blob: a19762c17890d88748477a4726f999d4136c23cc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
* \brief Describes film grain parameters and film grain synthesis
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/kthread.h>
#include <linux/sched/clock.h>
#include "vav1.h"
#define MID(a, min, max) ((a > max) ? max : ((a > min) ? a : min))
#define gauss_bits 11
#define luma_subblock_size_y 32
#define luma_subblock_size_x 32
#define left_pad 3
#define right_pad 3 // padding to offset for AR coefficients
#define top_pad 3
#define bottom_pad 0
#define ar_padding 3 // maximum lag used for stabilization of AR coefficients
#define luma_grain_block_offt 0x120 //18 * 16
#define cb_grain_block_offt 0x1520 //(18 + 320) * 16
struct aom_film_grain_t {
u8 apply_grain;
u8 update_parameters;
// 8 bit values
s32 scaling_points_y[14][2];
u8 num_y_points; // value: 0..14
// 8 bit values
s32 scaling_points_cb[10][2];
u8 num_cb_points; // value: 0..10
// 8 bit values
s32 scaling_points_cr[10][2];
u8 num_cr_points; // value: 0..10
u8 scaling_shift; // values : 8..11
s32 ar_coeff_lag; // values: 0..3
// 8 bit values
s32 ar_coeffs_y[24];
s32 ar_coeffs_cb[25];
s32 ar_coeffs_cr[25];
// Shift value: AR coeffs range
// 6: [-2, 2)
// 7: [-1, 1)
// 8: [-0.5, 0.5)
// 9: [-0.25, 0.25)
u8 ar_coeff_shift; // values : 6..9
s8 cb_mult; // 8 bits
s8 cb_luma_mult; // 8 bits
s16 cb_offset; // 9 bits
s8 cr_mult; // 8 bits
s8 cr_luma_mult; // 8 bits
s16 cr_offset; // 9 bits
u8 overlap_flag;
u8 clip_to_restricted_range;
u8 bit_depth; // video bit depth
u8 mc_identity;
u8 chroma_scaling_from_luma;
u8 grain_scale_shift;
u16 random_seed;
u16 random_register_y;
u16 random_register_cb;
u16 random_register_cr;
s32 scaling_delta_y[14];
s32 scaling_delta_cb[10];
s32 scaling_delta_cr[10];
static u32 debug_fgs;
module_param(debug_fgs, uint, 0664);
// Samples with Gaussian distribution in the range of [-2048, 2047] (12 bits)
// with zero mean and standard deviation of about 512.
// should be divided by 4 for 10-bit range and 16 for 8-bit range.
static const s32 gaussian_seq[2048] = {
56, 568, -180, 172, 124, -84, 172, -64, -900, 24, 820,
224, 1248, 996, 272, -8, -916, -388, -732, -104, -188, 800,
112, -652, -320, -376, 140, -252, 492, -168, 44, -788, 588,
-584, 500, -228, 12, 680, 272, -476, 972, -100, 652, 368,
432, -196, -720, -192, 1000, -332, 652, -136, -552, -604, -4,
192, -220, -136, 1000, -52, 372, -96, -624, 124, -24, 396,
540, -12, -104, 640, 464, 244, -208, -84, 368, -528, -740,
248, -968, -848, 608, 376, -60, -292, -40, -156, 252, -292,
248, 224, -280, 400, -244, 244, -60, 76, -80, 212, 532,
340, 128, -36, 824, -352, -60, -264, -96, -612, 416, -704,
220, -204, 640, -160, 1220, -408, 900, 336, 20, -336, -96,
-792, 304, 48, -28, -1232, -1172, -448, 104, -292, -520, 244,
60, -948, 0, -708, 268, 108, 356, -548, 488, -344, -136,
488, -196, -224, 656, -236, -1128, 60, 4, 140, 276, -676,
-376, 168, -108, 464, 8, 564, 64, 240, 308, -300, -400,
-456, -136, 56, 120, -408, -116, 436, 504, -232, 328, 844,
-164, -84, 784, -168, 232, -224, 348, -376, 128, 568, 96,
-1244, -288, 276, 848, 832, -360, 656, 464, -384, -332, -356,
728, -388, 160, -192, 468, 296, 224, 140, -776, -100, 280,
4, 196, 44, -36, -648, 932, 16, 1428, 28, 528, 808,
772, 20, 268, 88, -332, -284, 124, -384, -448, 208, -228,
-1044, -328, 660, 380, -148, -300, 588, 240, 540, 28, 136,
-88, -436, 256, 296, -1000, 1400, 0, -48, 1056, -136, 264,
-528, -1108, 632, -484, -592, -344, 796, 124, -668, -768, 388,
1296, -232, -188, -200, -288, -4, 308, 100, -168, 256, -500,
204, -508, 648, -136, 372, -272, -120, -1004, -552, -548, -384,
548, -296, 428, -108, -8, -912, -324, -224, -88, -112, -220,
-100, 996, -796, 548, 360, -216, 180, 428, -200, -212, 148,
96, 148, 284, 216, -412, -320, 120, -300, -384, -604, -572,
-332, -8, -180, -176, 696, 116, -88, 628, 76, 44, -516,
240, -208, -40, 100, -592, 344, -308, -452, -228, 20, 916,
-1752, -136, -340, -804, 140, 40, 512, 340, 248, 184, -492,
896, -156, 932, -628, 328, -688, -448, -616, -752, -100, 560,
-1020, 180, -800, -64, 76, 576, 1068, 396, 660, 552, -108,
-28, 320, -628, 312, -92, -92, -472, 268, 16, 560, 516,
-672, -52, 492, -100, 260, 384, 284, 292, 304, -148, 88,
-152, 1012, 1064, -228, 164, -376, -684, 592, -392, 156, 196,
-524, -64, -884, 160, -176, 636, 648, 404, -396, -436, 864,
424, -728, 988, -604, 904, -592, 296, -224, 536, -176, -920,
436, -48, 1176, -884, 416, -776, -824, -884, 524, -548, -564,
-68, -164, -96, 692, 364, -692, -1012, -68, 260, -480, 876,
-1116, 452, -332, -352, 892, -1088, 1220, -676, 12, -292, 244,
496, 372, -32, 280, 200, 112, -440, -96, 24, -644, -184,
56, -432, 224, -980, 272, -260, 144, -436, 420, 356, 364,
-528, 76, 172, -744, -368, 404, -752, -416, 684, -688, 72,
540, 416, 92, 444, 480, -72, -1416, 164, -1172, -68, 24,
424, 264, 1040, 128, -912, -524, -356, 64, 876, -12, 4,
-88, 532, 272, -524, 320, 276, -508, 940, 24, -400, -120,
756, 60, 236, -412, 100, 376, -484, 400, -100, -740, -108,
-260, 328, -268, 224, -200, -416, 184, -604, -564, -20, 296,
60, 892, -888, 60, 164, 68, -760, 216, -296, 904, -336,
-28, 404, -356, -568, -208, -1480, -512, 296, 328, -360, -164,
-1560, -776, 1156, -428, 164, -504, -112, 120, -216, -148, -264,
308, 32, 64, -72, 72, 116, 176, -64, -272, 460, -536,
-784, -280, 348, 108, -752, -132, 524, -540, -776, 116, -296,
-1196, -288, -560, 1040, -472, 116, -848, -1116, 116, 636, 696,
284, -176, 1016, 204, -864, -648, -248, 356, 972, -584, -204,
264, 880, 528, -24, -184, 116, 448, -144, 828, 524, 212,
-212, 52, 12, 200, 268, -488, -404, -880, 824, -672, -40,
908, -248, 500, 716, -576, 492, -576, 16, 720, -108, 384,
124, 344, 280, 576, -500, 252, 104, -308, 196, -188, -8,
1268, 296, 1032, -1196, 436, 316, 372, -432, -200, -660, 704,
-224, 596, -132, 268, 32, -452, 884, 104, -1008, 424, -1348,
-280, 4, -1168, 368, 476, 696, 300, -8, 24, 180, -592,
-196, 388, 304, 500, 724, -160, 244, -84, 272, -256, -420,
320, 208, -144, -156, 156, 364, 452, 28, 540, 316, 220,
-644, -248, 464, 72, 360, 32, -388, 496, -680, -48, 208,
-116, -408, 60, -604, -392, 548, -840, 784, -460, 656, -544,
-388, -264, 908, -800, -628, -612, -568, 572, -220, 164, 288,
-16, -308, 308, -112, -636, -760, 280, -668, 432, 364, 240,
-196, 604, 340, 384, 196, 592, -44, -500, 432, -580, -132,
636, -76, 392, 4, -412, 540, 508, 328, -356, -36, 16,
-220, -64, -248, -60, 24, -192, 368, 1040, 92, -24, -1044,
-32, 40, 104, 148, 192, -136, -520, 56, -816, -224, 732,
392, 356, 212, -80, -424, -1008, -324, 588, -1496, 576, 460,
-816, -848, 56, -580, -92, -1372, -112, -496, 200, 364, 52,
-140, 48, -48, -60, 84, 72, 40, 132, -356, -268, -104,
-284, -404, 732, -520, 164, -304, -540, 120, 328, -76, -460,
756, 388, 588, 236, -436, -72, -176, -404, -316, -148, 716,
-604, 404, -72, -88, -888, -68, 944, 88, -220, -344, 960,
472, 460, -232, 704, 120, 832, -228, 692, -508, 132, -476,
844, -748, -364, -44, 1116, -1104, -1056, 76, 428, 552, -692,
60, 356, 96, -384, -188, -612, -576, 736, 508, 892, 352,
-1132, 504, -24, -352, 324, 332, -600, -312, 292, 508, -144,
-8, 484, 48, 284, -260, -240, 256, -100, -292, -204, -44,
472, -204, 908, -188, -1000, -256, 92, 1164, -392, 564, 356,
652, -28, -884, 256, 484, -192, 760, -176, 376, -524, -452,
-436, 860, -736, 212, 124, 504, -476, 468, 76, -472, 552,
-692, -944, -620, 740, -240, 400, 132, 20, 192, -196, 264,
-668, -1012, -60, 296, -316, -828, 76, -156, 284, -768, -448,
-832, 148, 248, 652, 616, 1236, 288, -328, -400, -124, 588,
220, 520, -696, 1032, 768, -740, -92, -272, 296, 448, -464,
412, -200, 392, 440, -200, 264, -152, -260, 320, 1032, 216,
320, -8, -64, 156, -1016, 1084, 1172, 536, 484, -432, 132,
372, -52, -256, 84, 116, -352, 48, 116, 304, -384, 412,
924, -300, 528, 628, 180, 648, 44, -980, -220, 1320, 48,
332, 748, 524, -268, -720, 540, -276, 564, -344, -208, -196,
436, 896, 88, -392, 132, 80, -964, -288, 568, 56, -48,
-456, 888, 8, 552, -156, -292, 948, 288, 128, -716, -292,
1192, -152, 876, 352, -600, -260, -812, -468, -28, -120, -32,
-44, 1284, 496, 192, 464, 312, -76, -516, -380, -456, -1012,
-48, 308, -156, 36, 492, -156, -808, 188, 1652, 68, -120,
-116, 316, 160, -140, 352, 808, -416, 592, 316, -480, 56,
528, -204, -568, 372, -232, 752, -344, 744, -4, 324, -416,
-600, 768, 268, -248, -88, -132, -420, -432, 80, -288, 404,
-316, -1216, -588, 520, -108, 92, -320, 368, -480, -216, -92,
1688, -300, 180, 1020, -176, 820, -68, -228, -260, 436, -904,
20, 40, -508, 440, -736, 312, 332, 204, 760, -372, 728,
96, -20, -632, -520, -560, 336, 1076, -64, -532, 776, 584,
192, 396, -728, -520, 276, -188, 80, -52, -612, -252, -48,
648, 212, -688, 228, -52, -260, 428, -412, -272, -404, 180,
816, -796, 48, 152, 484, -88, -216, 988, 696, 188, -528,
648, -116, -180, 316, 476, 12, -564, 96, 476, -252, -364,
-376, -392, 556, -256, -576, 260, -352, 120, -16, -136, -260,
-492, 72, 556, 660, 580, 616, 772, 436, 424, -32, -324,
-1268, 416, -324, -80, 920, 160, 228, 724, 32, -516, 64,
384, 68, -128, 136, 240, 248, -204, -68, 252, -932, -120,
-480, -628, -84, 192, 852, -404, -288, -132, 204, 100, 168,
-68, -196, -868, 460, 1080, 380, -80, 244, 0, 484, -888,
64, 184, 352, 600, 460, 164, 604, -196, 320, -64, 588,
-184, 228, 12, 372, 48, -848, -344, 224, 208, -200, 484,
128, -20, 272, -468, -840, 384, 256, -720, -520, -464, -580,
112, -120, 644, -356, -208, -608, -528, 704, 560, -424, 392,
828, 40, 84, 200, -152, 0, -144, 584, 280, -120, 80,
-556, -972, -196, -472, 724, 80, 168, -32, 88, 160, -688,
0, 160, 356, 372, -776, 740, -128, 676, -248, -480, 4,
-364, 96, 544, 232, -1032, 956, 236, 356, 20, -40, 300,
24, -676, -596, 132, 1120, -104, 532, -1096, 568, 648, 444,
508, 380, 188, -376, -604, 1488, 424, 24, 756, -220, -192,
716, 120, 920, 688, 168, 44, -460, 568, 284, 1144, 1160,
600, 424, 888, 656, -356, -320, 220, 316, -176, -724, -188,
-816, -628, -348, -228, -380, 1012, -452, -660, 736, 928, 404,
-696, -72, -268, -892, 128, 184, -344, -780, 360, 336, 400,
344, 428, 548, -112, 136, -228, -216, -820, -516, 340, 92,
-136, 116, -300, 376, -244, 100, -316, -520, -284, -12, 824,
164, -548, -180, -128, 116, -924, -828, 268, -368, -580, 620,
192, 160, 0, -1676, 1068, 424, -56, -360, 468, -156, 720,
288, -528, 556, -364, 548, -148, 504, 316, 152, -648, -620,
-684, -24, -376, -384, -108, -920, -1032, 768, 180, -264, -508,
-1268, -260, -60, 300, -240, 988, 724, -376, -576, -212, -736,
556, 192, 1092, -620, -880, 376, -56, -4, -216, -32, 836,
268, 396, 1332, 864, -600, 100, 56, -412, -92, 356, 180,
884, -468, -436, 292, -388, -804, -704, -840, 368, -348, 140,
-724, 1536, 940, 372, 112, -372, 436, -480, 1136, 296, -32,
-228, 132, -48, -220, 868, -1016, -60, -1044, -464, 328, 916,
244, 12, -736, -296, 360, 468, -376, -108, -92, 788, 368,
-56, 544, 400, -672, -420, 728, 16, 320, 44, -284, -380,
-796, 488, 132, 204, -596, -372, 88, -152, -908, -636, -572,
-624, -116, -692, -200, -56, 276, -88, 484, -324, 948, 864,
1000, -456, -184, -276, 292, -296, 156, 676, 320, 160, 908,
-84, -1236, -288, -116, 260, -372, -644, 732, -756, -96, 84,
344, -520, 348, -688, 240, -84, 216, -1044, -136, -676, -396,
-1500, 960, -40, 176, 168, 1516, 420, -504, -344, -364, -360,
1216, -940, -380, -212, 252, -660, -708, 484, -444, -152, 928,
-120, 1112, 476, -260, 560, -148, -344, 108, -196, 228, -288,
504, 560, -328, -88, 288, -1008, 460, -228, 468, -836, -196,
76, 388, 232, 412, -1168, -716, -644, 756, -172, -356, -504,
116, 432, 528, 48, 476, -168, -608, 448, 160, -532, -272,
28, -676, -12, 828, 980, 456, 520, 104, -104, 256, -344,
-4, -28, -368, -52, -524, -572, -556, -200, 768, 1124, -208,
-512, 176, 232, 248, -148, -888, 604, -600, -304, 804, -156,
-212, 488, -192, -804, -256, 368, -360, -916, -328, 228, -240,
-448, -472, 856, -556, -364, 572, -12, -156, -368, -340, 432,
252, -752, -152, 288, 268, -580, -848, -592, 108, -76, 244,
312, -716, 592, -80, 436, 360, 4, -248, 160, 516, 584,
732, 44, -468, -280, -292, -156, -588, 28, 308, 912, 24,
124, 156, 180, -252, 944, -924, -772, -520, -428, -624, 300,
-212, -1144, 32, -724, 800, -1128, -212, -1288, -848, 180, -416,
440, 192, -576, -792, -76, -1080, 80, -532, -352, -132, 380,
-820, 148, 1112, 128, 164, 456, 700, -924, 144, -668, -384,
648, -832, 508, 552, -52, -100, -656, 208, -568, 748, -88,
680, 232, 300, 192, -408, -1012, -152, -252, -268, 272, -876,
-664, -648, -332, -136, 16, 12, 1152, -28, 332, -536, 320,
-672, -460, -316, 532, -260, 228, -40, 1052, -816, 180, 88,
-496, -556, -672, -368, 428, 92, 356, 404, -408, 252, 196,
-176, -556, 792, 268, 32, 372, 40, 96, -332, 328, 120,
372, -900, -40, 472, -264, -592, 952, 128, 656, 112, 664,
-232, 420, 4, -344, -464, 556, 244, -416, -32, 252, 0,
-412, 188, -696, 508, -476, 324, -1096, 656, -312, 560, 264,
-136, 304, 160, -64, -580, 248, 336, -720, 560, -348, -288,
-276, -196, -500, 852, -544, -236, -1128, -992, -776, 116, 56,
52, 860, 884, 212, -12, 168, 1020, 512, -552, 924, -148,
716, 188, 164, -340, -520, -184, 880, -152, -680, -208, -1156,
-300, -528, -472, 364, 100, -744, -1056, -32, 540, 280, 144,
-676, -32, -232, -280, -224, 96, 568, -76, 172, 148, 148,
104, 32, -296, -32, 788, -80, 32, -16, 280, 288, 944,
428, -484
static inline void fg_data_copy_unsigned(
s32 *to, u8 *from, s32 size, u8 endian_swap, s32 offt)
s32 i;
if (endian_swap) {
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) {
to[i] = from[i + 3] - offt;
to[i + 1] = from[i + 2] - offt;
to[i + 2] = from[i + 1] - offt;
to[i + 3] = from[i] - offt;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
to[i] = from[i];
static inline void fg_data_copy_signed(
s32 *to, s8 *from, s32 size, u8 endian_swap, s32 offt)
s32 i;
if (endian_swap) {
for (i = 0; i < size; i += 4) {
to[i] = (s32)(from[i + 3] - offt);
to[i + 1] = (s32)(from[i + 2] - offt);
to[i + 2] = (s32)(from[i + 1] - offt);
to[i + 3] = (s32)(from[i] - offt);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
to[i] = from[i];
static void fg_info_print(struct aom_film_grain_t *p)
s32 i;
pr_info("apply_grain: %d\n", p->apply_grain);
pr_info("update_parameters: %d\n", p->update_parameters);
if (p->num_y_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) {
pr_info("scaling_points_y[%d][0]: %x, [1]: %x\n", i, p->scaling_points_y[i][0], p->scaling_points_y[i][1]);
pr_info("num_y_points: %d\n", p->num_y_points);
if (p->num_cb_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pr_info("scaling_points_cb[%d][0]: %x, [1]: %x\n", i, p->scaling_points_cb[i][0], p->scaling_points_cb[i][1]);
pr_info("num_cb_points: %d\n", p->num_cb_points);
if (p->num_cb_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pr_info("scaling_points_cr[%d][0]: %x, [1]: %x\n", i, p->scaling_points_cr[i][0], p->scaling_points_cr[i][1]);
pr_info("num_cr_points: %d\n", p->num_cr_points);
pr_info("scaling_shift: %d\n", p->scaling_shift);
pr_info("ar_coeff_lag: 0x%x\n", p->ar_coeff_lag);
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
pr_info("ar_coeffs_y[%d]: %x\n", i, p->ar_coeffs_y[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
pr_info("ar_coeffs_cb[%d]: %x\n", i, p->ar_coeffs_cb[i]);
for (i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
pr_info("ar_coeffs_cr[%d]: %x\n", i, p->ar_coeffs_cr[i]);
pr_info("ar_coeff_shift: %d\n", p->ar_coeff_shift);
pr_info("cb_mult: 0x%x\n", p->cb_mult);
pr_info("cb_luma_mult: 0x%x\n", p->cb_luma_mult);
pr_info("cb_offset: 0x%x\n", p->cb_offset);
pr_info("cr_mult: 0x%x\n", p->cr_mult);
pr_info("cr_luma_mult: 0x%x\n", p->cr_luma_mult);
pr_info("cr_offset: 0x%x\n", p->cr_offset);
pr_info("overlap_flag: %d\n", p->overlap_flag);
pr_info("clip_to_restricted_range: %d\n", p->clip_to_restricted_range);
pr_info("bit_depth: %d\n", p->bit_depth);
pr_info("mc_identity: %d\n", p->mc_identity);
pr_info("chroma_scaling_from_luma: %d\n", p->chroma_scaling_from_luma);
pr_info("grain_scale_shift: %d\n", p->grain_scale_shift);
pr_info("random_seed: 0x%x\n", p->random_seed);
static void film_grain_data_parse(struct aom_film_grain_t *para, u32 fgs_ctrl, u32 *fgs_data)
/* index 0
bit[30] - bit_depth_10
bit[29] - mc_identity
bit[28] - num_pos_chroma_one_more
bit[27:24] - ar_coeff_shift
bit[23:20] - scaling_shift
bit[19] - overlap_flag
bit[18] - clip_to_restricted_range
bit[17] - chroma_scaling_from_luma
para->bit_depth = (fgs_data[0] & (1 << 30)) ? 10 : 8; // video bit depth
para->mc_identity = (fgs_data[0] & (1 << 29)) ? 1 : 0;
para->ar_coeff_shift = (fgs_data[0] >> 24) & 0xf;; // values : 6..9
para->scaling_shift = (fgs_data[0] >> 20) & 0xf; // values : 8..11
para->overlap_flag = (fgs_data[0] >> 19) & 0x1;
para->clip_to_restricted_range = (fgs_data[0] >> 18) & 0x1;
para->chroma_scaling_from_luma = (fgs_data[0] >> 17) & 0x1;
/* index 1
bit[31:30] - grain_scale_shift
bit[29:28] - ar_coeff_lag
bit[27:20] - ar_coeffs_cr[24]
bit[19:12] - ar_coeffs_cb[24]
bit[11:8] - num_cr_points
bit[7:4] - num_cb_points
bit[3:0] - num_y_points
para->grain_scale_shift = (fgs_data[1] >> 30) & 0x3;
para->ar_coeff_lag = (fgs_data[1] >> 28) & 0x3; // values: 0..3
para->ar_coeffs_cr[24] = (fgs_data[1] >> 20) & 0xff;
para->ar_coeffs_cr[24] -= 128;
para->ar_coeffs_cb[24] = (fgs_data[1] >> 12) & 0xff;
para->ar_coeffs_cb[24] -= 128;
para->num_cr_points = (fgs_data[1] >> 8) & 0xf; // value: 0..10
para->num_cb_points = (fgs_data[1] >> 4) & 0xf; // value: 0..10
para->num_y_points = (fgs_data[1] >> 0) & 0xf; // value: 0..14
/* index 2~8 scaling_points_y[14][2] */
fg_data_copy_unsigned(&para->scaling_points_y[0][0], (u8 *)&fgs_data[2], para->num_y_points * 2, 1, 0); // 8 bit values // brian swap ?
/* index 9-13 scaling_points_cb[10][2] */
fg_data_copy_unsigned(&para->scaling_points_cb[0][0], (u8 *)&fgs_data[9], para->num_cb_points * 2, 1, 0); // 8 bit values // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma and swap ?
// 14-18 -- scaling_points_cr[10][2]
fg_data_copy_unsigned(&para->scaling_points_cr[0][0], (u8 *)&fgs_data[14], para->num_cr_points * 2, 1, 0); // 8 bit values // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma and swap ?
// 19-24 -- ar_coeffs_y[0-23]
fg_data_copy_unsigned(para->ar_coeffs_y, (u8 *)&fgs_data[19], 24, 1, 128); // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma and swap ?
// 25-30 -- ar_coeffs_cb[0-23]
fg_data_copy_unsigned(para->ar_coeffs_cb, (u8 *)&fgs_data[25], 24, 1, 128); // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma ?
// 31-36 -- ar_coeffs_cr[0-23]
fg_data_copy_unsigned(para->ar_coeffs_cr, (u8 *)&fgs_data[31], 24, 1, 128); // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma ?
/* index 37
bit[31:24] - cb_mult
bit[23:16] - cb_luma_mult
bit[15:7] - cb_offset
if (para->num_cb_points > 0) { // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma ?
para->cb_mult = (fgs_data[37] >> 24) & 0xff; // 8 bits
para->cb_luma_mult = (fgs_data[37] >> 16) & 0xff; // 8 bits
para->cb_offset = (fgs_data[37] >> 7) & 0x1ff; // 9 bits
} else {
para->cb_mult = 0; // 8 bits
para->cb_luma_mult = 0; // 8 bits
para->cb_offset = 0; // 9 bits
/* index 38
bit[31:24] - cr_mult
bit[23:16] - cr_luma_mult
bit[15:7] - cr_offset
if (para->num_cr_points > 0) { // brian chroma_scaling_from_luma ?
para->cr_mult = (fgs_data[38] >> 24) & 0xff; // 8 bits
para->cr_luma_mult = (fgs_data[38] >> 16) & 0xff; // 8 bits
para->cr_offset = (fgs_data[38] >> 7) & 0x1ff; // 9 bits
} else {
para->cr_mult = 0; // 8 bits
para->cr_luma_mult = 0; // 8 bits
para->cr_offset = 0; // 9 bits
bit[31:16] - random_seed
bit[06] - apply_cr (RO) //assign apply_cr = num_cr_points>0 | chroma_scaling_from_luma;
bit[05] - apply_cb (RO) //assign apply_cb = num_cb_points>0 | chroma_scaling_from_luma;
bit[04] - apply_lu (RO) //assign apply_lu = num_y_points>0;
bit[03] - fgs_not_bypass : 0=fgs bypass 1:=fgs not bypass (default=0)
bit[02] - update_parameters
bit[01] - apply_grain
bit[00] - film gran start
para->apply_grain = (fgs_ctrl >> 1) & 0x1;
para->update_parameters = (fgs_ctrl >> 2) & 0x1;
para->random_seed = (fgs_ctrl >> 16) & 0xffff;
#define DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT (2 * sizeof(void *))
static inline void *fgs_alloc(u32 size)
void *addr;
size = size + DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT - 1 + sizeof(size_t);
addr = vzalloc(size);
if (addr == NULL)
addr = vzalloc(size);
return addr;
static void init_arrays(struct aom_film_grain_t *params,
s32 ***pred_pos_luma_p, s32 ***pred_pos_chroma_p,
s32 **luma_grain_block, s32 **cb_grain_block, s32 **cr_grain_block,
s32 luma_grain_samples, s32 luma_grain_stride,
s32 chroma_grain_samples, s32 chroma_grain_stride)
s32 num_pos_luma = 2 * params->ar_coeff_lag * (params->ar_coeff_lag + 1);
s32 num_pos_chroma = num_pos_luma;
s32 row, col;
s32 pos_ar_index = 0;
s32 **pred_pos_luma;
s32 **pred_pos_chroma;
if (params->num_y_points > 0)
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_DETAIL) {
pr_info("num_pos_luma %d, sizeof(*pred_pos_luma):%ld\n", num_pos_luma, sizeof(*pred_pos_luma));
pr_info("num_pos_chroma %d, sizeof(*pred_pos_chroma):%ld\n", num_pos_chroma, sizeof(*pred_pos_chroma));
pred_pos_luma = (s32 **)fgs_alloc(sizeof(*pred_pos_luma) * num_pos_luma);
for (row = 0; row < num_pos_luma; row++) {
pred_pos_luma[row] = (s32 *)fgs_alloc(sizeof(**pred_pos_luma) * 3);
pred_pos_chroma = (s32 **)fgs_alloc(sizeof(*pred_pos_chroma) * num_pos_chroma);
for (row = 0; row < num_pos_chroma; row++) {
pred_pos_chroma[row] = (s32 *)fgs_alloc(sizeof(**pred_pos_chroma) * 3);
for (row = -params->ar_coeff_lag; row < 0; row++) {
for (col = -params->ar_coeff_lag;
col < params->ar_coeff_lag + 1; col++) {
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][0] = row * luma_grain_stride;
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][1] = col;
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][2] = 0;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][0] = row * chroma_grain_stride;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][1] = col;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][2] = 0;
for (col = -params->ar_coeff_lag; col < 0; col++) {
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][0] = 0;
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][1] = col;
pred_pos_luma[pos_ar_index][2] = 0;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][0] = 0;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][1] = col;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][2] = 0;
if (params->num_y_points > 0) {
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][0] = 0;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][1] = 0;
pred_pos_chroma[pos_ar_index][2] = 1;
*pred_pos_luma_p = pred_pos_luma;
*pred_pos_chroma_p = pred_pos_chroma;
*luma_grain_block =
(s32 *)fgs_alloc(sizeof(**luma_grain_block) * luma_grain_samples);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_DETAIL) {
pr_info("luma block size %ld, luma_grain_samples:%d\n", sizeof(**luma_grain_block) * luma_grain_samples, luma_grain_samples);
*cb_grain_block =
(s32 *)fgs_alloc(sizeof(**cb_grain_block) * chroma_grain_samples);
*cr_grain_block =
(s32*)fgs_alloc(sizeof(**cr_grain_block) * chroma_grain_samples);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_DETAIL) {
pr_info("chroma block size %ld, chroma_grain_samples:%d\n", sizeof(**cb_grain_block) * chroma_grain_samples, chroma_grain_samples);
static void dealloc_arrays(struct aom_film_grain_t *params,
s32 ***pred_pos_luma, s32 ***pred_pos_chroma,
s32 **luma_grain_block, s32 **cb_grain_block, s32 **cr_grain_block)
s32 num_pos_luma = 2 * params->ar_coeff_lag * (params->ar_coeff_lag + 1);
s32 num_pos_chroma = num_pos_luma;
s32 row;
if (params->num_y_points > 0)
for (row = 0; row < num_pos_luma; row++) {
for (row = 0; row < num_pos_chroma; row++) {
// get a number between 0 and 2^bits - 1
static inline s32 get_random_number(u16 *random_register, s32 bits)
u16 bit;
bit = ((*random_register >> 0) ^ (*random_register >> 1) ^
(*random_register >> 3) ^ (*random_register >> 12)) & 1;
*random_register = (*random_register >> 1) | (bit << 15);
return (*random_register >> (16 - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
static inline void init_random_generator(u16 *random_register, u16 seed, s32 luma_line)
// same for the picture
u16 msb = (seed >> 8) & 0xff;
u16 lsb = seed & 0xff;
s32 luma_num = luma_line >> 5;
*random_register = (msb << 8) + lsb;
*random_register ^= ((luma_num * 37 + 178) & 255) << 8;
*random_register ^= ((luma_num * 173 + 105) & 255);
static void generate_luma_grain_block(struct aom_film_grain_t *params,
s32 **pred_pos_luma, s32 *luma_grain_block,
s32 luma_block_size_y, s32 luma_block_size_x, s32 luma_grain_stride,
s8 *table_ptr)
s32 x_start = left_pad + ar_padding * 2;
s32 x_end = luma_block_size_x - right_pad - (ar_padding * 2) - 1;
s32 y_start = top_pad + ar_padding * 2;
s32 y_end = luma_block_size_y - bottom_pad - 1;
s32 x_pad_start = left_pad;
s32 x_pad_end = luma_block_size_x - right_pad - 1;
s32 y_pad_start = top_pad;
s32 y_pad_end = luma_block_size_y - bottom_pad - 1;
u8 cnt = 0;
s32 grain_block[4], grain_val;
u32 bit_mask = (1 << params->bit_depth) - 1;
s8 gauss_sec_shift = 12 - params->bit_depth + params->grain_scale_shift;
s32 gauss_sec_val = (1 << gauss_sec_shift) >> 1;
u32 num_pos_luma = 2 * params->ar_coeff_lag * (params->ar_coeff_lag + 1);
s32 rounding_offset = (1 << (params->ar_coeff_shift - 1));
u32 i, j, pos, block_id = 0;
s32 random_num;
s32 grain_center = 128 << (params->bit_depth - 8);
s32 grain_min = 0 - grain_center;
s32 grain_max = (256 << (params->bit_depth - 8)) - 1 - grain_center;
s32 pred[30];
table_ptr += luma_grain_block_offt;
params->random_register_y = params->random_seed;
if (params->num_y_points == 0)
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_DETAIL) {
pr_info("-->gauss_sec_shift = %d \n",gauss_sec_shift);
pr_info("-->ar_coeff_shift = %x \n",params->ar_coeff_shift);
pr_info("-->rounding_offset = %x \n",rounding_offset);
for (pos = 0; pos < num_pos_luma; pos++)
pred[pos] = pred_pos_luma[pos][0] + pred_pos_luma[pos][1];
for (i = 0; i < luma_block_size_y; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < luma_block_size_x; j++) {
random_num =
get_random_number(&params->random_register_y, gauss_bits);
grain_val = (gaussian_seq[random_num] + gauss_sec_val) >> gauss_sec_shift;
luma_grain_block[block_id] = grain_val;
if (i >= y_pad_start && i <= y_pad_end &&
j >= x_pad_start && j <= x_pad_end) {
s32 wsum = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < num_pos_luma; pos++)
wsum += params->ar_coeffs_y[pos] *
luma_grain_block[block_id + pred[pos]];
wsum += rounding_offset;
wsum = wsum >> params->ar_coeff_shift;
grain_val = MID(grain_val + wsum, grain_min, grain_max);
luma_grain_block[block_id] = grain_val;
if (i >= y_start && i <= y_end &&
j >= x_start && j <= x_end) {
grain_block[cnt++] = grain_val & bit_mask;
if (cnt == 4) {
table_ptr[0] = grain_block[0] & 0xff;
table_ptr[1] = (grain_block[1] & 0x3f) << 2;
table_ptr[1] |= (grain_block[0] >> 8) & 3;
table_ptr[2] = (grain_block[2] & 0xf) << 4;
table_ptr[2] |= (grain_block[1] >> 6) & 0xf;
table_ptr[3] = (grain_block[3] & 3) << 6;
table_ptr[3] |= (grain_block[2] >> 4) & 0x3f;
table_ptr[4] = (grain_block[3] >> 2) & 0xff;
table_ptr += 5;
cnt = 0;
static s32 generate_chroma_grain_blocks(struct aom_film_grain_t *params,
s32 **pred_pos_chroma, s32 *luma_grain_block, s32 *cb_grain_block,
s32 *cr_grain_block, s32 luma_grain_stride, s32 chroma_block_size_y,
s32 chroma_block_size_x, s32 chroma_grain_stride,
s32 chroma_subsamp_y, s32 chroma_subsamp_x,
s8 *table_ptr)
s8 gauss_sec_shift = 12 - params->bit_depth + params->grain_scale_shift;
s32 gauss_sec_val = (1 << gauss_sec_shift) >> 1;
s32 i, j, k, l, pos;
u32 num_pos_chroma = 2 * params->ar_coeff_lag * (params->ar_coeff_lag + 1);
s32 rounding_offset = (1 << (params->ar_coeff_shift - 1));
s32 chroma_grain_samples = chroma_block_size_y * chroma_block_size_x;
s32 cb_block[2], cr_block[2], cb_grain_val, cr_grain_val;
u32 bit_mask = (1 << params->bit_depth) - 1;
s32 x_start = left_pad + ar_padding * (2 >> chroma_subsamp_x);
s32 x_end = chroma_block_size_x - right_pad - (ar_padding * (2 >> chroma_subsamp_x)) - 1;
s32 y_start = top_pad + ar_padding * (2 >> chroma_subsamp_x);
s32 y_end = chroma_block_size_y - bottom_pad - 1;
s32 x_pad_start = left_pad;
s32 x_pad_end = chroma_block_size_x - right_pad - 1;
s32 y_pad_start = top_pad;
s32 y_pad_end = chroma_block_size_y - bottom_pad - 1;
u8 cnt;
s32 random_num_cb, random_num_cr;
u32 block_id;
u8 do_cb = 1, do_cr = 1;
s32 grain_center = 128 << (params->bit_depth - 8);
s32 grain_min = 0 - grain_center;
s32 grain_max = (256 << (params->bit_depth - 8)) - 1 - grain_center;
s32 pred[30];
u8 subsamp = chroma_subsamp_y + chroma_subsamp_x;
u8 subsamp_val = (1 << (chroma_subsamp_y + chroma_subsamp_x)) >> 1;
table_ptr += cb_grain_block_offt;
if (params->num_y_points > 0)
for (pos = 0; pos < num_pos_chroma; pos++)
pred[pos] = pred_pos_chroma[pos][0] + pred_pos_chroma[pos][1];
if (!params->num_cb_points && !params->chroma_scaling_from_luma) {
memset(cb_grain_block, 0, sizeof(*cb_grain_block) * chroma_grain_samples);
do_cb = 0;
} else {
params->random_seed, 7 << 5);
if (!params->num_cr_points && !params->chroma_scaling_from_luma) {
memset(cr_grain_block, 0, sizeof(*cr_grain_block) * chroma_grain_samples);
do_cr = 0;
} else {
params->random_seed, 11 << 5);
block_id = 0;
for (i = 0; i < chroma_block_size_y; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < chroma_block_size_x; j++) {
if (do_cb) {
random_num_cb = get_random_number(
&params->random_register_cb, gauss_bits);
cb_grain_val =
(gaussian_seq[random_num_cb] + gauss_sec_val)
>> gauss_sec_shift;
cb_grain_block[block_id] = cb_grain_val;
if (do_cr) {
random_num_cr = get_random_number(
&params->random_register_cr, gauss_bits);
cr_grain_val =
(gaussian_seq[random_num_cr] + gauss_sec_val)
>> gauss_sec_shift;
cr_grain_block[block_id] = cr_grain_val;
if (i >= y_pad_start && i <= y_pad_end &&
j >= x_pad_start && j <= x_pad_end) {
s32 wsum_cb = 0;
s32 wsum_cr = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < num_pos_chroma; pos++) {
if (pred_pos_chroma[pos][2] == 0) {
wsum_cb += params->ar_coeffs_cb[pos] *
cb_grain_block[block_id + pred[pos]];
wsum_cr += params->ar_coeffs_cr[pos] *
cr_grain_block[block_id + pred[pos]];
} else if (pred_pos_chroma[pos][2] == 1) {
s32 av_luma = 0;
s32 luma_coord_y = ((i - top_pad) << chroma_subsamp_y) + top_pad;
s32 luma_coord_x = ((j - left_pad) << chroma_subsamp_x) + left_pad;
for (k = luma_coord_y;
k < luma_coord_y + chroma_subsamp_y + 1; k++)
for (l = luma_coord_x;
l < luma_coord_x + chroma_subsamp_x + 1; l++) {
av_luma += luma_grain_block[k * luma_grain_stride + l];
av_luma = (av_luma + subsamp_val) >> subsamp;
wsum_cb += params->ar_coeffs_cb[pos] * av_luma;
wsum_cr += params->ar_coeffs_cr[pos] * av_luma;
} else {
"Grain synthesis: prediction between two chroma components is "
"not supported!");
return -1;
if (do_cb) {
wsum_cb += rounding_offset;
wsum_cb = wsum_cb >> params->ar_coeff_shift;
cb_grain_val =
MID(cb_grain_val + wsum_cb, grain_min, grain_max);
cb_grain_block[block_id] = cb_grain_val;
if (do_cr) {
wsum_cr += rounding_offset;
wsum_cr = wsum_cr >> params->ar_coeff_shift;
cr_grain_val =
MID(cr_grain_val + wsum_cr, grain_min, grain_max);
cr_grain_block[block_id] = cr_grain_val;
if (i >= y_start && i <= y_end && j >= x_start && j <= x_end) {
cb_block[cnt] = cb_grain_val & bit_mask;
cr_block[cnt++] = cr_grain_val & bit_mask;
if (cnt == 2) {
table_ptr[0] = cb_block[0] & 0xff;
table_ptr[1] = (cr_block[0] & 0x3f) << 2;
table_ptr[1] |= (cb_block[0] >> 8) & 3;
table_ptr[2] = (cb_block[1] & 0xf) << 4;
table_ptr[2] |= (cr_block[0] >> 6) & 0xf;
table_ptr[3] = (cr_block[1] & 3) << 6;
table_ptr[3] |= (cb_block[1] >> 4) & 0x3f;
table_ptr[4] = (cr_block[1] >> 2) & 0xff;
table_ptr += 5;
cnt = 0;
return 0;
static void init_scaling_function(
s32 scaling_points[][2], u8 num_points, s32 scaling_delta[])
s64 delta;
s32 delta_y, delta_x, point;
if (num_points == 0) return;
for (point = 0; point < num_points - 1; point++) {
delta_y = scaling_points[point + 1][1] - scaling_points[point][1];
delta_x = scaling_points[point + 1][0] - scaling_points[point][0];
delta = delta_y * ((65536 + (delta_x >> 1)) / delta_x);
void convert_to_fg_table(struct aom_film_grain_t *params, u8 *table_ptr)
s32 i, j;
u32 total = 0;
if (params->num_y_points > 0 ||
params->num_cb_points > 0 ||
params->num_cr_points > 0) {
table_ptr[0] =
((params->apply_grain & 0x1) << 0) | //1bit [0]
((params->overlap_flag & 0x1) << 1) | //1bit [1]
((params->chroma_scaling_from_luma & 0x1) << 2) | //1bit [2]
((params->clip_to_restricted_range & 0x1) << 3) | //1bit [3]
((params->mc_identity & 0x1) << 4); //1bit [4]
table_ptr[1] = (params->random_seed >> 0) & 0xff; //random_seed: 16bits
table_ptr[2] = (params->random_seed >> 8) & 0xff;
table_ptr[3] =
((params->num_y_points & 0xf) << 0) | //4bit 0...14
((params->num_cb_points & 0xf) << 4); //4bit 0...10
table_ptr[4] =
((params->num_cr_points & 0xf) << 0) | //4bit 0...10
((params->scaling_shift & 0xf) << 4); //4bit: 8...11
table_ptr[5] = params->cb_luma_mult; //8bit
table_ptr[6] = params->cb_mult; //8bit
table_ptr[7] = ((params->cb_offset >> 0) & 0xff); //cb_offset:9bit
table_ptr[8] = ((params->cb_offset >> 8) & 0x1);
table_ptr[9] = params->cr_luma_mult; //8bit
table_ptr[10] = params->cr_mult; //8bit
table_ptr[11] = ((params->cr_offset >> 0) & 0xff); //cr_offset:9bit
table_ptr[12] = ((params->cr_offset >> 8) & 0x1);
table_ptr[13] = 0;
table_ptr[14] = 0;
table_ptr[15] = 0;
} else {
memset(table_ptr, 0, 16 * sizeof(char));
total = 1;
table_ptr += 16;
//y_scale (7x128bit)
if (params->num_y_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 14; i += 2) {
j = i + 1;
table_ptr[0] = params->scaling_points_y[i][0]; //x
table_ptr[1] = params->scaling_points_y[i][1]; //y
//delta, it be signed, so 25bit
table_ptr[2] = (params->scaling_delta_y[i] >> 0) & 0xff;
table_ptr[3] = (params->scaling_delta_y[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
table_ptr[4] = (params->scaling_delta_y[i] >> 16) & 0xff;
table_ptr[5] = (params->scaling_delta_y[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
table_ptr[6] = params->scaling_points_y[j][0];
table_ptr[7] = params->scaling_points_y[j][1];
table_ptr[8] =
(j == 13) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_y[j] >> 0) & 0xff);
table_ptr[9] =
(j == 13) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_y[j] >> 8) & 0xff);
table_ptr[10] =
(j == 13) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_y[j] >> 16) & 0xff);
table_ptr[11] =
(j == 13) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_y[j] >> 24) & 0xff);
table_ptr[12] = 0;
table_ptr[13] = 0;
table_ptr[14] = 0;
table_ptr[15] = 0;
table_ptr += 16;
} else {
memset(table_ptr, 0, 16 * 7 * sizeof(char));
table_ptr += 16 * 7;
total += 7;
if (params->num_cb_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
j = i + 1;
table_ptr[0] = params->scaling_points_cb[i][0];
table_ptr[1] = params->scaling_points_cb[i][1];
//delta, it be signed, so 25bit
table_ptr[2] = (params->scaling_delta_cb[i] >> 0) & 0xff;
table_ptr[3] = (params->scaling_delta_cb[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
table_ptr[4] = (params->scaling_delta_cb[i] >> 16) & 0xff;
table_ptr[5] = (params->scaling_delta_cb[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
table_ptr[6] = params->scaling_points_cb[j][0];
table_ptr[7] = params->scaling_points_cb[j][1];
table_ptr[8] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cb[j] >> 0) & 0xff);
table_ptr[9] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cb[j] >> 8) & 0xff);
table_ptr[10] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cb[j] >> 16) & 0xff);
table_ptr[11] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cb[j] >> 24) & 0xff);
table_ptr[12] = 0;
table_ptr[13] = 0;
table_ptr[14] = 0;
table_ptr[15] = 0;
table_ptr += 16;
} else {
memset(table_ptr, 0, 16 * 5 * sizeof(char));
table_ptr += 16 * 5;
total += 5;
if (params->num_cr_points > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {
j = i + 1;
table_ptr[0] = params->scaling_points_cr[i][0];
table_ptr[1] = params->scaling_points_cr[i][1];
//delta, it be signed, so 25bit
table_ptr[2] = (params->scaling_delta_cr[i] >> 0) & 0xff;
table_ptr[3] = (params->scaling_delta_cr[i] >> 8) & 0xff;
table_ptr[4] = (params->scaling_delta_cr[i] >> 16) & 0xff;
table_ptr[5] = (params->scaling_delta_cr[i] >> 24) & 0xff;
table_ptr[6] = params->scaling_points_cr[j][0];
table_ptr[7] = params->scaling_points_cr[j][1];
table_ptr[8] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cr[j] >> 0) & 0xff);
table_ptr[9] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cr[j] >> 8) & 0xff);
table_ptr[10] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cr[j] >> 16) & 0xff);
table_ptr[11] =
(j == 9) ? 0 : ((params->scaling_delta_cr[j] >> 24) & 0xff);
table_ptr[12] = 0;
table_ptr[13] = 0;
table_ptr[14] = 0;
table_ptr[15] = 0;
table_ptr += 16;
} else {
memset(table_ptr, 0, 16 * 5 * sizeof(char));
table_ptr += 16 * 5;
//total += 5;
//total += 480;//320;
void av1_add_film_grain_run(char *fg_table_buf, struct aom_film_grain_t *params)
s32 **pred_pos_luma;
s32 **pred_pos_chroma;
s32 *luma_grain_block;
s32 *cb_grain_block;
s32 *cr_grain_block;
s32 luma_block_size_y, luma_block_size_x;
s32 chroma_block_size_y, chroma_block_size_x;
s32 chroma_subblock_size_y, chroma_subblock_size_x;
s32 chroma_subsamp_x = 1;
s32 chroma_subsamp_y = 1;
ulong start_time, step_time;
u32 time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6;
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME)
start_time = step_time = local_clock();
chroma_subblock_size_y = luma_subblock_size_y >> chroma_subsamp_y;
chroma_subblock_size_x = luma_subblock_size_x >> chroma_subsamp_x;
// Initial padding is only needed for generation of
// film grain templates (to stabilize the AR process)
// Only a 64x64 luma and 32x32 chroma part of a template
// is used later for adding grain, padding can be discarded
luma_block_size_y = top_pad + 2 * ar_padding +
luma_subblock_size_y * 2 + bottom_pad;
luma_block_size_x = left_pad + 2 * ar_padding +
luma_subblock_size_x * 2 + 2 * ar_padding + right_pad;
chroma_block_size_y = top_pad + (2 >> chroma_subsamp_y) * ar_padding +
chroma_subblock_size_y * 2 + bottom_pad;
chroma_block_size_x = left_pad + (2 >> chroma_subsamp_x) * ar_padding +
chroma_subblock_size_x * 2 +
(2 >> chroma_subsamp_x) * ar_padding + right_pad;
init_arrays(params, &pred_pos_luma,
&pred_pos_chroma, &luma_grain_block,
&cb_grain_block, &cr_grain_block,
luma_block_size_y * luma_block_size_x,
chroma_block_size_y * chroma_block_size_x,
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time1 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
step_time = local_clock();
pred_pos_luma, luma_grain_block,
luma_block_size_y, luma_block_size_x,
luma_block_size_x, fg_table_buf);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time2 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
step_time = local_clock();
pred_pos_chroma, luma_grain_block,
cb_grain_block, cr_grain_block,
chroma_block_size_y, chroma_block_size_x,
chroma_subsamp_y, chroma_subsamp_x,
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time3 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
step_time = local_clock();
if (!params->chroma_scaling_from_luma) {
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time4 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
step_time = local_clock();
convert_to_fg_table(params, fg_table_buf);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time5 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
step_time = local_clock();
&pred_pos_luma, &pred_pos_chroma,
&cb_grain_block, &cr_grain_block);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_CONSUME_TIME) {
time6 = div64_u64(local_clock() - step_time, 1000);
pr_info("fgs consume time %d (%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)us\n",
div64_u64(local_clock() - start_time, 1000), time1, time2, time3, time4, time5, time6);
/* Film Grain Entry */
#if 0
int pic_film_grain_run(char *fg_table_addr, u32 fgs_ctrl, u32 *fgs_data)
int pic_film_grain_run(u32 frame_count, char *fg_table_addr, u32 fgs_ctrl, u32 *fgs_data)
struct aom_film_grain_t fg_params;
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_REGS) {
int i;
pr_info("film grain ctrl: 0x%08x\n", fgs_ctrl);
for (i = 0; i < FILM_GRAIN_REG_SIZE; i++) {
pr_info("film grain reg[%02d]: 0x%08x\n", i, fgs_data[i]);
film_grain_data_parse(&fg_params, fgs_ctrl, fgs_data);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_REGS_PARSE) {
av1_add_film_grain_run(fg_table_addr, &fg_params);
if (debug_fgs & DEBUG_FGS_TABLE_DUMP) {
#define FGS_TABLE_SIZE (512 * 128 / 8)
struct file *fg_fp = NULL;
char file[256] = {0};
snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "/data/tmp/fgs_table_%d.bin", frame_count - 1);
fg_fp = filp_open(file, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_TRUNC, 0666);
if (IS_ERR(fg_fp)) {
fg_fp = NULL;
printk(KERN_ERR"open %s failed\n", file);
} else {
kernel_write(fg_fp, fg_table_addr, FGS_TABLE_SIZE, &fg_fp->f_pos);
filp_close(fg_fp, current->files);
fg_fp = NULL;
return 0;
int get_debug_fgs(void)
return debug_fgs;