blob: 5ac1297f11f2475a4ff07896cf6bdf129a6d5fdb [file] [log] [blame]
locale: en
grade: 2
system: ueb
__assert-match: en-ueb-g2.ctb
# 5.2.1 page 51
- - 'the vowels are: a, e, i, o and u'
- '! v{els >e3 a1 ;e1 i1 o & ;u'
- - Mrs X and Mr O
- ',mrs ;,x & ,mr ,o'
- - J. S. Bach
- ;,j4 ;,s4 ,ba*
- - 22b 22B 22p
- '#bb;b #bb,b #bbp'
- - adagio e cantabile
- adagio ;e cantabile
# question mark and exclamation mark
- - Add either ? or ! to each sentence.
- ',add ei ;8 or 6 to ea* s5t;e4'
- - In Smith⁵⁶ we find …
- ',9 ,smi?;9#ef we f9d 444'
- xfail: true
- -
- jim`atake#b4;com
# 5.3.2 page 52
- - I spell it u-n-t-i-d-y.
- ',i spell x ;;u-n-t-i-d-y4'
- xfail: true
# 5.4.2 page 52
- - He spelt H-o C-h-i M-i-n-h City.
- ',he spelt ;;;,h-o ,c-h-i ,m-i-n-h;'' ,c;y4'
- xfail: true
- - 'Factorise: y = x²−4; y = x²−2x; y = x−x².'
- ',factorise3 ;;;y "7 x9#b"-#d2 y "7 x9#b"-#bx2 y "7 x"-x9#b4;'''
- xfail: true
# 5.5.2 page 53
- - p-p-p-p-p-p-p-perishing
- ;;p-p-p-p-p-p-p-;'p}i%+
- xfail: true
# 5.6.1 page 53
- - 1st
- '#ast'
- - shopping4you
- '%opp+#dyou'
- -
- '#dstarhotel`awebnet4com'
# 5.6.2 page 53
- - I'll go 3rd–you go 4th.
- ',i''ll g #crd,-y g #dth4'
- - 3-D
- '#c-;,d'
- - 3-dimensional
- '#c-dim5.nal'
- - 5-CD set
- '#e-;,,cd set'
- - c:\\personal\\2009finances
- c3_*p}sonal_*#bjji;'
- xfail: true
# 5.7.1 page 54
- - b–e
- ;b,-;e
- - b-1
- ;b-#a
- - B-team
- ;,b-t1m
- - ev-er-y-which-way
- ev-}-;y-:-way
- - ending in –s or –es
- 5d+ 9 ,-;s or ,-es
- - V–VII
- ;,v,-,,vii
- - viii-x
- viii-;x
- - What have you d–
- ',:at h y ;d,-'
- - What have you d…
- ',:at h y ;d444'
- - p. 7
- ';p4 #g'
- - p.7
- p4#g
- xfail: true
- - p7
- p#g
- - the letters "a" to "g"
- '! lrs 8a0 to 8;g0'
- - Sections (h) and (i).
- ',sec;ns "<;h"> & "<i">4'
- - Did 'e 'n' Ma get to 't?
- ',did '';e '';n'' ,ma get to '';t8'
- - c/o maître d'
- c_/o ma~%itre ;d'
- - the people's right
- '! p''s "r'
- - p's and q's.
- ;p's & ;q's4
- - letter d
- lr .2;d
- xfail: true
- - '"X marks the spot."'
- .78;,x m>ks ! spot40.'
- {typeform: {italic: "+++++++++++++++++++"}}
- - Dr J. F. Smith, M.D.
- ',dr ;,j4 ;,f4 ,smi?1 ,m4,d4'
- - s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g
- ;;s-p-e-l-l-i-n-g
- xfail: true
# 5.7.2 page 55
- - CD-ROM
- ;,,cd-,,rom
- - '"Hm!" he mused.'
- 8;,hm60 he mus$4
- - Could you buy a CD/DVD?
- ',cd y buy a ,,cd_/,,dvd8'
- - My friends are Fr Ted and Sr Ann.
- ',my frs >e ;,fr ,t$ & ,sr ,ann4'
- - the Imm family
- '! ;,imm family'
- - al dente
- ;al d5te
- - Use the ALT key.
- ',use ! ;,,alt key4'
- - NEC (National Executive Committee)
- ;,,nec "<,na;nal ,executive ,committee">
- - ozbrl (Australian listserve)
- ;;ozbrl "<,au/ralian li/s}ve">
- xfail: true
# 5.8.1
- ;,,,t-%irts = sale,'