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# Copyright © 2018 Juan Pablo Bello
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
# without any warranty.
display: unicode-without-blank.dis
locale: es
grade: 2
__assert-match: es-g2.ctb
flags: {testmode: forward}
# general contractions, different places
- - abeja
- ⠂⠑⠚⠁
- - nabo
- ⠝⠂⠕
- - admiro
- ⠹⠍⠊⠗⠕
- - radio
- ⠗⠹⠊⠕
- - ciudad
- ⠉⠊⠥⠙⠹
- - alba
- ⠅⠃⠁
- - falda
- ⠋⠅⠙⠁
- - actual
- ⠁⠉⠞⠥⠅
- - ancho
- ⠩⠉⠓⠕
- - zanco
- ⠵⠩⠉⠕
- - tocan
- ⠞⠕⠉⠩
- - arpa
- ⠡⠏⠁
- - marco
- ⠍⠡⠉⠕
- - jugar
- ⠚⠥⠛⠡
- - asno
- ⠯⠝⠕
- - gasto
- ⠛⠯⠞⠕
- - telas
- ⠞⠑⠇⠯
- - bravo
- ⠆⠁⠧⠕
- - cobre
- ⠉⠕⠆⠑
- - crisol
- ⠒⠊⠎⠕⠇
- - sacro
- ⠎⠁⠒⠕
- - drama
- ⠲⠁⠍⠁
- - ladrillo
- ⠇⠁⠲⠊⠇⠇⠕
- - embudo
- ⠣⠃⠥⠙⠕
- - gema
- ⠛⠣⠁
- - tótem
- ⠞⠬⠞⠣
- - enchufe
- ⠢⠉⠓⠥⠋⠑
- - gente
- ⠛⠢⠞⠑
- - pisen
- ⠏⠊⠎⠢
- - era
- ⠦⠁
- - serio
- ⠎⠦⠊⠕
- - oler
- ⠕⠇⠦
- - esbelto
- ⠫⠃⠑⠇⠞⠕
- - vestido
- ⠧⠫⠞⠊⠙⠕
- - nieves
- ⠝⠊⠑⠧⠫
- - gris
- ⠶⠊⠎
- - agrio
- ⠁⠶⠊⠕
- - impedir
- ⠜⠏⠑⠙⠊⠗
- - dime
- ⠙⠜⠑
- - muslim
- ⠍⠥⠎⠇⠜
- - indio
- ⠔⠙⠊⠕
- - tinta
- ⠞⠔⠞⠁
- - fin
- ⠋⠔
- - ioniza
- ⠼⠊⠵⠁
- - accionista
- ⠁⠉⠉⠼⠊⠎⠞⠁
- - omega
- ⠺⠑⠛⠁
- - doma
- ⠙⠺⠁
- - tom
- ⠞⠺
- - once
- ⠕⠝⠉⠑
- - leones
- ⠇⠑⠕⠝⠫
- - donativo
- ⠙⠭⠁⠞⠊⠧⠕
- - don
- ⠙⠭
- - orgullo
- ⠱⠛⠥⠇⠇⠕
- - tortuga
- ⠞⠱⠞⠥⠛⠁
- - dolor
- ⠙⠕⠇⠱
- - oscuro
- ⠪⠉⠥⠗⠕
- - loseta
- ⠇⠪⠑⠞⠁
- - cocos
- ⠉⠕⠉⠪
- - probeta
- ⠖⠕⠃⠑⠞⠁
- - aprisa
- ⠁⠖⠊⠎⠁
- - quieto
- ⠟⠊⠑⠞⠕
- - paquete
- ⠏⠁⠟⠑⠞⠑
- - truco
- ⠴⠥⠉⠕
- - cuatro
- ⠉⠥⠁⠴⠕
- - huelga
- ⠓⠳⠇⠛⠁
- - tenue
- ⠞⠢⠳
- - mayab
- ⠍⠁⠽⠁⠃
# intersyllabic tests where a contraction might be a syllable itself or part syllable
- - abdica
- ⠂⠙⠊⠉⠁
- - abatir
- ⠂⠁⠞⠊⠗
- - adjetivo
- ⠹⠚⠑⠞⠊⠧⠕
- - amada
- ⠁⠍⠹⠁
- - alcoba
- ⠅⠉⠕⠃⠁
- - dalia
- ⠙⠅⠊⠁
- - lanza
- ⠇⠩⠵⠁
- - anuda
- ⠩⠥⠙⠁
- - partir
- ⠏⠡⠞⠊⠗
- - arreglo
- ⠡⠗⠑⠛⠇⠕
- - solas
- ⠎⠇⠯
- - asistir
- ⠯⠊⠎⠞⠊⠗
- - bruja
- ⠆⠥⠚⠁
- - subraya
- ⠎⠥⠆⠁⠽⠁
- - pulcro
- ⠏⠥⠇⠒⠕
- - Pedro
- ⠨⠏⠑⠲⠕
- - empieza
- ⠣⠏⠊⠑⠵⠁
- - tema
- ⠞⠣⠁
- - miren
- ⠍⠊⠗⠢
- - ameno
- ⠁⠍⠢⠕
- - verde
- ⠧⠦⠙⠑
- - pera
- ⠏⠦⠁
- - estufa
- ⠫⠞⠥⠋⠁
- - mesa
- ⠍⠫⠁
- - negro
- ⠝⠑⠶⠕
- - limpio
- ⠇⠜⠏⠊⠕
- - lima
- ⠇⠜⠁
- - cinta
- ⠉⠔⠞⠁
- - minuto
- ⠍⠔⠥⠞⠕
- - camiones
- ⠉⠁⠍⠼⠫
- - rompe
- ⠗⠺⠏⠑
- - loma
- ⠇⠺⠁
- - ronca
- ⠗⠭⠉⠁
- - cono
- ⠉⠭⠕
- - corte
- ⠉⠱⠞⠑
- - mora
- ⠍⠱⠁
- - mostaza
- ⠍⠪⠞⠁⠵⠁
- - rosa
- ⠗⠪⠁
- - prisa
- ⠖⠊⠎⠁
- - quiso
- ⠟⠊⠎⠕
- - trigo
- ⠴⠊⠛⠕
- - pueblo
- ⠏⠳⠃⠇⠕
# multiple contractions: a word may repeat contractions or be entirely represented by them
- - abad
- ⠂⠹
- - abanico
- ⠂⠩⠊⠉⠕
- - abarcar
- ⠂⠡⠉⠡
- - adelantar
- ⠹⠑⠇⠩⠞⠡
- - alababan
- ⠅⠂⠂⠩
- - aladinos
- ⠅⠹⠔⠪
- - anaranjadas
- ⠩⠡⠩⠚⠹⠯
- - asas
- ⠯⠯
- - asomar
- ⠯⠺⠡
- - arar
- ⠡⠡
- - bromas
- ⠆⠺⠯
- - cadenas
- ⠉⠹⠢⠯
- - someter
- ⠎⠺⠑⠞⠦
- - costosos
- ⠉⠪⠞⠪⠪
- - criminales
- ⠒⠜⠔⠅⠫
- - drenar
- ⠲⠢⠡
- - emperadores
- ⠣⠏⠦⠹⠱⠫
- - empiezan
- ⠣⠏⠊⠑⠵⠩
- - enero
- ⠢⠦⠕
- - eras
- ⠦⠯
- - escritor
- ⠫⠒⠊⠞⠱
- - esperar
- ⠫⠏⠦⠡
- - groseros
- ⠶⠪⠦⠪
- - imponer
- ⠜⠏⠭⠦
- - inclinar
- ⠔⠉⠇⠔⠡
- - ominosos
- ⠺⠔⠪⠪
- - onerosos
- ⠕⠝⠦⠪⠪
- - opiniones
- ⠕⠏⠔⠼⠫
- - oros
- ⠱⠪
- - osos
- ⠪⠪
- - principales
- ⠖⠔⠉⠊⠏⠅⠫
- - quinqué
- ⠟⠔⠟⠮
- - rueden
- ⠗⠳⠙⠢
- - ronronear
- ⠗⠭⠗⠭⠑⠡
- - sorprender
- ⠎⠱⠖⠢⠙⠦
- - trompos
- ⠴⠺⠏⠪
# lower sign exceptions: when a word consists of lowered signs only, first contraction is
# destroyed to avoid confussion with punctuation signs
- - tren
- ⠞⠗⠢
- - trinen
- ⠞⠗⠔⠢
- - entrenen
- ⠑⠝⠴⠢⠢
- - crin
- ⠉⠗⠔
- - graben
- ⠛⠗⠂⠢
- - drenen
- ⠙⠗⠢⠢
# lang realization: contractions may not abbreviate accented (acute) vowels
- - ábside
- ⠷⠃⠎⠊⠙⠑
- - dádivas
- ⠙⠷⠙⠊⠧⠯
- - álamos
- ⠷⠇⠁⠍⠪
- - ánfora
- ⠷⠝⠋⠱⠁
- - árboles
- ⠷⠗⠃⠕⠇⠫
- - mástiles
- ⠍⠷⠎⠞⠊⠇⠫
- - émbolo
- ⠮⠍⠃⠕⠇⠕
- - sartén
- ⠎⠡⠞⠮⠝
- - céntrico
- ⠉⠮⠝⠴⠊⠉⠕
- - Inés
- ⠨⠔⠮⠎
- - ciérralos
- ⠉⠊⠮⠗⠗⠅⠪
- - ímpetu
- ⠌⠍⠏⠑⠞⠥
- - índice
- ⠌⠝⠙⠊⠉⠑
- - cómico
- ⠉⠬⠍⠊⠉⠕
- - cóncavo
- ⠉⠬⠝⠉⠁⠧⠕
- - órgano
- ⠬⠗⠛⠩⠕
- - cóselos
- ⠉⠬⠎⠑⠇⠪
- - Cuéllar
- ⠨⠉⠥⠮⠇⠇⠡
# word endings tests
- - filas
- ⠋⠊⠇⠯
- - sedes
- ⠎⠑⠙⠫
- - pasión
- ⠏⠯⠼
- - reacción
- ⠗⠑⠁⠼
- - lección
- ⠇⠑⠼
- - aflicción
- ⠁⠋⠇⠊⠼
- - obstrucción
- ⠕⠃⠎⠴⠥⠼
- - cantando
- ⠉⠩⠞⠩⠙
- - oyendo
- ⠕⠽⠢⠙
- - moliendo
- ⠍⠕⠇⠲⠙
- - parque
- ⠏⠡⠟
- - fácilmente
- ⠋⠷⠍
# an ending may never be replaced by other partword contractions
- - hablando
- ⠓⠂⠇⠩⠙⠕
- xfail: the correct form does not have an extra o at end
- - sufriendo
- ⠎⠥⠋⠗⠊⠢⠙⠕
- xfail: the correct form employs the word ending, see above
# lang realization: accented vowels are never part of word endings
- - mandó
- ⠍⠩⠙⠬
- - vendó
- ⠧⠢⠙⠬
- - panqué
- ⠏⠩⠟⠮
- - implementé
- ⠜⠏⠇⠣⠢⠞⠮
# the acción, ección etc. contractions will form their derived plurals by the addition of the
# partword contraction for es (1246)
- - pasiones
- ⠏⠯⠼⠫
- - inyecciones
- ⠔⠽⠑⠼⠫
- - reducciones
- ⠗⠙⠥⠼⠫
- - adicciones
- ⠹⠊⠼⠫
# endword contractions for ando, endo, que, mente will form their plurals by the addition of the letter s
- - bandos
- ⠃⠩⠙⠎
- - tremendos
- ⠴⠣⠢⠙⠎
- - sendos
- ⠎⠢⠙⠎
- - tanques
- ⠞⠩⠟⠎
- - alimentes
- ⠅⠊⠍⠎
- - deprimentes
- ⠙⠑⠖⠊⠍⠎
- - amígdala
- ⠁⠍⠌⠛⠙⠅⠁
- - occidente
- ⠕⠉⠉⠊⠙⠢⠞⠑
- - cercamente
- ⠉⠉⠍
- - ignoro
- ⠊⠛⠝⠱⠕
# wheneever a word can be contracted with two contractions which overlap like ad or dr, the later one is preferred.
- - cuento
- ⠉⠥⠢⠞⠕
- - ladra
- ⠇⠁⠲⠁
- - esquema
- ⠫⠟⠣⠁
- - fueron
- ⠋⠥⠦⠭
- - hueso
- ⠓⠥⠫⠕
- - sígueme
- ⠎⠌⠛⠥⠣⠑
# word beginnings may not be followed by vowels (to avoid confussion with punctuation signs), including accented ones.
# also, word beginnings might not be followed by a contraction which abbreviates a consonant.
- - comunicar
- ⠉⠺⠥⠝⠊⠉⠡
- - comando
- ⠉⠺⠩⠙
# need prioritization
- - conato
- ⠉⠭⠁⠞⠕
- - contrato
- ⠒⠞⠗⠁⠞⠕
- - consumo
- ⠒⠎⠥⠍⠕
- - congruente
- ⠒⠛⠗⠥⠢⠞⠑
- - ingrato
- ⠔⠶⠁⠞⠕
- - distrae
- ⠲⠞⠗⠁⠑
- - concreto
- ⠒⠉⠗⠑⠞⠕
- - comprar
- ⠤⠏⠗⠡
- - expresar
- ⠭⠏⠗⠫⠡
- - interpretar
- ⠽⠏⠗⠑⠞⠡
- - pregrabar
- ⠖⠛⠗⠂⠡
- - pregrado
- ⠖⠛⠗⠹⠕
- - pregrados
- ⠖⠛⠗⠹⠪
- - condrioma
- ⠒⠙⠗⠊⠺⠁
- - reprende
- ⠗⠏⠗⠢⠙⠑
- - ingresaron
- ⠔⠶⠫⠡⠭
- - retraso
- ⠗⠞⠗⠯⠕
- - extraño
- ⠭⠞⠗⠁⠻⠕
- - entrecruzar
- ⠴⠉⠗⠥⠵⠡
- - intergrupal
- ⠽⠛⠗⠥⠏⠅
- - sobreproducido
- ⠆⠏⠗⠕⠙⠥⠉⠊⠙⠕
# stenographic interruption: whenever x, w or k is anywhere in a word, the entire word is
# uncontracted and dot 5 prefixes the word.
# most are african based or arabic derived words in the language.
- - kiosco
- ⠐⠅⠊⠕⠎⠉⠕
- - wagner
- ⠐⠺⠁⠛⠝⠑⠗
- - xalapa
- ⠐⠭⠁⠇⠁⠏⠁
- - hardware
- ⠐⠓⠁⠗⠙⠺⠁⠗⠑
- - hawaiano
- ⠐⠓⠁⠺⠁⠊⠁⠝⠕
- - kiwi
- ⠐⠅⠊⠺⠊
- - maxwell
- ⠐⠍⠁⠭⠺⠑⠇⠇
- - darwinismo
- ⠐⠙⠁⠗⠺⠊⠝⠊⠎⠍⠕
- - newton
- ⠐⠝⠑⠺⠞⠕⠝
- - sándwich
- ⠐⠎⠷⠝⠙⠺⠊⠉⠓
- - sandwichería
- ⠐⠎⠁⠝⠙⠺⠊⠉⠓⠑⠗⠌⠁
- - kilos
- ⠐⠅⠊⠇⠕⠎
- - abakuá
- ⠐⠁⠃⠁⠅⠥⠷
- - bakalao
- ⠐⠃⠁⠅⠁⠇⠁⠕
- - bikini
- ⠐⠃⠊⠅⠊⠝⠊
- - búnker
- ⠐⠃⠾⠝⠅⠑⠗
- - eureka
- ⠐⠑⠥⠗⠑⠅⠁
- - folklore
- ⠐⠋⠕⠇⠅⠇⠕⠗⠑
- - folklórica
- ⠐⠋⠕⠇⠅⠇⠬⠗⠊⠉⠁
- - anexar
- ⠐⠁⠝⠑⠭⠁⠗
- - anorexia
- ⠐⠁⠝⠕⠗⠑⠭⠊⠁
- - aproximación
- ⠐⠁⠏⠗⠕⠭⠊⠍⠁⠉⠊⠬⠝
- - aproximadamente
- ⠐⠁⠏⠗⠕⠭⠊⠍⠁⠙⠁⠍⠑⠝⠞⠑
- - auxiliador
- ⠐⠁⠥⠭⠊⠇⠊⠁⠙⠕⠗
- - xilófono
- ⠐⠭⠊⠇⠬⠋⠕⠝⠕
- - exponer
- ⠐⠑⠭⠏⠕⠝⠑⠗
- xfail: the exception to the interruption rule is applied correctly here
# testing to check if dot 5 is also added before closing quotation or question mark symbols
- - no quieres que hablen?
- ⠝ ⠟⠊⠦⠫ ⠟ ⠓⠂⠇⠢⠐⠢
- - la tienda se llama "el retén"
- ⠄ ⠞⠊⠢⠙⠁ ⠎ ⠇⠇⠁⠍⠁ ⠦⠑ ⠗⠞⠮⠝⠐⠦
# test lower sign exceptions and stenographic interruption with capitalization
- - toma un Tren
- ⠞⠺⠁ ⠥ ⠨⠞⠗⠢
- - fueron con Walter
- ⠋⠥⠦⠭ ⠉ ⠐⠨⠺⠁⠇⠞⠑⠗
- - es el señor Kraller
- ⠫ ⠑ ⠎⠑⠻⠱ ⠐⠨⠅⠗⠁⠇⠇⠑⠗
- - es para MAXWELL
- ⠫ ⠡ ⠐⠨⠨⠍⠁⠭⠺⠑⠇⠇
# testing these with punctuation
- - no "drenen" el lago
- ⠝ ⠦⠙⠗⠢⠢⠐⠦ ⠑ ⠇⠁⠛⠕
- xfail: unresolved multipass situation
- - toma un "tren"
- ⠞⠺⠁ ⠥ ⠦⠞⠗⠢⠐⠦
- xfail: unresolved multipass situation
- - toma un ¿tren?
- ⠞⠺⠁ ⠥ ⠢⠞⠗⠢⠐⠢
- xfail: unresolved multipass situation
- - es su ¿bikini?
- ⠫ ⠜ ⠢⠐⠃⠊⠅⠊⠝⠊⠐⠢
- xfail: unresolved multipass situation