| # Simple replacement with context |
| table: | |
| include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis |
| include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| punctuation - 36 |
| noback context "oo"["b"] @36-12 |
| nofor context @135-135[@36-12] "b" |
| |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠤⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - foobar |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠤⠃⠁⠗ |
| - outputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6] |
| inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5] |
| |
| table: | |
| include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis |
| include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| include tables/loweredDigits6Dots.uti |
| space \s 0 |
| punctuation . 46 |
| punctuation , 6 |
| punctuation - 36 |
| include tables/braille-patterns.cti |
| noback correct "f,"[]"o" "-" |
| nofor correct "f,"["-"]"o" ? |
| noback correct "f,"["."]"o" ? |
| nofor correct "f,"[]"o" "." |
| word above 1-12-1236 |
| word below 23-123 |
| partword en 26 |
| noback context "o,"[]"o" @36 |
| nofor context @135-6[@36]@135 ? |
| noback context "o,"["."]"o" ? |
| nofor context @135-6[]@135 "." |
| noback pass2 @135-6[]@12 @36 |
| nofor pass2 @135-6[@36]@12 ? |
| noback pass2 @135-6[@46]@12 ? |
| nofor pass2 @135-6[]@12 @46 |
| noback pass3 @12-6[]@1 @36 |
| nofor pass3 @12-6[@36]@1 ? |
| noback pass3 @12-6[@46]@1 ? |
| nofor pass3 @12-6[]@1 @46 |
| noback pass4 @1-6[]@1235 @36 |
| nofor pass4 @1-6[@36]@1235 ? |
| noback pass4 @1-6[@46]@1235 ? |
| nofor pass4 @1-6[]@1235 @46 |
| |
| # Simple test using regular pass 1 rules |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |h|e| |w|en|t| |above| |
| # - |⠓|⠑| |⠺|⠢|⠞| |⠁⠃⠧| |
| - - he went above |
| - ⠓⠑ ⠺⠢⠞ ⠁⠃⠧ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,8,8] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,7,7,7] |
| |
| # Insertion with correct rule: prepend to next |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|,|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - f,oobar |
| - ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] |
| |
| # Deletion with correct rule: append to previous |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - f,.oobar |
| - ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Insertion with context rule: prepend to next |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|,|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠠|⠤⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - fo,obar |
| - ⠋⠕⠠⠤⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5,6] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6,7] |
| |
| # Deletion with context rule: append to previous |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|,.|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠠|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - fo,.obar |
| - ⠋⠕⠠⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Insertion with pass2 rule: prepend to next |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|,|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠠|⠤⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - foo,bar |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠠⠤⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7] |
| |
| # Deletion with pass2 rule: append to previous |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|,.|b|a|r |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠠|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - foo,.bar |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠠⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Insertion with pass3 rule: prepend to next |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|,|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠠|⠤⠁|⠗| |
| - - foob,ar |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠠⠤⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,6] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,7] |
| |
| # Deletion with pass3 rule: append to previous |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|,.|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠠|⠁|⠗| |
| - - foob,.ar |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠠⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Insertion with pass4 rule: prepend to next |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|,|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠠|⠤⠗| |
| - - fooba,r |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠠⠤⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,6] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Deletion with pass4 rule: append to previous |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|,.|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠠|⠗| |
| - - fooba,.r |
| - ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠠⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,6] |
| |
| # Using all passes! |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|,|o|,|o|,|b|,|a|,|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠠|⠤⠕|⠠|⠤⠃|⠠|⠤⠁|⠠|⠤⠗| |
| - - f,o,o,b,a,r |
| - ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠠⠤⠕⠠⠤⠃⠠⠤⠁⠠⠤⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,9,10,10] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14] |
| # - |f|,.|o|,.|o|,.|b|,.|a|,.|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠠|⠕|⠠|⠃|⠠|⠁|⠠|⠗| |
| - - f,.o,.o,.b,.a,.r |
| - ⠋⠠⠕⠠⠕⠠⠃⠠⠁⠠⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,13,15] |
| outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,9,9,10] |
| |
| # Insertion at the start of a string: prepend to next |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| sign . 123456 |
| # noback correct `[]$a "." # "true" insertion not possible |
| noback correct `[$a] "."* |
| nofor correct `[$a] ? |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |.f|o|o|b|a|r| |
| - - foobar |
| - .foobar |
| - inputPos: [0,0,1,2,3,4,5] |
| outputPos: [0,2,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Insertion at the end of a string: append to previous |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| sign . 123456 |
| noback correct $a[]~ "." # "true" insertion |
| nofor correct [$a]~ ? |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| sign . 123456 |
| noback correct [$a]~ *"." |
| nofor correct [$a]~ ? |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a|r.| |
| - - foobar |
| - foobar. |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5] |
| |
| # Deletion at the start of a string: append to previous from pov of output (braille), prepend to next from pov of input |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| noback correct `[$a] ? |
| # nofor correct `[]$a "f" # "true" insertion not possible |
| nofor correct `[$a] "f"* |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - f|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |o|o|b|a|r| |
| - - foobar |
| - oobar |
| - inputPos: [1,2,3,4,5] |
| outputPos: [0,0,1,2,3,4] |
| |
| # Deletion at the end of a string: append to previous |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| noback correct [$a]~ ? |
| nofor correct $a[]~ "r" # "true" insertion |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| noback correct [$a]~ ? |
| nofor correct [$a]~ *"r" |
| flags: {testmode: bothDirections} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|o|o|b|ar| |
| # - |f|o|o|b|a| |
| - - foobar |
| - fooba |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4] |
| |
| # Deletion of all characters: append to (missing) previous |
| table: | |
| include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti |
| noback correct [$a]~ ? |
| flags: {testmode: forward} |
| tests: |
| # - |f| |
| # - || |
| - - f |
| - "" |
| - inputPos: [] |
| outputPos: [-1] |
| |
| # Deletion with replace rule: append to previous |
| table: | |
| include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis |
| include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| punctuation . 46 |
| punctuation , 6 |
| replace . |
| flags: {testmode: forward} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - f,.oobar |
| - ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6] |
| |
| # Deletion of undefined character: append to previous |
| table: | |
| include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis |
| include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| punctuation , 6 |
| flags: {testmode: forward} |
| tests: |
| # - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r| |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| - - f,.oobar |
| - ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6] |
| mode: [noUndefined] |
| |
| # Deletion of undefined dots: prepend to next |
| table: | |
| include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis |
| include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti |
| punctuation , 6 |
| flags: {testmode: backward} |
| tests: |
| # - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗| |
| # - |f|,|o|o|b|a|r| |
| - - ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗ |
| - f,oobar |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7] |
| outputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6] |
| mode: [noUndefined] |
| |
| # ============================================= |
| |
| |
| # Converted from inpos.c |
| # input aaabcd ef g |
| # 012345 67 8 |
| # pass0 a bcddef g |
| # 0 345567 8 |
| # pass1 x cddw g |
| # 0 4556 8 |
| # pass2 zy dw g |
| # 00 56 8 |
| # pass3 zy deeeg |
| # 00 56668 |
| |
| table: | |
| sign a 1 |
| sign b 2 |
| sign c 3 |
| sign d 4 |
| sign e 5 |
| sign f 6 |
| sign g 7 |
| sign w 13 |
| sign x 12 |
| sign y 34 |
| sign z 56 |
| noback correct ["aaa"] "a" |
| noback correct ["d"] "dd" |
| tests: |
| - - aaabcdefg |
| - abcddefg |
| - inputPos: [0,3,4,5,5,6,7,8] |
| |
| table: | |
| sign a 1 |
| sign b 2 |
| sign c 3 |
| sign d 4 |
| sign e 5 |
| sign f 6 |
| sign g 7 |
| sign w 13 |
| sign x 12 |
| sign y 34 |
| sign z 56 |
| noback correct ["aaa"] "a" |
| noback correct ["d"] "dd" |
| noback context ["ab"] @12 |
| always ef 13 |
| tests: |
| - - aaabcdefg |
| - xcddwg |
| - inputPos: [0,4,5,5,6,8] |
| |
| table: | |
| sign a 1 |
| sign b 2 |
| sign c 3 |
| sign d 4 |
| sign e 5 |
| sign f 6 |
| sign g 7 |
| sign w 13 |
| sign x 12 |
| sign y 34 |
| sign z 56 |
| noback correct ["aaa"] "a" |
| noback correct ["d"] "dd" |
| noback context ["ab"] @12 |
| always ef 13 |
| noback pass2 @12-3-4 @56-34 |
| tests: |
| - - aaabcdefg |
| - zydwg |
| - inputPos: [0,0,5,6,8] |
| |
| table: | |
| sign a 1 |
| sign b 2 |
| sign c 3 |
| sign d 4 |
| sign e 5 |
| sign f 6 |
| sign g 7 |
| sign w 13 |
| sign x 12 |
| sign y 34 |
| sign z 56 |
| noback correct ["aaa"] "a" |
| noback correct ["d"] "dd" |
| noback context ["ab"] @12 |
| always ef 13 |
| noback pass2 @12-3-4 @56-34 |
| noback pass3 [@13] @5-5-5 |
| tests: |
| - - aaabcdefg |
| - zydeeeg |
| - inputPos: [0,0,5,6,6,6,8] |
| |
| # Converted from inpos_match_replace.c |
| table: | |
| display A 1 |
| display B 12 |
| display E 15 |
| display F 124 |
| display G 1245 |
| display I 24 |
| display L 123 |
| display N 1345 |
| display R 1235 |
| display S 234 |
| display U 136 |
| display V 1236 |
| display 7 12456 |
| display - 36 |
| display - 36a |
| uplow \x0041\x0061 1 Aa |
| uplow \x0042\x0062 12 Bb |
| uplow \x0045\x0065 15 Ee |
| uplow \x0046\x0066 124 Ff |
| uplow \x0047\x0067 1245 Gg |
| uplow \x0049\x0069 24 Ii |
| uplow \x004C\x006C 123 Ll |
| uplow \x004E\x006E 1345 Nn |
| uplow \x0052\x0072 1235 Rr |
| uplow \x0053\x0073 234 Ss |
| uplow \x0055\x0075 136 Uu |
| uplow \x0056\x0076 1236 Vv |
| digit \x0037 12456 7 |
| punctuation \x002D 36 - |
| math \x2212 36a - |
| begword ver 36a |
| noback pass2 @36[@36a] @1236-12456 |
| tests: |
| - - Fussball-Vereinigung |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] |
| |
| # Converted from pass2_inpos.c |
| table: | |
| uplow Ee 15 |
| uplow Nn 1345 |
| uplow Rr 1235 |
| uplow Oo 135 |
| uplow Xx 1346 |
| punctuation ' 6 |
| noback pass2 @135 @6-135 |
| noback pass2 @1346 ? |
| tests: |
| # First check a plain word to see if inpos handling generally works |
| - - Rene |
| - rene |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3] |
| # then try a word which uses pass2 and makes the output longer |
| - - Reno |
| - "ren'o" |
| - inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3] |
| # Finally try a word also uses pass2, deletes a char from the |
| # output and essentially shortens the output |
| - - xRen |
| - ren |
| - inputPos: [1,2,3] |