blob: 1a3fc71753dfea46b10d8a2066a5d772abad427c [file] [log] [blame]
display: unicode-without-blank.dis
locale: ko
grade: 2
version: 2006
__assert-match: ko-2006-g2.ctb
- # Numbers followed by Korean words.
- 2000년
- ⠼⠃⠚⠚⠚ ⠉⠡
- # Korean mixed with English contractions
- unity
- ⠥⠝⠰⠽
- # New dot combination for punctuation
- 불이야!
- ⠘⠯⠕⠜⠖
- # Korean word 1: blue
- 파란색
- ⠙⠐⠣⠒⠠⠗⠁
- # Korean word 2: cave
- 동굴
- ⠊⠿⠈⠯
- # Korean word 3: paid
- 샀다.
- ⠇⠌⠊⠲
- # Korean word 4: vacuum cleaner
- 진공 청소기
- ⠨⠟⠈⠿ ⠰⠻⠠⠥⠈⠕
- # Words within parentheses.
- 신라의 수도는 서라벌(오늘날 경주)였다.
- ⠠⠟⠐⠣⠺ ⠠⠍⠊⠥⠉⠵ ⠠⠎⠐⠣⠘⠞⠤⠥⠉⠮⠉⠂ ⠈⠻⠨⠍⠤⠱⠌⠊⠚
- {xfail: true}
- # English followed by Korean: name of a broadcasting company
- YTN 연합뉴스
- ⠴⠠⠠⠽⠞⠝ ⠡⠚⠃⠉⠩⠠⠪
- {xfail: true}