blob: 7473d779c2335ebdf4078fa9b4525b76423acfe9 [file] [log] [blame]
locale: en
grade: 2
system: ueb
__assert-match: en-ueb-g2.ctb
# 10.1.1 page 103
- - When will Will meet us?
- ',:5 w ,w meet u8'
- - Every child from here knows Mr More.
- ',e * f "h "ks ,mr ,m4'
- - '"do re mi fa so"'
- 8d re mi fa s0
- - That is quite fair and very just.
- ',t is q fair & v j4'
- - '"People, people who need people"'
- 8,p1 p :o ne$ p0
- - I do not like that watering-can!
- ',i d n l t wat}+-c6'
- - But, would the people rather do the can-can for us?
- ',b1 wd ! p r d ! c-c = u8'
- - '"You so-and-so–go away!"'
- 8,y s-&-s,-g away60
- - '"I do have some–but I would like more!"'
- 8,i d h "s,-b ,i wd l m60
- - You can go–but not yet–just wait!
- ',y c g,-b n yet,-~1j ~1wait6'
- typeform:
bold: ' ++++++++++'
- - last will and testament
- la/ w & te/a;t
- - a child-like manner
- a *-l mann}
- - will-o'-the-wisp
- w-o'-!-wisp
- - '"Do-It-Yourself"'
- 8,d-,x-,yrf0
- - come from–not go to
- come f,-n g to
- - (just say so)
- '"<j say s">'
- - As You Like It
- ',z ,y ,l ,x'
- - Knowledge is power.
- .7,k is p{}4.'
- typeform:
italic: +++++++++++++++++++
- - likes and dislikes
- likes & 4likes
- - childlike and likeness
- '*ildlike & like;s'
- - moreover and evermore
- moreov} & "emore
- - haves or have-nots?
- .1haves or h-.1nots8
- typeform:
italic: +++++ +++++
- - '"must have"s'
- 8m/ have0s
- xfail: true
- -
- www4doity|rself4com
- xfail: true
- - '"but, no buts"'
- 8b1 no buts0
- - peoples
- peoples
- - everyday
- .1"ey.'"d
- typeform:
italic: '+++++ '
- - quite/very
- quite_/v}y
- - d'you
- d'y|
- - t'do
- t'do
- - t'have
- t'have
# 10.1.2 page 105
- - it'd
- x'd
- - you'd
- y'd
- - it'll
- x'll
- - that'll
- t'll
- - you'll
- y'll
- - you're
- y're
- - people's
- p's
- - so's
- s's
- - you's
- y's
- - can't
- c't
- - you've
- y've
- - It's not "its"
- .7,x's n 8xs0.'
- typeform:
italic: ++++++++++++++
- - Thomas More's life
- ',?omas ,m''s life'
- - Mr Just's house
- ',mr ,j''s h|se'
- - I can–you can't!
- ',i c,-y c''t6'
- - '"You''ve done it!"'
- 8,y've d"o x60
- - more'n
- more'n
- - you'm
- y|'m
# 10.1.3 page 106
# [United States]
- - US
- ',,us'
- xfail: true
# [Information Technology]
- - IT
- ',,it'
- xfail: true
- - CAN Network
- ',,c ,net"w'
# [Government of Ontario, pronounced "go"]
- - GO Train
- ',,g ,tra9'
# 10.1.4 page 106
- - but-ton
- but-ton
- xfail: true
- - be–have
- be,-have
- xfail: true
- - dis as ter
- dis as t}
- xfail: true
# 10.2.1 page 106
- - I shall still find out which child did this!
- ',i % / f9d | : ~1* did ?6'
- typeform:
bold: ' +++++ '
- - Which CHILD-PROOF lock?
- ',: ,,*-,,pro( lock8'
- - still-life and whiskey-still
- /-life & :iskey-/
- - Out-of-the-way
- .1,|-(-!-way
- typeform:
italic: ++++++++++++++
- - (This way out!)
- '"<,? way |6">'
- - '"Which way out?"'
- '8,: way |80'
- - childish
- '*ildi%'
- - grandchild
- gr&*ild
- - outcome
- '|tcome'
- - without
- )|t
- - shallot
- '%allot'
- - shallow
- '%all{'
- - shilly-shally
- '%illy-%ally'
- - standstill
- /&/ill
- - thistle
- ?i/le
- - whichever
- :i*"e
- - this/that
- ?is_/?at
- - Stillson wrench
- ',/illson wr5*'
- -
- www4univ}sal*ildc>e4ca
# 10.2.2 page 107
- - this'd
- ?'d
- - which'll
- :'ll
- - still's
- /'s
- - which've
- :'ve
- - Julia Child's recipe
- ',julia ,*''s recipe'
- - this'n
- ?is'n
# 10.3.1 page 108
- - andante
- '&ante'
- - England
- ',5gl&'
- - grandad
- gr&ad
- - grandmother
- gr&"m
- - meander
- me&}
- - merchandise
- m}*&ise
- - pandemic
- p&emic
- - pandowdy
- p&{dy
- - afford
- af=d
- - comfort
- com=t
- - forgo
- =go
- - Fortran
- ',=tran'
- - Pforzheimer
- ',p=zheim}'
- - pianoforte
- piano=te
- - coffee
- c(fee
- - Geoffrey
- ',ge(frey'
- - lofty
- l(ty
- - often
- (t5
- - profane
- pr(ane
- - roof
- ro(
- - sofa
- s(a
- - tofu
- t(u
- - whereof
- '":('
- - Athens
- ',a!ns'
- - bathed
- ba!d
- - bother
- bo!r
- - Esther
- ',es!r'
- - furthest
- fur!/
- - nevertheless
- n"e!.s
- - scythe
- scy!
- - thee
- '!e'
- - Matthew
- ',mat!w'
- - Parthenon
- ',p>!non'
- - theatre
- '!atre'
- - Theresa
- ',!resa'
- - forthwith
- =?)
- - withe
- )e
- - Swithin
- ',s)9'
- - without
- )|t
- - with a knowledge of and respect for the rules
- ) a k ( & respect = ! rules
- - Thelma's roof will withstand the force of the wind and/or the rain.
- ',!lma''s ro( w )/& ! =ce ( ! w9d &_/or ! ra94'
- - Andy Vandyke proofread the profile.
- ',&y ,v&yke pro(r1d ! pr(ile4'
- - out-of-the-way
- '|-(-!-way'
- - chifforobe
- '*i6orobe'
- - twofold
- twofold
- - insofar
- 9sof>
- - biofeedback
- biofe$back
- - microfilm
- microfilm
- - apartheid
- a"pheid
- - northeast
- nor?1/
- - thence
- ?;e
- - sweetheart
- sweethe>t
- - Sontheimer
- ',sontheim}'
# 10.4.1 page 110
- - aerial
- a}ial
- - aghast
- a<a/
- - anteroom
- ant}oom
- - argh!
- '><6'
- - bear
- be>
- - boredom
- bor$om
- - brougham
- br|<am
- - cheddar
- '*$d>'
- - cherished
- '*}i%$'
- - cough
- c|<
- - coupon
- c|pon
- - cringed
- cr+$
- - derailed
- d}ail$
- - dingy
- d+y
- - dough
- d|<
- - ed.
- $4
- - Edith
- ',$i?'
- - e'er
- e'}
- - er–
- '},-'
- - erase
- '}ase'
- - Erie
- ',}ie'
- - error
- '}ror'
- - freedom
- fre$om
- - ginger
- g+}
- - gingham
- g+ham
- - Goering
- ',go}+'
- - hierarchy
- hi}>*y
- - laugh
- lau<
- - lingerie
- l+}ie
- - lowdown
- l{d{n
- - malediction
- mal$ic;n
- - meningitis
- m5+itis
- - merchandising
- m}*&is+
- - meringue
- m}+ue
- - mistake
- mi/ake
- - monowheel
- mono:eel
- - nightingale
- ni<t+ale
- - nth
- n?
- - oedema
- o$ema
- - '''ounds'
- '''|nds'
- - '"Ow!"'
- 8,{60
- - (par)
- '"<p>">'
- - predated
- pr$at$
- - psst
- ps/
- - redistribute
- r$i/ribute
- - reroute
- r}|te
- - riflery
- rifl}y
- - sheer
- '%e}'
- - Singh
- ',s+h'
- - sou'east
- s|'ea/
- - '''struth'
- '''/ru?'
- - Thomas
- ',?omas'
- - thorough
- ?or|<
- - thou
- ?|
- - toward
- t{>d
- - trebled
- trebl$
- - wharf
- :>f
- - whistle
- :i/le
- - Xth
- ',x?'
- - xxist
- xxi/
- - ædile
- a~6edile
- - anthill
- anthill
- - blessèd
- b.s~*ed
- - deshabille
- deshabille
- - foghorn
- foghorn
- - kilowatt
- kilowatt
- - noway
- noway
- - painstaking
- pa9stak+
- - parenthood
- p>5thood
- - rawhide
- rawhide
- - shanghai
- '%anghai'
- - Stalingrad
- ',/al9grad'
- - viceregal
- viceregal
# 10.4.2 page 111
- - Sh!
- ',sh6'
- - th'
- th'
- - St.
- ',st4'
- - Wh–?
- ',wh,-;8'
- xfail: true
- - St Stephen
- ',st ,/eph5'
- - ch-ch-chilly
- ch-ch-*illy
- - Shhh!
- ',%hh6'
- - th'n
- ?'n
- - Ste Anne
- ',/e ,anne'
# 10.4.3 page 112
- - finger
- f+}
- - ginger
- g+}
- - singe
- s+e
- - singeing
- s+e+
- - sting
- /+
- - stinging
- /++
- - brown(ing)
- br{n"<+">
- - browning
- br{n.2+
- typeform:
italic: ' + '
- - SmithInge
- ',smi?,+e'
- - Ch'ing Dynasty
- ',*''+ ,dyna/y'
- - ingot
- 9got
- - Ingoldsby
- ',9goldsby'
- - ingredients
- 9gr$i5ts
- - ingrown
- 9gr{n
- - to-ing and fro-ing
- to-9g & fro-9g
- - brown-ing
- br{n-.19g
- typeform:
italic: ' +++'
- - Smith–Inge
- ',smi?,-,9ge'
# 10.5.1 page 113
- - to be
- to 2
- - his car
- 8 c>
- - Be good.
- ',2 gd4'
- ',,8 ,,dog'
- - That was right!
- ',t .10 "r6'
- typeform:
italic: ' +++ '
- ',,,2 all t y c 2,'''
- - Be happy.
- .1,2 .1happy4
- typeform:
italic: +++++++++
- - to be or not to be
- .7to 2 or n to 2.'
- typeform:
italic: ++++++++++++++++++
- - his hers its
- ~78 h}s xs~'
- typeform:
bold: ++++++++++++
- - '"Was that his car?"'
- 8_1,0 t _18 c>80
- typeform:
underline: ' +++ +++ '
xfail: true
- - at my (not his) house
- at my "<n 8"> h|se
- - He is [was]; they are [were].
- ',he is .<0.>2 !y >e .<7.>4'
- - (Were there many?)
- '"<,7 "! _m8">'
- - his/her
- his_/h}
- - What will you be?
- ',:at w y be8'
- - would-be actor
- wd-be actor
- - his-and-hers towels
- his-&-h}s t{els
- - That were–I mean was–mine.
- ',t w}e,-,i m1n was,-m9e4'
- - '"Be safe."'
- 8,be safe40
- - '"Was that his?"'
- 8,was t .1his80
- typeform:
italic: ' +++ '
xfail: true
- - ‘His mother owns “his” car.’
- 8,his "m {ns ~8his~0 c>40
- xfail: true
# 10.5.2 page 114
- - it was enough
- x 0 5
- ',,,give m ?an 5,'''
- - Buy meat (enough for 2).
- ',buy m1t "<5 = #b">4'
- - (Did you have enough help? Just enough.)
- '"<,did y h .15 help8 ,j 54">'
- typeform:
italic: ' ++++++ '
- - Enough's happened.
- ',5''s happ5$4'
- - Mum's had-enough mood
- ',mum''s _h-5 mood'
- -
- www45|<=all4org
- - enough/sufficient
- 5|<_/su6ici5t
# 10.5.3 page 114
- - not in here
- n 9 "h
- - In or out?
- ',9 or |8'
- ',,,g all 9,'''
- - in't
- 9't
- - mother-in-law
- '"m-9-law'
- - listen-in
- li/5-9
- - Listen!–In this case …
- ',li/56,-,9 ? case 444'
- - '"teach-in"'
- 8t1*-90
- ',,9-,,dep?'
- - ("In no way.")
- '"<8,9 no way40">'
- - fade in
- .1fade .19
- typeform:
italic: +++++++
- - -in
- '-.19'
- typeform:
italic: ' ++'
- - In the box
- .7,9 ! box.'
- typeform:
italic: ++++++++++
- - after before between in
- ~7af 2f 2t 9~'
- typeform:
bold: +++++++++++++++++++++++
- - In the table …
- '`.<,9 ! table 444`.>'
- typeform:
transnote: ++++++++++++++
- - <in file>
- '`<9 file`>'
- - in/out
- 9_/|t
- - Come in, stay in.
- ',come in1 /ay in4'
- - '"In any case"'
- 8,in any case0
- - ‘Is that “in”?’
- 8,is t ~8in~080
- xfail: true
# 10.5.4 page 116
- - It was enough–more than enough.
- ',x 0 5,-m ?an 5|<4'
- - We had enough–5.
- ',we _h 5,-#e4'
- - '"That''s enough!"–in a firm voice'
- 8,t's 560,-in a firm voice
- xfail: true
- - Take enough.
- ',take 5|<4'
- - ‘Is that “in”?–in style, I mean.’
- 8,is t ~89~08,-in /yle1 ,i m1n40
- xfail: true
# 10.6.1 page 116
- - beatitude
- 2atitude
- - Beatrice
- ',2atrice'
- - become
- 2come
- - begonia
- 2gonia
- - behemoth
- 2hemo?
- - being
- 2+
- - beneficent
- 2nefic5t
- - beta
- 2ta
- - first-begotten
- f/-2gott5
- - air-conditioned
- air-3di;n$
- - concept
- 3cept
- - congress
- 3gress
- - control
- 3trol
- - re-connect
- re-3nect
- - disaster
- 4a/}
- - disco
- 4co
- - dishonest
- 4h"o/
- - dislike
- 4like
- - dissect
- 4sect
- - distance
- 4t.e
- - self-discipline
- self-4cipl9e
- - beckon
- beckon
- - been
- be5
- - belligerent
- bellig}5t
- - benefit
- b5efit
- - best
- be/
- - bethel
- be!l
- - better
- bett}
- - unbecoming
- unbecom+
- - con
- con
- - conch
- con*
- - cone
- c"o
- - coneys
- c"oys
- - inconvenient
- 9conv5i5t
- - disc
- disc
- - dish
- di%
- - dishevel
- di%evel
- - dispirited
- di_s$
- - disulphide
- disulphide
- - indistinct
- 9di/9ct
# 10.6.2 page 117
- - '"Belinda!"'
- 8,2l9da60
- - (Contact the districts)
- '"<,3tact ! .14tricts">'
- typeform:
italic: ' ++++++++++'
- - '''display will minimise'''
- '''4play w m9imise'''
- - concave/convex
- 3cave_/convex
- - McConnell
- ',mc,connell'
- - O'Connor
- ',o'',connor'
- - MetroDisco
- ',metro,disco'
- - be'ave
- be'ave
- - be-stow
- be-/{
- - '[be]hold'
- .<be.>hold
- - con(vey)
- con"<vey">
- - dis'armony
- dis'>mony
- - disturb
- dis.1turb
- typeform:
italic: ' ++++'
# 10.6.3 page 118
- - BeLinda
- ',be,l9da'
- - conCUR
- con,,cur
- - DisCORD
- ',dis,,cord'
- - DISlike
- ',,dis,''like'
# 10.6.4 page 118
- - Conn.
- ',3n4'
- - cont
- 3t
- - dist.
- 4t4
- - mod cons
- mod 3s
- xfail: true
- - BEd
- ',b,$'
- xfail: true
- - Belg
- ',belg'
- - bet
- bet
- - Bev
- ',bev'
- - Con.
- ',con4'
# 10.6.5 page 119
- - abbé
- a2~/e
- - accept
- a3ept
- - account
- a3.t
- - acreage
- acr1ge
- - affirm
- a6irm
- - aggressive
- a7ressive
- - agreeable
- agre1ble
- - areas
- '>1s'
- - arpeggio
- '>pe7io'
- - baccalaureate
- ba3alaur1te
- - beat
- b1t
- - begging
- be7+
- - borealis
- bor1lis
- - bubble
- bu2le
- - bureau
- bur1u
- - Caribbean
- ',c>i21n'
- - caveat
- cav1t
- - create
- cr1te
- - creation
- cr1;n
- - disease
- 41se
- - doggone
- do7"o
- - eggnog
- e7nog
- - epicurean
- epicur1n
- - flaccid
- fla3id
- - genealogy
- g51logy
- - Hanseatic
- ',hans1tic'
- - head
- h1d
- - Judaean
- ',juda1n'
- - likeable
- lik1ble
- - Liliaceae
- ',liliac1e'
- - lineage
- l91ge
- - mecca
- me3a
- - Minneapolis
- ',m9n1polis'
- - Montreal
- ',montr1l'
- - motheaten
- mo?1t5
- - muffin
- mu69
- - Neapolitan
- ',n1politan'
- - northeast
- nor?1/
- - occupy
- o3upy
- - oceanic
- oc1nic
- - oleaginous
- ol1g9|s
- - orgeat
- org1t
- - paean
- pa1n
- - pancreas
- pancr1s
- - peaceable
- p1c1ble
- - peanut
- p1nut
- - rabbi
- ra2i
- - really
- r1lly
- - réchauffé
- r~/e*au6~/e
- - Seamus
- ',s1mus'
- - Sean
- ',s1n'
- - seashore
- s1%ore
- - Seattle
- ',s1ttle'
- - Sheffield
- ',%e6ield'
- - sheriffs
- '%}i6s'
- - speakeasy
- sp1k1sy
- - tableau
- tabl1u
- - tobacco
- toba3o
- - toreador
- tor1dor
- - Yeats
- ',y1ts'
- - afford
- af=d
- - appear
- appe>
- - arccosine
- '>ccos9e'
- - bacchanal
- bac*anal
- - bear
- be>
- - beatitude
- 2atitude
- - Beatrice
- ',2atrice'
- - cinéaste
- c9~/ea/e
- - coffee
- c(fee
- - dumbbell
- dumbbell
- - '''ead'
- '''ead'
- - east
- ea/
- - ebb
- ebb
- - ebb-tide
- ebb-tide
- - hideaway
- hideaway
- - idea(s)
- idea"<s">
- - Leander
- ',le&}'
- - limeade
- limeade
- - mah-jongg
- mah-j;gg
- - man-eater
- man-eat}
- - pineapple
- p9eapple
- - robb'd
- robb'd
- - saccharine
- sac*>9e
- - sea-green
- sea-gre5
- - sheriff's
- '%}iff''s'
- - snuff
- snuff
- - sou'east
- s|'ea/
- - stiffly
- /iff.1ly
- typeform:
italic: ' ++'
- - subbasement
- subbase;t
- - tea
- tea
- - theatre
- '!atre'
# 10.6.6 page 121
- - CliffSide
- ',cliff,side'
- - EggHead
- ',egg,h1d'
- ',mac,,ea*5'
- - SeaWorld
- ',sea,_w'
- - TEAspoon
- ',,tea,''spoon'
# 10.6.7 page 121
- - deactivate
- deactivate
- - geanticline
- geanticl9e
- - preamble
- preamble
- - reaction
- reac;n
# 10.6.8 page 122
- - antinode
- ant9ode
- - arena
- '>5a'
- - been
- be5
- - begin
- 2g9
- - be'ind
- be'9d
- - benefit
- b5efit
- - binary
- b9>y
- - binomial
- b9omial
- - Blakeney
- ',blak5ey'
- - Caen
- ',ca5'
- - casino
- cas9o
- - china
- '*9a'
- - Chopin
- ',*op9'
- - citizeness
- citiz5ess
- - deafen
- d1f5
- - denote
- d5ote
- - deny
- d5y
- - disingenuous
- 49g5u|s
- - double-entendre
- d|ble-5t5dre
- - e'en
- e'5
- - Einstein
- ',e9/e9'
- - enceinte
- 5ce9te
- - engine
- 5g9e
- - Enid
- ',5id'
- - enormous
- 5orm|s
- - equinox
- equ9ox
- - faint
- fa9t
- - feminine
- fem99e
- - goin'
- go9'
- - haven't
- hav5't
- - henna
- h5na
- - Inc.
- ',9c4'
- - incline
- 9cl9e
- - ingot
- 9got
- - in's
- 9's
- - into
- 9to
- - maenad
- ma5ad
- - Montenegro
- ',mont5egro'
- - phoenix
- pho5ix
- - p(en)
- p"<5">
- - p(in)
- p"<9">
- - prenatal
- pr5atal
- - queen
- que5
- - renew
- r5ew
- - self-induced
- self-9duc$
- - shut-ins
- '%ut-9s'
- - within
- )9
- - to-ing
- to-9g
- - Athens
- ',a!ns'
- - benign
- 2nign
- - business
- busi;s
- - cringed
- cr+$
- - fenced
- f;ed
- - filename
- file"n
- - forenoon
- =enoon
- - Francene
- ',fr.ene'
- - lament
- la;t
- - ménage
- m~/enage
- - señor
- se~}nor
- - toenail
- toenail
# 10.6.9 page 123
- - Aix-en-Provence
- ',aix-en-,prov;e'
- - Chou En-lai
- ',*| ,en-lai'
- - en route
- en r|te
# 10.6.10 page 123
- - '"Sudden!"'
- 8,sudd560
- - '"Comin''?"'
- 8,com9'80
- - linen…
- l95444
- - bein'
- 2in'
- - (bein')
- '"<29''">'
- xfail: true
- - “bein'”
- ~82in'~0
- xfail: true
# 10.7.1 page 125
- - foreword
- =e~w
- - misworded
- mis~w$
- - sword
- s~w
- - word-for-word
- ~w-=-~w
- - Wordsworth
- ',~wswor?'
- - cannot
- _c
- - Germany
- ',g}_m'
- - many-sided
- _m-sid$
- - dispirited
- di_s$
- - spirits
- _ss
- - spiritual
- _sual
- - theirs
- _!s
- - SeaWorld
- ',sea,_w'
- - underworld
- '"u_w'
- - world-wide
- _w-wide
- - worldly
- _wly
- - day-by-day
- '"d-by-"d'
- - Dayton
- ',"dton'
- - Friday
- ',fri"d'
- - G'day
- ',g''"d'
- - father-in-law
- '"f-9-law'
- - fatherless
- '"f.s'
- - grandfather
- gr&"f
- - acknowledge
- ac"kl$ge
- - knowing
- '"k+'
- - Knowles
- ',"kles'
- - well-known
- well-"kn
- - Gaylord
- ',gay"l'
- - lordosis
- '"losis'
- - lordship
- '"l%ip'
- - m'lord
- m'"l
- - godmother
- god"m
- - mother-of-pearl
- '"m-(-pe>l'
- - motherly
- '"mly'
- - smother
- s"m
- - apartheid
- a"pheid
- - Bonaparte
- ',bona"pe'
- - impartial
- im"pial
- - part-time
- '"p-"t'
- - partake
- '"pake'
- - parterre
- '"p}re'
- - party
- '"py'
- - passe-partout
- passe-"p|t
- - Spartan
- ',s"pan'
- - questionnaire
- '"qnaire'
- - unquestionable
- un"qable
- - affrighted
- a6"r$
- - aright
- a"r
- - brighten
- b"r5
- - millwright
- millw"r
- - right-handed
- '"r-h&$'
- - righteous
- '"re|s'
- - youngest
- '"ye/'
- - Youngstown
- ',"yst{n'
- - characteristic
- '"*i/ic'
- - characterise
- '"*ise'
- - throughout
- '"?|t'
- - elsewhere
- 'else":'
- - somewhere
- '"s":'
- - whereby
- '":by'
- - wherein
- '":9'
- - drought
- dr"|
- - fought
- f"|
- - Houghton
- ',h"|on'
- - oughtn't
- '"|n''t'
- - thoughtful
- ?"|;l
- - coworker
- co"w}
- - fireworks
- fire"ws
- - stonework
- /"o"w
- - unworkable
- un"wable
- - workday
- '"w"d'
- - working
- '"w+'
- - Dayan
- ',dayan'
- - Sanday
- ',s&ay'
- - today
- td
- - Lucknow
- ',luckn{'
- - chlordane
- '*lordane'
- - chemotherapy
- '*emo!rapy'
- - Parthenon
- ',p>!non'
- - where'er
- :}e'}
- - wherever
- :}"e
- - Dworkin
- ',dwork9'
# 10.7.2 page 127
- - upon these shores
- ~u ~! %ores
- - Whose are those?
- ',~: >e ~?8'
- - hereupon
- '"h~u'
- - whereupon
- '":~u'
- - whosesoever
- ~:so"e
- - thereby
- '"!by'
- - therefore
- '"!=e'
- - therein
- '"!9'
- - thereupon
- '"!~u'
- - coupon
- c|pon
- - Dupont
- ',dupont'
- - hypotheses
- hypo!ses
- - Theseus
- ',!seus'
- - spathose
- spa?ose
- - Thoseby
- ',?oseby'
- - bothered
- bo!r$
- - ethereal
- e!r1l
- - isothere
- iso!re
- - smithereens
- smi!re5s
- - Theresa
- ',!resa'
- - withered
- )}$
# 10.7.3 page 128
- - Galahad
- ',gala_h'
- - haddock
- _hdock
- - Haddon
- ',_hdon'
- - hadji
- _hji
- - Hadley
- ',_hley'
- - hadn't
- _hn't
- - Chad
- ',*ad'
- - Hades
- ',hades'
- - Hadrian
- ',hadrian'
- - menhaden
- m5had5
- - shadow
- '%ad{'
- - Thaddeus
- ',?addeus'
# 10.7.4 page 128
- - asseverate
- ass"eate
- - beverage
- b"eage
- - Everest
- ',"ee/'
- - everything
- '"ey?+'
- - fever
- f"e
- - irreverence
- irr"e;e
- - nevertheless
- n"e!.s
- - reverend
- r"e5d
- - several
- s"eal
- - Severn
- ',s"en'
- - Unilever
- ',unil"e'
- - believer
- 2liev}
- - eversion
- ev}.n
- - Guinevere
- ',gu9ev}e'
- - McKeever
- ',mc,keev}'
- - Monteverdi
- ',montev}di'
- - persevere
- p}sev}e
- - reverberate
- rev}b}ate
- - revere
- rev}e
- - reverify
- rev}ify
- - severity
- sev};y
- - thievery
- ?iev}y
# 10.7.5 page 129
- - adhere
- ad"h
- - atmosphere
- atmosp"h
- - cohere
- co"h
- - hereabout
- '"hab'
- - herewith
- '"h)'
- - sphere
- sp"h
- - filename
- file"n
- - nameable
- '"nable'
- - renamed
- re"nd
- - surname
- sur"n
- - adhered
- adh}$
- - bothered
- bo!r$
- - coherence
- coh};e
- - elsewhere
- 'else":'
- - ethereal
- e!r1l
- - heredity
- h}$;y
- - Hereford (City)
- ',h}e=d "<,c;y">'
- - enamel
- 5amel
- - ornament
- orna;t
- - unamended
- unam5d$
- - Vietnamese
- ',vietnamese'
# 10.7.6 page 130
- - acetone
- acet"o
- - atonement
- at"o;t
- - baloney
- bal"oy
- - bygone
- byg"o
- - cone
- c"o
- - demonetise
- dem"otise
- - dishonesty
- 4h"o/y
- - done
- d"o
- - everyone
- '"ey"o'
- - honey
- h"oy
- - Jones
- ',j"os'
- - lonesome
- l"o"s
- - Mulroney
- ',mulr"oy'
- - one-sided
- '"o-sid$'
- - oneness
- '"o;s'
- - phone
- ph"o
- - scone
- sc"o
- - stonework
- /"o"w
- - stoney
- /"oy
- - anemone
- anemone
- - baroness
- b>o;s
- - baronet
- b>onet
- - Boone
- ',boone'
- - Cantonese
- ',cantonese'
- - colonel
- colonel
- - Conestoga
- ',3e/oga'
- - crooner
- croon}
- - cushioned
- cu%ion$
- - Donegal
- ',donegal'
- - erroneous
- '}rone|s'
- - Hermione
- ',h}mione'
- - Indonesia
- ',9donesia'
- - krone
- krone
- - Monet
- ',monet'
- - onerous
- on}|s
- - phonetic
- phonetic
- - pioneer
- pione}
- - poisoned
- poison$
- - Rhône
- ',rh~%one'
- - Rooney
- ',rooney'
- - sooner
- soon}
- - stoned
- /on$
# 10.7.7 page 131
- - blithesome
- bli!"s
- - chromosome
- '*romo"s'
- - fearsome
- fe>"s
- - handsome
- h&"s
- - handsomer
- h&"sr
- - lonesomest
- l"o"s/
- - somebody
- '"sbody'
- - somesuch
- '"ss*'
- - somewhere
- '"s":'
- - twosome
- two"s
- - blossomed (blossom)
- blossom$ "<blossom">
- - gasometer
- gasomet}
- - isometric
- isometric
- - ransomed (ransom)
- ransom$ "<ransom">
- - somersault
- som}sault
- - Somerset
- ',som}set'
# 10.7.8 page 131
- - daytime
- '"d"t'
- - maritime
- m>i"t
- - mistimed
- mis"td
- - pastime
- pas"t
- - sometimes
- '"s"ts'
- - springtime
- spr+"t
- - timeously
- '"t|sly'
- - Timex
- ',"tx'
- - untimely
- un"tly
- - altimeter
- altimet}
- - centime
- c5time
- - centimeter
- c5timet}
- - Mortimer
- ',mortim}'
- - multimedia
- multim$ia
- - sentiment
- s5ti;t
# 10.7.9 page 132
- - blunder
- bl"u
- - misunderstand
- mis"u/&
- - thundered
- ?"u$
- - undergo
- '"ugo'
- - underpaid
- '"upd'
- - Wunderhorn
- ',w"uhorn'
- - flounder
- fl.d}
- - laundering
- laund}+
- - Saunders
- ',saund}s'
- - underived
- und}iv$
- - underogatory
- und}ogatory