| #-index-name: Mandarin, mainland China, without tones |
| #-display-name: Chinese braille without tones, for simplified Chinese characters |
| |
| #+locale:cmn-Hans-CN |
| #+type:literary |
| #+system:cmn-traditional |
| #+variant:no-tone |
| |
| # We corresponded to Braille and the simplify Chinese characters |
| # referring to the rules of a book named the website linking |
| # http://blog.chinaunix.net/uid-25544300-id-3281847.html. And first we |
| # looked up the Chinese character coding rules turning to the Unicode |
| # and download the library. Then what we need was the rules of Chinese |
| # pinyin text to Braille referring to the web link |
| # http://www.doc88.com/p-387479699152.html. In order to achieve the |
| # function we wrote the code with CPP |
| |
| include zh-chn.ctb |
| include braille-patterns.cti |