blob: 858dd8b52f04576bcad2860b8c03a508b698533f [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010-2013 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <linux/ump.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
* Example routine to display information about an UMP allocation
* The routine takes an secure_id which can come from a different kernel module
* or from a client application (i.e. an ioctl).
* It creates a ump handle from the secure id (which validates the secure id)
* and if successful dumps the physical memory information.
* It follows the API and pins the memory while "using" the physical memory.
* Finally it calls the release function to indicate it's finished with the handle.
* If the function can't look up the handle it fails with return value -1.
* If the testy succeeds then it return 0.
* */
static int display_ump_memory_information(ump_secure_id secure_id)
const ump_dd_physical_block_64 * ump_blocks = NULL;
ump_dd_handle ump_mem;
uint64_t nr_blocks;
int i;
ump_alloc_flags flags;
/* get a handle from the secure id */
ump_mem = ump_dd_from_secure_id(secure_id);
/* invalid ID received */
return -1;
/* at this point we know we've added a reference to the ump allocation, so we must release it with ump_dd_release */
ump_dd_phys_blocks_get_64(ump_mem, &nr_blocks, &ump_blocks);
flags = ump_dd_allocation_flags_get(ump_mem);
printf("UMP allocation with secure ID %u consists of %zd physical block(s):\n", secure_id, nr_blocks);
for(i=0; i<nr_blocks; ++i)
printf("\tBlock %d: 0x%08zX size 0x%08zX\n", i, ump_blocks[i].addr, ump_blocks[i].size);
printf("and was allocated using the following bitflag combo: 0x%lX\n", flags);
return 0;