blob: 102d94be93d1e1cb89bc7ca3df28b142110ee954 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) COPYRIGHT 2014-2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* Register-based HW access backend specific APIs
#include <backend/gpu/mali_kbase_pm_internal.h>
* kbase_gpu_irq_evict - Evict an atom from a NEXT slot
* @kbdev: Device pointer
* @js: Job slot to evict from
* Evict the atom in the NEXT slot for the specified job slot. This function is
* called from the job complete IRQ handler when the previous job has failed.
* Return: true if job evicted from NEXT registers, false otherwise
bool kbase_gpu_irq_evict(struct kbase_device *kbdev, int js);
* kbase_gpu_complete_hw - Complete an atom on job slot js
* @kbdev: Device pointer
* @js: Job slot that has completed
* @completion_code: Event code from job that has completed
* @job_tail: The tail address from the hardware if the job has partially
* completed
* @end_timestamp: Time of completion
void kbase_gpu_complete_hw(struct kbase_device *kbdev, int js,
u32 completion_code,
u64 job_tail,
ktime_t *end_timestamp);
* kbase_gpu_inspect - Inspect the contents of the HW access ringbuffer
* @kbdev: Device pointer
* @js: Job slot to inspect
* @idx: Index into ringbuffer. 0 is the job currently running on
* the slot, 1 is the job waiting, all other values are invalid.
* Return: The atom at that position in the ringbuffer
* or NULL if no atom present
struct kbase_jd_atom *kbase_gpu_inspect(struct kbase_device *kbdev, int js,
int idx);
* kbase_gpu_slot_update - Update state based on slot ringbuffers
* @kbdev: Device pointer
* Inspect the jobs in the slot ringbuffers and update state.
* This will cause jobs to be submitted to hardware if they are unblocked
void kbase_gpu_slot_update(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
* kbase_gpu_dump_slots - Print the contents of the slot ringbuffers
* @kbdev: Device pointer
void kbase_gpu_dump_slots(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
#endif /* _KBASE_HWACCESS_GPU_H_ */