blob: daaf6d71da24e8fce9b80610736c14afc8038b4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Brent Fulgham <>. All rights reserved.
* This source code is a modified version of the CoreFoundation sources released by Apple Inc. under
* the terms of the APSL version 2.0 (see below).
* For information about changes from the original Apple source release can be found by reviewing the
* source control system for the project at
* The original license information is as follows:
* Copyright (c) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
* as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
* Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
* and read it before using this
* file.
* The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
* distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
* Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
* limitations under the License.
/* CFDictionary.c
Copyright 1998-2006, Apple, Inc. All rights reserved.
Responsibility: Christopher Kane
Machine generated from Notes/HashingCode.template
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
#include "CFInternal.h"
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#define CFDictionary 0
#define CFSet 0
#define CFBag 0
#undef CFDictionary
#define CFDictionary 1
#if CFDictionary
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual};
static const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
static const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
#define CFHashRef CFDictionaryRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableDictionaryRef
#define __kCFHashTypeID __kCFDictionaryTypeID
#if CFSet
const CFDictionaryCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFDictionaryCallBacks kCFCopyStringDictionaryCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
static const CFDictionaryCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
#define CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks CFDictionaryCallBacks
#define CFDictionaryValueCallBacks CFDictionaryCallBacks
#define kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks
#define kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks
#define __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks
#define __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks
#define CFHashRef CFSetRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableSetRef
#define __kCFHashTypeID __kCFSetTypeID
#if CFBag
const CFDictionaryCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks = {0, __CFTypeCollectionRetain, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
const CFDictionaryCallBacks kCFCopyStringDictionaryCallBacks = {0, __CFStringCollectionCopy, __CFTypeCollectionRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual, CFHash};
static const CFDictionaryCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks = {0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL};
#define CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks CFDictionaryCallBacks
#define CFDictionaryValueCallBacks CFDictionaryCallBacks
#define kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks
#define kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryCallBacks
#define __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks
#define __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks __kCFNullDictionaryCallBacks
#define CFHashRef CFBagRef
#define CFMutableHashRef CFMutableBagRef
#define __kCFHashTypeID __kCFBagTypeID
#define GETNEWKEY(newKey, oldKey) \
any_t (*kretain)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t) = \
!hasBeenFinalized(hc) \
? (any_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc)->retain \
: (any_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))0; \
any_t newKey = kretain ? (any_t)INVOKE_CALLBACK3(kretain, allocator, (any_t)key, hc->_context) : (any_t)oldKey
#define RELEASEKEY(oldKey) \
void (*krelease)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t) = \
!hasBeenFinalized(hc) \
? (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc)->release \
: (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))0; \
if (krelease) INVOKE_CALLBACK3(krelease, allocator, oldKey, hc->_context)
#if CFDictionary
#define GETNEWVALUE(newValue) \
any_t (*vretain)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t) = \
!hasBeenFinalized(hc) \
? (any_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc)->retain \
: (any_t (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))0; \
any_t newValue = vretain ? (any_t)INVOKE_CALLBACK3(vretain, allocator, (any_t)value, hc->_context) : (any_t)value
#define RELEASEVALUE(oldValue) \
void (*vrelease)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t) = \
!hasBeenFinalized(hc) \
? (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc)->release \
: (void (*)(CFAllocatorRef,any_t,any_pointer_t))0; \
if (vrelease) INVOKE_CALLBACK3(vrelease, allocator, oldValue, hc->_context)
static void __CFDictionaryHandleOutOfMemory(CFTypeRef obj, CFIndex numBytes) {
CFStringRef msg = CFStringCreateWithFormat(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, NULL, CFSTR("Attempt to allocate %ld bytes for NS/CFDictionary failed"), numBytes);
CFBadErrorCallBack cb = _CFGetOutOfMemoryErrorCallBack();
if (NULL == cb || !cb(obj, CFSTR("NS/CFDictionary"), msg)) {
CFLog(kCFLogLevelCritical, CFSTR("%@"), msg);
// Max load is 3/4 number of buckets
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFHashRoundUpCapacity(CFIndex capacity) {
return 3 * ((CFIndex)1 << (flsl((capacity - 1) / 3)));
// Returns next power of two higher than the capacity
// threshold for the given input capacity.
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFHashNumBucketsForCapacity(CFIndex capacity) {
return 4 * ((CFIndex)1 << (flsl((capacity - 1) / 3)));
enum { /* Bits 1-0 */
__kCFHashImmutable = 0, /* unchangable and fixed capacity */
__kCFHashMutable = 1, /* changeable and variable capacity */
enum { /* Bits 5-4 (value), 3-2 (key) */
__kCFHashHasNullCallBacks = 0,
__kCFHashHasCFTypeCallBacks = 1,
__kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks = 3 /* callbacks are at end of header */
// Under GC, we fudge the key/value memory in two ways
// First, if we had null callbacks or null for both retain/release, we use unscanned memory and get
// standard 'dangling' references.
// This means that if people were doing addValue:[xxx new] and never removing, well, that doesn't work
// Second, if we notice standard retain/release implementations we use scanned memory, and fudge the
// standard callbacks to generally do nothing if the collection was allocated in GC memory. On special
// CF objects, however, like those used for precious resources like video-card buffers, we do indeed
// do CFRetain on input and CFRelease on output. The tricky case is GC finalization; we need to remember
// that we did the CFReleases so that subsequent collection operations, like removal, don't double CFRelease.
// (In fact we don't really use CFRetain/CFRelease but go directly to the collector)
enum {
__kCFHashFinalized = (1 << 7),
__kCFHashWeakKeys = (1 << 8),
__kCFHashWeakValues = (1 << 9)
typedef uintptr_t any_t;
typedef const void * const_any_pointer_t;
typedef void * any_pointer_t;
struct __CFDictionary {
CFRuntimeBase _base;
CFIndex _count; /* number of values */
CFIndex _bucketsNum; /* number of buckets */
CFIndex _bucketsUsed; /* number of used buckets */
CFIndex _bucketsCap; /* maximum number of used buckets */
CFIndex _mutations;
CFIndex _deletes;
any_pointer_t _context; /* private */
CFOptionFlags _xflags;
any_t _marker;
any_t *_keys; /* can be NULL if not allocated yet */
any_t *_values; /* can be NULL if not allocated yet */
/* Bits 1-0 of the _xflags are used for mutability variety */
/* Bits 3-2 of the _xflags are used for key callback indicator bits */
/* Bits 5-4 of the _xflags are used for value callback indicator bits */
/* Bit 6 of the _xflags is special KVO actions bit */
/* Bits 7,8,9 are GC use */
CF_INLINE bool hasBeenFinalized(CFTypeRef collection) {
return __CFBitfieldGetValue(((const struct __CFDictionary *)collection)->_xflags, 7, 7) != 0;
CF_INLINE void markFinalized(CFTypeRef collection) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(((struct __CFDictionary *)collection)->_xflags, 7, 7, 1);
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFHashGetType(CFHashRef hc) {
return __CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 1, 0);
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDictionaryGetSizeOfType(CFIndex t) {
CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFDictionary);
if (__CFBitfieldGetValue(t, 3, 2) == __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks) {
size += sizeof(CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks);
if (__CFBitfieldGetValue(t, 5, 4) == __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks) {
size += sizeof(CFDictionaryValueCallBacks);
return size;
CF_INLINE const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *__CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(CFHashRef hc) {
CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *result = NULL;
switch (__CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 3, 2)) {
case __kCFHashHasNullCallBacks:
return &__kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
case __kCFHashHasCFTypeCallBacks:
return &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
case __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks:
result = (CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *)((uint8_t *)hc + sizeof(struct __CFDictionary));
return result;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDictionaryKeyCallBacksMatchNull(const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *c) {
return (NULL == c ||
(c->retain == __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks.retain &&
c->release == __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks.release &&
c->copyDescription == __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks.copyDescription &&
c->equal == __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks.equal &&
c->hash == __kCFNullDictionaryKeyCallBacks.hash));
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDictionaryKeyCallBacksMatchCFType(const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *c) {
return (&kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks == c ||
(c->retain == kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.retain &&
c->release == kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.release &&
c->copyDescription == kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.copyDescription &&
c->equal == kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.equal &&
c->hash == kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks.hash));
CF_INLINE const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(CFHashRef hc) {
CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *result = NULL;
switch (__CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 5, 4)) {
case __kCFHashHasNullCallBacks:
return &__kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks;
case __kCFHashHasCFTypeCallBacks:
return &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks;
case __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks:
if (__CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 3, 2) == __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks) {
result = (CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *)((uint8_t *)hc + sizeof(struct __CFDictionary) + sizeof(CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks));
} else {
result = (CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *)((uint8_t *)hc + sizeof(struct __CFDictionary));
return result;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDictionaryValueCallBacksMatchNull(const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *c) {
return (NULL == c ||
(c->retain == __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks.retain &&
c->release == __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks.release &&
c->copyDescription == __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks.copyDescription &&
c->equal == __kCFNullDictionaryValueCallBacks.equal));
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDictionaryValueCallBacksMatchCFType(const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *c) {
return (&kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks == c ||
(c->retain == kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks.retain &&
c->release == kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks.release &&
c->copyDescription == kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks.copyDescription &&
c->equal == kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks.equal));
CFIndex _CFDictionaryGetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc) {
return __CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 6, 6);
void _CFDictionarySetKVOBit(CFHashRef hc, CFIndex bit) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(((CFMutableHashRef)hc)->_xflags, 6, 6, ((uintptr_t)bit & 0x1));
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFDictionaryShouldShrink(CFHashRef hc) {
return (__kCFHashMutable == __CFHashGetType(hc)) &&
!(CF_USING_COLLECTABLE_MEMORY && auto_zone_is_finalized(__CFCollectableZone, hc)) && /* GC: don't shrink finalizing hcs! */
(hc->_bucketsNum < 4 * hc->_deletes || (256 <= hc->_bucketsCap && hc-> _bucketsUsed < 3 * hc->_bucketsCap / 16));
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFHashGetOccurrenceCount(CFHashRef hc, CFIndex idx) {
#if CFBag
return hc->_values[idx];
return 1;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFHashKeyIsValue(CFHashRef hc, any_t key) {
return (hc->_marker != key && ~hc->_marker != key) ? true : false;
CF_INLINE Boolean __CFHashKeyIsMagic(CFHashRef hc, any_t key) {
return (hc->_marker == key || ~hc->_marker == key) ? true : false;
#define CF_OBJC_KVO_WILLCHANGE(obj, key)
#define CF_OBJC_KVO_DIDCHANGE(obj, key)
CF_INLINE uintptr_t __CFDictionaryScrambleHash(uintptr_t k) {
#if 0
return k;
#if __LP64__
uintptr_t a = 0x4368726973746F70ULL;
uintptr_t b = 0x686572204B616E65ULL;
uintptr_t a = 0x4B616E65UL;
uintptr_t b = 0x4B616E65UL;
uintptr_t c = 1;
a += k;
#if __LP64__
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 43);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 9);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 8);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 38);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 23);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 5);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 35);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 49);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 11);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 12);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 18);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 22);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 13);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 8);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 13);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 12);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 16);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 5);
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= (c >> 3);
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= (a << 10);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= (b >> 15);
return c;
static CFIndex __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1a(CFHashRef hc, any_t key) {
CFHashCode keyHash = (CFHashCode)key;
keyHash = (CFHashCode)__CFDictionaryScrambleHash(keyHash);
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
any_t marker = hc->_marker;
CFIndex probe = keyHash & (hc->_bucketsNum - 1);
CFIndex probeskip = 1; // See RemoveValue() for notes before changing this value
CFIndex start = probe;
for (;;) {
any_t currKey = keys[probe];
if (marker == currKey) { /* empty */
return kCFNotFound;
} else if (~marker == currKey) { /* deleted */
/* do nothing */
} else if (currKey == key) {
return probe;
probe = probe + probeskip;
// This alternative to probe % buckets assumes that
// probeskip is always positive and less than the
// number of buckets.
if (hc->_bucketsNum <= probe) {
probe -= hc->_bucketsNum;
if (start == probe) {
return kCFNotFound;
static CFIndex __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1b(CFHashRef hc, any_t key) {
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc);
CFHashCode keyHash = cb->hash ? (CFHashCode)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(((CFHashCode (*)(any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->hash), key, hc->_context) : (CFHashCode)key;
keyHash = (CFHashCode)__CFDictionaryScrambleHash(keyHash);
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
any_t marker = hc->_marker;
CFIndex probe = keyHash & (hc->_bucketsNum - 1);
CFIndex probeskip = 1; // See RemoveValue() for notes before changing this value
CFIndex start = probe;
for (;;) {
any_t currKey = keys[probe];
if (marker == currKey) { /* empty */
return kCFNotFound;
} else if (~marker == currKey) { /* deleted */
/* do nothing */
} else if (currKey == key || (cb->equal && INVOKE_CALLBACK3((Boolean (*)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->equal, currKey, key, hc->_context))) {
return probe;
probe = probe + probeskip;
// This alternative to probe % buckets assumes that
// probeskip is always positive and less than the
// number of buckets.
if (hc->_bucketsNum <= probe) {
probe -= hc->_bucketsNum;
if (start == probe) {
return kCFNotFound;
CF_INLINE CFIndex __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(CFHashRef hc, any_t key) {
if (__kCFHashHasNullCallBacks == __CFBitfieldGetValue(hc->_xflags, 3, 2)) {
return __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1a(hc, key);
return __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1b(hc, key);
static void __CFDictionaryFindBuckets2(CFHashRef hc, any_t key, CFIndex *match, CFIndex *nomatch) {
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc);
CFHashCode keyHash = cb->hash ? (CFHashCode)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(((CFHashCode (*)(any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->hash), key, hc->_context) : (CFHashCode)key;
keyHash = (CFHashCode)__CFDictionaryScrambleHash(keyHash);
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
any_t marker = hc->_marker;
CFIndex probe = keyHash & (hc->_bucketsNum - 1);
CFIndex probeskip = 1; // See RemoveValue() for notes before changing this value
CFIndex start = probe;
*match = kCFNotFound;
*nomatch = kCFNotFound;
for (;;) {
any_t currKey = keys[probe];
if (marker == currKey) { /* empty */
if (nomatch) *nomatch = probe;
} else if (~marker == currKey) { /* deleted */
if (nomatch) {
*nomatch = probe;
nomatch = NULL;
} else if (currKey == key || (cb->equal && INVOKE_CALLBACK3((Boolean (*)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->equal, currKey, key, hc->_context))) {
*match = probe;
probe = probe + probeskip;
// This alternative to probe % buckets assumes that
// probeskip is always positive and less than the
// number of buckets.
if (hc->_bucketsNum <= probe) {
probe -= hc->_bucketsNum;
if (start == probe) {
static void __CFDictionaryFindNewMarker(CFHashRef hc) {
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
any_t newMarker;
CFIndex idx, nbuckets;
Boolean hit;
nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum;
newMarker = hc->_marker;
do {
hit = false;
for (idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (newMarker == keys[idx] || ~newMarker == keys[idx]) {
hit = true;
} while (hit);
for (idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (hc->_marker == keys[idx]) {
keys[idx] = newMarker;
} else if (~hc->_marker == keys[idx]) {
keys[idx] = ~newMarker;
((struct __CFDictionary *)hc)->_marker = newMarker;
static Boolean __CFDictionaryEqual(CFTypeRef cf1, CFTypeRef cf2) {
CFHashRef hc1 = (CFHashRef)cf1;
CFHashRef hc2 = (CFHashRef)cf2;
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb1, *cb2;
const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *vcb1, *vcb2;
any_t *keys;
CFIndex idx, nbuckets;
if (hc1 == hc2) return true;
if (hc1->_count != hc2->_count) return false;
cb1 = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc1);
cb2 = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc2);
if (cb1->equal != cb2->equal) return false;
vcb1 = __CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc1);
vcb2 = __CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc2);
if (vcb1->equal != vcb2->equal) return false;
if (0 == hc1->_bucketsUsed) return true; /* after function comparison! */
keys = hc1->_keys;
nbuckets = hc1->_bucketsNum;
for (idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (hc1->_marker != keys[idx] && ~hc1->_marker != keys[idx]) {
#if CFDictionary
const_any_pointer_t value;
if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(hc2, (any_pointer_t)keys[idx], &value)) return false;
if (hc1->_values[idx] != (any_t)value) {
if (NULL == vcb1->equal) return false;
if (!INVOKE_CALLBACK3((Boolean (*)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t))vcb1->equal, hc1->_values[idx], (any_t)value, hc1->_context)) return false;
#if CFSet
const_any_pointer_t value;
if (!CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(hc2, (any_pointer_t)keys[idx], &value)) return false;
#if CFBag
if (hc1->_values[idx] != CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(hc2, (any_pointer_t)keys[idx])) return false;
return true;
static CFHashCode __CFDictionaryHash(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFHashRef hc = (CFHashRef)cf;
return hc->_count;
static CFStringRef __CFDictionaryCopyDescription(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFHashRef hc = (CFHashRef)cf;
CFAllocatorRef allocator;
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb;
const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *vcb;
any_t *keys;
CFIndex idx, nbuckets;
CFMutableStringRef result;
cb = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc);
vcb = __CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc);
keys = hc->_keys;
nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum;
allocator = CFGetAllocator(hc);
result = CFStringCreateMutable(allocator, 0);
const char *type = "?";
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashImmutable: type = "immutable"; break;
case __kCFHashMutable: type = "mutable"; break;
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("<CFDictionary %p [%p]>{type = %s, count = %u, capacity = %u, pairs = (\n"), cf, allocator, type, hc->_count, hc->_bucketsCap);
for (idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
CFStringRef kDesc = NULL, vDesc = NULL;
if (NULL != cb->copyDescription) {
kDesc = (CFStringRef)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(((CFStringRef (*)(any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->copyDescription), keys[idx], hc->_context);
if (NULL != vcb->copyDescription) {
vDesc = (CFStringRef)INVOKE_CALLBACK2(((CFStringRef (*)(any_t, any_pointer_t))vcb->copyDescription), hc->_values[idx], hc->_context);
#if CFDictionary
if (NULL != kDesc && NULL != vDesc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : %@ = %@\n"), idx, kDesc, vDesc);
} else if (NULL != kDesc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : %@ = <%p>\n"), idx, kDesc, hc->_values[idx]);
} else if (NULL != vDesc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : <%p> = %@\n"), idx, keys[idx], vDesc);
} else {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : <%p> = <%p>\n"), idx, keys[idx], hc->_values[idx]);
#if CFSet
if (NULL != kDesc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : %@\n"), idx, kDesc);
} else {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : <%p>\n"), idx, keys[idx]);
#if CFBag
if (NULL != kDesc) {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : %@ (%ld)\n"), idx, kDesc, hc->_values[idx]);
} else {
CFStringAppendFormat(result, NULL, CFSTR("\t%u : <%p> (%ld)\n"), idx, keys[idx], hc->_values[idx]);
CFStringAppend(result, CFSTR(")}"));
return result;
static void __CFDictionaryDeallocate(CFTypeRef cf) {
CFMutableHashRef hc = (CFMutableHashRef)cf;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(hc);
const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *vcb = __CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc);
// mark now in case any callout somehow tries to add an entry back in
if (vcb->release || cb->release) {
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
CFIndex idx, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum;
for (idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
any_t oldkey = keys[idx];
if (hc->_marker != oldkey && ~hc->_marker != oldkey) {
if (vcb->release) {
INVOKE_CALLBACK3(((void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t))vcb->release), allocator, hc->_values[idx], hc->_context);
if (cb->release) {
INVOKE_CALLBACK3(((void (*)(CFAllocatorRef, any_t, any_pointer_t))cb->release), allocator, oldkey, hc->_context);
// return early so that contents are preserved after finalization
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, hc->_keys);
#if CFDictionary || CFBag
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, hc->_values);
hc->_keys = NULL;
hc->_values = NULL;
hc->_count = 0; // GC: also zero count, so the hc will appear empty.
hc->_bucketsUsed = 0;
hc->_bucketsNum = 0;
static CFTypeID __kCFDictionaryTypeID = _kCFRuntimeNotATypeID;
static const CFRuntimeClass __CFDictionaryClass = {
NULL, // init
NULL, // copy
NULL, //
__private_extern__ void __CFDictionaryInitialize(void) {
__kCFHashTypeID = _CFRuntimeRegisterClass(&__CFDictionaryClass);
CFTypeID CFDictionaryGetTypeID(void) {
return __kCFHashTypeID;
static CFMutableHashRef __CFDictionaryInit(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFOptionFlags flags, CFIndex capacity, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks
#if CFDictionary
, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks
) {
struct __CFDictionary *hc;
CFIndex size;
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 31, 2, 0);
CFOptionFlags xflags = 0;
// preserve NULL for key or value CB, otherwise fix up.
if (!keyCallBacks || (keyCallBacks->retain == NULL && keyCallBacks->release == NULL)) {
xflags = __kCFHashWeakKeys;
#if CFDictionary
if (!valueCallBacks || (valueCallBacks->retain == NULL && valueCallBacks->release == NULL)) {
xflags |= __kCFHashWeakValues;
#if CFBag
xflags |= __kCFHashWeakValues;
if (__CFDictionaryKeyCallBacksMatchNull(keyCallBacks)) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 3, 2, __kCFHashHasNullCallBacks);
} else if (__CFDictionaryKeyCallBacksMatchCFType(keyCallBacks)) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 3, 2, __kCFHashHasCFTypeCallBacks);
} else {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 3, 2, __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks);
#if CFDictionary
if (__CFDictionaryValueCallBacksMatchNull(valueCallBacks)) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 5, 4, __kCFHashHasNullCallBacks);
} else if (__CFDictionaryValueCallBacksMatchCFType(valueCallBacks)) {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 5, 4, __kCFHashHasCFTypeCallBacks);
} else {
__CFBitfieldSetValue(flags, 5, 4, __kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks);
size = __CFDictionaryGetSizeOfType(flags) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
hc = (struct __CFDictionary *)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, __kCFHashTypeID, size, NULL);
if (NULL == hc) {
return NULL;
hc->_count = 0;
hc->_bucketsUsed = 0;
hc->_marker = (any_t)0xa1b1c1d3;
hc->_context = NULL;
hc->_deletes = 0;
hc->_mutations = 1;
hc->_xflags = xflags | flags;
switch (__CFBitfieldGetValue(flags, 1, 0)) {
case __kCFHashImmutable:
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(hc, "CFDictionary (immutable)");
case __kCFHashMutable:
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(hc, "CFDictionary (mutable-variable)");
hc->_bucketsCap = __CFHashRoundUpCapacity(1);
hc->_bucketsNum = 0;
hc->_keys = NULL;
hc->_values = NULL;
if (__kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks == __CFBitfieldGetValue(flags, 3, 2)) {
CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *cb = (CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *)__CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks((CFHashRef)hc);
*cb = *keyCallBacks;
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(cb->retain));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(cb->release));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(cb->copyDescription));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(cb->equal));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(cb->hash));
#if CFDictionary
if (__kCFHashHasCustomCallBacks == __CFBitfieldGetValue(flags, 5, 4)) {
CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *vcb = (CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *)__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks((CFHashRef)hc);
*vcb = *valueCallBacks;
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(vcb->retain));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(vcb->release));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(vcb->copyDescription));
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(vcb->equal));
return hc;
#if CFDictionary
CFHashRef CFDictionaryCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *keys, const_any_pointer_t *values, CFIndex numValues, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFHashRef CFDictionaryCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const_any_pointer_t *keys, CFIndex numValues, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks) {
CFAssert2(0 <= numValues, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): numValues (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numValues);
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashImmutable, numValues, keyCallBacks, valueCallBacks);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashImmutable, numValues, keyCallBacks);
__CFBitfieldSetValue(hc->_xflags, 1, 0, __kCFHashMutable);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
#if CFDictionary
CFDictionaryAddValue(hc, keys[idx], values[idx]);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFDictionaryAddValue(hc, keys[idx]);
__CFBitfieldSetValue(hc->_xflags, 1, 0, __kCFHashImmutable);
return (CFHashRef)hc;
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks, const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *valueCallBacks) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef CFDictionaryCreateMutable(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *keyCallBacks) {
CFAssert2(0 <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): capacity (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity);
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, capacity, keyCallBacks, valueCallBacks);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, capacity, keyCallBacks);
return hc;
#if CFDictionary || CFSet
// does not have Add semantics for Bag; it has Set semantics ... is that best?
static void __CFDictionaryGrow(CFMutableHashRef hc, CFIndex numNewValues);
// This creates a hc which is for CFTypes or NSObjects, with a CFRetain style ownership transfer;
// the hc does not take a retain (since it claims 1), and the caller does not need to release the inserted objects (since we do it).
// The incoming objects must also be collectable if allocated out of a collectable allocator - and are neither released nor retained.
#if CFDictionary
CFHashRef _CFDictionaryCreate_ex(CFAllocatorRef allocator, Boolean isMutable, const_any_pointer_t *keys, const_any_pointer_t *values, CFIndex numValues) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFHashRef _CFDictionaryCreate_ex(CFAllocatorRef allocator, Boolean isMutable, const_any_pointer_t *keys, CFIndex numValues) {
CFAssert2(0 <= numValues, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): numValues (%ld) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, numValues);
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, numValues, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, numValues, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks);
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
CFIndex match, nomatch;
__CFDictionaryFindBuckets2(hc, (any_t)keys[idx], &match, &nomatch);
if (kCFNotFound == match) {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
any_t newKey = (any_t)keys[idx];
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
if (hc->_keys[nomatch] == ~hc->_marker) {
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[nomatch], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
any_t newValue = (any_t)values[idx];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[nomatch], newValue);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[nomatch] = 1;
} else {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
#if CFSet || CFBag
any_t oldKey = hc->_keys[match];
any_t newKey = (any_t)keys[idx];
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], ~hc->_marker);
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldValue = hc->_values[match];
any_t newValue = (any_t)values[idx];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[match], newValue);
if (!isMutable) __CFBitfieldSetValue(hc->_xflags, 1, 0, __kCFHashImmutable);
return (CFHashRef)hc;
CFHashRef CFDictionaryCreateCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFHashRef other) {
CFMutableHashRef hc = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(allocator, CFDictionaryGetCount(other), other);
__CFBitfieldSetValue(hc->_xflags, 1, 0, __kCFHashImmutable);
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(hc, "CFDictionary (immutable)");
return hc;
CFMutableHashRef CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex capacity, CFHashRef other) {
CFIndex numValues = CFDictionaryGetCount(other);
const_any_pointer_t *list, buffer[256];
list = (numValues <= 256) ? buffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
if (list != buffer && __CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(list, "CFDictionary (temp)");
#if CFDictionary
const_any_pointer_t *vlist, vbuffer[256];
vlist = (numValues <= 256) ? vbuffer : (const_any_pointer_t *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, numValues * sizeof(const_any_pointer_t), 0);
if (vlist != vbuffer && __CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(vlist, "CFDictionary (temp)");
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFDictionaryGetValues(other, list);
#if CFDictionary
CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(other, list, vlist);
const CFDictionaryKeyCallBacks *kcb;
const CFDictionaryValueCallBacks *vcb;
if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFHashTypeID, other)) {
kcb = &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks;
vcb = &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks;
} else {
kcb = __CFDictionaryGetKeyCallBacks(other);
vcb = __CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(other);
#if CFDictionary
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, capacity, kcb, vcb);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFMutableHashRef hc = __CFDictionaryInit(allocator, __kCFHashMutable, capacity, kcb);
if (0 == capacity) _CFDictionarySetCapacity(hc, numValues);
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < numValues; idx++) {
#if CFDictionary
CFDictionaryAddValue(hc, list[idx], vlist[idx]);
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFDictionaryAddValue(hc, list[idx]);
if (list != buffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, list);
#if CFDictionary
if (vlist != vbuffer) CFAllocatorDeallocate(allocator, vlist);
return hc;
// Used by NSHashTables/NSMapTables and KVO
void _CFDictionarySetContext(CFHashRef hc, any_pointer_t context) {
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(__CFGetAllocator(hc), hc, hc->_context, context);
any_pointer_t _CFDictionaryGetContext(CFHashRef hc) {
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
return hc->_context;
CFIndex CFDictionaryGetCount(CFHashRef hc) {
if (CFDictionary || CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFHashTypeID, CFIndex, hc, "count");
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
return hc->_count;
#if CFDictionary
CFIndex CFDictionaryGetCountOfKey(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFIndex CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, CFIndex, hc, "countForKey:", key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, CFIndex, hc, "countForObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return 0;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
return (kCFNotFound != match ? __CFHashGetOccurrenceCount(hc, match) : 0);
#if CFDictionary
Boolean CFDictionaryContainsKey(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
Boolean CFDictionaryContainsValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, char, hc, "containsKey:", key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, char, hc, "containsObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return false;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
return (kCFNotFound != match ? true : false);
#if CFDictionary
CFIndex CFDictionaryGetCountOfValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t value) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, CFIndex, hc, "countForObject:", value);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return 0;
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
Boolean (*equal)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t) = (Boolean (*)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc)->equal;
CFIndex cnt = 0;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
if ((hc->_values[idx] == (any_t)value) || (equal && INVOKE_CALLBACK3(equal, hc->_values[idx], (any_t)value, hc->_context))) {
return cnt;
Boolean CFDictionaryContainsValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t value) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, char, hc, "containsObject:", value);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return false;
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
Boolean (*equal)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t) = (Boolean (*)(any_t, any_t, any_pointer_t))__CFDictionaryGetValueCallBacks(hc)->equal;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
if ((hc->_values[idx] == (any_t)value) || (equal && INVOKE_CALLBACK3(equal, hc->_values[idx], (any_t)value, hc->_context))) {
return true;
return false;
const_any_pointer_t CFDictionaryGetValue(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, const_any_pointer_t, hc, "objectForKey:", key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, const_any_pointer_t, hc, "member:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return 0;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
return (kCFNotFound != match ? (const_any_pointer_t)(CFDictionary ? hc->_values[match] : hc->_keys[match]) : 0);
Boolean CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t *value) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, Boolean, hc, "_getValue:forKey:", (any_t *)value, key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, Boolean, hc, "_getValue:forObj:", (any_t *)value, key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return false;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
return (kCFNotFound != match ? ((value ? __CFObjCStrongAssign((const_any_pointer_t)(CFDictionary ? hc->_values[match] : hc->_keys[match]), value) : 0), true) : false);
#if CFDictionary
Boolean CFDictionaryGetKeyIfPresent(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t *actualkey) {
CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, Boolean, hc, "getActualKey:forKey:", actualkey, key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return false;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
return (kCFNotFound != match ? ((actualkey ? __CFObjCStrongAssign((const_any_pointer_t)hc->_keys[match], actualkey) : NULL), true) : false);
#if CFDictionary
void CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t *keybuf, const_any_pointer_t *valuebuf) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFDictionaryGetValues(CFHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t *keybuf) {
const_any_pointer_t *valuebuf = 0;
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "getObjects:andKeys:", (any_t *)valuebuf, (any_t *)keybuf);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "getObjects:", (any_t *)keybuf);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
// GC: speculatively issue a write-barrier on the copied to buffers
__CFObjCWriteBarrierRange(keybuf, hc->_count * sizeof(any_t));
__CFObjCWriteBarrierRange(valuebuf, hc->_count * sizeof(any_t));
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
for (CFIndex cnt = __CFHashGetOccurrenceCount(hc, idx); cnt--;) {
if (keybuf) *keybuf++ = (const_any_pointer_t)keys[idx];
if (valuebuf) *valuebuf++ = (const_any_pointer_t)hc->_values[idx];
#if CFDictionary || CFSet
unsigned long _CFDictionaryFastEnumeration(CFHashRef hc, struct __objcFastEnumerationStateEquivalent *state, void *stackbuffer, unsigned long count) {
/* copy as many as count items over */
if (0 == state->state) { /* first time */
state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *)&hc->_mutations;
state->itemsPtr = (unsigned long *)stackbuffer;
CFIndex cnt = 0;
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
for (CFIndex idx = (CFIndex)state->state, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets && cnt < (CFIndex)count; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
state->itemsPtr[cnt++] = (unsigned long)keys[idx];
return cnt;
void CFDictionaryApplyFunction(CFHashRef hc, CFDictionaryApplierFunction applier, any_pointer_t context) {
FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(applier));
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_apply:context:", applier, context);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_applyValues:context:", applier, context);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
for (CFIndex cnt = __CFHashGetOccurrenceCount(hc, idx); cnt--;) {
#if CFDictionary
INVOKE_CALLBACK3(applier, (const_any_pointer_t)keys[idx], (const_any_pointer_t)hc->_values[idx], context);
#if CFSet || CFBag
INVOKE_CALLBACK2(applier, (const_any_pointer_t)keys[idx], context);
static void __CFDictionaryGrow(CFMutableHashRef hc, CFIndex numNewValues) {
any_t *oldkeys = hc->_keys;
any_t *oldvalues = hc->_values;
CFIndex nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum;
hc->_bucketsCap = __CFHashRoundUpCapacity(hc->_bucketsUsed + numNewValues);
hc->_bucketsNum = __CFHashNumBucketsForCapacity(hc->_bucketsCap);
hc->_deletes = 0;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
CFOptionFlags weakOrStrong = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? 0 : __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory;
any_t *mem = (any_t *)_CFAllocatorAllocateGC(allocator, hc->_bucketsNum * sizeof(any_t), weakOrStrong);
if (NULL == mem) __CFDictionaryHandleOutOfMemory(hc, hc->_bucketsNum * sizeof(any_t));
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(mem, "CFDictionary (key-store)");
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(allocator, hc, hc->_keys, mem);
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator; // GC: avoids write-barrier in weak case.
any_t *keysBase = mem;
#if CFDictionary || CFBag
weakOrStrong = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? 0 : __kCFAllocatorGCScannedMemory;
mem = (any_t *)_CFAllocatorAllocateGC(allocator, hc->_bucketsNum * sizeof(any_t), weakOrStrong);
if (NULL == mem) __CFDictionaryHandleOutOfMemory(hc, hc->_bucketsNum * sizeof(any_t));
if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(mem, "CFDictionary (value-store)");
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(allocator, hc, hc->_values, mem);
#if CFDictionary
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator; // GC: avoids write-barrier in weak case.
any_t *valuesBase = mem;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
hc->_keys[idx] = hc->_marker;
#if CFDictionary || CFBag
hc->_values[idx] = 0;
if (NULL == oldkeys) return;
for (CFIndex idx = 0; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, oldkeys[idx])) {
CFIndex match, nomatch;
__CFDictionaryFindBuckets2(hc, oldkeys[idx], &match, &nomatch);
CFAssert3(kCFNotFound == match, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): two values (%p, %p) now hash to the same slot; mutable value changed while in table or hash value is not immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, oldkeys[idx], hc->_keys[match]);
if (kCFNotFound != nomatch) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, keysBase, hc->_keys[nomatch], oldkeys[idx]);
#if CFDictionary
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_BASE_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, valuesBase, hc->_values[nomatch], oldvalues[idx]);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[nomatch] = oldvalues[idx];
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, oldkeys);
_CFAllocatorDeallocateGC(allocator, oldvalues);
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
void _CFDictionarySetCapacity(CFMutableHashRef hc, CFIndex cap) {
if (CF_IS_OBJC(__kCFHashTypeID, hc)) return;
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
CFAssert1(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): collection is immutable", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
CFAssert3(hc->_bucketsUsed <= cap, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): desired capacity (%ld) is less than bucket count (%ld)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, cap, hc->_bucketsUsed);
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, cap - hc->_bucketsUsed);
// This function is for Foundation's benefit; no one else should use it.
bool _CFDictionaryIsMutable(CFDictionaryRef dict) {
return (__CFHashGetType(dict) != __kCFHashImmutable);
#if CFDictionary
void CFDictionaryAddValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFDictionaryAddValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#define value 0
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_addObject:forKey:", value, key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "addObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashMutable:
if (hc->_bucketsUsed == hc->_bucketsCap || NULL == hc->_keys) {
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, 1);
CFAssert2(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFIndex match, nomatch;
__CFDictionaryFindBuckets2(hc, (any_t)key, &match, &nomatch);
if (kCFNotFound != match) {
#if CFBag
CF_OBJC_KVO_WILLCHANGE(hc, hc->_keys[match]);
CF_OBJC_KVO_DIDCHANGE(hc, hc->_keys[match]);
} else {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
GETNEWKEY(newKey, key);
#if CFDictionary
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
if (hc->_keys[nomatch] == ~hc->_marker) {
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[nomatch], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[nomatch], newValue);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[nomatch] = 1;
#if CFDictionary
void CFDictionaryReplaceValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFDictionaryReplaceValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#define value 0
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_replaceObject:forKey:", value, key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_replaceObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashMutable:
CFAssert2(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
if (kCFNotFound == match) return;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
#if CFSet || CFBag
GETNEWKEY(newKey, key);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldKey = hc->_keys[match];
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], ~hc->_marker);
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldValue = hc->_values[match];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[match], newValue);
#if CFSet || CFBag
#if CFDictionary
#if CFDictionary
void CFDictionarySetValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key, const_any_pointer_t value) {
#if CFSet || CFBag
void CFDictionarySetValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
#define value 0
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH2(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "setObject:forKey:", value, key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "_setObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashMutable:
if (hc->_bucketsUsed == hc->_bucketsCap || NULL == hc->_keys) {
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, 1);
CFAssert2(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
CFIndex match, nomatch;
__CFDictionaryFindBuckets2(hc, (any_t)key, &match, &nomatch);
if (kCFNotFound == match) {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
GETNEWKEY(newKey, key);
#if CFDictionary
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
if (hc->_keys[nomatch] == ~hc->_marker) {
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[nomatch], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[nomatch], newValue);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[nomatch] = 1;
} else {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
#if CFSet || CFBag
GETNEWKEY(newKey, key);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldKey = hc->_keys[match];
#if CFSet || CFBag
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], ~hc->_marker);
if (__CFHashKeyIsMagic(hc, newKey)) {
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], newKey);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldValue = hc->_values[match];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[match], newValue);
#if CFSet || CFBag
#if CFDictionary
void CFDictionaryRemoveValue(CFMutableHashRef hc, const_any_pointer_t key) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "removeObjectForKey:", key);
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH1(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "removeObject:", key);
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashMutable:
CFAssert2(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return;
CFIndex match = __CFDictionaryFindBuckets1(hc, (any_t)key);
if (kCFNotFound == match) return;
if (1 < __CFHashGetOccurrenceCount(hc, match)) {
#if CFBag
CF_OBJC_KVO_WILLCHANGE(hc, hc->_keys[match]);
CF_OBJC_KVO_DIDCHANGE(hc, hc->_keys[match]);
} else {
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
any_t oldKey = hc->_keys[match];
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[match], ~hc->_marker);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldValue = hc->_values[match];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[match], 0);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[match] = 0;
#if CFDictionary
if (__CFDictionaryShouldShrink(hc)) {
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, 0);
} else {
// When the probeskip == 1 always and only, a DELETED slot followed by an EMPTY slot
// can be converted to an EMPTY slot. By extension, a chain of DELETED slots followed
// by an EMPTY slot can be converted to EMPTY slots, which is what we do here.
if (match < hc->_bucketsNum - 1 && hc->_keys[match + 1] == hc->_marker) {
while (0 <= match && hc->_keys[match] == ~hc->_marker) {
hc->_keys[match] = hc->_marker;
void CFDictionaryRemoveAllValues(CFMutableHashRef hc) {
if (CFDictionary) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "removeAllObjects");
if (CFSet) CF_OBJC_FUNCDISPATCH0(__kCFHashTypeID, void, hc, "removeAllObjects");
__CFGenericValidateType(hc, __kCFHashTypeID);
switch (__CFHashGetType(hc)) {
case __kCFHashMutable:
CFAssert2(__CFHashGetType(hc) != __kCFHashImmutable, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): immutable collection %p passed to mutating operation", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, hc);
if (0 == hc->_bucketsUsed) return;
CFAllocatorRef allocator = __CFGetAllocator(hc);
any_t *keys = hc->_keys;
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
if (__CFHashKeyIsValue(hc, keys[idx])) {
any_t oldKey = keys[idx];
#if CFDictionary || CFSet
#if CFBag
hc->_count -= hc->_values[idx];
CFAllocatorRef keysAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakKeys) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(keysAllocator, hc->_keys[idx], ~hc->_marker);
#if CFDictionary
any_t oldValue = hc->_values[idx];
CFAllocatorRef valuesAllocator = (hc->_xflags & __kCFHashWeakValues) ? kCFAllocatorNull : allocator;
CF_WRITE_BARRIER_ASSIGN(valuesAllocator, hc->_values[idx], 0);
#if CFBag
hc->_values[idx] = 0;
#if CFDictionary
for (CFIndex idx = 0, nbuckets = hc->_bucketsNum; idx < nbuckets; idx++) {
keys[idx] = hc->_marker;
hc->_deletes = 0;
hc->_bucketsUsed = 0;
hc->_count = 0;
if (__CFDictionaryShouldShrink(hc) && (256 <= hc->_bucketsCap)) {
__CFDictionaryGrow(hc, 128);