blob: 1d39555720e1d1328308917e73ed67b2ae263570 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright © 2018 Ikrami Ahmad
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
# without any warranty.
display: unicode-without-blank.dis
locale: ar
grade: 2
__assert-match: ar-ar-g2.ctb
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# 1) first rule: these should be abbreviated everywhere, whether as stand alone word or part of a
# bigger word.
# stand alone
- [بعيد, ⠘⠃]
- [برنامج, ⠸⠃]
- [تعليم, ⠈⠞]
- [ثاني, ⠘⠹]
- [جميع, ⠐⠚]
- [مكفوف, ⠈⠍]
- [اللائي, ⠈⠉]
- [كان, ⠛]
- [كريم, ⠘⠛]
- [آفاق, ⠠⠜]
- [أدنى, ⠠⠕]
- [إنسان, ⠐⠪]
# some are contractions for two words
- - لم يكن
- ⠐⠑
- - ما زال
- ⠈⠏
- - لا يزال
- ⠸⠧
# they can be part of a word
- - ثقافة
- ⠈⠹⠡
- - ومرة
- ⠺⠐⠍
- - وتقطعت
- ⠺⠞⠈⠟⠞
# a word can have two contractions
- - الثالث
- ⠉⠸⠹
- - كبيرهم
- ⠘⠅⠻
# they can be used alongside punctuation marks
- - "ثانيا:"
- ⠘⠹⠁⠐⠂
- - (صغير)
- ⠦⠘⠯⠴
# 2) second rule: these should be abbreviated if they come as a single word only, they can't be
# abbreviated if part of bigger word.
# abbreviated
- - أو
- - قد
# not abbreviated
- - لقد
- ⠇⠟⠙
- - كلهم
- ⠅⠇⠻
- - ثمرة
- ⠹⠐⠍
# 3) third rule: these should be abbreviated if they are a word or at the beginning of a word
# only, because of their similarity with diacritic symbols.
# abbreviated
- - لم
- - إلى
- - عنوان
- ⠔⠺⠁⠝
- - معمعة
- ⠆⠍⠷⠡
- - حيثما
- ⠥⠏
# not abbreviated
- - ملل
- ⠍⠇⠇
- - لعنة
- ⠇⠷⠝⠡
# 4) fourth rule: these should be abbreviated if they came as a seperate word and if they came in
# the middle of words only, because of their similarity to punctuation marks.
# abbreviated
- - هو
- - متى
- - مهووس
- ⠍⠦⠺⠎
- - هو الذي جاء
- ⠦ ⠐⠉ ⠚⠁⠄
# not abbreviated
- - ومتى
- ⠺⠍⠞⠕
- - هوشة
- ⠓⠺⠩⠡
- - من هو؟
- ⠴ ⠓⠺⠦
- - (متى هذا
- ⠦⠍⠞⠕ ⠐⠓
# 5) fifth rule: these should be abbreviated if they come as a word or part of a word at the
# beginning or the middle, because of their similarity with punctuation marks that close
# sentences.
# abbreviated
- - من
- - في
- - منتهى
- ⠴⠞⠓⠕
- - مستنقع
- ⠍⠲⠝⠟⠷
# not abbreviated
- - وفي
- ⠺⠋⠊
- - لبست
- ⠇⠃⠎⠞
- - مدمن
- ⠍⠙⠍⠝
- - (ثم من)
- ⠦⠹ ⠍⠝⠴
# 6) sixth rule: if the following abbriviations come as single words, they should be abbreviated
# normally. but if they come as a part of bigger word, dots 36 must be placed before the character
# that represents the abbreviated word.
# as a seperate word
- - ليس
- - مثل
- - ذاكر
- - شيء نحو الهدف
- ⠩ ⠝ ⠉⠓⠙⠋
# due to the use of "lowword", they will not be translated next to punctuations.
- - قريب جدا
- ⠘⠟ ⠚
# as part of a word:
- - الخير
- ⠉⠤⠭
- - فإذا
- ⠋⠤⠪
- - مثلما
- ⠤⠍⠏
- - ونحوه
- ⠺⠤⠝⠓
# 7) seventh rule: if the letter that procedes any of these abbreviations consists of dots 1 2 and
# 3 only, they should not be abbreviated.
- - علية
- ⠷⠇⠊⠡
- - تائبون
- ⠞⠁⠽⠃⠺⠝
- - مرتبات
- ⠍⠗⠞⠃⠁⠞
# 8) eighth rule: those should be abbreviated only at the end of word.
- - بنات
- ⠃⠝⠨
- - قائمون
- ⠘⠽⠸
- - قالوا
- ⠟⠉⠼