blob: 5bb5c863d6627555837c482fed510583946c1665 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
* This file is part of LVM2.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License v.2.1.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <pthread.h>
struct buffer;
struct lvmpolld_state;
enum poll_type {
struct lvmpolld_cmd_stat {
int retcode;
int signal;
struct lvmpolld_store {
pthread_mutex_t lock;
void *store;
const char *name;
unsigned active_polling_count;
struct lvmpolld_lv {
* accessing following vars doesn't
* require struct lvmpolld_lv lock
struct lvmpolld_state *const ls;
const enum poll_type type;
const char *const lvid;
const char *const lvmpolld_id;
const char *const lvname; /* full vg/lv name */
const unsigned pdtimeout; /* in seconds */
const char *const sinterval;
const char *const lvm_system_dir_env;
struct lvmpolld_store *const pdst;
const char *const *cmdargv;
const char *const *cmdenvp;
/* only used by write */
pid_t cmd_pid;
pthread_t tid;
pthread_mutex_t lock;
/* block of shared variables protected by lock */
struct lvmpolld_cmd_stat cmd_state;
unsigned init_rq_count; /* for debuging purposes only */
unsigned polling_finished:1; /* no more updates */
unsigned error:1; /* unrecoverable error occured in lvmpolld */
typedef void (*lvmpolld_parse_output_fn_t) (struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, const char *line);
/* TODO: replace with configuration option */
struct lvmpolld_lv_state {
unsigned error:1;
unsigned polling_finished:1;
struct lvmpolld_cmd_stat cmd_state;
struct lvmpolld_thread_data {
char *line;
size_t line_size;
int outpipe[2];
int errpipe[2];
FILE *fout;
FILE *ferr;
char buf[1024];
struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv;
char *construct_id(const char *sysdir, const char *lvid);
/* LVMPOLLD_LV_T section */
/* only call with appropriate struct lvmpolld_store lock held */
struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv_create(struct lvmpolld_state *ls, const char *id,
const char *vgname, const char *lvname,
const char *sysdir, enum poll_type type,
const char *sinterval, unsigned pdtimeout,
struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
/* only call with appropriate struct lvmpolld_store lock held */
void pdlv_destroy(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv);
static inline void pdlv_lock(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
static inline void pdlv_unlock(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
* no struct lvmpolld_lv lock required section
static inline int pdlv_is_type(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, enum poll_type type)
return pdlv->type == type;
static inline unsigned pdlv_get_timeout(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return pdlv->pdtimeout;
static inline enum poll_type pdlv_get_type(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return pdlv->type;
unsigned pdlv_get_polling_finished(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv);
struct lvmpolld_lv_state pdlv_get_status(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv);
void pdlv_set_cmd_state(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, const struct lvmpolld_cmd_stat *cmd_state);
void pdlv_set_error(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, unsigned error);
void pdlv_set_polling_finished(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv, unsigned finished);
* struct lvmpolld_lv lock required section
static inline struct lvmpolld_cmd_stat pdlv_locked_cmd_state(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return pdlv->cmd_state;
static inline int pdlv_locked_polling_finished(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return pdlv->polling_finished;
static inline unsigned pdlv_locked_error(const struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return pdlv->error;
/* struct lvmpolld_store manipulation routines */
struct lvmpolld_store *pdst_init(const char *name);
void pdst_destroy(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
void pdst_locked_dump(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst, struct buffer *buff);
void pdst_locked_lock_all_pdlvs(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
void pdst_locked_unlock_all_pdlvs(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
void pdst_locked_destroy_all_pdlvs(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
void pdst_locked_send_cancel(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst);
static inline void pdst_lock(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst)
static inline void pdst_unlock(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst)
static inline void pdst_locked_inc(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst)
static inline void pdst_locked_dec(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst)
static inline unsigned pdst_locked_get_active_count(const struct lvmpolld_store *pdst)
return pdst->active_polling_count;
static inline int pdst_locked_insert(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst, const char *key, struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv)
return dm_hash_insert(pdst->store, key, pdlv);
static inline struct lvmpolld_lv *pdst_locked_lookup(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst, const char *key)
return dm_hash_lookup(pdst->store, key);
static inline void pdst_locked_remove(struct lvmpolld_store *pdst, const char *key)
dm_hash_remove(pdst->store, key);
struct lvmpolld_thread_data *lvmpolld_thread_data_constructor(struct lvmpolld_lv *pdlv);
void lvmpolld_thread_data_destroy(void *thread_private);