blob: b8dfcad0e9eee5448b83601ce8bffec12921eaa0 [file] [log] [blame]
DisplayURL is based on the Apple, inc. example:
It has been modified to build using OpenCFLite. Consequently,
the file system routines are currently disabled.
DisplayURL accepts a URL as an input string, and parses it into
its various components using CFURL routines.
DisplayURL [-h] [-u <url>]
DisplayURL parses a URL's components
-h Shows this help message.
-u <url> The URL to parse.
The sample also illustrates how to use the CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent API. As an example you can see how CFURLGetByteRangeForComponent deconstructs the following URL into its components.
> DisplayURL -u "scheme://user:pass@host:1/path/path2/file.html;params?query#fragment"
url: "scheme://user:pass@host:1/path/path2/file.html;params?query#fragment"
kCFURLComponentScheme: "scheme" including separators: "scheme://"
kCFURLComponentNetLocation: "user:pass@host:1" including separators: "://user:pass@host:1"
kCFURLComponentPath: "/path/path2/file.html" including separators: "/path/path2/file.html;"
kCFURLComponentResourceSpecifier: "params?query#fragment" including separators: ";params?query#fragment"
kCFURLComponentUser: "user" including separators: "://user:"
kCFURLComponentPassword: "pass" including separators: ":pass@"
kCFURLComponentUserInfo: "user:pass" including separators: "://user:pass@"
kCFURLComponentHost: "host" including separators: "@host:"
kCFURLComponentPort: "1" including separators: ":1"
kCFURLComponentParameterString: "params" including separators: ";params?"
kCFURLComponentQuery: "query" including separators: "?query#"
kCFURLComponentFragment: "fragment" including separators: "#fragment"