| noback sign \x0384 4 |
| noback sign \x0385 45 |
| noback uppercase \x0386 34578 |
| noback punctuation \x0387 467 |
| noback uppercase \x0388 124678 |
| noback uppercase \x0389 12345678 |
| noback uppercase \x038A 1245678 |
| noback uppercase \x038C 24678 |
| noback uppercase \x038E 125678 |
| noback uppercase \x038F 24578 |
| noback lowercase \x0390 248 |
| noback uppercase \x0391 456-1 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0392 456-12 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0393 456-1245 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0394 456-145 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0395 456-15 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0396 456-1356 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0397 456-156 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0398 456-1456 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x0399 456-24 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039A 456-13 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039B 456-123 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039C 456-134 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039D 456-1345 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039E 456-1346 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x039F 456-135 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x03A0 456-1234 # Î |
| noback uppercase \x03A1 456-1235 # ÎĄ |
| noback uppercase \x03A3 456-234 # ÎŁ |
| noback uppercase \x03A4 456-2345 # ΀ |
| noback uppercase \x03A5 456-136 # ΄ |
| noback uppercase \x03A6 456-124 # Ί |
| noback uppercase \x03A7 456-12346 # Χ |
| noback uppercase \x03A8 456-13456 # Κ |
| noback uppercase \x03A9 456-2456 # Ω |
| noback uppercase \x03AA 2478 |
| noback uppercase \x03AB 1345678 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x03AC 3458 |
| noback lowercase \x03AD 12468 |
| noback lowercase \x03AE 1234568 |
| noback lowercase \x03AF 124568 |
| noback lowercase \x03B0 134568 |
| noback lowercase \x03B1 56-1 # α |
| noback lowercase \x03B2 56-12 # ÎČ |
| noback lowercase \x03B3 56-1245 # Îł |
| noback lowercase \x03B4 56-145 # ÎŽ |
| noback lowercase \x03B5 56-15 # Δ |
| noback lowercase \x03B6 56-1356 # ζ |
| noback lowercase \x03B7 56-156 # η |
| noback lowercase \x03B8 56-1456 # Ξ |
| noback lowercase \x03B9 56-24 # Îč |
| noback lowercase \x03BA 56-13 # Îș |
| noback lowercase \x03BB 56-123 # λ |
| noback lowercase \x03BC 56-134 # Ό |
| noback lowercase \x03BD 56-1345 # Μ |
| noback lowercase \x03BE 56-1346 # Ο |
| noback lowercase \x03BF 56-135 # Îż |
| noback lowercase \x03C0 56-1234 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C1 56-1235 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C2 56-234 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C3 56-234 |
| noback lowercase \x03C4 56-2345 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C5 56-136 # Ï
| noback lowercase \x03C6 56-124 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C7 56-12346 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C8 56-13456 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03C9 56-2456 # Ï |
| noback lowercase \x03CA 348 |
| noback lowercase \x03CB 234568 |
| noback lowercase \x03CC 2468 |
| noback lowercase \x03CD 12568 |
| noback lowercase \x03CE 2458 |
| |
| noback letter \x03D0 1278 |
| noback letter \x03D1 145678 |
| noback letter \x03D2 12368 |
| noback letter \x03D3 23456 |
| noback letter \x03D4 1368 |
| noback letter \x03D5 12478 |
| noback letter \x03D6 123478 |
| noback letter \x03D7 12346 |
| noback uppercase \x03D8 1234578 |
| noback lowercase \x03D9 123458 |
| noback uppercase \x03DA 123678 |
| noback lowercase \x03DB 12368 |
| noback uppercase \x03DC 145678 |
| noback lowercase \x03DD 12368 |
| noback uppercase \x03DE 1234578 |
| noback lowercase \x03DF 123458 |
| noback uppercase \x03E0 234678 |
| noback lowercase \x03E1 23468 |
| noback letter \x03F0 1234578 |
| noback letter \x03F1 123578 |
| noback letter \x03F2 23478 |
| noback uppercase \x03F4 145678 |
| noback letter \x03F5 1578 |
| noback uppercase \x03FA 234678 |
| noback lowercase \x03FB 23468 |
| |
| noback uppercase \x0401 167 |
| noback uppercase \x0404 3457 |
| noback uppercase \x0406 134567 |
| noback uppercase \x0407 14567 |
| noback uppercase \x0410 17 |
| noback uppercase \x0411 127 |
| noback uppercase \x0412 24567 |
| noback uppercase \x0413 12457 |
| noback uppercase \x0414 1457 |
| noback uppercase \x0415 157 |
| noback uppercase \x0416 2457 |
| noback uppercase \x0417 13567 |
| noback uppercase \x0418 247 |
| noback uppercase \x0419 123467 |
| noback uppercase \x041A 137 |
| noback uppercase \x041B 1237 |
| noback uppercase \x041C 1347 |
| noback uppercase \x041D 13457 |
| noback uppercase \x041E 1357 |
| noback uppercase \x041F 12347 |
| noback uppercase \x0420 12357 |
| noback uppercase \x0421 2347 |
| noback uppercase \x0422 23457 |
| noback uppercase \x0423 1367 |
| noback uppercase \x0424 1247 |
| noback uppercase \x0425 1257 |
| noback uppercase \x0426 147 |
| noback uppercase \x0427 123457 |
| noback uppercase \x0428 1567 |
| noback uppercase \x0429 13467 |
| noback uppercase \x042A 123567 |
| noback uppercase \x042B 23467 |
| noback uppercase \x042C 234567 |
| noback uppercase \x042D 2467 |
| noback uppercase \x042E 12567 |
| noback uppercase \x042F 12467 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x0430 1 |
| noback lowercase \x0431 12 |
| noback lowercase \x0432 2456 |
| noback lowercase \x0433 1245 |
| noback lowercase \x0434 145 |
| noback lowercase \x0435 15 |
| noback lowercase \x0436 245 |
| noback lowercase \x0437 1356 |
| noback lowercase \x0438 24 |
| noback lowercase \x0439 12346 |
| noback lowercase \x043A 13 |
| noback lowercase \x043B 123 |
| noback lowercase \x043C 134 |
| noback lowercase \x043D 1345 |
| noback lowercase \x043E 135 |
| noback lowercase \x043F 1234 |
| noback lowercase \x0440 1235 |
| noback lowercase \x0441 234 |
| noback lowercase \x0442 2345 |
| noback lowercase \x0443 136 |
| noback lowercase \x0444 124 |
| noback lowercase \x0445 125 |
| noback lowercase \x0446 14 |
| noback lowercase \x0447 12345 |
| noback lowercase \x0448 156 |
| noback lowercase \x0449 1346 |
| noback lowercase \x044A 12356 |
| noback lowercase \x044B 2346 |
| noback lowercase \x044C 23456 |
| noback lowercase \x044D 246 |
| noback lowercase \x044E 1256 |
| noback lowercase \x044F 1246 |
| noback lowercase \x0451 16 |
| noback lowercase \x0452 1456 |
| noback lowercase \x0454 345 |
| noback lowercase \x0456 13456 |
| noback lowercase \x0457 1456 |
| noback lowercase \x0458 13456 |
| noback lowercase \x0459 126 |
| noback lowercase \x045A 1246 |
| noback lowercase \x045E 346 |
| |
| noback lowercase \x0463 345 |
| noback lowercase \x0467 18 |
| noback lowercase \x046B 12456 |
| noback lowercase \x0479 346 |
| noback sign \x0484 478 |
| noback uppercase \x0490 124567 |
| noback lowercase \x0491 12456 |
| noback lowercase \x04A3 13458 |
| noback lowercase \x04AF 12568 |
| noback lowercase \x04BB 128 |
| noback lowercase \x04D9 2468 |
| |
| noback sign \x05B0 3 |
| noback sign \x05B1 26 |
| noback sign \x05B2 25 |
| noback sign \x05B3 345 |
| noback sign \x05B4 24 |
| noback sign \x05B5 34 |
| noback sign \x05B6 15 |
| noback sign \x05B7 14 |
| noback sign \x05B8 126 |
| noback sign \x05B9 135 |
| noback sign \x05BB 136 |
| noback sign \x05BC 5 |
| noback sign \x05BD 4 |
| noback sign \x05C1 1568 |
| noback sign \x05C2 2348 |
| |
| noback letter \x05D0 18 |
| noback letter \x05D1 128 |
| noback letter \x05D2 1245 |
| noback letter \x05D3 1458 |
| noback letter \x05D4 1258 |
| noback letter \x05D5 24568 |
| noback letter \x05D6 13568 |
| noback letter \x05D7 13468 |
| noback letter \x05D8 23458 |
| noback letter \x05D9 2458 |
| noback letter \x05DA 138 |
| noback letter \x05DB 168 |
| noback letter \x05DC 1238 |
| noback letter \x05DD 1348 |
| noback letter \x05DE 1348 |
| noback letter \x05DF 13458 |
| noback letter \x05E0 13458 |
| noback letter \x05E1 2348 |
| noback letter \x05E2 12468 |
| noback letter \x05E3 12348 |
| noback letter \x05E4 12348 |
| noback letter \x05E5 23468 |
| noback letter \x05E6 23468 |
| noback letter \x05E7 123458 |
| noback letter \x05E8 12358 |
| noback letter \x05E9 1468 |
| noback letter \x05EA 14568 |
| |
| noback punctuation \x2011 36 |
| noback punctuation \x2015 36 |
| noback punctuation \x2017 36 |
| noback punctuation \x2018 2367 |
| noback punctuation \x2019 47 |
| noback punctuation \x201A 3678 |
| noback punctuation \x201C 138 |
| noback punctuation \x201D 1238 |
| noback punctuation \x201E 1268 |
| noback sign \x2020 1248 |
| noback sign \x2021 12458 |
| noback sign \x2022 35 |
| noback sign \x2026 238 |
| noback sign \x2030 248 |
| noback sign \x2039 27 |
| noback sign \x203A 123458 |
| noback sign \x207F 13467 |
| noback sign \x20AC 1256 |
| noback sign \x20AF 145678 |
| |
| noback sign \x2116 3456 |
| noback sign \x2122 1245678 |
| noback sign \x2219 48 |
| noback sign \x221A 1467 |
| noback sign \x221E 234678 |
| noback sign \x2229 578 |
| noback sign \x2248 3578 |
| noback sign \x2261 23568 |
| noback sign \x2264 246-2356 # Less than or equal to |
| noback sign \x2265 135-2356 # Grater than or equal to |
| noback sign \x2310 14567 |
| noback sign \x2320 347 |
| noback sign \x2321 1567 |
| noback sign \x2500 67 |
| noback sign \x2502 237 |
| noback sign \x250C 257 |
| noback sign \x2510 278 |
| noback sign \x2514 378 |
| noback sign \x2518 678 |
| noback sign \x251C 2367 |
| noback sign \x2524 13568 |
| noback sign \x252C 138 |
| noback sign \x2534 27 |
| noback sign \x2550 2578 |
| noback sign \x2551 1234568 |
| noback sign \x2552 123468 |
| noback sign \x2553 1358 |
| noback sign \x2554 23567 |
| noback sign \x2555 148 |
| noback sign \x2556 368 |
| noback sign \x2557 12458 |
| noback sign \x2558 248 |
| noback sign \x2559 1238 |
| noback sign \x255A 2378 |
| noback sign \x255B 34678 |
| noback sign \x255C 4678 |
| noback sign \x255D 2678 |
| noback sign \x255E 68 |
| noback sign \x255F 257 |
| noback sign \x2560 1248 |
| noback sign \x2561 268 |
| noback sign \x2562 24568 |
| noback sign \x2563 123567 |
| noback sign \x2564 3467 |
| noback sign \x2565 28 |
| noback sign \x2566 123458 |
| noback sign \x2567 167 |
| noback sign \x2568 57 |
| noback sign \x2569 8 |
| noback sign \x256A 3567 |
| noback sign \x256B 12358 |
| noback sign \x256C 5678 |
| noback sign \x2580 234567 |
| noback sign \x2584 1267 |
| noback sign \x2588 12345678 |
| noback sign \x258C 23678 |
| noback sign \x2590 35678 |
| noback sign \x2591 78 |
| noback sign \x2592 3678 |
| noback sign \x2593 235678 |
| noback sign \x25A0 1234567 |
| noback sign \x25CF 35 |
| # Arrows: |
| noback sign \x2192 25-135 |
| noback sign \x2190 246-25 |