blob: d143a640512d1dc4f9bb519dea7aa992086907e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) COPYRIGHT 2010-2011, 2013 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <ump/ump.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
* Example routine to exercise the user space UMP api.
* This routine initializes the UMP api and allocates some CPU+device X memory.
* No usage hints are given, so the driver will use the default cacheability policy.
* With the allocation it creates a duplicate handle and plays with the reference count.
* Then it simulates interacting with a device and contains pseudo code for the device.
* If any error is detected correct cleanup will be performed and -1 will be returned.
* If successful then 0 will be returned.
static int test_ump_user_api(void)
/* This is the size we try to allocate*/
const size_t alloc_size = 4096;
ump_handle h_copy = UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE;
ump_handle h_clone = UMP_INVALID_MEMORY_HANDLE;
void * mapping = NULL;
ump_result ump_api_res;
int result = -1;
ump_secure_id id;
size_t size_returned;
ump_api_res = ump_open();
if (UMP_OK != ump_api_res)
/* failed to open an ump session */
/* early out */
return -1;
h = ump_allocate_64(alloc_size, UMP_PROT_CPU_RD | UMP_PROT_CPU_WR | UMP_PROT_X_RD | UMP_PROT_X_WR);
/* the refcount is now 1 */
/* allocation failure */
goto cleanup;
/* this is how we could share this allocation with another process */
/* in process A: */
id = ump_secure_id_get(h);
/* still ref count 1 */
/* send the id to process B */
/* in process B: */
/* receive the id from A */
h_clone = ump_from_secure_id(id);
/* the ref count of the allocation is now 2 (one from each handle to it) */
/* do something ... */
/* release our clone */
ump_release(h_clone); /* safe to call even if ump_from_secure_id failed */
/* a simple save-for-future-use logic inside the driver would just copy the handle (but add a ref manually too!) */
* void assign_memory_to_job(h)
* {
h_copy = h;
ump_retain(h_copy); /* manual retain needed as we just assigned the handle, now 2 */
* }
* void job_completed(void)
* {
ump_release(h_copy); /* normal handle release as if we got via an ump_allocate */
* }
/* we're now back at ref count 1, and only h is a valid handle */
/* enough handle duplication show-off, let's play with the contents instead */
mapping = ump_map(h, 0, alloc_size);
if (NULL == mapping)
/* mapping failure, either out of address space or some other error */
goto cleanup;
memset(mapping, 0, alloc_size);
/* let's pretend we're going to start some hw device on this buffer and read the result afterwards */
ump_cpu_msync_now(h, UMP_MSYNC_CLEAN, mapping, alloc_size);
device cache invalidate
memory barrier
start device
memory barrier
wait for device
memory barrier
device cache clean
memory barrier
ump_cpu_msync_now(h, UMP_MSYNC_CLEAN_AND_INVALIDATE, mapping, alloc_size);
/* we could now peek at the result produced by the hw device, which is now accessible via our mapping */
/* unmap the buffer when we're done with it */
ump_unmap(h, mapping, alloc_size);
result = 0;
return result;