blob: 1ec4980a33293acda9f5a7ccfc1d705e8a0496af [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */
/* dbus-internals.c random utility stuff (internal to D-Bus implementation)
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Red Hat, Inc.
* Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <config.h>
#include "dbus-internals.h"
#include "dbus-protocol.h"
#include "dbus-marshal-basic.h"
#include "dbus-test.h"
#include "dbus-valgrind-internal.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#define LOG_TAG "libdbus"
#include <cutils/log.h>
#endif /* DBUS_ANDROID_LOG */
* @defgroup DBusInternals D-Bus secret internal implementation details
* @brief Documentation useful when developing or debugging D-Bus itself.
* @defgroup DBusInternalsUtils Utilities and portability
* @ingroup DBusInternals
* @brief Utility functions (_dbus_assert(), _dbus_warn(), etc.)
* @{
* @def _dbus_assert
* Aborts with an error message if the condition is false.
* @param condition condition which must be true.
* @def _dbus_assert_not_reached
* Aborts with an error message if called.
* The given explanation will be printed.
* @param explanation explanation of what happened if the code was reached.
* Computes the number of elements in a fixed-size array using
* sizeof().
* @param array the array to count elements in.
* Safely casts a void* to an integer; should only be used on void*
* that actually contain integers, for example one created with
* _DBUS_INT_TO_POINTER. Only guaranteed to preserve 32 bits.
* (i.e. it's used to store 32-bit ints in pointers, but
* can't be used to store 64-bit pointers in ints.)
* @param pointer pointer to extract an integer from.
* Safely stuffs an integer into a pointer, to be extracted later with
* _DBUS_POINTER_TO_INT. Only guaranteed to preserve 32 bits.
* @param integer the integer to stuff into a pointer.
* @def _DBUS_ZERO
* Sets all bits in an object to zero.
* @param object the object to be zeroed.
* @def _DBUS_INT16_MIN
* Minimum value of type "int16"
* @def _DBUS_INT16_MAX
* Maximum value of type "int16"
* @def _DBUS_UINT16_MAX
* Maximum value of type "uint16"
* @def _DBUS_INT32_MIN
* Minimum value of type "int32"
* @def _DBUS_INT32_MAX
* Maximum value of type "int32"
* @def _DBUS_UINT32_MAX
* Maximum value of type "uint32"
* @def _DBUS_INT_MIN
* Minimum value of type "int"
* @def _DBUS_INT_MAX
* Maximum value of type "int"
* Maximum value of type "uint"
* @typedef DBusForeachFunction
* Used to iterate over each item in a collection, such as
* a DBusList.
* Expands to name of a global lock variable.
* Defines a global lock variable with the given name.
* The lock must be added to the list to initialize
* in dbus_threads_init().
* Expands to declaration of a global lock defined
* The lock must be added to the list to initialize
* in dbus_threads_init().
* @def _DBUS_LOCK
* Locks a global lock
* Unlocks a global lock
* Fixed "out of memory" error message, just to avoid
* making up a different string every time and wasting
* space.
const char *_dbus_no_memory_message = "Not enough memory";
static dbus_bool_t warn_initted = FALSE;
static dbus_bool_t fatal_warnings = FALSE;
static dbus_bool_t fatal_warnings_on_check_failed = TRUE;
static void
if (!warn_initted)
const char *s;
s = _dbus_getenv ("DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS");
if (s && *s)
if (*s == '0')
fatal_warnings = FALSE;
fatal_warnings_on_check_failed = FALSE;
else if (*s == '1')
fatal_warnings = TRUE;
fatal_warnings_on_check_failed = TRUE;
fprintf(stderr, "DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS should be set to 0 or 1 if set, not '%s'",
warn_initted = TRUE;
* Prints a warning message to stderr. Can optionally be made to exit
* fatally by setting DBUS_FATAL_WARNINGS, but this is rarely
* used. This function should be considered pretty much equivalent to
* fprintf(stderr). _dbus_warn_check_failed() on the other hand is
* suitable for use when a programming mistake has been made.
* @param format printf-style format string.
_dbus_warn (const char *format,
va_list args;
if (!warn_initted)
init_warnings ();
va_start (args, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
#endif /* DBUS_ANDROID_LOG */
va_end (args);
if (fatal_warnings)
fflush (stderr);
_dbus_abort ();
* Prints a "critical" warning to stderr when an assertion fails;
* differs from _dbus_warn primarily in that it prefixes the pid and
* defaults to fatal. This should be used only when a programming
* error has been detected. (NOT for unavoidable errors that an app
* might handle - those should be returned as DBusError.) Calling this
* means "there is a bug"
_dbus_warn_check_failed(const char *format,
va_list args;
if (!warn_initted)
init_warnings ();
fprintf (stderr, "process %lu: ", _dbus_pid_for_log ());
va_start (args, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
#endif /* DBUS_ANDROID_LOG */
va_end (args);
if (fatal_warnings_on_check_failed)
fflush (stderr);
_dbus_abort ();
static dbus_bool_t verbose_initted = FALSE;
static dbus_bool_t verbose = TRUE;
/** Whether to show the current thread in verbose messages */
#include <pthread.h>
static char module_name[1024];
static inline void
_dbus_verbose_init (void)
if (!verbose_initted)
/* Don't bother checking environment variable - just print the
verbose logs (can still be disabled with DBUS_ENABLE_VERBOSE_MODE) */
verbose = TRUE;
const char *p = _dbus_getenv ("DBUS_VERBOSE");
verbose = p != NULL && *p == '1';
verbose_initted = TRUE;
char *last_period, *last_slash;
last_period = _mbsrchr(module_name,'.');
if (last_period)
*last_period ='\0';
last_slash = _mbsrchr(module_name,'\\');
if (last_slash)
strcat(module_name,": ");
* macro for checking if character c is a patch separator
* @todo move to a header file so that others can use this too
#ifdef DBUS_WIN
#define DBUS_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(c) (c == '\\' || c == '/')
#define DBUS_IS_DIR_SEPARATOR(c) (c == '/')
remove source root from file path
the source root is determined by
static char *_dbus_file_path_extract_elements_from_tail(const char *file,int level)
static int prefix = -1;
if (prefix == -1)
char *p = (char *)file + strlen(file);
int i = 0;
prefix = 0;
for (;p >= file;p--)
if (++i >= level)
prefix = p-file+1;
return (char *)file+prefix;
* Implementation of dbus_is_verbose() macro if built with verbose logging
* enabled.
* @returns whether verbose logging is active.
_dbus_is_verbose_real (void)
_dbus_verbose_init ();
return verbose;
* Prints a warning message to stderr
* if the user has enabled verbose mode.
* This is the real function implementation,
* use _dbus_verbose() macro in code.
* @param format printf-style format string.
_dbus_verbose_real (
const char *file,
const int line,
const char *function,
const char *format,
va_list args;
static dbus_bool_t need_pid = TRUE;
int len;
/* things are written a bit oddly here so that
* in the non-verbose case we just have the one
* conditional and return immediately.
if (!_dbus_is_verbose_real())
/* Print out pid before the line */
if (need_pid)
fprintf (stderr, "%lu: 0x%lx: ", _dbus_pid_for_log (), pthread_self ());
fprintf (stderr, "%lu: ", _dbus_pid_for_log ());
/* Only print pid again if the next line is a new line */
len = strlen (format);
if (format[len-1] == '\n')
need_pid = TRUE;
need_pid = FALSE;
va_start (args, format);
char buf[1024];
sprintf (buf+strlen(buf), "[%s(%d):%s] ",_dbus_file_path_extract_elements_from_tail(file,2),line,function);
vsprintf (buf+strlen(buf),format, args);
va_end (args);
fprintf (stderr, "[%s(%d):%s] ",_dbus_file_path_extract_elements_from_tail(file,2),line,function);
vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
#endif /* DBUS_ANDROID_LOG */
va_end (args);
fflush (stderr);
* Reinitializes the verbose logging code, used
* as a hack in dbus-spawn.c so that a child
* process re-reads its pid
_dbus_verbose_reset_real (void)
verbose_initted = FALSE;
_dbus_trace_ref (const char *obj_name,
void *obj,
int old_refcount,
int new_refcount,
const char *why,
const char *env_var,
int *enabled)
_dbus_assert (obj_name != NULL);
_dbus_assert (obj != NULL);
_dbus_assert (old_refcount >= -1);
_dbus_assert (new_refcount >= -1);
if (old_refcount == -1)
_dbus_assert (new_refcount == -1);
_dbus_assert (new_refcount >= 0);
_dbus_assert (old_refcount >= 0);
_dbus_assert (old_refcount > 0 || new_refcount > 0);
_dbus_assert (why != NULL);
_dbus_assert (env_var != NULL);
_dbus_assert (enabled != NULL);
if (*enabled < 0)
const char *s = _dbus_getenv (env_var);
*enabled = FALSE;
if (s && *s)
if (*s == '0')
*enabled = FALSE;
else if (*s == '1')
*enabled = TRUE;
_dbus_warn ("%s should be 0 or 1 if set, not '%s'", env_var, s);
if (*enabled)
if (old_refcount == -1)
VALGRIND_PRINTF_BACKTRACE ("%s %p ref stolen (%s)",
obj_name, obj, why);
_dbus_verbose ("%s %p ref stolen (%s)",
obj_name, obj, why);
VALGRIND_PRINTF_BACKTRACE ("%s %p %d -> %d refs (%s)",
obj_name, obj,
old_refcount, new_refcount, why);
_dbus_verbose ("%s %p %d -> %d refs (%s)",
obj_name, obj, old_refcount, new_refcount, why);
* Duplicates a string. Result must be freed with
* dbus_free(). Returns #NULL if memory allocation fails.
* If the string to be duplicated is #NULL, returns #NULL.
* @param str string to duplicate.
* @returns newly-allocated copy.
_dbus_strdup (const char *str)
size_t len;
char *copy;
if (str == NULL)
return NULL;
len = strlen (str);
copy = dbus_malloc (len + 1);
if (copy == NULL)
return NULL;
memcpy (copy, str, len + 1);
return copy;
* Duplicates a block of memory. Returns
* #NULL on failure.
* @param mem memory to copy
* @param n_bytes number of bytes to copy
* @returns the copy
_dbus_memdup (const void *mem,
size_t n_bytes)
void *copy;
copy = dbus_malloc (n_bytes);
if (copy == NULL)
return NULL;
memcpy (copy, mem, n_bytes);
return copy;
* Duplicates a string array. Result may be freed with
* dbus_free_string_array(). Returns #NULL if memory allocation fails.
* If the array to be duplicated is #NULL, returns #NULL.
* @param array array to duplicate.
* @returns newly-allocated copy.
_dbus_dup_string_array (const char **array)
int len;
int i;
char **copy;
if (array == NULL)
return NULL;
for (len = 0; array[len] != NULL; ++len)
copy = dbus_new0 (char*, len + 1);
if (copy == NULL)
return NULL;
i = 0;
while (i < len)
copy[i] = _dbus_strdup (array[i]);
if (copy[i] == NULL)
dbus_free_string_array (copy);
return NULL;
return copy;
* Checks whether a string array contains the given string.
* @param array array to search.
* @param str string to look for
* @returns #TRUE if array contains string
_dbus_string_array_contains (const char **array,
const char *str)
int i;
i = 0;
while (array[i] != NULL)
if (strcmp (array[i], str) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Generates a new UUID. If you change how this is done,
* there's some text about it in the spec that should also change.
* @param uuid the uuid to initialize
_dbus_generate_uuid (DBusGUID *uuid)
long now;
/* don't use monotonic time because the UUID may be saved to disk, e.g.
* it may persist across reboots
_dbus_get_real_time (&now, NULL);
uuid->as_uint32s[DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_WORDS - 1] = DBUS_UINT32_TO_BE (now);
_dbus_generate_random_bytes_buffer (uuid->as_bytes, DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_BYTES - 4);
* Hex-encode a UUID.
* @param uuid the uuid
* @param encoded string to append hex uuid to
* @returns #FALSE if no memory
_dbus_uuid_encode (const DBusGUID *uuid,
DBusString *encoded)
DBusString binary;
_dbus_string_init_const_len (&binary, uuid->as_bytes, DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_BYTES);
return _dbus_string_hex_encode (&binary, 0, encoded, _dbus_string_get_length (encoded));
static dbus_bool_t
_dbus_read_uuid_file_without_creating (const DBusString *filename,
DBusGUID *uuid,
DBusError *error)
DBusString contents;
DBusString decoded;
int end;
if (!_dbus_string_init (&contents))
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
return FALSE;
if (!_dbus_string_init (&decoded))
_dbus_string_free (&contents);
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
return FALSE;
if (!_dbus_file_get_contents (&contents, filename, error))
goto error;
_dbus_string_chop_white (&contents);
if (_dbus_string_get_length (&contents) != DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_HEX)
dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT,
"UUID file '%s' should contain a hex string of length %d, not length %d, with no other text",
_dbus_string_get_const_data (filename),
_dbus_string_get_length (&contents));
goto error;
if (!_dbus_string_hex_decode (&contents, 0, &end, &decoded, 0))
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
goto error;
if (end == 0)
dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT,
"UUID file '%s' contains invalid hex data",
_dbus_string_get_const_data (filename));
goto error;
if (_dbus_string_get_length (&decoded) != DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_BYTES)
dbus_set_error (error, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT,
"UUID file '%s' contains %d bytes of hex-encoded data instead of %d",
_dbus_string_get_const_data (filename),
_dbus_string_get_length (&decoded),
goto error;
_dbus_string_copy_to_buffer (&decoded, uuid->as_bytes, DBUS_UUID_LENGTH_BYTES);
_dbus_string_free (&decoded);
_dbus_string_free (&contents);
return TRUE;
_dbus_string_free (&contents);
_dbus_string_free (&decoded);
return FALSE;
static dbus_bool_t
_dbus_create_uuid_file_exclusively (const DBusString *filename,
DBusGUID *uuid,
DBusError *error)
DBusString encoded;
if (!_dbus_string_init (&encoded))
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
return FALSE;
_dbus_generate_uuid (uuid);
if (!_dbus_uuid_encode (uuid, &encoded))
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
goto error;
if (!_dbus_string_append_byte (&encoded, '\n'))
_DBUS_SET_OOM (error);
goto error;
if (!_dbus_string_save_to_file (&encoded, filename, TRUE, error))
goto error;
_dbus_string_free (&encoded);
return TRUE;
_dbus_string_free (&encoded);
return FALSE;
* Reads (and optionally writes) a uuid to a file. Initializes the uuid
* unless an error is returned.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param uuid uuid to be initialized with the loaded uuid
* @param create_if_not_found #TRUE to create a new uuid and save it if the file doesn't exist
* @param error the error return
* @returns #FALSE if the error is set
_dbus_read_uuid_file (const DBusString *filename,
DBusGUID *uuid,
dbus_bool_t create_if_not_found,
DBusError *error)
DBusError read_error = DBUS_ERROR_INIT;
if (_dbus_read_uuid_file_without_creating (filename, uuid, &read_error))
return TRUE;
if (!create_if_not_found)
dbus_move_error (&read_error, error);
return FALSE;
/* If the file exists and contains junk, we want to keep that error
* message instead of overwriting it with a "file exists" error
* message when we try to write
if (dbus_error_has_name (&read_error, DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_FILE_CONTENT))
dbus_move_error (&read_error, error);
return FALSE;
dbus_error_free (&read_error);
return _dbus_create_uuid_file_exclusively (filename, uuid, error);
_DBUS_DEFINE_GLOBAL_LOCK (machine_uuid);
static int machine_uuid_initialized_generation = 0;
static DBusGUID machine_uuid;
* Gets the hex-encoded UUID of the machine this function is
* executed on. This UUID is guaranteed to be the same for a given
* machine at least until it next reboots, though it also
* makes some effort to be the same forever, it may change if the
* machine is reconfigured or its hardware is modified.
* @param uuid_str string to append hex-encoded machine uuid to
* @returns #FALSE if no memory
_dbus_get_local_machine_uuid_encoded (DBusString *uuid_str)
dbus_bool_t ok;
_DBUS_LOCK (machine_uuid);
if (machine_uuid_initialized_generation != _dbus_current_generation)
DBusError error = DBUS_ERROR_INIT;
if (!_dbus_read_local_machine_uuid (&machine_uuid, FALSE,
/* For the test suite, we may not be installed so just continue silently
* here. But in a production build, we want to be nice and loud about
* this.
_dbus_warn_check_failed ("D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid: %s\n"
"See the manual page for dbus-uuidgen to correct this issue.\n",
dbus_error_free (&error);
_dbus_generate_uuid (&machine_uuid);
ok = _dbus_uuid_encode (&machine_uuid, uuid_str);
_DBUS_UNLOCK (machine_uuid);
return ok;
/** String used in _dbus_return_if_fail macro */
const char *_dbus_return_if_fail_warning_format =
"arguments to %s() were incorrect, assertion \"%s\" failed in file %s line %d.\n"
"This is normally a bug in some application using the D-Bus library.\n";
* Internals of _dbus_assert(); it's a function
* rather than a macro with the inline code so
* that the assertion failure blocks don't show up
* in test suite coverage, and to shrink code size.
* @param condition TRUE if assertion succeeded
* @param condition_text condition as a string
* @param file file the assertion is in
* @param line line the assertion is in
* @param func function the assertion is in
_dbus_real_assert (dbus_bool_t condition,
const char *condition_text,
const char *file,
int line,
const char *func)
if (_DBUS_UNLIKELY (!condition))
_dbus_warn ("%lu: assertion failed \"%s\" file \"%s\" line %d function %s\n",
_dbus_pid_for_log (), condition_text, file, line, func);
_dbus_abort ();
* Internals of _dbus_assert_not_reached(); it's a function
* rather than a macro with the inline code so
* that the assertion failure blocks don't show up
* in test suite coverage, and to shrink code size.
* @param explanation what was reached that shouldn't have been
* @param file file the assertion is in
* @param line line the assertion is in
_dbus_real_assert_not_reached (const char *explanation,
const char *file,
int line)
_dbus_warn ("File \"%s\" line %d process %lu should not have been reached: %s\n",
file, line, _dbus_pid_for_log (), explanation);
_dbus_abort ();
static dbus_bool_t
run_failing_each_malloc (int n_mallocs,
const char *description,
DBusTestMemoryFunction func,
void *data)
n_mallocs += 10; /* fudge factor to ensure reallocs etc. are covered */
while (n_mallocs >= 0)
_dbus_set_fail_alloc_counter (n_mallocs);
_dbus_verbose ("\n===\n%s: (will fail malloc %d with %d failures)\n===\n",
description, n_mallocs,
_dbus_get_fail_alloc_failures ());
if (!(* func) (data))
return FALSE;
n_mallocs -= 1;
_dbus_set_fail_alloc_counter (_DBUS_INT_MAX);
return TRUE;
* Tests how well the given function responds to out-of-memory
* situations. Calls the function repeatedly, failing a different
* call to malloc() each time. If the function ever returns #FALSE,
* the test fails. The function should return #TRUE whenever something
* valid (such as returning an error, or succeeding) occurs, and #FALSE
* if it gets confused in some way.
* @param description description of the test used in verbose output
* @param func function to call
* @param data data to pass to function
* @returns #TRUE if the function never returns FALSE
_dbus_test_oom_handling (const char *description,
DBusTestMemoryFunction func,
void *data)
int approx_mallocs;
const char *setting;
int max_failures_to_try;
int i;
/* Run once to see about how many mallocs are involved */
_dbus_set_fail_alloc_counter (_DBUS_INT_MAX);
_dbus_verbose ("Running once to count mallocs\n");
if (!(* func) (data))
return FALSE;
approx_mallocs = _DBUS_INT_MAX - _dbus_get_fail_alloc_counter ();
_dbus_verbose ("\n=================\n%s: about %d mallocs total\n=================\n",
description, approx_mallocs);
setting = _dbus_getenv ("DBUS_TEST_MALLOC_FAILURES");
if (setting != NULL)
DBusString str;
long v;
_dbus_string_init_const (&str, setting);
v = 4;
if (!_dbus_string_parse_int (&str, 0, &v, NULL))
_dbus_warn ("couldn't parse '%s' as integer\n", setting);
max_failures_to_try = v;
max_failures_to_try = 4;
i = setting ? max_failures_to_try - 1 : 1;
while (i < max_failures_to_try)
_dbus_set_fail_alloc_failures (i);
if (!run_failing_each_malloc (approx_mallocs, description, func, data))
return FALSE;
_dbus_verbose ("\n=================\n%s: all iterations passed\n=================\n",
return TRUE;
#endif /* DBUS_BUILD_TESTS */
/** @} */