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* (C) COPYRIGHT 2011-2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation, and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program, and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* @file mali_kbase_js_policy.h
* Job Scheduler Policy APIs.
* @page page_kbase_js_policy Job Scheduling Policies
* The Job Scheduling system is described in the following:
* - @subpage page_kbase_js_policy_overview
* - @subpage page_kbase_js_policy_operation
* The API details are as follows:
* - @ref kbase_jm
* - @ref kbase_js
* - @ref kbase_js_policy
* @page page_kbase_js_policy_overview Overview of the Policy System
* The Job Scheduler Policy manages:
* - The assigning of KBase Contexts to GPU Address Spaces (\em ASs)
* - The choosing of Job Chains (\em Jobs) from a KBase context, to run on the
* GPU's Job Slots (\em JSs).
* - The amount of \em time a context is assigned to (<em>scheduled on</em>) an
* Address Space
* - The amount of \em time a Job spends running on the GPU
* The Policy implements this management via 2 components:
* - A Policy Queue, which manages a set of contexts that are ready to run,
* but not currently running.
* - A Policy Run Pool, which manages the currently running contexts (one per Address
* Space) and the jobs to run on the Job Slots.
* Each Graphics Process in the system has at least one KBase Context. Therefore,
* the Policy Queue can be seen as a queue of Processes waiting to run Jobs on
* the GPU.
* <!-- The following needs to be all on one line, due to doxygen's parser -->
* @dotfile "Diagram showing a very simplified overview of the Policy System. IRQ handling, soft/hard-stopping, contexts re-entering the system and Policy details are omitted"
* The main operations on the queue are:
* - Enqueuing a Context to it
* - Dequeuing a Context from it, to run it.
* - Note: requeuing a context is much the same as enqueuing a context, but
* occurs when a context is scheduled out of the system to allow other contexts
* to run.
* These operations have much the same meaning for the Run Pool - Jobs are
* dequeued to run on a Jobslot, and requeued when they are scheduled out of
* the GPU.
* @note This is an over-simplification of the Policy APIs - there are more
* operations than 'Enqueue'/'Dequeue', and a Dequeue from the Policy Queue
* takes at least two function calls: one to Dequeue from the Queue, one to add
* to the Run Pool.
* As indicated on the diagram, Jobs permanently leave the scheduling system
* when they are completed, otherwise they get dequeued/requeued until this
* happens. Similarly, Contexts leave the scheduling system when their jobs
* have all completed. However, Contexts may later return to the scheduling
* system (not shown on the diagram) if more Bags of Jobs are submitted to
* them.
* @page page_kbase_js_policy_operation Policy Operation
* We describe the actions that the Job Scheduler Core takes on the Policy in
* the following cases:
* - The IRQ Path
* - The Job Submission Path
* - The High Priority Job Submission Path
* This shows how the Policy APIs will be used by the Job Scheduler core.
* The following diagram shows an example Policy that contains a Low Priority
* queue, and a Real-time (High Priority) Queue. The RT queue is examined
* before the LowP one on dequeuing from the head. The Low Priority Queue is
* ordered by time, and the RT queue is ordered by time weighted by
* RT-priority. In addition, it shows that the Job Scheduler Core will start a
* Soft-Stop Timer (SS-Timer) when it dequeue's and submits a job. The
* Soft-Stop time is set by a global configuration value, and must be a value
* appropriate for the policy. For example, this could include "don't run a
* soft-stop timer" for a First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) policy.
* <!-- The following needs to be all on one line, due to doxygen's parser -->
* @dotfile "Diagram showing the objects managed by an Example Policy, and the operations made upon these objects by the Job Scheduler Core."
* @section sec_kbase_js_policy_operation_prio Dealing with Priority
* Priority applies separately to a context as a whole, and to the jobs within
* a context. The jobs specify a priority in the base_jd_atom::prio member, but
* it is independent of the context priority. That is, it only affects
* scheduling of atoms within a context. Refer to @ref base_jd_prio for more
* details. The meaning of the context's priority value is up to the policy
* itself, and could be a logarithmic scale instead of a linear scale (e.g. the
* policy could implement an increase/decrease in priority by 1 results in an
* increase/decrease in \em proportion of time spent scheduled in by 25%, an
* effective change in timeslice by 11%).
* It is up to the policy whether a boost in priority boosts the priority of
* the entire context (e.g. to such an extent where it may pre-empt other
* running contexts). If it chooses to do this, the Policy must make sure that
* only jobs from high-priority contexts are run, and that the context is
* scheduled out once only jobs from low priority contexts remain. This ensures
* that the low priority contexts do not gain from the priority boost, yet they
* still get scheduled correctly with respect to other low priority contexts.
* @section sec_kbase_js_policy_operation_irq IRQ Path
* The following happens on the IRQ path from the Job Scheduler Core:
* - Note the slot that completed (for later)
* - Log the time spent by the job (and implicitly, the time spent by the
* context)
* - call kbasep_js_policy_log_job_result() <em>in the context of the irq
* handler.</em>
* - This must happen regardless of whether the job completed successfully or
* not (otherwise the context gets away with DoS'ing the system with faulty jobs)
* - What was the result of the job?
* - If Completed: job is just removed from the system
* - If Hard-stop or failure: job is removed from the system
* - If Soft-stop: queue the book-keeping work onto a work-queue: have a
* work-queue call kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_job()
* - Check the timeslice used by the owning context
* - call kbasep_js_policy_should_remove_ctx() <em>in the context of the irq
* handler.</em>
* - If this returns true, clear the "allowed" flag.
* - Check the ctx's flags for "allowed", "has jobs to run" and "is running
* jobs"
* - And so, should the context stay scheduled in?
* - If No, push onto a work-queue the work of scheduling out the old context,
* and getting a new one. That is:
* - kbasep_js_policy_runpool_remove_ctx() on old_ctx
* - kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_ctx() on old_ctx
* - kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_head_ctx() to get new_ctx
* - kbasep_js_policy_runpool_add_ctx() on new_ctx
* - (all of this work is deferred on a work-queue to keep the IRQ handler quick)
* - If there is space in the completed job slots' HEAD/NEXT registers, run the next job:
* - kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() <em>in the context of the irq
* handler</em> with core_req set to that of the completing slot
* - if this returned true, submit the job to the completed slot.
* - This is repeated until kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() returns
* false, or the job slot has a job queued on both the HEAD and NEXT registers.
* - If kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() returned false, submit some work to
* the work-queue to retry from outside of IRQ context (calling
* kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() from a work-queue).
* Since the IRQ handler submits new jobs \em and re-checks the IRQ_RAWSTAT,
* this sequence could loop a large number of times: this could happen if
* the jobs submitted completed on the GPU very quickly (in a few cycles), such
* as GPU NULL jobs. Then, the HEAD/NEXT registers will always be free to take
* more jobs, causing us to loop until we run out of jobs.
* To mitigate this, we must limit the number of jobs submitted per slot during
* the IRQ handler - for example, no more than 2 jobs per slot per IRQ should
* be sufficient (to fill up the HEAD + NEXT registers in normal cases). For
* Mali-T600 with 3 job slots, this means that up to 6 jobs could be submitted per
* slot. Note that IRQ Throttling can make this situation commonplace: 6 jobs
* could complete but the IRQ for each of them is delayed by the throttling. By
* the time you get the IRQ, all 6 jobs could've completed, meaning you can
* submit jobs to fill all 6 HEAD+NEXT registers again.
* @note As much work is deferred as possible, which includes the scheduling
* out of a context and scheduling in a new context. However, we can still make
* starting a single high-priorty context quick despite this:
* - On Mali-T600 family, there is one more AS than JSs.
* - This means we can very quickly schedule out one AS, no matter what the
* situation (because there will always be one AS that's not currently running
* on the job slot - it can only have a job in the NEXT register).
* - Even with this scheduling out, fair-share can still be guaranteed e.g. by
* a timeline-based Completely Fair Scheduler.
* - When our high-priority context comes in, we can do this quick-scheduling
* out immediately, and then schedule in the high-priority context without having to block.
* - This all assumes that the context to schedule out is of lower
* priority. Otherwise, we will have to block waiting for some other low
* priority context to finish its jobs. Note that it's likely (but not
* impossible) that the high-priority context \b is running jobs, by virtue of
* it being high priority.
* - Therefore, we can give a high liklihood that on Mali-T600 at least one
* high-priority context can be started very quickly. For the general case, we
* can guarantee starting (no. ASs) - (no. JSs) high priority contexts
* quickly. In any case, there is a high likelihood that we're able to start
* more than one high priority context quickly.
* In terms of the functions used in the IRQ handler directly, these are the
* perfomance considerations:
* - kbase_js_policy_log_job_result():
* - This is just adding to a 64-bit value (possibly even a 32-bit value if we
* only store the time the job's recently spent - see below on 'priority weighting')
* - For priority weighting, a divide operation ('div') could happen, but
* this can happen in a deferred context (outside of IRQ) when scheduling out
* the ctx; as per our Engineering Specification, the contexts of different
* priority still stay scheduled in for the same timeslice, but higher priority
* ones scheduled back in more often.
* - That is, the weighted and unweighted times must be stored separately, and
* the weighted time is only updated \em outside of IRQ context.
* - Of course, this divide is more likely to be a 'multiply by inverse of the
* weight', assuming that the weight (priority) doesn't change.
* - kbasep_js_policy_should_remove_ctx():
* - This is usually just a comparison of the stored time value against some
* maximum value.
* @note all deferred work can be wrapped up into one call - we usually need to
* indicate that a job/bag is done outside of IRQ context anyway.
* @section sec_kbase_js_policy_operation_submit Submission path
* Start with a Context with no jobs present, and assume equal priority of all
* contexts in the system. The following work all happens outside of IRQ
* Context :
* - As soon as job is made 'ready to 'run', then is must be registerd with the Job
* Scheduler Policy:
* - 'Ready to run' means they've satisified their dependencies in the
* Kernel-side Job Dispatch system.
* - Call kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_job()
* - This indicates that the job should be scheduled (it is ready to run).
* - As soon as a ctx changes from having 0 jobs 'ready to run' to >0 jobs
* 'ready to run', we enqueue the context on the policy queue:
* - Call kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_ctx()
* - This indicates that the \em ctx should be scheduled (it is ready to run)
* Next, we need to handle adding a context to the Run Pool - if it's sensible
* to do so. This can happen due to two reasons:
* -# A context is enqueued as above, and there are ASs free for it to run on
* (e.g. it is the first context to be run, in which case it can be added to
* the Run Pool immediately after enqueuing on the Policy Queue)
* -# A previous IRQ caused another ctx to be scheduled out, requiring that the
* context at the head of the queue be scheduled in. Such steps would happen in
* a work queue (work deferred from the IRQ context).
* In both cases, we'd handle it as follows:
* - Get the context at the Head of the Policy Queue:
* - Call kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_head_ctx()
* - Assign the Context an Address Space (Assert that there will be one free,
* given the above two reasons)
* - Add this context to the Run Pool:
* - Call kbasep_js_policy_runpool_add_ctx()
* - Now see if a job should be run:
* - Mostly, this will be done in the IRQ handler at the completion of a
* previous job.
* - However, there are two cases where this cannot be done: a) The first job
* enqueued to the system (there is no previous IRQ to act upon) b) When jobs
* are submitted at a low enough rate to not fill up all Job Slots (or, not to
* fill both the 'HEAD' and 'NEXT' registers in the job-slots)
* - Hence, on each ctx <b>and job</b> submission we should try to see if we
* can run a job:
* - For each job slot that has free space (in NEXT or HEAD+NEXT registers):
* - Call kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() with core_req set to that of the
* slot
* - if we got one, submit it to the job slot.
* - This is repeated until kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() returns
* false, or the job slot has a job queued on both the HEAD and NEXT registers.
* The above case shows that we should attempt to run jobs in cases where a) a ctx
* has been added to the Run Pool, and b) new jobs have been added to a context
* in the Run Pool:
* - In the latter case, the context is in the runpool because it's got a job
* ready to run, or is already running a job
* - We could just wait until the IRQ handler fires, but for certain types of
* jobs this can take comparatively a long time to complete, e.g. GLES FS jobs
* generally take much longer to run that GLES CS jobs, which are vertex shader
* jobs.
* - Therefore, when a new job appears in the ctx, we must check the job-slots
* to see if they're free, and run the jobs as before.
* @section sec_kbase_js_policy_operation_submit_hipri Submission path for High Priority Contexts
* For High Priority Contexts on Mali-T600, we can make sure that at least 1 of
* them can be scheduled in immediately to start high prioriy jobs. In general,
* (no. ASs) - (no JSs) high priority contexts may be started immediately. The
* following describes how this happens:
* Similar to the previous section, consider what happens with a high-priority
* context (a context with a priority higher than that of any in the Run Pool)
* that starts out with no jobs:
* - A job becomes ready to run on the context, and so we enqueue the context
* on the Policy's Queue.
* - However, we'd like to schedule in this context immediately, instead of
* waiting for one of the Run Pool contexts' timeslice to expire
* - The policy's Enqueue function must detect this (because it is the policy
* that embodies the concept of priority), and take appropriate action
* - That is, kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_ctx() should check the Policy's Run
* Pool to see if a lower priority context should be scheduled out, and then
* schedule in the High Priority context.
* - For Mali-T600, we can always pick a context to schedule out immediately
* (because there are more ASs than JSs), and so scheduling out a victim context
* and scheduling in the high priority context can happen immediately.
* - If a policy implements fair-sharing, then this can still ensure the
* victim later on gets a fair share of the GPU.
* - As a note, consider whether the victim can be of equal/higher priority
* than the incoming context:
* - Usually, higher priority contexts will be the ones currently running
* jobs, and so the context with the lowest priority is usually not running
* jobs.
* - This makes it likely that the victim context is low priority, but
* it's not impossible for it to be a high priority one:
* - Suppose 3 high priority contexts are submitting only FS jobs, and one low
* priority context submitting CS jobs. Then, the context not running jobs will
* be one of the hi priority contexts (because only 2 FS jobs can be
* queued/running on the GPU HW for Mali-T600).
* - The problem can be mitigated by extra action, but it's questionable
* whether we need to: we already have a high likelihood that there's at least
* one high priority context - that should be good enough.
* - And so, this method makes sure that at least one high priority context
* can be started very quickly, but more than one high priority contexts could be
* delayed (up to one timeslice).
* - To improve this, use a GPU with a higher number of Address Spaces vs Job
* Slots.
* - At this point, let's assume this high priority context has been scheduled
* in immediately. The next step is to ensure it can start some jobs quickly.
* - It must do this by Soft-Stopping jobs on any of the Job Slots that it can
* submit to.
* - The rest of the logic for starting the jobs is taken care of by the IRQ
* handler. All the policy needs to do is ensure that
* kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job() will return the jobs from the high priority
* context.
* @note in SS state, we currently only use 2 job-slots (even for T608, but
* this might change in future). In this case, it's always possible to schedule
* out 2 ASs quickly (their jobs won't be in the HEAD registers). At the same
* time, this maximizes usage of the job-slots (only 2 are in use), because you
* can guarantee starting of the jobs from the High Priority contexts immediately too.
* @section sec_kbase_js_policy_operation_notes Notes
* - In this design, a separate 'init' is needed from dequeue/requeue, so that
* information can be retained between the dequeue/requeue calls. For example,
* the total time spent for a context/job could be logged between
* dequeue/requeuing, to implement Fair Sharing. In this case, 'init' just
* initializes that information to some known state.
* @addtogroup base_api
* @{
* @addtogroup base_kbase_api
* @{
* @addtogroup kbase_js_policy Job Scheduler Policy APIs
* @{
* <b>Refer to @ref page_kbase_js_policy for an overview and detailed operation of
* the Job Scheduler Policy and its use from the Job Scheduler Core</b>.
* @brief Job Scheduler Policy structure
union kbasep_js_policy;
* @brief Initialize the Job Scheduler Policy
int kbasep_js_policy_init(struct kbase_device *kbdev);
* @brief Terminate the Job Scheduler Policy
void kbasep_js_policy_term(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy);
* @addtogroup kbase_js_policy_ctx Job Scheduler Policy, Context Management API
* @{
* <b>Refer to @ref page_kbase_js_policy for an overview and detailed operation of
* the Job Scheduler Policy and its use from the Job Scheduler Core</b>.
* @brief Job Scheduler Policy Ctx Info structure
* This structure is embedded in the struct kbase_context structure. It is used to:
* - track information needed for the policy to schedule the context (e.g. time
* used, OS priority etc.)
* - link together kbase_contexts into a queue, so that a struct kbase_context can be
* obtained as the container of the policy ctx info. This allows the API to
* return what "the next context" should be.
* - obtain other information already stored in the struct kbase_context for
* scheduling purposes (e.g process ID to get the priority of the originating
* process)
union kbasep_js_policy_ctx_info;
* @brief Initialize a ctx for use with the Job Scheduler Policy
* This effectively initializes the union kbasep_js_policy_ctx_info structure within
* the struct kbase_context (itself located within the kctx->jctx.sched_info structure).
int kbasep_js_policy_init_ctx(struct kbase_device *kbdev, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Terminate resources associated with using a ctx in the Job Scheduler
* Policy.
void kbasep_js_policy_term_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Enqueue a context onto the Job Scheduler Policy Queue
* If the context enqueued has a priority higher than any in the Run Pool, then
* it is the Policy's responsibility to decide whether to schedule out a low
* priority context from the Run Pool to allow the high priority context to be
* scheduled in.
* If the context has the privileged flag set, it will always be kept at the
* head of the queue.
* The caller will be holding kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex.
* The caller will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::queue_mutex.
void kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Dequeue a context from the Head of the Job Scheduler Policy Queue
* The caller will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::queue_mutex.
* @return true if a context was available, and *kctx_ptr points to
* the kctx dequeued.
* @return false if no contexts were available.
bool kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_head_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context ** const kctx_ptr);
* @brief Evict a context from the Job Scheduler Policy Queue
* This is only called as part of destroying a kbase_context.
* There are many reasons why this might fail during the lifetime of a
* context. For example, the context is in the process of being scheduled. In
* that case a thread doing the scheduling might have a pointer to it, but the
* context is neither in the Policy Queue, nor is it in the Run
* Pool. Crucially, neither the Policy Queue, Run Pool, or the Context itself
* are locked.
* Hence to find out where in the system the context is, it is important to do
* more than just check the kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::is_scheduled member.
* The caller will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::queue_mutex.
* @return true if the context was evicted from the Policy Queue
* @return false if the context was not found in the Policy Queue
bool kbasep_js_policy_try_evict_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Call a function on all jobs belonging to a non-queued, non-running
* context, optionally detaching the jobs from the context as it goes.
* At the time of the call, the context is guarenteed to be not-currently
* scheduled on the Run Pool (is_scheduled == false), and not present in
* the Policy Queue. This is because one of the following functions was used
* recently on the context:
* - kbasep_js_policy_evict_ctx()
* - kbasep_js_policy_runpool_remove_ctx()
* In both cases, no subsequent call was made on the context to any of:
* - kbasep_js_policy_runpool_add_ctx()
* - kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_ctx()
* Due to the locks that might be held at the time of the call, the callback
* may need to defer work on a workqueue to complete its actions (e.g. when
* cancelling jobs)
* \a detach_jobs must only be set when cancelling jobs (which occurs as part
* of context destruction).
* The locking conditions on the caller are as follows:
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex.
void kbasep_js_policy_foreach_ctx_job(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx,
kbasep_js_policy_ctx_job_cb callback, bool detach_jobs);
* @brief Add a context to the Job Scheduler Policy's Run Pool
* If the context enqueued has a priority higher than any in the Run Pool, then
* it is the Policy's responsibility to decide whether to schedule out low
* priority jobs that are currently running on the GPU.
* The number of contexts present in the Run Pool will never be more than the
* number of Address Spaces.
* The following guarentees are made about the state of the system when this
* is called:
* - kctx->as_nr member is valid
* - the context has its submit_allowed flag set
* - kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_irq::per_as_data[kctx->as_nr] is valid
* - The refcount of the context is guarenteed to be zero.
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::is_scheduled will be true.
* The locking conditions on the caller are as follows:
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex.
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex.
* - it will be holding hwaccess_lock (a spinlock)
* Due to a spinlock being held, this function must not call any APIs that sleep.
void kbasep_js_policy_runpool_add_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Remove a context from the Job Scheduler Policy's Run Pool
* The kctx->as_nr member is valid and the context has its submit_allowed flag
* set when this is called. The state of
* kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_irq::per_as_data[kctx->as_nr] is also
* valid. The refcount of the context is guarenteed to be zero.
* The locking conditions on the caller are as follows:
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex.
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex.
* - it will be holding hwaccess_lock (a spinlock)
* Due to a spinlock being held, this function must not call any APIs that sleep.
void kbasep_js_policy_runpool_remove_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Indicate whether a context should be removed from the Run Pool
* (should be scheduled out).
* The hwaccess_lock will be held by the caller.
* @note This API is called from IRQ context.
bool kbasep_js_policy_should_remove_ctx(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx);
* @brief Synchronize with any timers acting upon the runpool
* The policy should check whether any timers it owns should be running. If
* they should not, the policy must cancel such timers and ensure they are not
* re-run by the time this function finishes.
* In particular, the timers must not be running when there are no more contexts
* on the runpool, because the GPU could be powered off soon after this call.
* The locking conditions on the caller are as follows:
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex.
* - it will be holding kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex.
void kbasep_js_policy_runpool_timers_sync(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy);
* @brief Indicate whether a new context has an higher priority than the current context.
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex will be held for \a new_ctx
* This function must not sleep, because an IRQ spinlock might be held whilst
* this is called.
* @note There is nothing to stop the priority of \a current_ctx changing
* during or immediately after this function is called (because its jsctx_mutex
* cannot be held). Therefore, this function should only be seen as a heuristic
* guide as to whether \a new_ctx is higher priority than \a current_ctx
bool kbasep_js_policy_ctx_has_priority(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *current_ctx, struct kbase_context *new_ctx);
/** @} *//* end group kbase_js_policy_ctx */
* @addtogroup kbase_js_policy_job Job Scheduler Policy, Job Chain Management API
* @{
* <b>Refer to @ref page_kbase_js_policy for an overview and detailed operation of
* the Job Scheduler Policy and its use from the Job Scheduler Core</b>.
* @brief Job Scheduler Policy Job Info structure
* This structure is embedded in the struct kbase_jd_atom structure. It is used to:
* - track information needed for the policy to schedule the job (e.g. time
* used, etc.)
* - link together jobs into a queue/buffer, so that a struct kbase_jd_atom can be
* obtained as the container of the policy job info. This allows the API to
* return what "the next job" should be.
union kbasep_js_policy_job_info;
* @brief Initialize a job for use with the Job Scheduler Policy
* This function initializes the union kbasep_js_policy_job_info structure within the
* kbase_jd_atom. It will only initialize/allocate resources that are specific
* to the job.
* That is, this function makes \b no attempt to:
* - initialize any context/policy-wide information
* - enqueue the job on the policy.
* At some later point, the following functions must be called on the job, in this order:
* - kbasep_js_policy_register_job() to register the job and initialize policy/context wide data.
* - kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_job() to enqueue the job
* A job must only ever be initialized on the Policy once, and must be
* terminated on the Policy before the job is freed.
* The caller will not be holding any locks, and so this function will not
* modify any information in \a kctx or \a js_policy.
* @return 0 if initialization was correct.
int kbasep_js_policy_init_job(const union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, const struct kbase_context *kctx, struct kbase_jd_atom *katom);
* @brief Register context/policy-wide information for a job on the Job Scheduler Policy.
* Registers the job with the policy. This is used to track the job before it
* has been enqueued/requeued by kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_job(). Specifically,
* it is used to update information under a lock that could not be updated at
* kbasep_js_policy_init_job() time (such as context/policy-wide data).
* @note This function will not fail, and hence does not allocate any
* resources. Any failures that could occur on registration will be caught
* during kbasep_js_policy_init_job() instead.
* A job must only ever be registerd on the Policy once, and must be
* deregistered on the Policy on completion (whether or not that completion was
* success/failure).
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex will be held.
void kbasep_js_policy_register_job(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx, struct kbase_jd_atom *katom);
* @brief De-register context/policy-wide information for a on the Job Scheduler Policy.
* This must be used before terminating the resources associated with using a
* job in the Job Scheduler Policy. This function does not itself terminate any
* resources, at most it just updates information in the policy and context.
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex will be held.
void kbasep_js_policy_deregister_job(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_context *kctx, struct kbase_jd_atom *katom);
* @brief Dequeue a Job for a job slot from the Job Scheduler Policy Run Pool
* The job returned by the policy will match at least one of the bits in the
* job slot's core requirements (but it may match more than one, or all @ref
* base_jd_core_req bits supported by the job slot).
* In addition, the requirements of the job returned will be a subset of those
* requested - the job returned will not have requirements that \a job_slot_idx
* cannot satisfy.
* The caller will submit the job to the GPU as soon as the GPU's NEXT register
* for the corresponding slot is empty. Of course, the GPU will then only run
* this new job when the currently executing job (in the jobslot's HEAD
* register) has completed.
* @return true if a job was available, and *kctx_ptr points to
* the kctx dequeued.
* @return false if no jobs were available among all ctxs in the Run Pool.
* @note base_jd_core_req is currently a u8 - beware of type conversion.
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_lock::irq will be held.
* - kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex will be held.
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex. will be held
bool kbasep_js_policy_dequeue_job(struct kbase_device *kbdev, int job_slot_idx, struct kbase_jd_atom ** const katom_ptr);
* @brief Requeue a Job back into the Job Scheduler Policy Run Pool
* This will be used to enqueue a job after its creation and also to requeue
* a job into the Run Pool that was previously dequeued (running). It notifies
* the policy that the job should be run again at some point later.
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - hwaccess_lock (a spinlock) will be held.
* - kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex will be held.
* - kbasep_js_kctx_info::ctx::jsctx_mutex will be held.
void kbasep_js_policy_enqueue_job(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_jd_atom *katom);
* @brief Log the result of a job: the time spent on a job/context, and whether
* the job failed or not.
* Since a struct kbase_jd_atom contains a pointer to the struct kbase_context owning it,
* then this can also be used to log time on either/both the job and the
* containing context.
* The completion state of the job can be found by examining \a katom->event.event_code
* If the Job failed and the policy is implementing fair-sharing, then the
* policy must penalize the failing job/context:
* - At the very least, it should penalize the time taken by the amount of
* time spent processing the IRQ in SW. This because a job in the NEXT slot
* waiting to run will be delayed until the failing job has had the IRQ
* cleared.
* - \b Optionally, the policy could apply other penalties. For example, based
* on a threshold of a number of failing jobs, after which a large penalty is
* applied.
* The kbasep_js_device_data::runpool_mutex will be held by the caller.
* @note This API is called from IRQ context.
* The caller has the following conditions on locking:
* - hwaccess_lock will be held.
* @param js_policy job scheduler policy
* @param katom job dispatch atom
* @param time_spent_us the time spent by the job, in microseconds (10^-6 seconds).
void kbasep_js_policy_log_job_result(union kbasep_js_policy *js_policy, struct kbase_jd_atom *katom, u64 time_spent_us);
/** @} *//* end group kbase_js_policy_job */
/** @} *//* end group kbase_js_policy */
/** @} *//* end group base_kbase_api */
/** @} *//* end group base_api */
#endif /* _KBASE_JS_POLICY_H_ */