blob: 60d9d2862edc1432a6cde4df8fb48be90e911fa4 [file] [log] [blame]
locale: en
grade: 2
system: ueb
__assert-match: en-ueb-g2.ctb
# 6.2.1 page 60
- - '62'
- '#fb'
- - '1959'
- '#aiei'
- - 3,500
- '#c1ejj'
- - '8.93'
- '#h4ic'
- - '.7'
- '#4g'
- - '0.7'
- '#j4g'
- - 8,93
- '#h1ic'
- - ',7'
- '#1g'
- - 0,7
- '#j1g'
- - par. 4.2.2
- 'p>4 #d4b4b'
- - 4 500 000
- '#d"ejj"jjj'
- -
- '#c/h'
- - 5⅜
- '#e#c/h'
# 6.3.1 page 61
- - 7:30 a.m.
- '#g3#cj a4m4'
- - 10:12:2009
- '#aj3#ab3#bjji'
- - 9-10
- '#i-#aj'
- - 1914–18
- '#aiad,-#ah'
- - 2.5-5
- '#b4e-#e'
- - 8-cab fleet
- '#h-cab fleet'
- - The score was 4–3
- ',! score 0 #d,-#c'
- - 7−5 = 2
- '#g"-#e "7 #b'
- - 2-½
- '#b-#a/b'
- - ¼-½ tsp
- '#a/d-#a/b tsp'
- - 6¼–6½
- '#f#a/d,-#f#a/b'
- - 1/4 cup
- '#a_/#d cup'
- - model 09/52
- 'model #ji_/#eb'
- - on call 24/7
- 'on call #bd_/#g'
- - 7(2)
- '#g"<#b">'
- - 7(b)
- '#g"<b">'
- - 4–7
- '#d,-#g'
- - 4..7
- '#d44g'
- - '4567'
- '#d_1#ef_''#g'
- typeform: {underline: " ++ "}
xfail: true
# 6.4.1 page 61
- - Piano Sonata No.16 in C major is K.545.
- ',piano ,sonata ,no4#af 9 ;,c major is ,k4#ede4'
- xfail: true
- - ⅜ = .375
- '#c/h "7 #4cge'
# 6.5.2 page 62
- - '32'
- '#cb'
- - 3b
- '#c;b'
- - 3B
- '#c,b'
- - 3m
- '#cm'
- - '4.2'
- '#d4b'
- - 4.b
- '#d4;b'
- - 4.B
- '#d4,b'
- - 4.m
- '#d4m'
- - report3.doc
- report#c4;doc
- - report3.xls
- report#c4xls
# require super/subscripting
- - … in the Second World War² 1939–1945.³
- '444 9 ! ,second ,_w ,w>;9#b #aici,-#aide49#c'
- xfail: true
# 6.5.3 page 62
- - houses4lease
- h|ses#dlease
- - He came 4th in the race.
- ',he came #dth 9 ! race4'
- - If you go 1st–will I go 2nd?
- ',if y g #ast,-w ,i g #bnd8'
- - I have a 6-CD boxed set.
- ',i h a #f-;,,cd box$ set4'
- - There are 3 beds in this 4-bed ward.
- ',"! >e #c b$s 9 ? #d-b$ w>d4'
- - in 1970–about March
- '9 #aigj,-ab ,m>*'
- - 3-dimensional
- '#c-dim5.nal'
- - 3-D
- '#c-;,d'
- - The 6-can pack–under seat 6-c.
- ',! #f-c pack,-"u s1t #f-;c4'
- - only 4–more please
- 'only #d,-m pl1se'
- - 4-m
- '#d-;m'
- - 20-yr period
- '#bj-;yr p}iod'
- - 20yr period
- '#bjyr p}iod'
# 6.6.1 page 64
- - 'population: 3 245 000'
- 'popula;n3 #c"bde"jjj'
- - 'ISBN: 978 1 55468 513 4'
- ',,isbn3 #igh"a"eedfh"eac"d'
- xfail: true
- - 'phone: (61) 3 1234 5678'
- 'ph"o3 "<#fa"> #c"abcd"efgh'
- - 'date: 1947 08 31'
- 'date3 #aidg"jh"ca'
- - 'time: 16 00'
- '"t3 #af"jj'
# 6.7.1 page 64
- - 7/11/59
- '#g_/#aa_/#ei'
- - 7.11.59
- '#g4aa4ei'
- - 1960's
- '#aifj''s'
- - '''70s and ''80s'
- '''#gjs & ''#hjs'
- - 10:30 a.m.
- '#aj3#cj a4m4'
- - 10.30 am
- '#aj4cj am'
- - $8.75
- '`s#h4ge'
- - £8.75
- '`l#h4ge'
- - R8,75
- ',r#h1ge'
- - $1,500.00
- '`s#a1ejj4jj'
- - €1.500,00
- '`e#a4ejj1jj'
- - 2nd
- '#bnd'
- - 2d
- '#b;d'
# [premier]
- - 1er
- '#a;er'
- - M4G 3E8
- ',m#d,g #c,e#h'
- - W1N 9LF
- ',w#a,n #i,,lf'
- - N12 7BT
- ',n#ab #g,,bt'
- xfail: true
- - (416) 486-2500
- '"<#daf"> #dhf-#bejj'
- - For a taxi call 13-cabs.
- ',= a taxi call #ac-cabs4'
- - telephone 1300-vision
- 'teleph"o #acjj-vi.n'
- - 1-800-SLEEP88
- '#a-#hjj-,,sleep#hh'
- - ISBN 0-14-300414-X
- ',,isbn #j-#ad-#cjjdad-;,x'