blob: 99340bac3abb1e3725aac130fd0291f20873ca9c [file] [log] [blame]
* Marvell GPL License Option
* If you received this File from Marvell, you may opt to use, redistribute and/or
* modify this File in accordance with the terms and conditions of the General
* Public License Version 2, June 1991 (the "GPL License"), a copy of which is
* available along with the File in the license.txt file or by writing to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 or
* on the worldwide web at
* DISCLAIMED. The GPL License provides additional details about this warranty
* disclaimer.
* $Log: vsys#comm#inc#cinclude.h_1,v $
* Revision 1.12 2007-04-17 21:54:01-07 lsha
* ...No comments entered during checkin...
* Revision 1.11 2006-09-22 16:04:08-07 lsha
* ...No comments entered during checkin...
* Revision 1.10 2006-09-12 20:01:01-07 lsha
* ...No comments entered during checkin...
* Revision 1.9 2006-07-05 13:19:22-07 lsha
* more bit-field ops added
* Revision 1.8 2006-06-19 19:20:47-07 lsha
* ...No comments entered during checkin...
* Revision 1.7 2006-06-12 20:00:06-07 lsha
* ...No comments entered during checkin...
* Revision 1.6 2006-06-01 21:13:44-07 lsha
* Resolve the warning of shifting negative bits
* Revision 1.5 2006-05-09 19:53:30-07 lsha
* SOS "$Log: vsys#comm#inc#cinclude.h_1,v $
* SOS "Revision 1.12 2007-04-17 21:54:01-07 lsha
* SOS "...No comments entered during checkin...
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.11 2006-09-22 16:04:08-07 lsha
* SOS "...No comments entered during checkin...
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.10 2006-09-12 20:01:01-07 lsha
* SOS "...No comments entered during checkin...
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.9 2006-07-05 13:19:22-07 lsha
* SOS "more bit-field ops added
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.8 2006-06-19 19:20:47-07 lsha
* SOS "...No comments entered during checkin...
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.7 2006-06-12 20:00:06-07 lsha
* SOS "...No comments entered during checkin...
* SOS "
* SOS "Revision 1.6 2006-06-01 21:13:44-07 lsha
* SOS "Resolve the warning of shifting negative bits
* SOS "" tag added.
* Revision 1.4 2006-05-09 12:01:44-07 lsha
* Initial revision.
* Strongly suggested to be included by all C/C++ files.
* It includes useful functional macro definitions.
* Pre-definition build options:
* __big_endian__ Optionally defined in "_proj.h" for big-endian system only.
#ifndef CINCLUDE
#define CINCLUDE " CINCLUDE >>> "
#include "cbase.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/** SECTION - macros for basic math operations
#ifdef MIN
#undef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#ifdef MAX
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#ifdef ABS
#undef ABS
#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? - (x) : (x))
INLINE SIGN32 ABS32(SIGN32 x) { SIGN32 s = x >> 31; return (x ^ s) - s; }
#ifdef SIGN
#undef SIGN
#define SIGN(x) ((x) < 0 ? - 1 : 1)
#ifdef ROUND
#undef ROUND
#define ROUND(x) ((SIGN32)floor((x) + 0.5))
#define SCLb(k) (31 & (k))
#define UNIVSCL(a, k) (((k) < 0) ? ((a) >> SCLb(- (k))) : ((a) << SCLb(k)))
#define UNSGDES(a, k) (((a) + (1 << SCLb(k) >> 1)) >> SCLb(k))
#define UNSGSCL(a, k) (((k) < 0) ? UNSGDES(a, - (k)) : ((a) << SCLb(k)))
#define SIGNDES(a, k) (((a) > 0) ? - UNSGDES(- (a), k) : UNSGDES(a, k))
#define SIGNSCL(a, k) (((k) < 0) ? SIGNDES(a, - (k)) : ((a) << SCLb(k)))
#define REALSCL(a, k) (((k) < 0) ? (a) / (1 << SCLb(- (k))) : (a) * (1 << SCLb(k)))
#define UNIVRND(k) UNIVSCL(1, (k) - 1)
#define EVENDIV(x) (((x) >> 1) | ((x) & 1))
#define CEILDIV(a, b) (((a) + (b) - 1) / (b))
#define UNSGDIV(a, b) (((a) + ((b) >> 1)) / (b))
#define SIGNDIV(a, b) ((((a) > 0) ? ((a) + ((b) >> 1)) : ((a) - ((b) >> 1))) / (b))
#define NSclDIV(a, k1, b, k2) ((a) * (k1) / (b) * (k2) + UNSGDIV((((a) * (k1)) % (b)) * (k2), b))
#define Average256(x1, x2, a) (((x1) * (a) + (x2) * (256 - (a)) + 128) >> 8)
#define Average(x1, x2, a, s) (((x1) * (a) + (x2) * ((s) - (a)) + ((s) >> 1)) / (s))
#define Average3(r, x1, p1, x2, p2, x3, p3) \
(((r) + (x1) * (p1) + (x2) * (p2) + (x3) * (p3)) / ((p1) + (p2) + (p3)))
#define Median(a, b, c) ((a) > (b) ? ((b) > (c) ? (b) : MIN(a, c)) : ((b) < (c) ? (b) : MAX(a, c)))
#define SATURATE(x, min, max) MAX(MIN((x), (max)), (min))
#define ModInc(x, i, mod) do{ (x) += (i); while((x) >= (mod)) (x) -= (mod); }while(0)
#define RangeBits(x, b) do{ for((b) = 0; ; (b) ++) \
if((UNSG32)(x) < (UNSG32)(1 << (b))) break; \
/** SECTION - macros for bits operations
#define bTST(x, b) (((x) >> (b)) & 1)
#define bSETMASK(b) ((b) < 32 ? (1 << (b)) : 0)
#define bSET(x, b) do{ (x) |= bSETMASK(b); }while(0)
#define bCLRMASK(b) (~(bSETMASK(b)))
#define bCLR(x, b) do{ (x) &= bCLRMASK(b); }while(0)
#define NSETMASK(msb, lsb) (bSETMASK((msb) + 1) - bSETMASK(lsb))
#define NCLRMASK(msb, lsb) (~(NSETMASK(msb, lsb)))
#define CutTo(x, b) ((x) & (bSETMASK(b) - 1))
#define SignedRestore(x, b) ((SIGN32)(x) << (32 - (b)) >> (32 - (b)))
#define SignMagnitude(x, b) CutTo((x) < 0 ? bSETMASK((b) - 1) - (x) : (x), b)
#define InvSignMagnitude(x, b) ((SIGN32)(bTST(x, (b) - 1) ? bSETMASK((b) - 1) - (x) : (x)))
#define ClpSignMagnitude(r, x, b) do{ SIGN32 lmt = (1 << ((b) - 1)) - 1, y = SATURATE(x, - lmt, lmt); \
r = SignMagnitude(y, b); \
#define GetField(r, b, mask) (((r) & (mask)) >> (b))
#define vreg_GetField(r, name) GetField(r, CB_##name, CM_##name)
#define SetField(r, b, mask, f) do{ (r) &= ~(mask); (r) |= ((f) << (b)) & (mask); }while(0)
#define vreg_SetField(r, name, f) SetField(r, CB_##name, CM_##name, f)
#define vreg_Init(a, v, reg, rst, base) do{ (a) = (base) + RA_##reg; (v) = (rst); }while(0)
#define GetUnsigned(bf, v, b) do{ (v) = (UNSG32)(bf); }while(0)
#define GetSigned(bf, v, b) do{ (v) = SignedRestore((UNSG32)bf, b); }while(0)
#define GetSignMagnitude(bf, v, b) do{ (v) = InvSignMagnitude((UNSG32)bf, b); }while(0)
#define SetUnsigned(bf, v, b) do{ (bf) = CutTo((UNSG32)v, b); }while(0)
#define SetSigned(bf, v, b) SetUnsigned(bf, v, b)
#define SetSignMagnitude(bf, v, b) do{ (bf) = SignMagnitude((SIGN32)v, b); }while(0)
#define UnsignedBF(v, b, lsb) (CutTo((UNSG32)v, b) << (lsb))
#define SignedBF(v, b, lsb) (CutTo((SIGN32)v, b) << (lsb))
#define SignMagnitudeBF(v, b, lsb) (SignMagnitude((SIGN32)v, b) << (lsb))
#define sizeofType(Ta, Tb) (sizeof(Ta) / sizeof(Tb))
#define sizeofArray(arr) (sizeofType(arr, arr[0]))
#define endofString(str, i) ((str) + (strlen(str) - i))
#ifdef __big_endian__
#define MSi8 (0x0)
#define LSi8 (0x3)
#define MSi16 (0x0)
#define LSi16 (0x1)
#define MSB32(u32) (((UNSG8*)&(u32))[0])
#define LSB32(u32) (((UNSG8*)&(u32))[3])
#define MSi8 (0x3)
#define LSi8 (0x0)
#define MSi16 (0x1)
#define LSi16 (0x0)
#define MSB32(u32) (((UNSG8*)&(u32))[3])
#define LSB32(u32) (((UNSG8*)&(u32))[0])
/** SECTION - macros for miscellaneous functional shortcuts
/* FIFO level decrease by N, return SUCCESS or ERR_FIFO if under-flow */
#define FiFoDec(lvl, n) (((lvl) < (n)) ? ERR_FIFO : ((lvl) -= (n), SUCCESS))
/* FIFO level increase by N, return SUCCESS or ERR_FIFO if over-flow */
#define FiFoInc(lvl, n, max) (((lvl) + (n) > (max)) ? ERR_FIFO : ((lvl) += (n), SUCCESS))
/* Parse function arguments */
#define LET(x, arg, dftval) do{ if((arg) != ARG_KEEP) x = ((arg) == ARG_AUTO) ? (dftval) : (arg); \
/* Copy an array */
#define CpyN(n, T, tgt, src) do{ SIGN32 ni; \
for(ni = 0; ni < (n); ni ++) (tgt)[ni] = (T)((src)[ni]); \
/* Clip-copy an array */
#define ClpN(n, tgt, src, min, max) do{ SIGN32 ni; \
for(ni = 0; ni < (n); ni ++) \
(tgt)[ni] = SATURATE((src)[ni], min, max); \
/* Optimize memory pointer (default: pow2 = 32) */
#define MemAlign(pmem, pow2) (((UNSG8*)(pmem)) + ((pow2) - 1) - ((ptr32u(pmem) - 1) & ((pow2) - 1)))
/* Copy 2 32b pointers (non-burst mode) */
#define RegCpy(pa, pb, regs) do{ SIGN32 ni, cnt = (regs); \
for(ni = 0; ni < cnt; ni ++) ((UNSG32*)pa)[ni] = ((UNSG32*)pb)[ni]; \
/* Copy 2 pointers of any same structure type */
#define EleCpy(pa, pb, type) RegCpy(pa, pb, sizeof(type) >> 2)
/* Print a number to binary bits */
#define ToBinary(x, b, str) do{ SIGN32 ni; \
for(ni = 0; ni < (b); ni ++) \
(str)[ni] = bTST(x, (b) - ni - 1) ? '1' : '0'; \
(str)[ni] = 0; \
/* Scan a number from binary bits */
#define FromBinary(x, b, str) do{ SIGN32 ni; (x) = 0; \
for(ni = 0; ni < (b); ni ++) \
(x) = ((x) << 1) | (((str)[ni] == '1') ? 1 : 0); \
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** ENDOFFILE: cinclude.h *********************************************************************************************