blob: f859b735cce1825e5ac4534ee11655ec7fa0fb9e [file] [log] [blame]
display: unicode.dis
locale: en-US
type: computer
dots: 6
__assert-match: en-us-comp6.ctb
# Computer Braille Code reference:
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# Character Definitions:
# Alphanumeric characters:
- - AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
- ⠸⠁⠁⠸⠃⠃⠸⠉⠉⠸⠙⠙⠸⠑⠑⠸⠋⠋⠸⠛⠛⠸⠓⠓⠸⠊⠊⠸⠚⠚⠸⠅⠅⠸⠇⠇⠸⠍⠍⠸⠝⠝⠸⠕⠕⠸⠏⠏⠸⠟⠟⠸⠗⠗⠸⠎⠎⠸⠞⠞⠸⠥⠥⠸⠧⠧⠸⠺⠺⠸⠭⠭⠸⠽⠽⠸⠵⠵
- [0123456789, ⠴⠂⠆⠒⠲⠢⠖⠶⠦⠔]
# Single-Cell Symbols:
- ["!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\\\]^", ⠮⠐⠼⠫⠩⠯⠄⠷⠾⠡⠬⠠⠤⠨⠌⠱⠰⠣⠿⠜⠹⠈⠪⠳⠻⠘]
# Braille symbols with the 456 prefix:
- ["_`{|}~", ⠸⠸⠸⠈⠸⠪⠸⠳⠸⠻⠸⠘]
# Braille Indicators:
# capsLetter already tested (see above alphabet.
# Upper and Lower Case Designation: "Two or more upper case letters
# occurring in predominantly lower case text—whether these letters
# appear consecutively or are separated by numbers, punctuation,
# etc.—must be preceded by the caps lock indicator[, and] remains in
# effect until cancelled by the caps release indicator or the next
# significant space, whichever comes first" (pp. 19-20).
# Example 4.4.1: Caps Lock and Caps Release Indicators (p. 20):
- [VFUN PSTmsgToVec(ipcMsg, ⠸⠜⠧⠋⠥⠝⠀⠸⠜⠏⠎⠞⠸⠣⠍⠎⠛⠸⠞⠕⠸⠧⠑⠉⠷⠊⠏⠉⠸⠍⠎⠛]
# Modify above example to test a capsModeChar (2):
- [VFUN PSTmsG2Vec(ipcMsg, ⠸⠜⠧⠋⠥⠝⠀⠸⠜⠏⠎⠞⠸⠣⠍⠎⠸⠜⠛⠆⠧⠸⠣⠑⠉⠷⠊⠏⠉⠸⠍⠎⠛]
# Isolated Lower-Cell Signs: "When a lower-cell sign is isolated
# (i.e., preceded and followed by a space or line end), dots 456 must
# immediately precede this sign. The lower-cell sign may be a
# single-digit number, quotation mark, apostrophe, comma, hyphen/minus
# sign, or semicolon" (p. 27).
# Example 8.1.1: Isolated Lower-Cell Signs (p. 27):
# Note: The below example has been modified to use lowercase letters.
- - "107 : clear ylen 0 do xlen 0 do 0 i j universe c! loop loop ;"
- ⠂⠴⠶⠀⠱⠀⠉⠇⠑⠁⠗⠀⠽⠇⠑⠝⠀⠸⠴⠀⠙⠕⠀⠭⠇⠑⠝⠀⠸⠴⠀⠙⠕⠀⠸⠴⠀⠊⠀⠚⠀⠥⠝⠊⠧⠑⠗⠎⠑⠀⠉⠮⠀⠇⠕⠕⠏⠀⠇⠕⠕⠏⠀⠸⠰
flags: {testmode: forward}
# Typeforms only supported with testmode 'forward'.
# Emphasis Indicators:
# Example 10.1.1 Emphasis Indicators (p. 33):
# Note: Only the computer braille portion of the example is utilized.
- - "&Hdddd where dddd"
- ⠯⠸⠓⠸⠡⠙⠙⠙⠙⠸⠌⠀⠺⠓⠑⠗⠑⠀⠸⠡⠙⠙⠙⠙⠸⠌
- typeform:
italic: " ++++ ++++"
# Spaces
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
- ['\x0020', '⠀']
flags: {testmode: forward}
- ['\x0009', '⠀']
- ['\x000a', '⠀']
- ['\x000d', '⠀']
- ['\x00a0', '⠀']