blob: de906d6a3300a456255231027c030daac92d6242 [file] [log] [blame]
# Simple replacement with context
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
punctuation - 36
noback context "oo"["b"] @36-12
nofor context @135-135[@36-12] "b"
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠤⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - foobar
- ⠋⠕⠕⠤⠃⠁⠗
- outputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6]
inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5]
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
include tables/loweredDigits6Dots.uti
space \s 0
punctuation . 46
punctuation , 6
punctuation - 36
include tables/braille-patterns.cti
noback correct "f,"[]"o" "-"
nofor correct "f,"["-"]"o" ?
noback correct "f,"["."]"o" ?
nofor correct "f,"[]"o" "."
word above 1-12-1236
word below 23-123
partword en 26
noback context "o,"[]"o" @36
nofor context @135-6[@36]@135 ?
noback context "o,"["."]"o" ?
nofor context @135-6[]@135 "."
noback pass2 @135-6[]@12 @36
nofor pass2 @135-6[@36]@12 ?
noback pass2 @135-6[@46]@12 ?
nofor pass2 @135-6[]@12 @46
noback pass3 @12-6[]@1 @36
nofor pass3 @12-6[@36]@1 ?
noback pass3 @12-6[@46]@1 ?
nofor pass3 @12-6[]@1 @46
noback pass4 @1-6[]@1235 @36
nofor pass4 @1-6[@36]@1235 ?
noback pass4 @1-6[@46]@1235 ?
nofor pass4 @1-6[]@1235 @46
# Simple test using regular pass 1 rules
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |h|e| |w|en|t| |above|
# - |⠓|⠑| |⠺|⠢|⠞| |⠁⠃⠧|
- - he went above
- ⠓⠑ ⠺⠢⠞ ⠁⠃⠧
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,8,8]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7,7,7,7,7]
# Insertion with correct rule: prepend to next
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|,|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - f,oobar
- ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6]
outputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7]
# Deletion with correct rule: append to previous
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - f,.oobar
- ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6]
# Insertion with context rule: prepend to next
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|,|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠠|⠤⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - fo,obar
- ⠋⠕⠠⠤⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5,6]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6,7]
# Deletion with context rule: append to previous
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|,.|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠠|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - fo,.obar
- ⠋⠕⠠⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6]
# Insertion with pass2 rule: prepend to next
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|,|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠠|⠤⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - foo,bar
- ⠋⠕⠕⠠⠤⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7]
# Deletion with pass2 rule: append to previous
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|,.|b|a|r
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠠|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - foo,.bar
- ⠋⠕⠕⠠⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,3,4,5,6]
# Insertion with pass3 rule: prepend to next
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|,|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠠|⠤⠁|⠗|
- - foob,ar
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠠⠤⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,6]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,7]
# Deletion with pass3 rule: append to previous
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|,.|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠠|⠁|⠗|
- - foob,.ar
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠠⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4,5,6]
# Insertion with pass4 rule: prepend to next
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|a|,|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠠|⠤⠗|
- - fooba,r
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠠⠤⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,6]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
# Deletion with pass4 rule: append to previous
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|a|,.|r|
# - |⠋|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠠|⠗|
- - fooba,.r
- ⠋⠕⠕⠃⠁⠠⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,7]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,6]
# Using all passes!
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|,|o|,|o|,|b|,|a|,|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠠|⠤⠕|⠠|⠤⠃|⠠|⠤⠁|⠠|⠤⠗|
- - f,o,o,b,a,r
- ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠠⠤⠕⠠⠤⠃⠠⠤⠁⠠⠤⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,4,5,6,6,7,8,8,9,10,10]
outputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14]
# - |f|,.|o|,.|o|,.|b|,.|a|,.|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠠|⠕|⠠|⠃|⠠|⠁|⠠|⠗|
- - f,.o,.o,.b,.a,.r
- ⠋⠠⠕⠠⠕⠠⠃⠠⠁⠠⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,3,4,6,7,9,10,12,13,15]
outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,9,9,10]
# Insertion at the start of a string: prepend to next
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
sign . 123456
# noback correct `[]$a "." # "true" insertion not possible
noback correct `[$a] "."*
nofor correct `[$a] ?
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |.f|o|o|b|a|r|
- - foobar
- .foobar
- inputPos: [0,0,1,2,3,4,5]
outputPos: [0,2,3,4,5,6]
# Insertion at the end of a string: append to previous
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
sign . 123456
noback correct $a[]~ "." # "true" insertion
nofor correct [$a]~ ?
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
sign . 123456
noback correct [$a]~ *"."
nofor correct [$a]~ ?
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |f|o|o|b|a|r.|
- - foobar
- foobar.
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,5]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5]
# Deletion at the start of a string: append to previous from pov of output (braille), prepend to next from pov of input
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback correct `[$a] ?
# nofor correct `[]$a "f" # "true" insertion not possible
nofor correct `[$a] "f"*
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - f|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |o|o|b|a|r|
- - foobar
- oobar
- inputPos: [1,2,3,4,5]
outputPos: [0,0,1,2,3,4]
# Deletion at the end of a string: append to previous
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback correct [$a]~ ?
nofor correct $a[]~ "r" # "true" insertion
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback correct [$a]~ ?
nofor correct [$a]~ *"r"
flags: {testmode: bothDirections}
# - |f|o|o|b|ar|
# - |f|o|o|b|a|
- - foobar
- fooba
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4]
outputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,4]
# Deletion of all characters: append to (missing) previous
table: |
include tables/latinLetterDef6Dots.uti
noback correct [$a]~ ?
flags: {testmode: forward}
# - |f|
# - ||
- - f
- ""
- inputPos: []
outputPos: [-1]
# Deletion with replace rule: append to previous
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
punctuation . 46
punctuation , 6
replace .
flags: {testmode: forward}
# - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - f,.oobar
- ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6]
# Deletion of undefined character: append to previous
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
punctuation , 6
flags: {testmode: forward}
# - |f|,.|o|o|b|a|r|
# - |⠋|⠠|⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
- - f,.oobar
- ⠋⠠⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗
- inputPos: [0,1,3,4,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,1,2,3,4,5,6]
mode: [noUndefined]
# Deletion of undefined dots: prepend to next
table: |
include tables/unicode-without-blank.dis
include tables/latinLetterDef8Dots.uti
punctuation , 6
flags: {testmode: backward}
# - |⠋|⠠|⠤⠕|⠕|⠃|⠁|⠗|
# - |f|,|o|o|b|a|r|
- - ⠋⠠⠤⠕⠕⠃⠁⠗
- f,oobar
- inputPos: [0,1,2,4,5,6,7]
outputPos: [0,1,2,2,3,4,5,6]
mode: [noUndefined]
# =============================================
# Converted from inpos.c
# input aaabcd ef g
# 012345 67 8
# pass0 a bcddef g
# 0 345567 8
# pass1 x cddw g
# 0 4556 8
# pass2 zy dw g
# 00 56 8
# pass3 zy deeeg
# 00 56668
table: |
sign a 1
sign b 2
sign c 3
sign d 4
sign e 5
sign f 6
sign g 7
sign w 13
sign x 12
sign y 34
sign z 56
noback correct ["aaa"] "a"
noback correct ["d"] "dd"
- - aaabcdefg
- abcddefg
- inputPos: [0,3,4,5,5,6,7,8]
table: |
sign a 1
sign b 2
sign c 3
sign d 4
sign e 5
sign f 6
sign g 7
sign w 13
sign x 12
sign y 34
sign z 56
noback correct ["aaa"] "a"
noback correct ["d"] "dd"
noback context ["ab"] @12
always ef 13
- - aaabcdefg
- xcddwg
- inputPos: [0,4,5,5,6,8]
table: |
sign a 1
sign b 2
sign c 3
sign d 4
sign e 5
sign f 6
sign g 7
sign w 13
sign x 12
sign y 34
sign z 56
noback correct ["aaa"] "a"
noback correct ["d"] "dd"
noback context ["ab"] @12
always ef 13
noback pass2 @12-3-4 @56-34
- - aaabcdefg
- zydwg
- inputPos: [0,0,5,6,8]
table: |
sign a 1
sign b 2
sign c 3
sign d 4
sign e 5
sign f 6
sign g 7
sign w 13
sign x 12
sign y 34
sign z 56
noback correct ["aaa"] "a"
noback correct ["d"] "dd"
noback context ["ab"] @12
always ef 13
noback pass2 @12-3-4 @56-34
noback pass3 [@13] @5-5-5
- - aaabcdefg
- zydeeeg
- inputPos: [0,0,5,6,6,6,8]
# Converted from inpos_match_replace.c
table: |
display A 1
display B 12
display E 15
display F 124
display G 1245
display I 24
display L 123
display N 1345
display R 1235
display S 234
display U 136
display V 1236
display 7 12456
display - 36
display - 36a
uplow \x0041\x0061 1 Aa
uplow \x0042\x0062 12 Bb
uplow \x0045\x0065 15 Ee
uplow \x0046\x0066 124 Ff
uplow \x0047\x0067 1245 Gg
uplow \x0049\x0069 24 Ii
uplow \x004C\x006C 123 Ll
uplow \x004E\x006E 1345 Nn
uplow \x0052\x0072 1235 Rr
uplow \x0053\x0073 234 Ss
uplow \x0055\x0075 136 Uu
uplow \x0056\x0076 1236 Vv
digit \x0037 12456 7
punctuation \x002D 36 -
math \x2212 36a -
begword ver 36a
noback pass2 @36[@36a] @1236-12456
- - Fussball-Vereinigung
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,9,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19]
# Converted from pass2_inpos.c
table: |
uplow Ee 15
uplow Nn 1345
uplow Rr 1235
uplow Oo 135
uplow Xx 1346
punctuation ' 6
noback pass2 @135 @6-135
noback pass2 @1346 ?
# First check a plain word to see if inpos handling generally works
- - Rene
- rene
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3]
# then try a word which uses pass2 and makes the output longer
- - Reno
- "ren'o"
- inputPos: [0,1,2,3,3]
# Finally try a word also uses pass2, deletes a char from the
# output and essentially shortens the output
- - xRen
- ren
- inputPos: [1,2,3]