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* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for
* any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
* above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
* @file nss_ipsec_cmn.h
* NSS IPsec interface definitions.
#ifndef __NSS_IPSEC_CMN_H_
#define __NSS_IPSEC_CMN_H_
* @addtogroup nss_ipsec_subsystem
* @{
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_ARPHRD_IPSEC 31 /**< ARP ( hardware type for an IPsec tunnel. */
* Flags for SA configuration.
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_IPV6 (0x1 << 0) /**< IPv6 header. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_IPV4_NATT (0x1 << 1) /**< IPv4 NAT traversal. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_IPV4_UDP (0x1 << 2) /**< IPv4 UDP traversal. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_ESP_ESN (0x1 << 3) /**< Enable ESP extended sequence number. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_ESP_SKIP (0x1 << 4) /**< Skip ESP sequence number and ICV. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_ESP_REPLAY (0x1 << 5) /**< Check ESP replay counter. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_CIPHER_NULL (0x1 << 6) /**< NULL cipher mode. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_CIPHER_GCM (0x1 << 7) /**< Galios counter mode. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_COPY_DSCP (0x1 << 8) /**< Copy DSCP from inner to outer header. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_COPY_DF (0x1 << 9) /**< Copy DF from inner node to outer node. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FLAG_MODE_TRANS (0x1 << 10) /**< Encapsulate or decapsulate in transport mode (default is tunnel mode). */
/**< Flag header mask. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_FEATURE_INLINE_ACCEL 0x1 /**< Interface enabled for inline exception. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_VERSION 0x01 /**< Metadata version. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_MAGIC 0x8893 /**< Metadata magic. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_ORIGIN_HOST 0x01 /**< Metadata originates at the host. */
#define NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_ALIGN_SZ sizeof(uint32_t) /**< Metadata alignment size. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type
* IPsec message types.
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type {
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_NONE = 0, /**< Nothing to do. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_NODE_CONFIG = 1, /**< Configure IPsec node. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_CTX_CONFIG = 2, /**< Configure IPsec dynamic node. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_CTX_SYNC = 3, /**< Synchronize context statistics to host. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_SA_SYNC = 6, /**< Synchronize SA statistics to host. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_FLOW_CREATE = 7, /**< Create flow. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_TYPE_FLOW_DESTROY = 8, /**< Delete flow. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_error
* IPsec message error types.
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_error {
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_NONE = 0, /**< No error. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_CTX_INVAL = 1, /**< Invalid context. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_SA_ALLOC = 2, /**< Failed to allocate SA. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_SA_DUP = 4, /**< SA exists. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_SA_INUSE = 5, /**< SA is in use. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_FLOW_ALLOC = 6, /**< Failed to allocate flow. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_FLOW_INVAL = 7, /**< Flow not found. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_FLOW_DUP = 8, /**< Duplicate flow. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_FLOW_SA = 9, /**< Failed to find SA for the flow. */
/**< Error registering dynamic interface. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_UNHANDLED_MSG= 11, /**< Unhandled message type. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MSG_ERROR_MAX /**< Maximum error message. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_type
* IPsec context type.
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_type {
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_CTX_TYPE_NONE = 0, /**< Invalid direction. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_CTX_TYPE_INNER, /**< Encapsulation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_CTX_TYPE_MDATA_INNER, /**< Metadata for encapsulation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_CTX_TYPE_OUTER, /**< Decapsulation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_CTX_TYPE_MDATA_OUTER, /**< Metadata for decapsulation. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_types
* IPsec common statistics types.
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_types {
/**< Failure in headroom check. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_TAILROOM, /**< Failure in tailroom check. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_REPLAY, /**< Failure in anti-replay check. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_REPLAY_DUP, /**< Failure in anti-replay; duplicate records. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_REPLAY_WIN, /**< Failure in anti-replay; packet outside the window. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_PBUF_CRYPTO, /**< Failure in crypto pbuf allocation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_QUEUE, /**< Failure due to queue full in IPsec. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_QUEUE_CRYPTO, /**< Failure due to queue full in crypto. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_QUEUE_NEXTHOP, /**< Failure due to queue full in next hop. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_PBUF_ALLOC, /**< Failure in pbuf allocation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_PBUF_LINEAR, /**< Failure in pbuf linearization. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_PBUF_STATS, /**< Failure in pbuf allocation for statistics. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_PBUF_ALIGN, /**< Failure in pbuf access due to non-word alignmnt */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_CIPHER, /**< Failure in decrypting the data. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_AUTH, /**< Failure in authenticating the data. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_SEQ_OVF, /**< Failure due to sequence number rollover. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_BLK_LEN, /**< Failure in decapsulation due to bad cipher block length. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_HASH_LEN, /**< Failure in decapsulation due to bad hash block length. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_TRANSFORM, /**< Failure in transformation; general error. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_CRYPTO, /**< Failure in crypto transformation. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_FAIL_CLE, /**< Failure in classification; general failure. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_IS_STOPPED, /**< Indicates if SA is stopped; for example: sequence overflow. */
NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_MAX, /**< Maximum statistics type. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_flow_tuple
* IPsec tuple for creating flow entries.
* Note: This is a common selector which is used for preparing
* a lookup tuple for incoming packets. The tuple is used
* for computing the hash index in the flow table. There are multiple
* fields in the tuple and the recipient node decides which fields
* it must use from the tuple to calculate the hash index. The host
* has no view of the hash index and hence must compute its own index
* based on the tuple.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_flow_tuple {
uint32_t dest_ip[4]; /**< Destination IP. */
uint32_t src_ip[4]; /**< Source IP. */
uint32_t spi_index; /**< ESP SPI index. */
uint16_t dst_port; /**< Destination L4 port. */
uint16_t src_port; /**< Source L4 port. */
uint8_t user_pattern; /**< User defined field. */
uint8_t protocol; /**< IP protocol types. */
uint8_t ip_ver; /**< IP version. */
* IPsec outer header configuration.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple {
uint32_t dest_ip[4]; /**< Destination IP. */
uint32_t src_ip[4]; /**< Source IP. */
uint32_t spi_index; /**< ESP SPI index. */
uint16_t dest_port; /* Destination L4 port. */
uint16_t src_port; /* Source L4 port. */
uint16_t crypto_index; /**< Crypto index for the SA. */
uint8_t protocol; /**< Outer protocol. */
uint8_t ip_ver; /**< IP version. */
uint8_t hop_limit; /**< Time-to-Live or next hop limit. */
uint8_t res[3]; /**< Reserved. */
* IPsec SA data used for transformation.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_data {
uint32_t seq_start; /**< Starting sequence number. */
uint32_t flags; /**< Configuration flags. */
uint16_t window_size; /**< ESP sequence number window. */
uint8_t dscp; /**< Default DSCP value of the SA. */
uint8_t df; /**< Default do not fragment value of the SA. */
uint8_t blk_len; /**< Cipher block length. */
uint8_t iv_len; /**< IV length. */
uint8_t icv_len; /**< ESP trailers ICV length to apply. */
uint8_t res1; /**< Reserved. */
uint32_t res2[4]; /**< Reserved for future use. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_flow
* IPsec flow configuration message.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_flow {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_flow_tuple flow_tuple; /**< Flow tuple. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple sa_tuple; /**< SA tuple. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_sa
* IPsec SA configuration message.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple sa_tuple; /**< SA tuple. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_data sa_data; /**< SA data. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx
* IPsec context configuration.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx {
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_type type; /**< Node type. */
uint32_t except_ifnum; /**< Exception interface for egress. */
uint32_t sibling_ifnum; /**< Sibling interface. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_node
* IPsec node configuration.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_node {
bool dma_redirect; /**< Enable redirect DMA ring. */
bool dma_lookaside; /**< Enable lookaside DMA ring. */
uint16_t max_sa; /**< Maximum number of SA(s) supported. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_replay
* IPsec replay statistics
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_replay {
uint64_t seq_start; /**< Start of replay window. */
uint64_t seq_cur; /**< Current sequence number. */
uint16_t window_size; /**< Window size. */
uint8_t res[6]; /**< Reserved for future use. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_stats
* IPsec SA statistics.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_stats {
struct nss_cmn_node_stats cmn_stats; /**< Packet statistics. */
uint32_t fail_headroom; /**< Failed headroom check. */
uint32_t fail_tailroom; /**< Failed tailroom check. */
uint32_t fail_replay; /**< Failure in anti-replay check. */
uint32_t fail_replay_dup; /**< Failure in anti-replay; duplicate records. */
uint32_t fail_replay_win; /**< Failure in anti-replay; packet outside the window. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_crypto; /**< Failed to allocate crypto pbuf. */
uint32_t fail_queue; /**< Failure due to queue full in IPsec. */
uint32_t fail_queue_crypto; /**< Failure due to queue full in crypto. */
uint32_t fail_queue_nexthop; /**< Failure due to queue full in next hop. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_alloc; /**< Failure in pbuf allocation. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_linear; /**< Failure in pbuf linearization. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_stats; /**< Failure in pbuf allocation for statistics. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_align; /**< Failure in pbuf access due to non-word alignment. */
uint32_t fail_cipher; /**< Failure in decrypting the data. */
uint32_t fail_auth; /**< Failure in authenticating the data. */
uint32_t fail_seq_ovf; /**< Failure due to sequence number rollover. */
uint32_t fail_blk_len; /**< Failure in decapsulation due to bad cipher block length. */
uint32_t fail_hash_len; /**< Failure in decapsulation due to bad hash block length. */
uint32_t fail_transform; /**< Failure in transformation; general error. */
uint32_t fail_crypto; /**< Failure in crypto transformation. */
uint32_t fail_cle; /**< Failure in classification; general failure. */
uint32_t is_stopped; /**< Indicates if SA is stopped; for example, sequence overflow. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_sync
* IPsec SA sync message.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_sync {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_replay replay; /**< Replay statistics. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple sa_tuple; /**< SA tuple. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_stats stats; /**< Packet and failure statistics. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_stats
* IPsec context statistics.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_stats {
struct nss_cmn_node_stats cmn_stats;
/**< Packet statistics. */
uint32_t exceptioned; /**< Exceptioned to host. */
uint32_t linearized; /**< Linearized packets. */
uint32_t redirected; /**< Redirected from inline. */
uint32_t dropped; /**< Total dropped packets. */
uint32_t fail_sa; /**< Failed to find SA. */
uint32_t fail_flow; /**< Failed to find flow. */
uint32_t fail_stats; /**< Failed to send statistics. */
uint32_t fail_exception; /**< Failed to exception. */
uint32_t fail_transform; /**< Failed to produce output. */
uint32_t fail_linearized; /**< Failed to linearize. */
uint32_t fail_mdata_ver; /**< Invalid metadata version. */
uint32_t fail_ctx_active; /**< Failed to queue as context is not active. */
uint32_t fail_pbuf_crypto; /**< Failed to allocate pbuf for crypto operation. */
uint32_t fail_queue_crypto; /**< Failed to queue pbuf to crypto pnode. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_sync
* IPsec context synchronous message.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_sync {
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_type type; /**< IPsec context type. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_stats stats; /**< Context statistics. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_cmn
* IPsec common metadata information.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_cmn {
uint8_t version; /**< Metadata version. */
uint8_t origin; /**< Metadata origin (host or NSS). */
uint16_t len; /**< Metadata length including extra bytes. */
uint8_t res[2]; /**< Reserved for future. */
uint16_t magic; /**< Metadata magic. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_encap
* IPsec encapsulation metadata information.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_encap {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple sa; /**< SA tuple. */
uint32_t seq_num; /**< Sequence number for encapsulation (zero disables it). */
uint16_t data_len; /**< Length of data to encapsulate. */
uint16_t flags; /**< Encapsulation metadata flags. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_decap
* IPsec decapsulation metadata information.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_decap {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_tuple sa; /**< SA tuple. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata
* IPsec metadata for host originated packets.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_cmn cm; /**< Common metadata. */
union {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_encap encap; /**< Encapsulation metadata. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_decap decap; /**< Decapsulation metadata. */
} data; /**< Metadata payload. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_notification
* IPsec common transmission statistics structure.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_notification {
uint64_t stats_ctx[NSS_IPSEC_CMN_STATS_MAX]; /**< Context transmission statistics. */
uint32_t core_id; /**< Core ID. */
uint32_t if_num; /**< Interface number. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg
* Message structure for NSS IPsec messages.
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_msg {
struct nss_cmn_msg cm; /**< Common message header. */
* Payload of IPsec interface message.
union {
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_node node; /**< Node configuration message. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx ctx; /**< Context configuration message. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa sa; /**< SA configuration message. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_flow flow; /**< Flow configuration message. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_sa_sync sa_sync; /**< SA statistics message. */
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_ctx_sync ctx_sync; /**< Context statistics message. */
} msg; /**< Message payload. */
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_init
* Initialize the metadata common fields.
* @datatypes
* nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata
* @param[in] mdata Metadata pointer.
* @param[in] len Metadata length including extra bytes.
* @return
* Pointer to metadata payload.
static inline void *nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata_init(struct nss_ipsec_cmn_mdata *mdata, uint16_t len)
mdata->cm.len = len;
mdata->cm.magic = NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_MAGIC;
mdata->cm.version = NSS_IPSEC_CMN_MDATA_VERSION;
return &mdata->data;
* Callback function for receiving message notifications.
* @datatypes
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg
* @param[in] app_data Pointer to the application context of the message.
* @param[in] msg Pointer to the message data.
typedef void (*nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t)(void *app_data, struct nss_cmn_msg *msg);
* Callback function for receiving data.
* @datatypes
* net_device \n
* sk_buff \n
* napi_struct
* @param[in] netdev Pointer to the associated network device.
* @param[in] skb Pointer to the message data.
* @param[in] napi Pointer to the NAPI structure.
typedef void (*nss_ipsec_cmn_data_callback_t)(struct net_device *netdev, struct sk_buff *skb, struct napi_struct *napi);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_get_context
* Gets the NSS context for the IPsec handle.
* @return
* Pointer to the NSS core context.
extern struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ipsec_cmn_get_context(void);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_get_ifnum_with_coreid
* Gets the IPsec interface number with a core ID.
* @param[in] ifnum NSS interface number.
* @return
* Interface number with the core ID.
extern uint32_t nss_ipsec_cmn_get_ifnum_with_coreid(int32_t ifnum);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_unregister_if
* Deregisters an IPSEC tunnel interface from the NSS.
* @param[in] if_num NSS interface number.
* @return
* None.
* @dependencies
* The tunnel interface must have been previously registered.
* @return
* True if successful, else false.
extern bool nss_ipsec_cmn_unregister_if(uint32_t if_num);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_register_if
* Registers the IPsec interface with the NSS for sending and
* receiving messages.
* @datatypes
* nss_ipsec_cmn_data_callback_t \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t \n
* nss_dynamic_interface_type \n
* net_device
* @param[in] if_num NSS interface number.
* @param[in] netdev Pointer to the associated network device.
* @param[in] cb_data Callback for the data.
* @param[in] cb_msg Callback for the message.
* @param[in] features Socket buffer types supported by this interface.
* @param[in] type Dynamic interface type.
* @param[in] app_data Application context.
* @return
* Pointer to the NSS core context.
extern struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ipsec_cmn_register_if(uint32_t if_num, struct net_device *netdev,
nss_ipsec_cmn_data_callback_t cb_data,
nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t cb_msg,
uint32_t features, enum nss_dynamic_interface_type type, void *app_data);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_notify_unregister
* Deregisters the message notifier from the HLOS driver.
* @datatypes
* nss_ctx_instance
* @param[in,out] ctx Pointer to the context of the HLOS driver.
* @param[in] if_num NSS interface number.
* @return
* None.
* @dependencies
* The message notifier must have been previously registered.
extern void nss_ipsec_cmn_notify_unregister(struct nss_ctx_instance *ctx, uint32_t if_num);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_notify_register
* Registers an event callback to handle notifications from the IPsec firmware package.
* @datatypes
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t \n
* @param[in] ifnum NSS interface number.
* @param[in] cb Callback for IPsec message.
* @param[in] app_data Pointer to the application context.
* @return
* Pointer to the NSS core context.
extern struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ipsec_cmn_notify_register(uint32_t ifnum, nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t cb, void *app_data);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_init
* Initializes an IPsec message.
* @datatypes
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t
* @param[in,out] nim Pointer to the NSS interface message.
* @param[in] if_num NSS interface number.
* @param[in] type Type of message.
* @param[in] len Size of the payload.
* @param[in] cb Callback function for the message.
* @param[in] app_data Pointer to the application context of the message.
* @return
* None.
extern void nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_init(struct nss_ipsec_cmn_msg *nim, uint16_t if_num, enum nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type type,
uint16_t len, nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_callback_t cb, void *app_data);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_msg
* Sends an asynchronous IPsec message to the NSS.
* @datatypes
* nss_ctx_instance \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg
* @param[in] nss_ctx Pointer to the NSS HLOS driver context.
* @param[in] msg Pointer to the message data.
* @return
* Status of the Tx operation.
extern nss_tx_status_t nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_msg(struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ctx, struct nss_ipsec_cmn_msg *msg);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_msg_sync
* Sends a synchronous IPsec message to the NSS.
* @datatypes
* nss_ctx_instance \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type \n
* nss_ipsec_cmn_msg
* @param[in] nss_ctx Pointer to the NSS HLOS driver context.
* @param[in] if_num NSS interface number.
* @param[in] type Type of message.
* @param[in] len Size of the payload.
* @param[in] nicm Pointer to the NSS IPsec message.
* @return
* Status of the Tx operation.
extern nss_tx_status_t nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_msg_sync(struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ctx, uint32_t if_num,
enum nss_ipsec_cmn_msg_type type, uint16_t len,
struct nss_ipsec_cmn_msg *nicm);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_buf
* Sends a buffer to NSS for IPsec encapsulation or de-capsulation.
* @datatypes
* sk_buff \n
* nss_ctx_instance
* @param[in] nss_ctx Pointer to the NSS HLOS driver context.
* @param[in] skb Pointer to the message data.
* @param[in] if_num Pointer to the NSS interface number.
* @return
* Status of the Tx operation.
extern nss_tx_status_t nss_ipsec_cmn_tx_buf(struct nss_ctx_instance *nss_ctx, struct sk_buff *skb, uint32_t if_num);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ppe_port_config
* Configure Packet Processing Engine IPsec port.
* @datatypes
* nss_ctx_instance \n
* net_device
* @param[in] ctx Pointer to the context of the HLOS driver.
* @param[in] netdev Pointer to the associated network device.
* @param[in] if_num Data interface number.
* @param[in] vsi_num Virtual switch instance number.
* @return
* True if successful, else false.
extern bool nss_ipsec_cmn_ppe_port_config(struct nss_ctx_instance *ctx, struct net_device *netdev,
uint32_t if_num, uint32_t vsi_num);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_ppe_mtu_update()
* Configure Packet Processing Engine MTU for IPsec inline.
* @datatypes
* nss_ctx_instance
* @param[in] ctx Pointer to the context of the HLOS driver.
* @param[in] if_num Data interface number.
* @param[in] mtu Maximum transmission unit of interface number.
* @param[in] mru Maximum receive unit of interface number.
* @return
* True if successful, else false.
bool nss_ipsec_cmn_ppe_mtu_update(struct nss_ctx_instance *ctx, uint32_t if_num, uint16_t mtu, uint16_t mru);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_unregister_notifier
* Deregisters a statistics notifier.
* @datatypes
* notifier_block
* @param[in] nb Notifier block.
* @return
* 0 on success or non-zero on failure.
extern int nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_unregister_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
* nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_register_notifier
* Registers a statistics notifier.
* @datatypes
* notifier_block
* @param[in] nb Notifier block.
* @return
* 0 on success or non-zero on failure.
extern int nss_ipsec_cmn_stats_register_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
* @}
#endif /* !__NSS_IPSEC_CMN_H */