// Main.cpp | |
#include "StdAfx.h" | |
#include "../../../Common/MyInitGuid.h" | |
#include "../../../Common/CommandLineParser.h" | |
#include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" | |
#include "../../../Common/TextConfig.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/DLL.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/ErrorMsg.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/FileFind.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/FileIO.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/NtCheck.h" | |
#include "../../../Windows/ResourceString.h" | |
#include "../../UI/Explorer/MyMessages.h" | |
#include "ExtractEngine.h" | |
#include "resource.h" | |
using namespace NWindows; | |
using namespace NFile; | |
using namespace NDir; | |
HINSTANCE g_hInstance; | |
static CFSTR kTempDirPrefix = FTEXT("7zS"); | |
#define _SHELL_EXECUTE | |
static bool ReadDataString(CFSTR fileName, LPCSTR startID, | |
LPCSTR endID, AString &stringResult) | |
{ | |
stringResult.Empty(); | |
NIO::CInFile inFile; | |
if (!inFile.Open(fileName)) | |
return false; | |
const int kBufferSize = (1 << 12); | |
Byte buffer[kBufferSize]; | |
int signatureStartSize = MyStringLen(startID); | |
int signatureEndSize = MyStringLen(endID); | |
UInt32 numBytesPrev = 0; | |
bool writeMode = false; | |
UInt64 posTotal = 0; | |
for (;;) | |
{ | |
if (posTotal > (1 << 20)) | |
return (stringResult.IsEmpty()); | |
UInt32 numReadBytes = kBufferSize - numBytesPrev; | |
UInt32 processedSize; | |
if (!inFile.Read(buffer + numBytesPrev, numReadBytes, processedSize)) | |
return false; | |
if (processedSize == 0) | |
return true; | |
UInt32 numBytesInBuffer = numBytesPrev + processedSize; | |
UInt32 pos = 0; | |
for (;;) | |
{ | |
if (writeMode) | |
{ | |
if (pos > numBytesInBuffer - signatureEndSize) | |
break; | |
if (memcmp(buffer + pos, endID, signatureEndSize) == 0) | |
return true; | |
char b = buffer[pos]; | |
if (b == 0) | |
return false; | |
stringResult += b; | |
pos++; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
if (pos > numBytesInBuffer - signatureStartSize) | |
break; | |
if (memcmp(buffer + pos, startID, signatureStartSize) == 0) | |
{ | |
writeMode = true; | |
pos += signatureStartSize; | |
} | |
else | |
pos++; | |
} | |
} | |
numBytesPrev = numBytesInBuffer - pos; | |
posTotal += pos; | |
memmove(buffer, buffer + pos, numBytesPrev); | |
} | |
} | |
static char kStartID[] = ",!@Install@!UTF-8!"; | |
static char kEndID[] = ",!@InstallEnd@!"; | |
class CInstallIDInit | |
{ | |
public: | |
CInstallIDInit() | |
{ | |
kStartID[0] = ';'; | |
kEndID[0] = ';'; | |
}; | |
} g_CInstallIDInit; | |
#define NT_CHECK_FAIL_ACTION ShowErrorMessage(L"Unsupported Windows version"); return 1; | |
static void ShowErrorMessageSpec(const UString &name) | |
{ | |
UString message = NError::MyFormatMessage(::GetLastError()); | |
int pos = message.Find(L"%1"); | |
if (pos >= 0) | |
{ | |
message.Delete(pos, 2); | |
message.Insert(pos, name); | |
} | |
ShowErrorMessage(NULL, message); | |
} | |
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /* hPrevInstance */, | |
#ifdef UNDER_CE | |
#else | |
#endif | |
/* lpCmdLine */,int /* nCmdShow */) | |
{ | |
g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)hInstance; | |
// InitCommonControls(); | |
UString archiveName, switches; | |
#ifdef _SHELL_EXECUTE | |
UString executeFile, executeParameters; | |
#endif | |
NCommandLineParser::SplitCommandLine(GetCommandLineW(), archiveName, switches); | |
FString fullPath; | |
NDLL::MyGetModuleFileName(fullPath); | |
switches.Trim(); | |
bool assumeYes = false; | |
if (MyStringCompareNoCase_N(switches, L"-y", 2) == 0) | |
{ | |
assumeYes = true; | |
switches = switches.Ptr(2); | |
switches.Trim(); | |
} | |
AString config; | |
if (!ReadDataString(fullPath, kStartID, kEndID, config)) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Can't load config info"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
UString dirPrefix = L"." WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR; | |
UString appLaunched; | |
bool showProgress = true; | |
if (!config.IsEmpty()) | |
{ | |
CObjectVector<CTextConfigPair> pairs; | |
if (!GetTextConfig(config, pairs)) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Config failed"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
UString friendlyName = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"Title"); | |
UString installPrompt = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"BeginPrompt"); | |
UString progress = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"Progress"); | |
if (progress.IsEqualToNoCase(L"no")) | |
showProgress = false; | |
int index = FindTextConfigItem(pairs, L"Directory"); | |
if (index >= 0) | |
dirPrefix = pairs[index].String; | |
if (!installPrompt.IsEmpty() && !assumeYes) | |
{ | |
if (MessageBoxW(0, installPrompt, friendlyName, MB_YESNO | | |
return 0; | |
} | |
appLaunched = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"RunProgram"); | |
#ifdef _SHELL_EXECUTE | |
executeFile = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"ExecuteFile"); | |
executeParameters = GetTextConfigValue(pairs, L"ExecuteParameters"); | |
#endif | |
} | |
CTempDir tempDir; | |
if (!tempDir.Create(kTempDirPrefix)) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Can not create temp folder archive"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
CCodecs *codecs = new CCodecs; | |
CMyComPtr<IUnknown> compressCodecsInfo = codecs; | |
HRESULT result = codecs->Load(); | |
if (result != S_OK) | |
{ | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Can not load codecs"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
const FString tempDirPath = tempDir.GetPath(); | |
// tempDirPath = L"M:\\1\\"; // to test low disk space | |
{ | |
bool isCorrupt = false; | |
UString errorMessage; | |
HRESULT result = ExtractArchive(codecs, fullPath, tempDirPath, showProgress, | |
isCorrupt, errorMessage); | |
if (result != S_OK) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
{ | |
if (result == S_FALSE || isCorrupt) | |
{ | |
NWindows::MyLoadString(IDS_EXTRACTION_ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessage); | |
result = E_FAIL; | |
} | |
if (result != E_ABORT) | |
{ | |
if (errorMessage.IsEmpty()) | |
errorMessage = NError::MyFormatMessage(result); | |
::MessageBoxW(0, errorMessage, NWindows::MyLoadString(IDS_EXTRACTION_ERROR_TITLE), MB_ICONERROR); | |
} | |
} | |
return 1; | |
} | |
} | |
#ifndef UNDER_CE | |
CCurrentDirRestorer currentDirRestorer; | |
if (!SetCurrentDir(tempDirPath)) | |
return 1; | |
#endif | |
HANDLE hProcess = 0; | |
#ifdef _SHELL_EXECUTE | |
if (!executeFile.IsEmpty()) | |
{ | |
CSysString filePath = GetSystemString(executeFile); | |
execInfo.cbSize = sizeof(execInfo); | |
#ifndef UNDER_CE | |
#endif | |
; | |
execInfo.hwnd = NULL; | |
execInfo.lpVerb = NULL; | |
execInfo.lpFile = filePath; | |
if (!switches.IsEmpty()) | |
{ | |
if (!executeParameters.IsEmpty()) | |
executeParameters += L' '; | |
executeParameters += switches; | |
} | |
CSysString parametersSys = GetSystemString(executeParameters); | |
if (parametersSys.IsEmpty()) | |
execInfo.lpParameters = NULL; | |
else | |
execInfo.lpParameters = parametersSys; | |
execInfo.lpDirectory = NULL; | |
execInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; | |
execInfo.hProcess = 0; | |
/* BOOL success = */ ::ShellExecuteEx(&execInfo); | |
UINT32 result = (UINT32)(UINT_PTR)execInfo.hInstApp; | |
if(result <= 32) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Can not open file"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
hProcess = execInfo.hProcess; | |
} | |
else | |
#endif | |
{ | |
if (appLaunched.IsEmpty()) | |
{ | |
appLaunched = L"setup.exe"; | |
if (!NFind::DoesFileExist(us2fs(appLaunched))) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
ShowErrorMessage(L"Can not find setup.exe"); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
} | |
{ | |
FString s2 = tempDirPath; | |
NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(s2); | |
appLaunched.Replace(L"%%T" WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR, fs2us(s2)); | |
} | |
UString appNameForError = appLaunched; // actually we need to rtemove parameters also | |
appLaunched.Replace(L"%%T", fs2us(tempDirPath)); | |
if (!switches.IsEmpty()) | |
{ | |
appLaunched += L' '; | |
appLaunched += switches; | |
} | |
STARTUPINFO startupInfo; | |
startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo); | |
startupInfo.lpReserved = 0; | |
startupInfo.lpDesktop = 0; | |
startupInfo.lpTitle = 0; | |
startupInfo.dwFlags = 0; | |
startupInfo.cbReserved2 = 0; | |
startupInfo.lpReserved2 = 0; | |
PROCESS_INFORMATION processInformation; | |
CSysString appLaunchedSys = GetSystemString(dirPrefix + appLaunched); | |
BOOL createResult = CreateProcess(NULL, (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)appLaunchedSys, | |
NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL /*tempDir.GetPath() */, | |
&startupInfo, &processInformation); | |
if (createResult == 0) | |
{ | |
if (!assumeYes) | |
{ | |
// we print name of exe file, if error message is | |
// ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT: "%1 is not a valid Win32 application". | |
ShowErrorMessageSpec(appNameForError); | |
} | |
return 1; | |
} | |
::CloseHandle(processInformation.hThread); | |
hProcess = processInformation.hProcess; | |
} | |
if (hProcess != 0) | |
{ | |
WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE); | |
::CloseHandle(hProcess); | |
} | |
return 0; | |
} |