blob: 5b9309010395dfaf8b6734f1398923a79576c40f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2019 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved.
#include <asm/arch/secure_apb.h>
#include <asm/arch/timing.h>
#include <asm/arch/ddr_define.h>
/* board clk defines */
#define CPU_CLK 1512
/* ddr config support multiple configs for boards which use same bootloader:
* config steps:
* 1. add a new data struct in __ddr_setting[]
* 2. config correct board_id, ddr_type, freq, etc..
/* CAUTION!! */
/* Confirm ddr configs with hardware designer,
* if you don't know how to config, then don't edit it
/* Key configs */
* board_id: check hardware adc config
* dram_rank_config:
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_16BIT_CH0 0x1
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_16BIT_RANK01_CH0 0x4
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK0_CH0 0x2
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK01_CH01 0x3
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_16BIT_RANK0_CH0 0x5
* #define CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_16BIT_RANK01_CH0 0x6
* DramType:
* #define CONFIG_DDR_TYPE_DDR3 0
* #define CONFIG_DDR_TYPE_DDR4 1
* DRAMFreq:
* {pstate0, pstate1, pstate2, pstate3} //more than one pstate means use dynamic freq
/* ddr configs */
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx1 0
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx2 1
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx4 2
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx8 3
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR3_512Mbx16 4
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx1 5
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx2 6
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx4 7
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx8 8
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_2Gbx1 9
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_3Gbx1 10
#define DDR_RFC_TYPE_LPDDR4_4Gbx1 11
ddr_set_t __ddr_setting[] __attribute__ ((section(".ddr_param"))) = {
/* ddr3 */
.version = 1,
.dram_rank_config = CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_16BIT_RANK0_CH0,//CONFIG_DDR0_16BIT_CH0,
/* DRAMFreq = 192, 256, 384, 512, 768-1536 */
.DRAMFreq = {912, 0, 0, 0},
.ddr_base_addr = CFG_DDR_BASE_ADDR,
.ddr_start_offset = CFG_DDR_START_OFFSET,
//.dmem_load_size = 0x1000, //4K
.DisabledDbyte = 0xf0,
.Is2Ttiming = 1,
.HdtCtrl = 0xC8,
.dram_cs0_size_MB = 768,
.dram_cs1_size_MB = 0,
.training_SequenceCtrl = {0x31f,0}, //ddr3 0x21f 0x31f
.phy_odt_config_rank = {0x23,0x13}, //use 0x23 0x13 compatibility with 1rank and 2rank //targeting rank 0. [3:0] is used //for write ODT [7:4] is used for //read ODT
.dfi_odt_config = 0x0d0d, //use 0d0d compatibility with 1rank and 2rank //0808
.PllBypassEn = 0, //bit0-ps0,bit1-ps1
.ddr_rdbi_wr_enable = 0,
.clk_drv_ohm = 40,
.cs_drv_ohm = 40,
.ac_drv_ohm = 40,
.soc_data_drv_ohm_p = 34,
.soc_data_drv_ohm_n = 34,
.soc_data_odt_ohm_p = 60, //48,
.soc_data_odt_ohm_n = 0,
.dram_data_drv_ohm = 34, //ddr4 sdram only 34 or 48, skt board use 34 better
.dram_data_odt_ohm = 60,
.dram_ac_odt_ohm = 0,
.soc_clk_slew_rate = 0x300,
.soc_cs_slew_rate = 0x300,
.soc_ac_slew_rate = 0x300,
.soc_data_slew_rate = 0x200,
.vref_output_permil = 500,
.vref_receiver_permil = 500, //700,
.vref_dram_permil = 500, //700,
//.vref_reverse = 0,
.ac_trace_delay = {32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32},
.ac_pinmux = {00,00},
#if 1
.ddr_dmc_remap = {
[0] = ( 5 | 7 << 5 | 8 << 10 | 9 << 15 | 10 << 20 | 11 << 25 ),
[1] = ( 12| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 14 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ),
[2] = ( 17| 18 << 5 | 19 << 10 | 21 << 15 | 22 << 20 | 23 << 25 ),
[3] = ( 24| 25 << 5 | 26 << 10 | 27 << 15 | 28 << 20 | 29 << 25 ),
[4] = ( 30| 13 << 5 | 20 << 10 | 6 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ),
.ddr_dmc_remap = {
[0] = ( 0 | 5 << 5 | 6<< 10 | 7 << 15 | 8 << 20 | 9 << 25 ),
[1] = ( 10| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 14 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ),
[2] = ( 17|( 18 << 5) |( 19 << 10) |( 20 << 15) |( 21 << 20) | (22 << 25 )),
[3] = ( 23| 24 << 5 | 25 << 10 | 26 << 15 | 27 << 20 | 28 << 25 ),
[4] = ( 29| 11<< 5 | 12 << 10 | 13<< 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ),
.ddr_lpddr34_ca_remap = {00,00},
.ddr_lpddr34_dq_remap = {00,00},
.dram_rtt_nom_wr_park = {00,00},
/* pll ssc config:
* pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | ([strength] << 4) | [mode],
* ppm = strength * 500
* mode: 0=center, 1=up, 2=down
* eg:
* 1. config 1000ppm center ss. then mode=0, strength=2
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (2 << 4) | 0,
* 2. config 3000ppm down ss. then mode=2, strength=6
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (6 << 4) | 2,
.pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (2<<4) | 0,//center_ssc_1000ppm
.ddr_func = DDR_FUNC,
.magic = DRAM_CFG_MAGIC,
/* ddr4 */
.version = 1,
.dram_rank_config = CONFIG_DDR0_32BIT_RANK0_CH0,
.ddr_rfc_type = DDR_RFC_TYPE_DDR4_2Gbx8,
.DRAMFreq = {1176, 0, 0, 0},
.ddr_base_addr = CFG_DDR_BASE_ADDR,
.ddr_start_offset = CFG_DDR_START_OFFSET,
//.dmem_load_size = 0x1000, //4K
.DisabledDbyte = 0xf0,
.Is2Ttiming = 1,
.HdtCtrl = 0xC8,
.dram_cs0_size_MB = 0xffff,
.dram_cs1_size_MB = 0,
.training_SequenceCtrl = {0x31f,0x61}, //ddr3 0x21f 0x31f
.phy_odt_config_rank = {0x23,0x13}, //use 0x23 0x13 compatibility with 1rank and 2rank //targeting rank 0. [3:0] is used //for write ODT [7:4] is used for //read ODT
.dfi_odt_config = 0x0d0d, //use 0d0d compatibility with 1rank and 2rank //0808
.PllBypassEn = 0, //bit0-ps0,bit1-ps1
.ddr_rdbi_wr_enable = 0,
.clk_drv_ohm = 40,
.cs_drv_ohm = 40,
.ac_drv_ohm = 40,
.soc_data_drv_ohm_p = 40,
.soc_data_drv_ohm_n = 40,
.soc_data_odt_ohm_p = 60,
.soc_data_odt_ohm_n = 0,
.dram_data_drv_ohm = 34,//48, //34, //ddr4 sdram only 34 or 48, skt board use 34 better
.dram_data_odt_ohm = 60, //60,
.dram_ac_odt_ohm = 0,
.soc_clk_slew_rate = 0x3ff,
.soc_cs_slew_rate = 0x3ff,
.soc_ac_slew_rate = 0x3ff,
.soc_data_slew_rate = 0x2ff,
.vref_output_permil = 500,
.vref_receiver_permil = 0,//700,
.vref_dram_permil = 0,//700,
//.vref_reverse = 0,
//.ac_trace_delay = {0x0,0x0},// {0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40},
.ac_trace_delay = {16,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32},
.ddr_dmc_remap = {
[0] = ( 5 | 7 << 5 | 8 << 10 | 9 << 15 | 10 << 20 | 11 << 25 ),
[1] = ( 12| 0 << 5 | 0 << 10 | 14 << 15 | 15 << 20 | 16 << 25 ),
[2] = ( 17| 18 << 5 | 19 << 10 | 21 << 15 | 22 << 20 | 23 << 25 ),
[3] = ( 24| 25 << 5 | 26 << 10 | 27 << 15 | 28 << 20 | 29 << 25 ),
[4] = ( 30| 13 << 5 | 20 << 10 | 6 << 15 | 0 << 20 | 0 << 25 ),
.ddr_lpddr34_ca_remap = {00,00},
.ddr_lpddr34_dq_remap = {00,00},
.dram_rtt_nom_wr_park = {00,00},
/* pll ssc config:
* pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | ([strength] << 4) | [mode],
* ppm = strength * 500
* mode: 0=center, 1=up, 2=down
* eg:
* 1. config 1000ppm center ss. then mode=0, strength=2
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (2 << 4) | 0,
* 2. config 3000ppm down ss. then mode=2, strength=6
* .pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (6 << 4) | 2,
.pll_ssc_mode = (1<<20) | (1<<8) | (2<<4) | 0,//center_ssc_1000ppm
.ddr_func = DDR_FUNC,
.magic = DRAM_CFG_MAGIC,
board_clk_set_t __board_clk_setting
__attribute__ ((section(".clk_param"))) = {
/* clock settings for bl2 */
.cpu_clk = CPU_CLK / 24 * 24,
.pxp = 1,
.pxp = 0,
/* VCCK PWM table */
#if (VCCK_VAL == 1039)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00000022
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 1029)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00010021
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 1019)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00020020
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 1009)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0003001f
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 999)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0004001e
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 989)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0005001d
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 979)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0006001c
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 969)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0007001b
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 959)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0008001a
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 949)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00090019
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 939)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000a0018
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 929)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000b0017
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 919)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000c0016
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 909)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000d0015
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 899)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000e0014
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 889)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x000f0013
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 879)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00100012
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 869)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00110011
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 859)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00120010
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 849)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0013000f
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 839)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0014000e
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 829)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0015000d
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 819)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0016000c
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 809)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0017000b
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 799)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x0018000a
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 789)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00190009
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 779)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001a0008
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 769)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001b0007
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 759)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001c0006
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 749)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001d0005
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 739)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001e0004
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 729)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x001f0003
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 719)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00200002
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 709)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00210001
#elif (VCCK_VAL == 699)
#define VCCK_VAL_REG 0x00220000
#error "VCCK val out of range\n"
#if (VDDEE_VAL == 700)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x120000
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 710)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x110001
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 720)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x100002
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 730)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xf0003
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 740)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xe0004
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 750)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xd0005
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 760)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xc0006
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 770)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xb0007
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 780)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0xa0008
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 790)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x90009
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 800)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x8000a
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 810)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x7000b
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 820)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x6000c
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 830)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x5000d
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 840)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x4000e
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 850)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x3000f
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 860)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x20010
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 870)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x10011
#elif (VDDEE_VAL == 880)
#define VDDEE_VAL_REG 0x12
#error "VDDEE val out of range\n"
bl2_reg_t __bl2_reg[] __attribute__ ((section(".generic_param"))) = {
//hxbao, need fine tune
{0, 0, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0},
/* gpio/pinmux/pwm init */
register_ops_t __bl2_ops_reg[MAX_REG_OPS_ENTRIES]
__attribute__ ((section(".misc_param"))) = {
/* demo, user defined override register */
{PWMGH_PWM_B, VDDEE_VAL_REG, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0},
{PWMIJ_PWM_B, VCCK_VAL_REG, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0},
{PWMGH_MISC_REG_AB, (0x1 << 1), (0x1 << 1), 0, 0, 0},
{PWMIJ_MISC_REG_AB, (0x1 << 1), (0x1 << 1), 0, 0, 0},
/* enable vddcpu dc-dc, set TEST_N to high */
{PADCTRL_TESTN_O, (0x1 << 0), (0x1 << 0), 0, 0, 0},
{PADCTRL_TESTN_OEN, (0x0 << 0), (0x1 << 0), 0, 0, 0},
/* set pwm h and pwm j clock rate to 24M, enable them */
{CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_GH_CTRL, (1 << 8 | 1 << 24) , 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0},
{CLKCTRL_PWM_CLK_IJ_CTRL, (1 << 8 | 1 << 24) , 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0},
/* set GPIOE_0 GPIOE_1 drive strength to 3 */
{PADCTRL_GPIOE_DS, 0xf, 0xf, 0, 0, 0},
/* set GPIOE_0 GPIOE_1 mux to pwmh pwmj */
{PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGI, (0x3 << 0), (0xf << 0), 0, 0, 0},
{PADCTRL_PIN_MUX_REGI, (0x3 << 4), (0xf << 4), 0, 0, 0},
/* for all the storage parameter */
storage_parameter_t __store_para __attribute__ ((section(".store_param"))) = {
.common = {
.version = 0x01,
.device_fip_container_size = 0x280000,
.device_fip_container_copies = 4,
.nand = {
.version = 0x01,
.bbt_pages = 0x1,
.bbt_start_block = 0x20,
.discrete_mode = 1,
.setup_data.nand_setup_data = (2 << 20) | \
(0 << 19) | \
(1 << 17) | \
(4 << 14) | \
(0 << 13) | \
(64 << 6) | \
(4 << 0),
.reserved_area_blk_cnt = 48,
.page_per_block = 128,
.use_param_page_list = 0,