blob: 52eaa7897846f279a1fc33c57db964bbf97bd9b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is obsolete. Do not use!
# liblouis: uni-text.dis
# Copyright (C) 1995-2004 by The BRLTTY Team
# Copyright (C) 2004 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc.,
# Copyright (C) 2004 Computers to Help People, Inc.,
# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this file; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# liblouis comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# This is a description of the default text translation table used by BRLTTY.
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x0020 0 #32 space
display \x0021 2346 #33 ! exclamation mark
display \x0022 5 #34 " quotation mark
display \x0023 3456 #35 # number sign
display \x0024 1246 #36 $ dollar sign
display \x0025 146 #37 % percent sign
display \x0026 12346 #38 & ampersand
display \x0027 3 #39 ' apostrophe
display \x0028 12356 #40 ( left parenthesis
display \x0029 23456 #41 ) right parenthesis
display \x002A 16 #42 * asterisk
display \x002B 346 #43 + plus sign
display \x002C 6 #44 , comma
display \x002D 36 #45 - hyphen-minus
display \x002E 46 #46 . full stop
display \x002F 34 #47 / solidus
display \x0030 356 #480 digit zero
display \x0031 2 #491 digit one
display \x0032 23 #502 digit two
display \x0033 25 #513 digit three
display \x0034 256 #524 digit four
display \x0035 26 #535 digit five
display \x0036 235 #546 digit six
display \x0037 2356 #557 digit seven
display \x0038 236 #568 digit eight
display \x0039 35 #579 digit nine
display \x003A 156 #58 : colon
display \x003B 56 #59 ; semicolon
display \x003C 126 #60 < less-than sign
display \x003D 123456 #61 = equals sign
display \x003E 345 #62 > greater-than sign
display \x003F 1456 #63 ? question mark
display \x0040 47 #64 @ commercial at
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x0041 1 #65 A Latin capital letter a
display \x0042 12 #66 B Latin capital letter b
display \x0043 14 #67 C Latin capital letter c
display \x0044 145 #68 D Latin capital letter d
display \x0045 15 #69 E Latin capital letter e
display \x0046 124 #70 F Latin capital letter f
display \x0047 1245 #71 G Latin capital letter g
display \x0048 125 #72 H Latin capital letter h
display \x0049 24 #73 I Latin capital letter i
display \x004A 245 #74 J Latin capital letter j
display \x004B 13 #75 K Latin capital letter k
display \x004C 123 #76 L Latin capital letter l
display \x004D 134 #77 M Latin capital letter m
display \x004E 1345 #78 N Latin capital letter n
display \x004F 1357 #79 O Latin capital letter o
display \x0050 1234 #80 P Latin capital letter p
display \x0051 12345 #81 Q Latin capital letter q
display \x0052 1235 #82 R Latin capital letter r
display \x0053 234 #83 S Latin capital letter s
display \x0054 2345 #84 T Latin capital letter t
display \x0055 136 #85 U Latin capital letter u
display \x0056 1236 #86 V Latin capital letter v
display \x0057 2456 #87 W Latin capital letter w
display \x0058 1346 #88 X Latin capital letter x
display \x0059 13456 #89 Y Latin capital letter y
display \x005A 1356 #90 Z Latin capital letter z
display \x005B 246 # 91 [ left square bracket
display \x005C 12567 # 92 \ reverse solidus
display \x005D 12456 # 93 ] right square bracket
display \x005E 2346 # 94 ^ circumflex accent
display \x005F 456 # 95 _ low line
display \x0060 345 # 96 ` grave accent
display \x0061 1 #97 a Latin small letter a
display \x0062 12 #98 b Latin small letter b
display \x0063 14 #99 c Latin small letter c
display \x0064 145 #100 d Latin small letter d
display \x0065 15 #101 e Latin small letter e
display \x0066 124 #102 f Latin small letter f
display \x0067 1245 #103 g Latin small letter g
display \x0068 125 #104 h Latin small letter h
display \x0069 24 #105 i Latin small letter i
display \x006A 245 #106 j Latin small letter j
display \x006B 13 #107 k Latin small letter k
display \x006C 123 #108 l Latin small letter l
display \x006D 134 #109 m Latin small letter m
display \x006E 1345 #110 n Latin small letter n
display \x006F 135 #111 o Latin small letter o
display \x0070 1234 #112 p Latin small letter p
display \x0071 12345 #113 q Latin small letter q
display \x0072 1235 #114 r Latin small letter r
display \x0073 234 #115 s Latin small letter s
display \x0074 2345 #116 t Latin small letter t
display \x0075 136 #117 u Latin small letter u
display \x0076 1236 #118 v Latin small letter v
display \x0077 2456 #119 w Latin small letter w
display \x0078 1346 #120 x Latin small letter x
display \x0079 13456 #121 y Latin small letter y
display \x007A 1356 #122 z Latin small letter z
display \x007B 12356 # 123 { left curly bracket
display \x007C 34 # 124 | vertical line
display \x007D 23456 # 125 } right curly bracket
display \x007E 45 # 126 ~ tilde
display \x007F 4568 # 127 ^ ?delete
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x0080 48 # 128 ~@<control>
display \x0081 18 # 129 ~A<control>
display \x0082 128 # 130 ~Bbreak permitted here
display \x0083 148 # 131 ~Cno break here
display \x0084 1458 # 132 ~D<control>
display \x0085 158 # 133 ~Enext line
display \x0086 1248 # 134 ~Fstart of selected area
display \x0087 12458 # 135 ~Gend of selected area
display \x0088 1258 # 136 ~Hcharacter tabulation set
display \x0089 248 # 137 ~Icharacter tabulation with justification
display \x008A 2458 # 138 ~Jline tabulation set
display \x008B 138 # 139~Kpartial line down
display \x008C 1238 # 140~Lpartial line up
display \x008D 1348 # 141~Mreverse line feed
display \x008E 13458 # 142~Nsingle shift two
display \x008F 1358 # 143~Osingle shift three
display \x0090 12348 # 144~Pdevice control string
display \x0091 123458 # 145~Qprivate use one
display \x0092 12358 # 146~Rprivate use two
display \x0093 2348 # 147~Sset transmit state
display \x0094 23458 # 148~Tcancel character
display \x0095 1368 # 149~Umessage waiting
display \x0096 12368 # 150~Vstart of guarded area
display \x0097 24568 # 151~Wend of guarded area
display \x0098 13468 # 152~Xstart of string
display \x0099 134568 # 153~Y<control>
display \x009A 13568 # 154~Zsingle character introducer
display \x009B 2468 # 155~[control sequence introducer
display \x009C 12568 # 156~\string terminator
display \x009D 124568 # 157~]operating system command
display \x009E 458 # 158~^privacy message
display \x009F 4568 # 159 ~_application program command
display \x00A0 0 #160 no-break space
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x0000 478 #0^@null
display \x0001 178 #1^Astart of heading
display \x0002 1278 #2^Bstart of text
display \x0003 1478 #3^Cend of text
display \x0004 14578 #4^Dend of transmission
display \x0005 1578 #5^Eenquiry
display \x0006 12478 #6^Facknowledge
display \x0007 124578 #7^Gbell
display \x0008 12578 #8^Hbackspace
display \x0009 2478 #9^Ihorizontal tabulation
display \x000A 24578 #10^Jline feed
display \x000B 1378 #11^Kvertical tabulation
display \x000C 12378 #12^Lform feed
display \x000D 13478 #13^Mcarriage return
display \x000E 134578 #14^Nshift out
display \x000F 13578 #15^Oshift in
display \x0010 123478 #16^Pdata link escape
display \x0011 1234578 #17^Qdevice control one
display \x0012 123578 #18^Rdevice control two
display \x0013 23478 #19^Sdevice control three
display \x0014 234578 #20^Tdevice control four
display \x0015 13678 #21^Unegative acknowledge
display \x0016 123678 #22^Vsynchronous idle
display \x0017 245678 #23^Wend of transmission block
display \x0018 134678 #24^Xcancel
display \x0019 1345678 #25^Yend of medium
display \x001A 135678 #26^Zsubstitute
display \x001B 24678 #27^[escape
display \x001C 125678 #28^\file separator
display \x001D 1245678 #29^]group separator
display \x001E 4578 #30^^record separator
display \x001F 45678 #31^_unit separator
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x00A1 23467 # 161 ¡ inverted exclamation mark
display \x00A2 58 #162 ¢ cent sign
display \x00A3 34567 # 163 £ pound sign
display \x00A4 1467 # 164 ¤ currency sign
display \x00A5 123467 # 165 ¥ yen sign
display \x00A6 1567 # 166 ¦ broken bar
display \x00A7 357 # 167 § section sign
display \x00A8 57 # 168 ¨ diaeresis
display \x00A9 23567 # 169 © copyright sign
display \x00AA 8 # 170 ª feminine ordinal indicator
display \x00AB 1267 # 171 « left-pointing double angle quotation mark
display \x00AC 2567 # 172 ¬ not sign
display \x00AD 367 # 173 ­ soft hyphen
display \x00AE 2367 # 174 ® registered sign
display \x00AF 267 # 175 ¯ macron
display \x00B0 3567 # 176 ° degree sign
display \x00C0 23578 # 192 À Latin capital letter a with grave
display \x00C1 1678 # 193 Á Latin capital letter a with acute
display \x00C2 16 # 194 Â Latin capital letter a with circumflex
display \x00C3 578 # 195Ã Latin capital letter a with tilde
display \x00C4 1234678 # 196Ä Latin capital letter a with diaeresis
display \x00C5 34578 # 197Å Latin capital letter a with ring above
display \x00C6 378 # 198Æ Latin capital letter ae
display \x00C7 34678 # 199Ç Latin capital letter c with cedilla
display \x00C8 23567 # 200 È Latin capital letter e with grave
display \x00C9 12678 # 201É Latin capital letter e with acute
display \x00CA 2378 # 202 Ê Latin capital letter e with circumflex
display \x00CB 12345678 # 203Ë Latin capital letter e with diaeresis
display \x00CC 23678 # 204Ì Latin capital letter i with grave
display \x00CD 14678 # 205Í Latin capital letter i with acute
display \x00CE 2578 # 206 Î Latin capital letter i with circumflex
display \x00CF 1235678 # 207Ï Latin capital letter i with diaeresis
display \x00D0 678 # 208Ð Latin capital letter eth
display \x00D1 4678 # 209Ñ Latin capital letter n with tilde
display \x00D2 3578 # 210Ò Latin capital letter o with grave
display \x00D3 145678 # 211Ó Latin capital letter o with acute
display \x00D4 25678 # 212 Ô Latin capital letter o with circumflex
display \x00D5 5678 # 213Õ Latin capital letter o with tilde
display \x00D6 234678 # 214Ö Latin capital letter o with diaeresis
display \x00D7 167 # 215×multiplication sign
display \x00D8 3478 # 216Ø Latin capital letter o with stroke
display \x00D9 35678 # 217Ù Latin capital letter u with grave
display \x00DA 15678 # 218Ú Latin capital letter u with acute
display \x00DB 2678 # 219 Û Latin capital letter u with circumflex
display \x00DC 2345678 # 220Ü Latin capital letter u with diaeresis
display \x00DD 124678 # 221Ý Latin capital letter y with acute
display \x00DE 3678 # 222Þ Latin capital letter thorn
display \x00DF 345678 # 223ß Latin small letter sharp s
display \x00E0 2358 # 224à Latin small letter a with grave
display \x00E1 168 # 225á Latin small letter a with acute
display \x00E2 16 # 226 â Latin small letter a with circumflex
display \x00E3 58 # 227ã Latin small letter a with tilde
display \x00E4 123468 # 228ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis
display \x00E5 3458 # 229å Latin small letter a with ring above
display \x00E6 38 # 230æ Latin small letter ae
display \x00E7 3468 # 231ç Latin small letter c with cedilla
display \x00E8 23568 # 232è Latin small letter e with grave
display \x00E9 1268 # 233é Latin small letter e with acute
display \x00EA 238 # 234 ê Latin small letter e with circumflex
display \x00EB 1234568 # 235ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis
display \x00EC 2368 # 236ì Latin small letter i with grave
display \x00ED 1468 # 237í Latin small letter i with acute
display \x00EE 258 # 238 î Latin small letter i with circumflex
display \x00EF 123568 # 239ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis
display \x00F0 68 # 240ð Latin small letter eth
display \x00F1 468 # 241ñ Latin small letter n with tilde
display \x00F2 358 # 242ò Latin small letter o with grave
display \x00F3 14568 # 243ó Latin small letter o with acute
display \x00F4 2568 # 244 ô Latin small letter o with circumflex
display \x00F5 568 # 245õ Latin small letter o with tilde
display \x00F6 23468 # 246ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis
display \x00F7 347 # 247÷division sign
display \x00F8 348 # 248ø Latin small letter o with stroke
display \x00F9 3568 # 249ù Latin small letter u with grave
display \x00FA 1568 # 250ú Latin small letter u with acute
display \x00FB 268 # 251 û Latin small letter u with circumflex
display \x00FC 234568 # 252ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis
display \x00FD 12468 # 253ý Latin small letter y with acute
display \x00FE 368 # 254þ Latin small letter thorn
display \x00FF 34568 # 255ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis
display \x00BB 3457 # 187»right-pointing double angle quotation mark
display \x00B9 27 # 185¹superscript one
display \x00B2 237 # 178²superscript two
display \x00B3 257 # 179³superscript three
display \x00B1 3467 # 177±plus-minus sign
display \x00D7 167 # 215×multiplication sign
display \x00B7 467 # 183·middle dot
display \x00BF 14567 # 191¿inverted question mark
display \x00B6 2357 # 182 ¶ pilcrow sign
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x00BC 123567 # 188¼vulgar fraction one quarter
display \x00BD 1234567 # 189½vulgar fraction one half
display \x00BE 234567 # 190¾vulgar fraction three quarters
# Each of the three extended accent characters is the same as its conventional
# compose character but with dot7 added:
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x00B4 37 # 180´acute accent
display \x00B8 67 # 184¸cedilla
# The two gender symbols are:
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x00BA 7 # 186ºmasculine ordinal indicator
# The three remaining characters are:
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description
display \x00B5 567 # 181µmicro sign
# The nonbreaking space is dots 7 and 8 because this presents a sequence of
# nonbreaking spaces as a smooth low line segment.
#Hex Dots Dec Char Description