blob: cd011dae9b502b5d68cb50741a2ecf98551fb54b [file] [log] [blame]
* (C) COPYRIGHT 2020 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software and is provided to you under the terms of the
* GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
* Foundation) and any use by you of this program is subject to the terms
* of such GNU licence.
* A copy of the licence is included with the program) and can also be obtained
* from Free Software Foundation) Inc.) 51 Franklin Street) Fifth Floor)
* Boston) MA 02110-1301) USA.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/core_mask
This attribute is used to restrict the number of shader cores
available in this instance, is useful for debugging purposes.
Reading this attribute provides us mask of all cores available.
Writing to it will set the current core mask. Doesn't
allow disabling all the cores present in this instance.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/debug_command
This attribute is used to issue debug commands that supported
by the driver. On reading it provides the list of debug commands
that are supported, and writing back one of those commands will
enable that debug option.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/dvfs_period
This is used to set the DVFS sampling period to be used by the
driver, On reading it provides the current DVFS sampling period,
on writing a value we set the DVFS sampling period.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/dummy_job_wa_info
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU that requires a GPU workaround
to execute the dummy fragment job on all shader cores to
workaround a hang issue.
Its a readonly attribute and on reading gives details on the
options used with the dummy workaround.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/fw_timeout
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. This attribute is
used to set the duration value in milliseconds for the
waiting timeout used for a GPU status change request being
acknowledged by the FW.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/gpuinfo
This attribute provides description of the present Mali GPU.
Its a read only attribute provides details like GPU family, the
number of cores, the hardware version and the raw product id.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/idle_hysteresis_time
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. This attribute is
used to set the duration value in milliseconds for the
configuring hysteresis field for determining GPU idle detection.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/js_ctx_scheduling_mode
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU. This attribute is used to set
context scheduling priority for a job slot.
On Reading it provides the currently set job slot context
Writing 0 to this attribute sets it to the mode were
higher priority atoms will be scheduled first, regardless of
the context they belong to. Newly-runnable higher priority atoms
can preempt lower priority atoms currently running on the GPU,
even if they belong to a different context.
Writing 1 to this attribute set it to the mode were the
highest-priority atom will be chosen from each context in turn
using a round-robin algorithm, so priority only has an effect
within the context an atom belongs to. Newly-runnable higher
priority atoms can preempt the lower priority atoms currently
running on the GPU, but only if they belong to the same context.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/js_scheduling_period
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU. Used to set the job scheduler
tick period in nano-seconds. The Job Scheduler determines the
jobs that are run on the GPU, and for how long, Job Scheduler
makes decisions at a regular time interval determined by value
in js_scheduling_period.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/js_softstop_always
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU. Soft-stops are disabled when
only a single context is present, this attribute is used to
enable soft-stop when only a single context is present can be
used for debug and unit-testing purposes.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/js_timeouts
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU. It used to set the soft stop
and hard stop times for the job scheduler.
Writing value 0 causes no change, or -1 to restore the
default timeout.
The format used to set js_timeouts is
"<soft_stop_ms> <soft_stop_ms_cl> <hard_stop_ms_ss>
<hard_stop_ms_cl> <hard_stop_ms_dumping> <reset_ms_ss>
<reset_ms_cl> <reset_ms_dumping>"
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/lp_mem_pool_max_size
This attribute is used to set the maximum number of large pages
memory pools that the driver can contain. Large pages are of
size 2MB. On read it displays all the max size of all memory
pools and can be used to modify each individual pools as well.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/lp_mem_pool_size
This attribute is used to set the number of large memory pages
which should be populated, changing this value may cause
existing pages to be removed from the pool, or new pages to be
created and then added to the pool. On read it will provide
pool size for all available pools and we can modify individual
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/mem_pool_max_size
This attribute is used to set the maximum number of small pages
for memory pools that the driver can contain. Here small pages
are of size 4KB. On read it will display the max size for all
available pools and allows us to set max size of
individual pools.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/mem_pool_size
This attribute is used to set the number of small memory pages
which should be populated, changing this value may cause
existing pages to be removed from the pool, or new pages to
be created and then added to the pool. On read it will provide
pool size for all available pools and we can modify individual
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/device/mempool/ctx_default_max_size
This attribute is used to set maximum memory pool size for
all the memory pool so that the maximum amount of free memory
that each pool can hold is identical.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/device/mempool/lp_max_size
This attribute is used to set the maximum number of large pages
for all memory pools that the driver can contain.
Large pages are of size 2MB.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/device/mempool/max_size
This attribute is used to set the maximum number of small pages
for all the memory pools that the driver can contain.
Here small pages are of size 4KB.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/pm_poweroff
This attribute contains the current values, represented as the
following space-separated integers:
echo 100000 4 4 > /sys/class/misc/mali0/device/pm_poweroff
Sets the following new values: 100,000ns tick, four ticks
for shader power down, and four ticks for GPU power down.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/power_policy
This attribute is used to find the current power policy been
used, reading will list the power policies available and
enclosed in square bracket is the current one been selected.
cat /sys/class/misc/mali0/device/power_policy
[demand] coarse_demand always_on
To switch to a different policy at runtime write the valid entry
name back to the attribute.
echo "coarse_demand" > /sys/class/misc/mali0/device/power_policy
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/progress_timeout
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. This attribute
is used to set the progress timeout value and read the current
progress timeout value.
Progress timeout value is the maximum number of GPU cycles
without forward progress to allow to elapse before terminating a
GPU command queue group.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/mcu_shader_pwroff_timeout
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. The duration value unit
is in micro-seconds and is used for configuring MCU shader Core power-off
timer. The configured MCU shader Core power-off timer will only have
effect when the host driver has delegated the shader cores
power management to MCU. The supplied value will be
recorded internally without any change. But the actual field
value will be subject to core power-off timer source frequency
scaling and maximum value limiting. The default source will be
SYSTEM_TIMESTAMP counter. But in case the platform is not able
to supply it, the GPU CYCLE_COUNTER source will be used as an
If we set the value to zero then MCU-controlled shader/tiler
power management will be disabled.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/csg_scheduling_period
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. The duration value unit
is in milliseconds and is used for configuring csf scheduling
tick duration.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/reset_timeout
This attribute is used to set the number of milliseconds to
wait for the soft stop to complete for the GPU jobs before
proceeding with the GPU reset.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/soft_job_timeout
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU. It used to set the timeout
value for waiting for any soft event to complete.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/scheduling/serialize_jobs
This attribute is available only with platform device that
supports a Job Manager based GPU.
Various options available under this are:
• none - for disabling serialization.
• intra-slot - Serialize atoms within a slot, only one
atom per job slot.
• inter-slot - Serialize atoms between slots, only one
job slot running at any time.
• full - it a combination of both inter and intra slot,
so only one atom and one job slot running
at any time.
• full-reset - full serialization and Reset the GPU after
each atom completion
These options are useful for debugging and investigating
failures and gpu hangs to narrow down atoms that could cause
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/Compute iterator count/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. Its a read-only attribute
which indicates the maximum number of Compute iterators
supported by the GPU.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/CSHWIF count/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. Its a read-only
attribute which indicates the maximum number of CSHWIFs
supported by the GPU.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/Fragment iterator count/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. Its a read-only
attribute which indicates the maximum number of
Fragment iterators supported by the GPU.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/Scoreboard set count/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. Its a read-only
attribute which indicates the maximum number of
Scoreboard set supported by the GPU.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/Tiler iterator count/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU. Its a read-only
attribute which indicates the maximum number of Tiler iterators
supported by the GPU.
What: /sys/class/misc/mali%u/device/firmware_config/Log verbosity/*
This attribute is available only with mali platform
device-driver that supports a CSF GPU.
Used to enable firmware logs, logging levels valid values
are indicated using 'min and 'max' attribute values
values that are read-only.
Log level can be set using the 'cur' read, write attribute,
we can use a valid log level value from min and max range values
and set a valid desired log level for firmware logs.