blob: 22a36494e72e2e0fd3b7607714f0164b9373b471 [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) COPYRIGHT 2012-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
enum kbase_trace_timeline_code {
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_TRACE_CODE(enum_val, desc, format, format_desc) enum_val
#include "mali_kbase_trace_timeline_defs.h"
/** Initialize Timeline DebugFS entries */
void kbasep_trace_timeline_debugfs_init(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
/* mali_timeline.h defines kernel tracepoints used by the KBASE_TIMELINE
* functions.
* Output is timestamped by either sched_clock() (default), local_clock(), or
* cpu_clock(), depending on /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_clock */
#include "mali_timeline.h"
/* Trace number of atoms in flight for kctx (atoms either not completed, or in
process of being returned to user */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_ATOMS_IN_FLIGHT(kctx, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_atoms_in_flight(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
count); \
} while (0)
/* Trace atom_id being Ready to Run */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_ATOM_READY(kctx, atom_id) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_atom(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
atom_id); \
} while (0)
/* Trace number of atoms submitted to job slot js
* NOTE: This uses a different tracepoint to the head/next/soft-stop actions,
* so that those actions can be filtered out separately from this
* This is because this is more useful, as we can use it to calculate general
* utilization easily and accurately */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_ATOMS_SUBMITTED(kctx, js, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_slot_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
js, count); \
} while (0)
/* Trace atoms present in JS_NEXT */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START_NEXT(kctx, js, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_slot_action(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
js, count); \
} while (0)
/* Trace atoms present in JS_HEAD */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START_HEAD(kctx, js, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_slot_action(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
js, count); \
} while (0)
/* Trace that a soft stop/evict from next is being attempted on a slot */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_TRY_SOFT_STOP(kctx, js, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_slot_action(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(kctx) ? (int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid : 0, \
js, count); \
} while (0)
/* Trace state of overall GPU power */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_GPU_POWER(kbdev, active) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
} while (0)
/* Trace state of tiler power */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWER_TILER(kbdev, bitmap) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
hweight64(bitmap)); \
} while (0)
/* Trace number of shaders currently powered */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWER_SHADER(kbdev, bitmap) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
hweight64(bitmap)); \
} while (0)
/* Trace state of L2 power */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWER_L2(kbdev, bitmap) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_gpu_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
hweight64(bitmap)); \
} while (0)
/* Trace state of L2 cache*/
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_l2_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
1); \
} while (0)
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWERED_L2(kbdev) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_l2_power_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
1); \
} while (0)
/* Trace kbase_pm_send_event message send */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_SEND_EVENT(kbdev, event_type, pm_event_id) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_pm_event(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
event_type, pm_event_id); \
} while (0)
/* Trace kbase_pm_worker message receive */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_HANDLE_EVENT(kbdev, event_type, pm_event_id) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_pm_event(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
event_type, pm_event_id); \
} while (0)
/* Trace atom_id starting in JS_HEAD */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START(kctx, js, _consumerof_atom_number) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_slot_atom(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
js, _consumerof_atom_number); \
} while (0)
/* Trace atom_id stopping on JS_HEAD */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_STOP(kctx, js, _producerof_atom_number_completed) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_slot_atom(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
(int)kctx->timeline.owner_tgid, \
js, _producerof_atom_number_completed); \
} while (0)
/** Trace beginning/end of a call to kbase_pm_check_transitions_nolock from a
* certin caller */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_CHECKTRANS(kbdev, trace_code) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_pm_checktrans(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
trace_code, 1); \
} while (0)
/* Trace number of contexts active */
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_CONTEXT_ACTIVE(kbdev, count) \
do { \
struct timespec ts; \
getrawmonotonic(&ts); \
trace_mali_timeline_context_active(ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, \
count); \
} while (0)
/* NOTE: kbase_timeline_pm_cores_func() is in mali_kbase_pm_policy.c */
* Trace that an atom is starting on a job slot
* The caller must be holding kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_irq::lock
void kbase_timeline_job_slot_submit(struct kbase_device *kbdev, struct kbase_context *kctx,
struct kbase_jd_atom *katom, int js);
* Trace that an atom has done on a job slot
* 'Done' in this sense can occur either because:
* - the atom in JS_HEAD finished
* - the atom in JS_NEXT was evicted
* Whether the atom finished or was evicted is passed in @a done_code
* It is assumed that the atom has already been removed from the submit slot,
* with either:
* - kbasep_jm_dequeue_submit_slot()
* - kbasep_jm_dequeue_tail_submit_slot()
* The caller must be holding kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_irq::lock
void kbase_timeline_job_slot_done(struct kbase_device *kbdev, struct kbase_context *kctx,
struct kbase_jd_atom *katom, int js,
kbasep_js_atom_done_code done_code);
/** Trace a pm event starting */
void kbase_timeline_pm_send_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev,
enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event_sent);
/** Trace a pm event finishing */
void kbase_timeline_pm_check_handle_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev, enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event);
/** Check whether a pm event was present, and if so trace finishing it */
void kbase_timeline_pm_handle_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev, enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event);
/** Trace L2 power-up start */
void kbase_timeline_pm_l2_transition_start(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
/** Trace L2 power-up done */
void kbase_timeline_pm_l2_transition_done(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_ATOM_READY(kctx, atom_id) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START_NEXT(kctx, js, count) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START_HEAD(kctx, js, count) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_TRY_SOFT_STOP(kctx, js, count) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_GPU_POWER(kbdev, active) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWER_TILER(kbdev, bitmap) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_POWER_L2(kbdev, active) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_SEND_EVENT(kbdev, event_type, pm_event_id) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_HANDLE_EVENT(kbdev, event_type, pm_event_id) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_START(kctx, js, _consumerof_atom_number) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_JOB_STOP(kctx, js, _producerof_atom_number_completed) CSTD_NOP()
#define KBASE_TIMELINE_PM_CHECKTRANS(kbdev, trace_code) CSTD_NOP()
static inline void kbase_timeline_job_slot_submit(struct kbase_device *kbdev, struct kbase_context *kctx,
struct kbase_jd_atom *katom, int js)
static inline void kbase_timeline_job_slot_done(struct kbase_device *kbdev, struct kbase_context *kctx,
struct kbase_jd_atom *katom, int js,
kbasep_js_atom_done_code done_code)
static inline void kbase_timeline_pm_send_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev, enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event_sent)
static inline void kbase_timeline_pm_check_handle_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev, enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event)
static inline void kbase_timeline_pm_handle_event(struct kbase_device *kbdev, enum kbase_timeline_pm_event event)
static inline void kbase_timeline_pm_l2_transition_start(struct kbase_device *kbdev)
static inline void kbase_timeline_pm_l2_transition_done(struct kbase_device *kbdev)