blob: 54cccc4aea704072e57e7e6c95e802e4778a017f [file] [log] [blame]
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
# excerpts from no-no-g1.ctb:
include tables/spaces.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
sign & 346
noback sign \x2820 6
capsletter 6
begcapsword 6-6
word et 346
word under 12345
- [UNDER et, ⠠⠠⠥⠝⠙⠑⠗ ⠬]
- ["ABC Under et", "⠠⠠⠁⠃⠉ ⠠⠟ ⠬"]
# test capsnocont when no begcapsword indicator is defined
# every cap will be marked with capsletter
table: |
include tables/spaces.uti
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
punctuation , 6
capsletter 6
# No capsword rules
# begcapsword 6-6
# endcapsword 6
word foo 124
word bar 12
partword foo 1346
partword bar 13456
- ["foo bar foobar", "f b xy"]
- ["Foo Bar Foobar", ",f ,b ,xy"]
- ["FOO BAR FOOBAR", ",f,o,o ,b,a,r ,f,o,o,b,a,r"]
- ["TXT", ",t,x,t"]
- ["ABC Foobar", ",a,b,c ,xy"]